Effect of exciton migration on the light emission properties in silicon nanocrystal ensembles


Gardelis S, Nassiopoulou AG, Vouroutzis N, Frangis N. Effect of exciton migration on the light emission properties in silicon nanocrystal ensembles. Journal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 2009;105.


Different silicon nanocrystal (Si NC) systems in which Si NCs were either entirely isolated or loosely interconnected were studied by photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL decay measurements in the range between 70 and 290 K, in order to investigate the role of exciton migration in the PL properties. We examined three kinds of samples: (a) two light emitting mesoporous Si (PSi) films with different porosities, grown on p -type Si, (b) a heavily oxidized light emitting anisotropic macroporous Si film, and (c) a film consisted of a Si NC superlattice with six Si NC/ SiO2 bilayers, grown by low pressure chemical vapor deposition of amorphous Si (α-Si), followed by high temperature thermal oxidation. In the two mesoporous Si films of the first case, the Si NCs show a degree of interconnection that depends on the porosity, whereas in the two other cases the NCs were isolated by SiO2, the degree of electrical isolation depending on the thickness of the SiO2 interlayer between them. Temperature dependent PL spectra and PL decay times of the different systems correlate well with the ability of excitons to migrate from one NC to another (case of loosely correlated NCs) or remain strongly localized within the Si NCs (case of effectively isolated NCs). © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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