Spin-dependent electron momentum densities in Cu2MnAl studied by Compton scattering


Zukowski E, Andrejczuk A, Dobrzyñski L, Cooper MJ, Dixon MAG, Gardelis S, Lawson PK, Buslaps T, Kaprzyk S, Neumann K-U, et al. Spin-dependent electron momentum densities in Cu2MnAl studied by Compton scattering. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 1997;9:10993-11005.


The spin density in the Heusler alloy Cu2MnAl, has been studied in a Compton scattering experiment with 92 keV circularly polarized synchrotron radiation on the high-energy beamline at ESRF. The conduction electrons were found to have a negative spin polarization of 0.4 μB which is at variance with the deduction of a positive moment from earlier neutron data; neither was any evidence found for a 3d spin moment on the copper site. The spin moment on the Mn site at room temperature was determined as 3.25 μB, which is in agreement with neutron data. The spin-dependent Compton profiles for the [100], [110] and [111] directions, reported here, show anisotropy in the momentum density which is in good agreement with new KKR calculations based on a ferromagnetic ground state. By combining charge- and spin-dependent Compton data the momentum space anisotropies in the majority and minority bands have been analysed. Both the majority and minority spin densities are anisotropic.


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