Arabatzis T.
Can a Historian of Science be a Scientific Realist?. Philosophy of Science [Internet]. 2001;68(3):S531-S541.
Publisher's VersionAbstractIn this paper I address some of the problems that the historical development of science poses for a realist and discuss whether a realist construal of scientific activity is conducive to historiographical practice. First, I discuss, by means of historical examples, Ian Hacking's defense of entity realism. Second, I try to show, drawing on Kuhn's recent work on incommensurability, that the realism problem is relevant to historiography and that a realist position entails a particular historiographical strategy, which faces problems. Finally, I suggest that for historiographical purposes an agnostic attitude with respect to scientific theories and unobservable entities is the most appropriate.
2001a Arabatzis T.
The Zeeman Effect and the Discovery of the Electron. In: J. Z. Buchwald and A. Warwick (eds.), Histories of the Electron: the Birth of Microphysics. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press; 2001. pp. 171-194.
Publisher's Version
2001b Αναπολιτάνος Δ, Αραμπατζής Θ, Καρακώστας Β, Κιντή Β.
Φιλοσοφία της Επιστήμης. Πάτρα: Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο; 2001.
Publisher's Version