Publications by Year: 2004

Papaioannou TG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Gialafos E, Vlachopoulos C, Karatzis E, Nanas J, Lekakis J. Monitoring of arterial stiffness indices by applanation tonometry and pulse wave analysis: Reproducibility at low blood pressures. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing [Internet]. 2004;18(2):137 - 144. Website
Lekakis JP, Papamichael CM, Papaioannou TG, Dagre AG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tryfonopoulos D, Protogerou AD, Stamatelopoulos SF, Mavrikakis M. Oral folic acid enhances endothelial function in patients with hypercholesterolemia receiving statins. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;11(5):416 - 420. Website
Protogerou AD, Lekakis JP, Kontoyanni DD, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tsotsoros ND, Papaioannou TG, Tryfonopoulos DJ, Papamichael CM, Stamatelopoulos SF. Effect of ascorbic acid on forearm reactive hyperaemia in patients with hypercholesterolaemia. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;11(2):149 - 154. Website
Papamichael C, Karatzis E, Karatzi K, Aznaouridis K, Papaioannou T, Protogerou A, Stamatelopoulos K, Zampelas A, Lekakis J, Mavrikakis M. Red wine's antioxidants counteract acute endothelial dysfunction caused by cigarette smoking in healthy nonsmokers. American heart journal [Internet]. 2004;147(2). Website
Papamichael CM, Aznaouridis KA, Stamatelopoulos KS, Karatzis EN, Protogerou AD, Papaioannou TG, Lekakis JP, Mavrikakis ME. Endothelial dysfunction and type of cigarette smoked: The impact of 'light' versus regular cigarette smoking. Vascular Medicine [Internet]. 2004;9(2):103 - 105. Website
Lekakis JP, Zakopoulos NA, Protogerou AD, Kotsis VT, Papaioannou TG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tsitsiricos MD, Pitiriga VC, Papamichael CM, Toumanides ST, et al. Cardiac hypertrophy in hypertension: Relation to 24-h blood pressure profile and arterial stiffness. International Journal of Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;97(1):29 - 33. Website
Papaioannou TG, Mathioulakis DS, Stamatelopoulos KS, Gialafos EJ, Lekakis JP, Nanas J, Stamatelopoulos SF, Tsangaris SG. New aspects on the role of blood pressure and arterial stiffness in mechanical assistance by intra-aortic balloon pump: In-vitro data and their application in clinical practice. Artificial Organs [Internet]. 2004;28(8):717 - 727. Website
Stamatelopoulos KS, Lekakis JP, Poulakaki NA, Papamichael CM, Venetsanou K, Aznaouridis K, Protogerou AD, Papaioannou TG, Kumar S, Stamatelopoulos SF. Tamoxifen improves endothelial function and reduces carotid intima-media thickness in postmenopausal women. American Heart Journal [Internet]. 2004;147(6):1093 - 1099. Website
Papamichael CM, Aznaouridis KA, Stamatelopoulos KS, Karatzis EN, Protogerou AD, Papaioannou TG, Lekakis JP, Mavrikakis ME. Endothelial dysfunction and type of cigarette smoked: The impact of 'light' versus regular cigarette smoking. Vascular Medicine [Internet]. 2004;9(2):103 - 105. Website
Lekakis JP, Zakopoulos NA, Protogerou AD, Kotsis VT, Papaioannou TG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tsitsiricos MD, Pitiriga VC, Papamichael CM, Toumanides ST, et al. Cardiac hypertrophy in hypertension: Relation to 24-h blood pressure profile and arterial stiffness. International Journal of Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;97(1):29 - 33. Website
Papaioannou TG, Mathioulakis DS, Stamatelopoulos KS, Gialafos EJ, Lekakis JP, Nanas J, Stamatelopoulos SF, Tsangaris SG. New aspects on the role of blood pressure and arterial stiffness in mechanical assistance by intra-aortic balloon pump: In-vitro data and their application in clinical practice. Artificial Organs [Internet]. 2004;28(8):717 - 727. Website
Stamatelopoulos KS, Lekakis JP, Poulakaki NA, Papamichael CM, Venetsanou K, Aznaouridis K, Protogerou AD, Papaioannou TG, Kumar S, Stamatelopoulos SF. Tamoxifen improves endothelial function and reduces carotid intima-media thickness in postmenopausal women. American Heart Journal [Internet]. 2004;147(6):1093 - 1099. Website
Papaioannou TG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Gialafos E, Vlachopoulos C, Karatzis E, Nanas J, Lekakis J. Monitoring of arterial stiffness indices by applanation tonometry and pulse wave analysis: Reproducibility at low blood pressures. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing [Internet]. 2004;18(2):137 - 144. Website
Papamichael C, Karatzis E, Karatzi K, Aznaouridis K, Papaioannou T, Protogerou A, Stamatelopoulos K, Zampelas A, Lekakis J, Mavrikakis M. Red wine's antioxidants counteract acute endothelial dysfunction caused by cigarette smoking in healthy nonsmokers. American heart journal [Internet]. 2004;147(2). Website
Lekakis JP, Papamichael CM, Papaioannou TG, Dagre AG, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tryfonopoulos D, Protogerou AD, Stamatelopoulos SF, Mavrikakis M. Oral folic acid enhances endothelial function in patients with hypercholesterolemia receiving statins. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;11(5):416 - 420. Website
Protogerou AD, Lekakis JP, Kontoyanni DD, Stamatelopoulos KS, Tsotsoros ND, Papaioannou TG, Tryfonopoulos DJ, Papamichael CM, Stamatelopoulos SF. Effect of ascorbic acid on forearm reactive hyperaemia in patients with hypercholesterolaemia. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [Internet]. 2004;11(2):149 - 154. Website