Publications by Year: 1998

Baeyens WRG, Schulman SG, Calokerinos AC, Zhao Y, García Campaña AM, Nakashima K, De Keukeleire D. Chemiluminescence-based detection: Principles and analytical applications in flowing streams and in immunoassays. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis [Internet]. 1998;17:941-953. Website
Ouyang J, Baeyens WRG, Delanghe J, Van Der Weken G, De Keukeleire D, Calokerinos AC. Flow-injection analysis of hydrochlorothiazide applying sensitised chemiluminescence detection: Optimisation in view of narrow-bore HPLC. Biomedical Chromatography [Internet]. 1998;12:162-163. Website
Ouyang J, Baeyens WRG, Delanghe J, Van Der Weken G, Calokerinos AC. Cerium (IV)-based chemiluminescence analysis of hydrochlorothiazide. Talanta [Internet]. 1998;46:961-968. Website
Ouyang J, Baeyens WRG, Delanghe J, Van Der Weken G, De Keukeleire D, Van Daele W, Garcia Campana AM, Calokerinos AC. Narrow-bore liquid chromatography coupled to chemiluminescence detection for the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations containing hydrochlorothiazide and captopril. Biomedical Chromatography [Internet]. 1998;12:160-161. Website