Foteinos, D. (2019).
The formation of resistance culture in Greece and the history null curriculum_a preliminary account.
History of Education and Children’s Literature,
XIV(2), 191-207.
AbstractThe last decade Greece is undergoing a multi-crisis. During this period of time the history and the past emerged in a peculiar way: the past was used as an example to be followed, while the demonstrators were calling people for disobedience and resistance against the imposed monetary and fiscal measures and against the state as well. This projection of the past to the present was entrenched on certain historical facts which are questionable and not overall well accepted, such as the 1945-9 Civil war, or the 1973 students’ uprising against the military dictatorship. Under these circumstances one could be reasonably wondering about the uses of history and the ways history is perceived as a means that construct identities. The notion of the ‟resistance cultureˮ is emerged through the utilization of history and the school history’s null curriculum, revealing the role various forms of historical narratives can play in the process of historical awareness.