Publications by Year: 1996

Gimisis T, Chatgilialoglu C. {1,5-Radical translocation protocol for the generation of C-1' radicals in nucleosides. Synthesis of spiro nucleosides through a rare 5-endo-trig cyclization}. J. Org. Chem. 1996;61:1908–1909.
Gimisis T, Chatgilialoglu C. {1,5-Radical Translocation Protocol for the Generation of C-1‘ Radicals in Nucleosides. Synthesis of Spiro Nucleosides through a Rare 5- endo - trig Cyclization}. J. Org. Chem. [Internet]. 1996;61:1908–1909. Website
Papanikolaou N, Stefanou N, Zeller R, Dederichs PH. Ab initio calculation of the lattice relaxation in dilute alloys. NATO ASI "Stability of Alloys". 1996:419-424.
Lemonidou C, Plati C, Brokalaki H, Mantas J, Lanara V. Allocation of nursing time. Scand J Caring Sci. 1996;10(3):131-6.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the allocation of nursing time to various activities of registered and assistant nurses during the day shift. Twenty-three registered (RN) and eighteen assistant nurses (AN) working in medical and surgical wards of five large hospitals were studied. The findings have shown that the most frequent activities performed were; indirect care representing 35.6% of the time, direct care representing 23.8% of the time, personal activities representing 16.8% of the time, and direct nursing interventions representing 8.2% of the time. Cross-tabulation revealed that RNs provided direct care less frequently and indirect care more frequently than ANs (25.3 activities per RN and 27.5 per AN, 62.1 activities per RN and 32.6 per AN, respectively). Many indirect care activities were found to be the responsibility of the head nurse (64), secretary (465), and others (104). Less expected results were the minimal amounts of time spent on both education and research activities (1.3% and 0.0% respectively). Nurse managers have to free nurses from subsidiary work and to find mechanisms to distribute nursing valuable time more efficiently.
Tzafestas SG, Tzamtzi MP. An alternative relaxed sufficient condition for the robust stability of uncertain matrices. In: Symposium on control, optimization and supervision (Lille, July 9-12, 1996). ; 1996. pp. 1274–1277.
Tzafestas SG, Tzamtzi MP. An alternative relaxed sufficient condition for the robust stability of uncertain matrices. In: CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference: computational engineering in systems applications. ; 1996. pp. 1274–1277.
Potirakis SM, Alexakis GE, Tombras GS. Alternative two-port feedback analysis approach. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Vol. 1. ; 1996. pp. 156-159. Website
Sarris AH, Luthra R, Papadimitracopoulou V, Waasdorp M, Dimopoulos MA, McBride JA, Cabanillas F, Duvic M, Deisseroth A, Morris SW, et al. Amplification of genomic DNA demonstrates the presence of the t(2;5)(p23;q35) in anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but not in other non- Hodgkin's lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease, or lymphomatoid papulosis. Blood [Internet]. 1996;88(5):1771 - 1779. WebsiteAbstract
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a distinct clinicopathologic variant of intermediate grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) composed of large pleomorphic cells that usually express the CD30 antigen and interleukin (IL)- 2 receptors, and is characterized by frequent cutaneous and extranodal involvement. With variable frequency ALCL bear the t(2;5)(p23;q35) chromosomal translocation that fuses the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene on chromosome 5q35 to a novel protein kinase gene, Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK), on chromosome 2p23. We determined the frequency of this translocation with e novel DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using 0.5 μg of genomic DNA, 5'-primers derived from the NPM gene and 3'-primers derived from the ALK gene and hybridization with internal probes. The presence of amplifiable DNA in the samples was tested with the inclusion in the PCR reaction of oligonucleotide primers designed to amplify a 3016-bp fragment from the β-globin locus. NMP-ALK fusion amplicons were detected using DNA isolated either from all three ALCL cell lines tested, or from all four primary ALCL tumors known to contain the t(2;5)(p23;q35) translocation. Nested amplicons were detected by hybridization in 100% of specimens diluted 104-fold and in 20% of those diluted 105-fold. We subsequently examined archival genomic DNA from 20 patients with ALCL, 39 with diffuse large cell, 2 with mantle cell, 20 with peripheral T cell, 13 with low-grade NHL, 31 with Hodgkin's disease (HD), and 6 with lymphomatoid papulosis. Fusion of the NPM and ALK genes was detected in three of 18 patients with ALCL who had amplifiable DNA (17%, 95% confidence intervals 4% to 41%), but not in any patients with other NHL, HD, or lymphomatoid papulosis. The amplicon sizes were different in all cell lines and patients reflecting unique genomic DNA breakpoints. We conclude that with genomic DNA-PCR the rearrangement of the NPM and ALK loci is restricted to patients with ALCL. Further studies are needed to determine the prognostic significance of the NPM-ALK rearrangement, to determine whether its detection can aid in the differential diagnosis between ALCL, Hodgkin's disease, and lymphomatoid papulosis, and to establish the usefulness of the genomic DNA PCR in the monitoring of minimal residual disease in those patients whose tumors bear the t(2;5).
Papaioannou E, Frantzeskakis DJ, Hizanidis K. An analytical treatment of the effect of axial inhomogeneity on femtosecond solitary waves near the zero dispersion point. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics [Internet]. 1996;32:145-154. Website
Chiou-Lahanas C, Diamandis GA, Georgalas BC, Kapella-Economou A, Maintas XN. {Back reaction effects in the two-dimensional dilaton gravity}. Phys. Rev. D. 1996;54:6226–6232.
Halazonetis DJ. The Bolton ratio studied with the use of spreadsheets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1996;109(2):215-9.
Drakopoulos SA. Book Review: Adam Smith's discourse: Canonicity, commerce and conscience by Brown, V. 1994, Routledge. SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1996;43:128–128.
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Stylianos P, Leounakis M. Brittle tectonics: a factor in the intensity distribution of the Hanshin earthquake. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 1996.
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Leounakis SPM. Brittle tectonics: a factor in the intensity distribution of the Hanshin earthquake: 11 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Acapulco, Mexico. 1996.
Dracopoulos MC, Glasgow C, Parrott AK, Simkin J. Bulk Synchronous Parallelisation of Industrial Electromagnetic software. 1996.
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Stylianos P, Leounakis M. c Paper No. 143.(quote when citing this article). 1996.
Demetriou IC, Lipitakis EA. Case study: Least squares data smoothing by non-negative divided differences. HERMIS 96, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Informatics and Mathematics, E.A. Lipitakis, Editor, Athens, Greece, September 1996. 1996:604-620.
Abreu P, others. {Charged particle multiplicity in e+ e-interactions at s**(1/2) = 130-GeV}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B372:172-180.
Gardelis S, Bangert U, Hamilton B, Pettifer RF, Hill DA, Keyse R, Teehan D. Chemical nature of the luminescent centre in fresh and aged porous silicon layers. Applied Surface Science [Internet]. 1996;102:408-412. WebsiteAbstract
In this study we have used high resolution parallel electron energy loss spectroscopy (PEELS) and X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) to investigate the chemical nature of the luminescence centre in fresh and aged porous silicon. We find that regardless of the non-stoichiometric oxides which were observed by PEELS in our fresh porous silicon layers, Si-Si bonded material is involved in the luminescence process. However, in the case of aged porous silicon both Si-Si and Si-O bonded material are involved.
Palilis LP, Calokerinos AC, Grekas N. Chemiluminescence arising from the oxidation of bilirubin in aqueous media. Analytica Chimica Acta [Internet]. 1996;333:267-275. Website
Besevegis E, Pavlopoulos V, Mourousaki S. Children’s personality characteristics as assessed by parents in natural language. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society. 1996;3(2):46-57.
Keating MJ, O'Brien S, McLaughlin P, Dimopoulos M, Gandhi V, Plunkett W, Lerner S, Kantarjian H, Estey E. Clinical experience with fludarabine in hemato-oncology. Hematology and Cell Therapy [Internet]. 1996;38(SUPPL. 2):S83 - S91. WebsiteAbstract
Fludarabine monophosphate (Fludara) is a purine analogue which entered clinical trials in 1982. Although inactive in solid tumors, Fludara has marked activity in indolent lymphoproliferative disorders. The exact mechanism of action of Fludara is uncertain. Fludara has been established as the most active single agent in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in single arm and comparative clinical trials. The activity has been demonstrated in both previously treated and initially treated patients. Marked activity has been noted in patients with low grade lymphoma, in particular, those with a follicular morphology and in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Combinations of fludarabine with alkylating agents, anthracyclines, and anthraquinones have led to clinically useful combination approaches. The ability of fludarabine to modulate the levels of the triphosphate form of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) in acute leukemia cells has led to the development of combinations of fludarabine and ara-C. These combinations have demonstrated marked activity in treatment of relapsed and previously untreated patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). The ability to modulate the activity of pyrimidines and to inhibit repair of DNA damage caused by alkylating agents, anthracyclines, and other DNA active drugs suggest that the future of fludarabine will be in combination approaches to modulate the activity of other agents. These activities may extend its role to use in solid tumors.
Papadopoulos T, Alexopoulos J. Combined geophysical investigations for site soil characterization of Grevena-Kozani meizoseismal area. International Meeting on Results of the May 13, 1995 earthquake of West Macedonia: One year after. 1996:124-127. .pdf
Chojnacki K, Giovanis V. The comparative analysis of injuries in downhill skiing of Poland, Holland and Greece. Medycyna Sportowa. 1996;60:45.
Phocas I, Sarandakou A, Sikiotis K, Rizos D, Kalambokis D, Zourlas PA. A comparative study of serum α-βA immunoreactive inhibin and tumor-associated antigens CA125 and CEA in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research. 1996;16(6 B):3827 - 3831.Abstract
a-i.r Inhibin, has been recently proposed as a useful tumor marker for mucinous ovarian carcinomas (Ca), as the widely used tumor marker for ovarian malignancies, CA125 is efficient only in nonmucinous ovarian Ca, and, together with CEA, fails to detect minimal disease and show long half-life in serum after successful surgery. Moreover, conflicting evidence has been reported as to whether inhibin in ovarian malignancies is the biologically active dimer α-βA inhibin or the inactive free α-subunits and inhibin precursors. Serum α-βA i.r inhibin, CA125 and CEA were measured preoperatively and 8 days postoperatively in 39 postmenopausal patients with ovarian cancer (13 mucinous, 15 serous and 11 difference other ovarian Ca) in comparison with 20 age-matched healthy women (Controls), 18 patients with benign ovarian tumors and 10 patients with nonovarian gynecological malignancies. Serum α-βA i.r inhibin values were very low in controls (0.121 U/ml; 0.060-0.250) while they were greatly elevated in both benign (67% sensitivity) and malignant ovarian tumors (100% sensitivity in mucinous Ca, 80% in serous and 90.9% in other ovarian, 0.250 U/ml). In contrast, in non-ovarian malignancies no increased values of α-βA inhibin were found (0% sensitivity). Our results on the sensitivity of CA125 and CEA are in agreement with previous studies. After successful surgery the very high concentrations of α-βA i.r inhibin were reduced very rapidly (8 days) to normal postmenopausal values in contrast to those of CA125 and CEA, that remained elevated. Serum α-βA i.r inhibin seems to be very useful in monitoring after treatment the patients with any type of ovarian malignancy and specifically those with mucinous ovarian cancer.
LIMAS CJ, Kroupis C, Haidaroglou A, Giasitzoglou E, Cokkinos DV. Comparison of lymphocyte proliferative activities in dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemic heart disease. In: CIRCULATION. Vol. 94. AMER HEART ASSOC 7272 GREENVILLE AVENUE, DALLAS, TX 75231-4596; 1996. pp. 1445–1445.
Antoniadou -Vyza E, Tsitsa P, Theodoropoulou E, Mavromoustakos T. Complexation of new active antibacterial adamantan derivatives with β CD: Preparation and characterization of complexes study of the thermotropic properties of pure and complex form with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry [Internet]. 1996;25(1-3):161 - 164. Website
Halazonetis DJ. Computer experiments using a two-dimensional model of tooth support. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1996;109(6):598-606.Abstract
The purpose of this investigation was to study the factors that may affect the position of the center of resistance and center of rotation. A two-dimensional computer model of the periodontal ligament was developed. The model permitted the simulation of an isotropic (responding in the same manner regardless of the direction of the applied force) and nonisotropic periodontal ligament and allowed changes in root shape and in position and direction of force application. The center of resistance was found to depend on the distribution of root surface area. For a model of the upper central incisor, it was located at 42% of the root length measured from the alveolar crest. The presence of anisotropy in the periodontal ligament significantly affected the position of the center of resistance, which was in this case also affected by the direction of the applied force. Forces passing through the center of resistance produced translation of the modeled tooth in a direction not necessarily the same as the direction of the applied force. Tipping forces produced much larger stresses than forces causing translation. Simulation of periodontal involvement resulting in loss of attachment increased the stresses exerted on the periodontal ligament. The model permitted easy assessment of various factors that may influence the position of the center of resistance of teeth and revealed a potentially large variability in the position of the center of resistance and center of rotation, caused by variation of the properties of the periodontal ligament.
Mavromoustakos T, Theodoropoulou E, Yang DP, Lin SY, Koufaki M, Makriyannis A. The conformational properties of the antineoplastic ether lipid 1 -thiohexadecyl-2-O-methyl-S-glycero-3-phosphocholine. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids [Internet]. 1996;84(1):21 - 34. Website
Spanos VC, Stirling JW. {Constraining a CP violating W W V coupling from the W+ W- threshold cross-section at LEP-2}. Phys. Lett. B. 1996;388:371–375.
Spanos VC, Stirling JW. {Constraining a CP violating W W V coupling from the W+ W- threshold cross-section at LEP-2}. Phys.Lett. 1996;B388:371-375.
Diakonos FK, Schmelcher P. On the construction of one-dimensional iterative maps from the invariant density: The dynamical route to the beta distribution. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 1996;211(4):199 - 203.
Bogdanis, G.C. NBLMELH. Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology [Internet]. 1996;80:876-884. WebsiteAbstract
This study examined the contribution of phosphocreatine (PCr) and aerobic metabolism during repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Eight male subjects performed two cycle ergometer sprints separated by 4 min of recovery during two separate main trials. Sprint 1 lasted 30 s during both main trials, whereas sprint 2 lasted either 10 or 30 s. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest, immediately after the first 30-s sprint, after 3.8 min of recovery, and after the second 10-and 30-s sprints. At the end of sprint 1, PCr was 16.9 ± 1.4% of the resting value, and muscle pH dropped to 6.69 ± 0.02. After 3.8 min of recovery, muscle pH remained unchanged (6.80 ± 0.03), but PCr was resynthesized to 78.7 ± 3.3% of the resting value. PCr during sprint 2 was almost completely utilized in the first 10 s and remained unchanged thereafter. High correlations were found between the percentage of PCr resynthesis and the percentage recovery of power output and pedaling speed during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 (r = 0.84, P < 0.05 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01). The anaerobic ATP turnover, as calculated from changes in ATP, PCr, and lactate, was 235 ± 9 mmol/kg dry muscle during the first sprint but was decreased to 139 ± 7 mmol/kg dry muscle during the second 30-s sprint, mainly as a result of a  45% decrease in glycolysis. Despite this  41% reduction in anaerobic energy, the total work done during the second 30-s sprint was reduced by only  18%. This mismatch between anaerobic energy release and power output during sprint 2 was partly compensated for by an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism, as calculated from the increase in oxygen uptake during sprint 2 (2.68 ± 0.10 vs. 3.17 ± 0.13 l/min; sprint 1 vs. sprint 2; P < 0.01). These data suggest that aerobic metabolism provides a significant part ( 49%) of the energy during the second sprint, whereas PCr availability is important for high power output during the initial 10 s.
Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Boobis LH, Lakomy HKA. Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology [Internet]. 1996;80:876-884. WebsiteAbstract
This study examined the contribution of phosphocreatine (PCr) and aerobic metabolism during repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Eight male subjects performed two cycle ergometer sprints separated by 4 min of recovery during two separate main trials. Sprint 1 lasted 30 s during both main trials, whereas sprint 2 lasted either 10 or 30 s. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest, immediately after the first 30-s sprint, after 3.8 min of recovery, and after the second 10-and 30-s sprints. At the end of sprint 1, PCr was 16.9 ± 1.4% of the resting value, and muscle pH dropped to 6.69 ± 0.02. After 3.8 min of recovery, muscle pH remained unchanged (6.80 ± 0.03), but PCr was resynthesized to 78.7 ± 3.3% of the resting value. PCr during sprint 2 was almost completely utilized in the first 10 s and remained unchanged thereafter. High correlations were found between the percentage of PCr resynthesis and the percentage recovery of power output and pedaling speed during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 (r = 0.84, P < 0.05 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01). The anaerobic ATP turnover, as calculated from changes in ATP, PCr, and lactate, was 235 ± 9 mmol/kg dry muscle during the first sprint but was decreased to 139 ± 7 mmol/kg dry muscle during the second 30-s sprint, mainly as a result of a  45% decrease in glycolysis. Despite this  41% reduction in anaerobic energy, the total work done during the second 30-s sprint was reduced by only  18%. This mismatch between anaerobic energy release and power output during sprint 2 was partly compensated for by an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism, as calculated from the increase in oxygen uptake during sprint 2 (2.68 ± 0.10 vs. 3.17 ± 0.13 l/min; sprint 1 vs. sprint 2; P < 0.01). These data suggest that aerobic metabolism provides a significant part ( 49%) of the energy during the second sprint, whereas PCr availability is important for high power output during the initial 10 s.
Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Boobis LH, Lakomy HKA. Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology [Internet]. 1996;80(3):876 - 884. WebsiteAbstract
This study examined the contribution of phosphocreatine (PCr) and aerobic metabolism during repeated bouts of sprint exercise. Eight male subjects performed two cycle ergometer sprints separated by 4 min of recovery during two separate main trials. Sprint 1 lasted 30 s during both main trials, whereas sprint 2 lasted either 10 or 30 s. Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest, immediately after the first 30-s sprint, after 3.8 min of recovery, and after the second 10-and 30-s sprints. At the end of sprint 1, PCr was 16.9 ± 1.4% of the resting value, and muscle pH dropped to 6.69 ± 0.02. After 3.8 min of recovery, muscle pH remained unchanged (6.80 ± 0.03), but PCr was resynthesized to 78.7 ± 3.3% of the resting value. PCr during sprint 2 was almost completely utilized in the first 10 s and remained unchanged thereafter. High correlations were found between the percentage of PCr resynthesis and the percentage recovery of power output and pedaling speed during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 (r = 0.84, P < 0.05 and r = 0.91, P < 0.01). The anaerobic ATP turnover, as calculated from changes in ATP, PCr, and lactate, was 235 ± 9 mmol/kg dry muscle during the first sprint but was decreased to 139 ± 7 mmol/kg dry muscle during the second 30-s sprint, mainly as a result of a ~45% decrease in glycolysis. Despite this ~41% reduction in anaerobic energy, the total work done during the second 30-s sprint was reduced by only ~18%. This mismatch between anaerobic energy release and power output during sprint 2 was partly compensated for by an increased contribution of aerobic metabolism, as calculated from the increase in oxygen uptake during sprint 2 (2.68 ± 0.10 vs. 3.17 ± 0.13 l/min; sprint 1 vs. sprint 2; P < 0.01). These data suggest that aerobic metabolism provides a significant part (~49%) of the energy during the second sprint, whereas PCr availability is important for high power output during the initial 10 s.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Controller design for lateral manoeuvres in electromagnetic wind tunnels. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Vol. 1. IEEE; 1996. pp. 594–597.
Likodimos V, Guskos N, Gamari-Seale H, Koufoudakis A. Copper magnetic centers in oxygen deficien (R=Nd, Sm): An EPR and magnetic study. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics [Internet]. 1996;54:12342-12352. WebsiteAbstract
EPR and magnetic results are reported for oxygen deficient, nonsuperconducting R(Formula presented)(Formula presented)(Formula presented) (R=Nd, Sm) compounds. The magnetic-susceptibility χ(T) and isothermal M(H) data are analyzed as the superposition of the rare-earth (Formula presented) contribution with another strongly ferromagnetic (FM) contribution arising from FM copper clusters with large total spin S. The rare-earth paramagnetic contribution in χ(T) and M(H) are calculated using the results of consistent crystal-field analysis (intermediate coupling wave functions, J-mixing effects) of (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) ions. The corresponding EPR spectra comprise an intense, almost isotropic EPR line whose intensity I(T) exhibits a ferromagnetic behavior, while (Formula presented) and the linewidth Δ(Formula presented) diverge at T<10 K indicating the presence of slowly fluctuating “internal” fields. The origin of the FM clusters is related to spin-polarized copper clusters through oxygen holes in the Cu(1) or Cu(2) layers, while the ferromagnetic interaction of the (Formula presented)(1) with the (Formula presented)(2) moments may be involved in the low-temperature (T<10 K) behavior of the EPR parameters. On increasing the oxygen deficiency, the ferromagnetic contribution is drastically reduced and more isolated (Formula presented) centers appear as shown by the corresponding EPR data. Exact simulation of the latter anisotropic EPR spectra, shows that the anisotropic linewidths Δ(Formula presented) (i=x, y, z) gradually broaden at low temperatures, while the intensity I(T) shows antiferromagnetic behavior. EPR measurements on an “aged” (Formula presented)(Formula presented)(Formula presented)(Formula presented)(Formula presented) sample revealed that the (Formula presented) EPR spectrum intensifies with time, a behavior probably related to oxygen ordering processes or to surface degradation effects. Analysis of the EPR resonance of (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) ions in combination with the absence of the corresponding EPR spectra indicate the presence of very fast spin-lattice relaxation of the rare-earth ions. © 1996 The American Physical Society.
KOLOVOU C, Voudris V, Drogari E, Palatianos G, Cokkinos DV. Coronary bypass grafts in a young girl with sitosterolemia. European heart journal. 1996;17:965–966.
Voudris V, Manginas A, Vassilikos V, Koutelou M, Kantzis J, Cokkinos DV. Coronary flow velocity changes after intravenous dipyridamole infusion: Measurements using intravascular Doppler guide wire a documentation of flow inhomogeneity. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 1996;27:1148–1155.
Adam W, others. {Current achievements of the DELPHI ring imaging Cherenkov detector}. {Proceedings, 2nd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detectors: Techniques and results of Cherenkov light imaging in high-energy physics (RICH 1995): Uppsala, Sweden, June 12-16, 1995}. 1996;A371:12-15.
Flocas HA, Karacostas TS. Cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea: Identification and synoptic categories. Meteorological Applications [Internet]. 1996;3:53-61. WebsiteAbstract
An attempt is made to identify and investigate the structure, behaviour and synoptic characteristics of cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea. A simple, realistic and easily used methodology of identification, in an analytical form, was established. This combines two types of criteria: synoptic and dynamic/thermodynamic. Six synoptic categories that could favour cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea are distinguished according to the synoptic criteria. Grid-point values of geopotential height and temperature are used to calculate the dynamic/thermodynamic criteria, which are used to identify potential cases of cyclogenesis with respect to the thermodynamic prerequisites and the time continuance. It is demonstrated that cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea is not as rare as was believed. The majority of cases result from the prevalence of a south-westerly flow, a long-wave trough and a closed system over the Aegean Sea. The cyclogenesis appears to occur primarily in the cold period of the year, mainly from October to May, and to have a small intensity and lifetime.
Flocas HA, Karacostas TS. Cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea: Identification and synoptic categories. Meteorological Applications [Internet]. 1996;3:53-61. Website
Economou A, Fielden PR, Packham AJ. Deconvolution of analytical peaks by means of the fast hartley transform. AnalystAnalyst. 1996;121:1015-1018.
Economou A, Fielden PR, Packham AJ. Deconvolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks by means of fast Fourier and Hartley transforms. AnalystAnalyst. 1996;121:97-104.
Skarpetis MG, Koumboulis FN. Decoupling of the longitudinal modes of advanced aircraft. Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics. 1996;19:1184–1186.
Poulos SE, Collins MB, Shaw HF. Deltaic sedimentation, including clay mineral deposition patterns, associated with small mountainous rivers and shallow marine embayments of Greece (SE Alpine Europe). Journal of Coastal Research [Internet]. 1996;12:940-952. Website
Pramanik B, Huang E, Tsarbopoulos A, Girijavallabhan VM, Ganguly A, Farmer T, Caprioli R. Detection of Noncovalent Complexes by MALDI TOF MS. LOTUS INTERNATIONAL. 1996:986-986.
Economou A, Fielden PR. Determination of copper (II) by anodic stripping voltammetry using a flow-through system. AnalystAnalyst. 1996;121:1903-1906.
Abreu P, others. {Determination of the average lifetime of b baryons}. Z. Phys. 1996;C71:199-210.
Abreu P, others. {Determination of |V(cb)| from the semileptonic decay B0 –> D*- lepton - neutrino}. Z. Phys. 1996;C71:539-554.
AttaPolitou J, Koupparis M, Macheras P. Development of a potentiometric kinetic method for drug adsorption studies: The chlorpromazine-charcoal model case. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 1996;4:223-230.Abstract
A potentiometric method for the in vitro adsorption kinetic study of an ionic micromolecule to charcoal, based on the continuous direct monitoring of the micromolecule free concentration by means of an ion-selective electrode (ISE), has been developed. A chlorpromazine ISE was constructed and used to study the adsorption kinetics of the drug on pure activated charcoal and two commercial formulations (Ultracarbon tablets and Carbomix powder). The method consists of the rapid addition of a slurry containing the charcoal into the drug solution under stirring at pH 1.2 (to simulate a gastric fluid environment) and continuous recording of the electrode potential until the establishment of equilibrium The drug free concentration at appropriate time intervals was calculated from the recorded adsorption curve acid the apparent adsorption rate constant was estimated assuming first order kinetics. Within run RSD of the estimates ranged from 0.3 to 12% (mainly less than 5%), while between run RSD (n=3) ranged from 1 to 19% (mainly less than 10%). A linear relationship was found between the apparent adsorption rate constants and the amount of charcoal used with slopes following the rank order activated charcoal>Ultracarbon tablets>Carbomix powder. These results were explained on the basis of different surface areas of the adsorbents. The work proved the usefulness of ion-selective potentiometry in adsorption studies and can be extended to other ionic drugs for which selective electrodes can be constructed.
Koukou MK, Papayannakos N, Markatos NC. Dispersion effects on membrane reactor performance. AIChE journal. 1996;42(9):2607-2615.
Alivizatos G, Deliveliotis C, Mitropoulos D, Raptides G, Louras G, Karayiannis A, Becopoulos T, Dimopoulos A-M. Does free to total ratio of prostate-specific antigen alter decision- making on prostatic biopsy?. Urology [Internet]. 1996;48(6 SUPPL.):71 - 75. WebsiteAbstract
Objectives. For patients with prostate specific antigen (PSA) values of 4-10 ng/mL, some urologists perform prostatic biopsies depending upon the findings of digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS), and others perform biopsies on most of these men regardless of the findings of DRE and TRUS. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the information given by the measurement of the ratio of free to total (F/T) PSA can alter decision-making on prostatic biopsy. Methods. One hundred and two (102) men with PSA values between 4 and 10 ng/mL, were included in this study. All men were examined with DRE and TRUS; a F/T PSA ratio was also measured, and six prostatic biopsies were taken from each patient. Results. In 102 men who were biopsied, 22 (21.5%) prostatic carcinomas were identified. Among these 22 cancer patients, 13 had abnormal findings in DRE and/or TRUS and would have been biopsied and diagnosed anyway. If we use only the F/T PSA ratio (cut-off value 0.20) to decide whom to biopsy, we would have diagnosed 16/22 cancers; the difference between these two procedures was not statistically significant (P = 0.17). If we decide to biopsy those patients who have abnormal findings in DRE and/or TRUS and those who have a F/T PSA ratio <0.20, we would diagnose 20/22 cancers (P = 0.05) and at the same time, reduce the unnecessary biopsies from 80 to 41 (48%). With a PSA value between 4 and 10 ng/mL and no findings in DRE and TRUS and at the same time with a F/T PSA ratio ≤0.20, we would have to perform biopsies in 20.5 men to find one cancer. On the other hand, in patients with suspicious findings in DRE and/or TRUS and a F/T PSA ratio <0.20, in every two men that we biopsy we would find one cancer. Conclusion. We believe that among patients with PSA values between 4 and 10 ng/mL after performing DRE and TRUS, the additional information of F/T PSA ratio can help since it increases the number of cancers detected and reduces the number of unnecessary biopsies.
A dual algorithm for strictly convex quadratic programming with multiple search directions (Ένας δυϊκός αλγόριθμος για αυστηρά κυρτό τετραγωνικό προγραμματισμό με πολυκατευθυντικά βήματα). Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic Conference on Statistics, Xanthi, Greek Statistical Institute, April 1996. 1996:71-78.
Athanassopoulos G, Glazitzoglou E, Avramides D, Maginas A, Voudris V, Cokkinos DV. Dynamic elastic properties of ascending aorta in coronary artery disease evaluated by dobutamine stress echocardiography. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 1996;27:212–213.
Makropoulos K, Kassaras I, Tzanis A, Ziazia M, Louis J, D D, Barakou T, Koutsikos E, Hatzfeld D, Selvaggi G, et al. On the dynamics of the 13 May 1995, M=6.6 Kozani-Grevena aftershock sequence. XXV ESC General Assembly [Internet]. 1996:473-478. Publisher's Version paper_43_iceland-1996.pdf
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Stylianos P, Leounakis M. Earthquake-induced landslides during the great Hanshin Earthquake of January 17th, 1995 (Kobe, Japan). Landslides. 1996:989-994.
Papadimitriou P, Makropoulos K, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Drakopoulos J. The Eastern Corinthian Gulf (Greece) Seismological Telemetry Network (CORNET). In: XXV ESC General Assembly. September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland: European Seismological Commission; 1996. ST01_1996_ESC_Reykjavik.pdf
Papadimitriou P, Makropoulos K, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Drakopoulos J. The Eastern Corinthian Gulf (Greece) Seismological Telemetry Network (CORNET). In: XXV ESC General Assembly. September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland: European Seismological Commission; 1996. pp. 1. ST01_1996_ESC_Reykjavik.pdf
Tillgada E, Giannakakou P, Karavokyros I, Delitheos A. Effect of calcium channel blockers on the action of various antitumour agents in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Appl Bacteriol. 1996;81(5):481-5.Abstract
The cytotoxic effects of a 22 h treatment with four antineoplastic agents in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 2366 were investigated. Two agents, doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), were effective in decreasing the colony-forming ability of yeast cells. Following examination under the light microscope, the effect of doxorubicin appeared to be, at least partially, due to killing of yeast cells whereas the effect of 5-FU was rather due to changes in cell structure leading to abnormal bud formation. For amsacrine (AMSA) and melphalan, cytotoxicity was totally absent. In the presence of diltiazem the above described effects were not significantly changed. When verapamil was added in the culture medium the cytotoxic activity of doxorubicin and 5-FU did not change. However, following treatment with AMSA in combination with verapamil, cell survival was significantly decreased whereas the presence of verapamil increased the yeast survival which was observed after melphalan treatment.
AttaPolitou J, Macheras PE, Koupparis MA. The effect of polyethylene glycol on the charcoal adsorption of chlorpromazine studied by ion selective electrode potentiometry. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY-CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY. 1996;34:307-316.Abstract
Background: This investigation war undertaken to study: a) the adsorption characteristics of chlorpromazine to activated charcoal and its formulations Carbomix(R) powder and Ultracarbon(R) tablets at gastric pH; b) the effect on chlorpromazine adsorption of polyethylene glycol and its combination with electrolyte lavage solution; c) the effect of the order of addition of polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution. Method: Ion selective electrode potentiometry, bared on the selective, direct and continuous response of a chlorpromazine-ion selective electrode to the concentration of the free drug, was used. Successive additions of microvolumes of a chlorpromazine solution were made into a charcoal slurry in acidic medium of pH 1.2 with measurement of the chlorpromazine-ion selective electrode potential at equilibrium Results: The maximum adsorption capacity values of activated charcoal, Carbomix and Ultracarbon, were 297, 563, and 382 mg/g respectively, while the affinity constant values were 40.2, 70.4, and 40.5 L/g, respectively. The adsorption of chlorpromazine to each of the Ultracarbon and Carbomix components was compared to the total adsorption of the formulations. The addition of polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution causes a slight desorption of chlorpromazine from activated charcoal at gastric pH, more pronounced when polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution follows the addition of activated charcoal, suggesting the possibility of a nonspecific binding of chlorpromazine to polyethylene glycol. The amount of chlorpromazine adsorbed to Carbomix and Ultracarbon was not significantly affected at gastric pH by the presence of polyethylene glycol or polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution added either concurrently or sequentially to these formulations.
Bogdanis GC. Effects of active recovery on power output during repeated maximal sprint cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology [Internet]. 1996;74:461-469. WebsiteAbstract
The effects of active recovery on metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses and power output were examined during repeated sprints. Male subjects (n = 13) performed two maximal 30-s cycle ergometer sprints, 4 min apart, on two separate occasions with either an active [cycling at 40 (1)% of maximal oxygen uptake; mean (SEM)] or passive recovery. Active recovery resulted in a significantly higher mean power output (W̄) during sprint 2, compared with passive recovery [W̄] 603 (17) W and 589 (15) W, P < 0.05]. This improvement was totally attributed to a 3.1 (1.0)% higher power generation during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 following the active recovery (P < 0.05), since power output during the last 20 s sprint 2 was the same after both recoveries. Despite the higher power output during sprint 2 after active recovery, no differences were observed between conditions in venous blood lactate and pH, but peak plasma ammonia was significantly higher in the active recovery condition [205 (23) vs 170 (20) μmol·l-1; P < 0.05]. No differences were found between active and passive recovery in terms of changes in plasma volume or arterial blood pressure throughout the test. However, heart rate between the two 30-s sprints and oxygen uptake during the second sprint were higher for the active compared with passive recovery [148 (3) vs 130 (4) beats min-1; P < 0.01) and 3.3 (0.1) vs 2.8 (0.1) l·min-1; P < 0.01]. These data suggest that recovery of power output during repeated sprint exercise is enhanced when low-intensity exercise is performed between sprints. The beneficial effects of an active recovery are possibly mediated by an increased blood flow to the previously exercised muscle.
Bogdanis GC. Effects of active recovery on power output during repeated maximal sprint cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology [Internet]. 1996;74(5):461 - 469. WebsiteAbstract
The effects of active recovery on metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses and power output were examined during repeated sprints. Male subjects (n = 13) performed two maximal 30-s cycle ergometer sprints, 4 min apart, on two separate occasions with either an active [cycling at 40 (1)% of maximal oxygen uptake; mean (SEM)] or passive recovery. Active recovery resulted in a significantly higher mean power output (W̄) during sprint 2, compared with passive recovery [W̄] 603 (17) W and 589 (15) W, P < 0.05]. This improvement was totally attributed to a 3.1 (1.0)% higher power generation during the initial 10 s of sprint 2 following the active recovery (P < 0.05), since power output during the last 20 s sprint 2 was the same after both recoveries. Despite the higher power output during sprint 2 after active recovery, no differences were observed between conditions in venous blood lactate and pH, but peak plasma ammonia was significantly higher in the active recovery condition [205 (23) vs 170 (20) μmol·l-1; P < 0.05]. No differences were found between active and passive recovery in terms of changes in plasma volume or arterial blood pressure throughout the test. However, heart rate between the two 30-s sprints and oxygen uptake during the second sprint were higher for the active compared with passive recovery [148 (3) vs 130 (4) beats min-1; P < 0.01) and 3.3 (0.1) vs 2.8 (0.1) l·min-1; P < 0.01]. These data suggest that recovery of power output during repeated sprint exercise is enhanced when low-intensity exercise is performed between sprints. The beneficial effects of an active recovery are possibly mediated by an increased blood flow to the previously exercised muscle.
Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Lakomy HKA, Jenkins DG, Williams C. The effects of oral creatine supplementation on power output during repeated treadmill sprinting. Journal of Sports Sciences [Internet]. 1996;14(1):65 - 66. Website
Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Lakomy HKA, Jenkins DG, Williams C. The effects of oral creatine supplementation on power output during repeated treadmill sprinting. Journal of Sports Sciences [Internet]. 1996;14:65-66. Website
Bogdanis, G.C. NLJWMEHK. The effects of oral creatine supplementation on power output during repeated treadmill sprinting. Journal of Sports Sciences [Internet]. 1996;14:65-66. Website
Emmanouel C, Zervas Y, Vagenas G. Effects of physical education methods on the psychomotor development of school children. Kinesiology (in Greek). 1996;1(1):64-73.
Berenson JR, Lichtenstein A, Porter L, Dimopoulos MA, Bordoni R, George S, Lipton A, Keller A, Ballester O, Kovacs MJ, et al. Efficacy of pamidronate in reducing skeletal events in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. New England Journal of Medicine [Internet]. 1996;334(8):488 - 493. WebsiteAbstract
Background. Skeletal complications are a major clinical manifestation of multiple myeloma. These complications are caused by soluble factors that stimulate osteoclasts to resorb bone. Bisphosphonates such as pamidronate inhibit osteoclastic activity and reduce bone resorption. Methods. Patients with stage III multiple myeloma and at least one lytic lesion received either placebo or pamidronate (90 mg) as a four-hour intravenous infusion given every four weeks for nine cycles in addition to antimyeloma therapy. The patients were stratified according to whether they were receiving first-line (stratum 1) or second-line (stratum 2) antimyeloma chemotherapy at entry into the study. Skeletal events (pathologic fracture, irradiation of or surgery on bone, and spinal cord compression), hypercalcemia (symptoms or a serum calcium concentration ≥12 mg per deciliter [3.0 mmol per liter]), bone pain, analgesic-drug use, performance status and quality of life were assessed monthly. Results. Among 392 treated patients, the efficacy of treatment could be evaluated in 196 who received pamidronate and 181 who received placebo. The proportion of patients who had any skeletal events was significantly lower in the pamidronate group (24 percent) than in the placebo group (41 percent, P<0.001), and the reduction was evident in both stratum 1 (P=0.04) and stratum 2 (P=0.004). The patients who received pamidronate had significant decreases in bone pain and no deterioration in performance status and quality of life. Pamidronate was well tolerated. Conclusions. Monthly infusions of pamidronate provide significant protection against skeletal complications and improve the quality of life of patients with stage III multiple myeloma.
Pavlakis EP. El niño como personaje y lector en la obra cardosiana. Inti - Revista de Literatura Hispánica. 1996;43-44:217-230.
Lelidis I, Durand G. Electrothermal effect in nematic liquid crystal. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 1996;76:1868-1871. Website
Voudris V, Manginas A, Vassilikos V, Kolovou G, Cokkinos DV. Emergency stenting for severe dissection during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in dextrocardia. Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 1996;9:455–458.
Abreu P, others. {Energy dependence of the differences between the quark and gluon jet fragmentation}. Z. Phys. 1996;C70:179-196.
LOURENS L, Antonarakou A, HILGEN FJ, VAN HOOF AAM, VERNAUD-GRAZZINI C, ZACHARIASSE WJ. Evaluation of the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Astronomical Time scale. Paleoceanography [Internet]. 1996;11(4):391-413. Publisher's Version
Hizanidis K, Frantzeskakis DJ, Polymilis C. Exact travelling wave solutions for a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General [Internet]. 1996;29:7687-7703. Website
Abreu P, others. {First measurement of f2-prime (1525) production in Z0 hadronic decays}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B379:309-318.
Abreu P, others. {First study of the interference between initial and final state radiation at the Z resonance}. Z. Phys. 1996;C72:31-38.
Voudris V, Athanassopoulos G, Vassilikos V, Manginas A, Pavlides G, Avramidis D, Kantzis J, Cokkinos DV. Flow characteristics of the left internal mammary artery grafted to the left anterior descending coronary artery. Correlation of measurements obtained with duplex Doppler echocardiography and the Doppler guide wire. In: CIRCULATION. Vol. 94. AMER HEART ASSOC 7272 GREENVILLE AVENUE, DALLAS, TX 75231-4596; 1996. pp. 3281–3281.
Prezerakos NG, Flocas HA. The formation of a dynamically unstable ridge at 500 hPa as a precursor of surface cyclogenesis in the central Mediterranean. Meteorological Applications [Internet]. 1996;3:101-111. Website
Prezerakos NG a, Flocas HA b. The formation of a dynamically unstable ridge at 500 hPa as a precursor of surface cyclogenesis in the central Mediterranean. Meteorological Applications [Internet]. 1996;3:101-111. WebsiteAbstract
An attempt is made to find the dynamical and physical characteristics of the atmospheric circulation which contributed to the development of a great storm in the vicinity of Greece on 5 October 1989. The surface cyclogenesis could be considered as a consequence of an upper-tropospheric minor wave which formed upstream on the eastern flank of a blocking-type anticyclone which was centred over Britain and dominated the atmospheric circulation over western Europe. This minor wave formed three days before the initiation of the surface cyclogenesis and could be explained by the theory of ’a dynamically unstable ridge’. As the wave moved south-eastwards, an elongated trough formed in the upper troposphere. The southernmost part of this elongated trough was disrupted by dynamical processes, leading finally to the formation of a cut-off low. When the area of positive relative vorticity advection due to the low became superimposed upon a shallow frontal surface lying across southern Greece in the afternoon of 4 October 1989, a deep depression developed at the surface between Crete and Athens during the next 12 hours. To further elucidate the role played by the forcing conditions at the upper levels in the surface cyclogenesis, the potential vorticity has been analysed.
Macheras P. A fractal approach to heterogeneous drug distribution: Calcium pharmacokinetics. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH. 1996;13:663-670.Abstract
Purpose. To point out the importance of heterogeneity in drug distribution processes and develop a noncompartmental approach for the description of the distribution of drug in the body. Methods. A dichotomous branching network of vessels for the arterial tree connected to a similar venous network was used to describe the heterogeneity of blood flow in the successive generations of the networks. The relevant kinetics of drug distribution in the well perfused and the deep tissues was considered to take place under well stirred (homogeneous) and understirred (heterogeneous) conditions, respectively. Results. A `'homogeneous model'' with classical kinetics (which is mathematically equivalent with the one-compartment model) was developed for these drugs which are confined to well perfused (''well stirred'') spaces. A `'heterogeneous model'' was proposed for the drugs reaching understirred spaces using a decreasing with time rate coefficient (fractal kinetics) to model the diffusion of drug under heterogeneous conditions. The analysis of the model equations revealed that the homogeneous model can be considered as a special case of the heterogeneous model. Concentration-time plots of multiexponential type were generated using the heterogeneous model equation. The empirically used power functions of time for the analysis of calcium clearance curves, were found to be similar to the equation adhering to the heterogeneous model. Fittings comparable to multiexponential models were obtained when the heterogeneous model equation with only one adjustable parameter was applied to six sets of long period calcium data. Conclusions. The heterogeneous processes of drug distribution in the body can obey the principles of fractal kinetics. Calcium clearance curves were analysed with the heterogeneous model. The validity of multicompartmental models which are based on the concept of homogeneity to describe drug distribution should be reconsidered.
Macheras P, Argyrakis P, Polymilis C. Fractal geometry, fractal kinetics and chaos en route to biopharmaceutical sciences. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS. 1996;21:77-86.
Potirakis SM, Alexakis GE, Tombras GS. Generalized two-port performance evaluation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Vol. 1. ; 1996. pp. 140-143. Website
Mazis I. Geopolitical Analysis of the Commercial Sea Channel Dardanelles-Aegean Sea. Archives of Economic History. 1996;VIII(1-2):147-63.Abstract
Geopolitics is the geographical and analytical method which studies and describes the power distribution and control of the influence zones on the planet. It is important to stress that whoever controls the international commercial routes also controls the planet. What does this concept mean in the case of Aegean Sea? The Aegean is a sea route and an air passage extending from the Mediterranean Sea and Europe to the Dardanelles and to the Turkish ports in the East. Moreover, while the Aegean Sea exerts a geopolitical influence on Greece and Turkey, it is also -in a practical and not in a legal sense- a sea and an air passage serving the former Soviet Republics, such as Ukraine and Russia, and connecting, as far as transports are concerned, the commercial flow between Europe and Asia.
Christodoulakis NS, Margaris NS. Growth of corn (Zea mays) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) plants is affected by water and sludge from a sewage treatment plant. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology [Internet]. 1996;57(2):300 - 306. Website
Mastichiadis A. The Hadronic Model of Active Galactic Nuclei. [Internet]. 1996;75:317 - 329. WebsiteAbstract
We review the hadronic model for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). This model, which can be applied to all AGN, advocates the acceleration of protons to ultrarelativistic energies by shock fronts which are formed a few Schwarzschild radii away from the central black hole. The necessary consequences of this hypothesis are discussed. These include the formation of electromagnetic cascades which are initiated by the injection of secondary electrons and photons inside the source, as well as the production and escape of neutrons and neutrinos. As a result of the neutron escape we emphasize that AGN can be sources of TeV radiation.
Mastichiadis A. On the high energy non-thermal emission from shell-type supernova remnants. [Internet]. 1996;305:L53. WebsiteAbstract
Shock waves associated with shell type supernova remnants are considered to be possible sites of cosmic ray acceleration. Since shocks are capable of accelerating electrons in addition to protons one anticipates both species to contribute to the high energy radiation expected from these objects. Adopting a simple model for particle acceleration we calculate in a self-consistent manner the time-dependent synchrotron and inverse Compton radiation of high energy electrons assumed either to be accelerated directly by the shock wave or to be injected at high energies as secondaries from the hadronic collisions of relativistic protons with the circumstellar material. We deduce that for standard supernova parameters the TeV flux produced from neutral pion decay is about the same order as the flux expected from directly accelerated electrons.
Lekkas E, Kranis H. Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake (Japan, 17 January, 1995). Awaji Island: Damage and Neotectonic-Geotechnical Conditions. Proceedings of Applied Geoscience Conference of The Geological Society of London. 1996.
Dimopoulos MA, Weber D, Kantarjian H, Delasalle KB, Alexanian R. HyperCVAD for VAD-resistant multiple myeloma. American Journal of Hematology [Internet]. 1996;52(2):77 - 81. WebsiteAbstract
More effective and safer regimens are needed for patients who have advanced multiple myeloma resistant to or relapsing despite prior treatment with alkylating agents and VAD. We treated 58 such patients using the combination of twice daily cyclophosphamide (total dose 1.8 g/m2) and VAD (hyperCVAD). Treatment was given to outpatients followed by G-CSF at 5 μg/kg/d until granulocyte recovery. Twenty-three patients responded (40%), with a median duration of granulocyte depression to less than 500/μl of 4 days and a mortality rate of 2%. The median survival time for all patients was 15 months, and the median remission time of responding patients was 8 months. Patients who had low LDH, low B2M, or primary resistant disease lived significantly longer than patients without these features. The combination of fractionated cyclophosphamide and VAD provided an effective and safe rescue treatment for many patients who had advanced myeloma resistant to standard therapies.
Alexopoulos D, Olympios C, Christodoulou J, Fakiolas C, Foussas S, Cokkinos DV. Hyperventilation test in syndrome X. Angiology. 1996;47:131–137.
Macheras P, Symillides M, Reppas C. An improved intercept method for the assessment of absorption rate in bioequivalence studies. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH. 1996;13:1755-1758.
Stathopoulos GP, Papadopoulos NG, Stephanopoulou A, Dontas I, Kotsarelis D, Karayannacos PE. An increase of serum lipids after cumulative doses of doxorubicin and epirubicin in experimental animals. Anticancer Res [Internet]. 1996;16:3429-33. WebsiteAbstract
A wide range of pharmacological actions has been attributed to the anthracyclins. In this study we examined their effect on serum lipids in experimental animals in parallel with histological alterations. Three Wistar rat groups were injected with doxorubicin, epirubicin or normal saline once a week for 12 weeks. Total serum lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, transaminases, proteins and alkaline phosphatase were assayed weekly. A proportion of the animals were sacrificed at the same time points and the cardiac muscle, large vessels, liver and abdominal muscle were stained and examined under light microscopy. Serum lipids were found to increase gradually, starting after 8 weeks of drug administration, until the end of the experiment. Tissue damage was noted in the cardiac muscle, abdominal muscle and large vessels, also following an increasing trend. Doxorubicin had a more pronounced effect than epirubicin on both serum lipid increase and tissue destruction. These alterations may contribute to anthracyclin-related cardiac damage.
d Sioutas MV a, c Flocas HA b. Influence of environmental winds on propagation and motion of thunderstorms in northern Greece. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres [Internet]. 1996;101:26255-26265. WebsiteAbstract
The prediction of propagation and motion of thunderstorm activity, especially when heavy rainfall accumulation amounts could occur, is a matter of great importance. The objective of this study is to examine the possibility of using the environmental wind data for the problem of assessing predictability of the propagation and movement of thunderstorms in northern Greece. The propagation of radar thunderstorm echoes (radar echo reflectivity maxima) and cell movement (fine radar echo patterns) were determined for the spring and summer thunderstorms in 1992 and 1993 (April to September). Radar data were used by examining and analyzing digitally recorded plan position indicator for the entire time that the radar was operated. Multicell and single-cell thunderstorms were identified and thunderstorm propagation and cell motion were calculated for each. Environmental winds at standard levels of 850, 700, and 500 hPa were considered and, additionally, a mean 0- to 6-km layer density-weighted wind was also examined. In northern Greece, winds and radar thunderstorm echoes rarely moved from the clockwise sector 070° to 220° (ENE - SW). The movement of thunderstorm cells was not only steered by the 700-hPa level wind but was also well represented by the wind at the 500-hPa level and by the average wind in the layer 0-6 km. Using standard levels, cell motion can be determined by adding 5° to 500-hPa wind direction and reducing the 500-hPa wind speed by 30%. With the use of the mean 0- to 6-km density-weighted wind, cell motion can be represented by adding 5° to the 0- to 6-km wind direction and increasing 35% the 0- to 6-km wind speed. The propagation of multicell and single-cell thunderstorm echoes was very similar, in spite of initial expectations, and was approximately equal to the cell motion, suggesting that the new cells grew on all sides of existing multicell thunderstorms. The majority of northern Greece thunderstorms do not propagate significantly and their motion is substantially translational and similar to cell motion. However, in cases of severe thunderstorms, propagation was indicated. Characteristic cases of storm propagation are presented and vertical wind shear is investigated as a particularly important factor in influencing storm structure and evolution and the resulting storm propagation.
Sioutas MV, Flocas HA. Influence of environmental winds on propagation and motion of thunderstorms in northern Greece. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres [Internet]. 1996;101:26255-26265. Website
Karatasakis GT, Gotsis AC, Cokkinos DV. Influence of Mitral Regurgitation on Left Atrial Thrombus and Spontaneous Echocardiographic Contrast in Patients With Rheumatic Mitral Valve Disease. ACC Current Journal Review. 1996;1:54.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Input-output decoupling for linear systems with nonlinear uncertain structure. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 1996;333:593–624.
Plati C, Lemonidou C, Priami M, Baltopoulos G, Mantas J. The intensive care units in greater Athens: needs and resources. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 1996;12(6):340-5.Abstract
UNLABELLED: The purpose of this study was to investigate the availability of intensive care unit (ICU) beds and the number of requests, the number and categories of nursing staff, the nursing care required, and the time spent in various nursing activities. METHODS: 19 district general hospitals were studied. The characteristics of the units and their nursing personnel were recorded. The availability of ICU beds, the frequency of bed requests, and the way of patient admission in the ICUs were studied retrospectively for 1 year and prospectively for 2 weeks. The staffing level of direct care for 36 patients was studied to determine the time required for direct nursing care. RESULTS: the distribution of intensive care beds was: GICU 108, CICU 114, PSICU 30. During 1991, 12363 patients were admitted and 12172 of them were discharged; 3 628 patients stayed less than 2 days while the average length of stay was 12.5 days. In 1992, during the 2-week period, there were 303 requests for an admission to ICUs and of these 150 requests could not be met because of lack of ICU beds. The mean staffing level was 2.3 nurses per bed (to cover the three shifts). The mean nursing time required for direct nursing care of each patient per shift was found to be 6 hours for GICU patients, 5.3 for CICU, and 6.0 for PSICU patients.
Mavromoustakos T, Theodoropoulou E, Dimitriou C, Matsoukas JM, Panagiotopoulos D, Makriyannis A. Interactions of angiotensin II with membranes using a combination of differential scanning calorimetry and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Letters in Peptide Science [Internet]. 1996;3(4):175 - 180. Website
Pavlides GS, Barath P, Manginas A, Vassilikos V, Cokkinos DV, ONeill WWW. Intramural delivery of low molecular weight heparin by direct injection within the arterial wall with a novel infiltrator catheter. Acute results and follow up in pts undergoing PTCA or stenting. In: Circulation. Vol. 94. AMER HEART ASSOC 7272 GREENVILLE AVENUE, DALLAS, TX 75231-4596; 1996. pp. 3601–3601.
Vrachopoulos MG. Introduction to Air Conditioning (Instructional Notes).; 1996.
Pantos CI, Davos CH, Carageorgiou HC, Varonos DV, Cokkinos DV. Ischaemic preconditioning protects against myocardial dysfunction caused by ischaemia in isolated hypertrophied rat hearts. Basic research in cardiology. 1996;91:444–449.
Gitlin G, Tsarbopoulos A, Patel ST, Sydor W, Pramanik BN, Jacobs S, Westreich L, Mittelman S, Bausch JN. Isolation and characterization of a monomethioninesulfoxide variant of interferon α-2b. Pharmaceutical research. 1996;13(5):762-769.
Ioannou A, Dimirkou A, Mavromoustakos T. Isotherms of phosphate sorption by hematite and bentonite-hematite (b-h) system. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis [Internet]. 1996;27(5-8):1901 - 1924. Website
Abreu P, others. {Kaon interference in the hadronic decays of the Z0}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B379:330-340.
Maragoudaki F, Hatzidimitriou D, Irwin M, Da Costa GS. Kinematical Study of the outer Regions of the outer dwarf spheroidal Galaxies: The Case of Sculptor. In: ; 1996. pp. 374. Website
Hatzfeld D, Karakostas V, Ziazia M, Selvaggi G, Leborgne S, Berge C, Diagourtas D, Kassaras I, Koutsikos I, Makropoulos K, et al. The Kozani-Grevena (Greece) Earthquake of May 13, 1995. In: XXV ESC General Assembly. September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland: European Seismological Commission; 1996. 77_abstract_6-7.pdf
Lelidis I, Durand G. Landau model of electric field induced smectic phases in thermotropic liquid crystals. Journal de Physique II [Internet]. 1996;6:1359-1387. Publisher's Version
Modinos A, Stefanou N, Karathanos V. Layer-by-layer methods in the study of photonic crystals and related problems. NATO ASI "Photonic Band Gap Materials". 1996:229-251.
狠鄉. Licuefaction, ground fissures and coastline change during the Egio earthquake (15 June 1995; Central. Terra Nova. 1996;8:648-654.
Lekkas E, Lozios S, Skourtsos E, Kranis H. Linear distribution of damage and seismic fractures at the Egio earthquake (15 June 1995, Greece). Earthquake Engineering Structures. 1996;96.
Lekkas E, Lozios S, Skourtsos E, Kranis H. Liquefaction, ground fissures and coastline change during the Egio earthquake (15 June 1995; Central‐Western Greece). Terra Nova. 1996;8(6):648-654.
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Leounakis M, Stylianos P. Liquefaction phenomena caused by the Kobe earthquake (Japan). 6th Spanish Congress and International Conference on Environmental Geology and Land-use Planning. Natural Hazards, Land-Use Planning and Environment. Eds. J. Chacon & C. Irigaray. 1996:463-470.
Stathopoulos GP, Baxevanis CN, Papadopoulos NG, Zarkadis IK, Papacostas P, Michailakis E, Tsiatas ML, Papamichail M. Local immunotherapy with interferon-alpha in metastatic pleural and peritoneal effusions: correlation with immunologic parameters. Anticancer Res [Internet]. 1996;16:3855-60. WebsiteAbstract
Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) has been found to exert multiple enhancing effects in the immune response in vitro, IFN-alpha has been also used in clinical trials with variable response rates. The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of IFN-alpha in the treatment of 25 patients with malignant pleural or peritoneal effusions caused by lung, and metastatic breast and ovarian cancer. Clinical responses were correlated with a) the ratio of malignant effusion (ME)-associated tumor cells to ME-associated mononuclear cells (MEMNC), b) MEMNC-derived cytotoxic responses against autologous or allogeneic tumor targets, and c) major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen expression on tumor cells. After partial drainage of pleural or peritoneal fluid, the patients were allocated to receive 10 million units of IFN-alpha by intrapleural or intraperitoneal injection at weekly intervals. The treatment was terminated if the malignant effusion disappeared or the patients had received four to six consecutive procedures. None of the patients received concomitant systemic chemotherapy or radiation therapy. MEMNC and tumor cells were isolated by centrifugation on discontinous percoll density gradients. Cytotoxic and phenotypic profiles of MEMNG were analyzed before and after treatment with IFN-alpha. An improvement was observed in patients with increased ratios of tumor cells to malignant effusion-associated mononuclear cells (MEMNC) in the effusions. In the same patients MEMNC were overpopulated by CD8+ T lymphocytes. In this group of patients the administration of IFN-alpha was associated with 25% complete response and 75% partial response rates. In contrast only 17% partial responses were achieved in patients whose effusions had decreased tumor cell to MEMNC ratios. The immunomodulation induced by IFN-alpha in vivo was also tested. Thus in a group of 6 patients, treatment with IFN-alpha resulted in the induction of CD8+ cell-mediated lysis against autologous tumor cells which was associated with PR (two patients). Natural killer (NK)-cell activity, and MHC class I antigen expression on effusion-associated tumor cells were also enhanced during treatment, but were not correlated with the outcome of the therapy since similar findings were also observed in the 4 non-responders. Local infusions of IFN-alpha provide an effective alternative treatment for malignant effusion in patients with lung, breast, and ovarian cancer. Increased ratios of tumor cells to MEMNC and the presence of CD8+ T lymphocytes within the malignant effusions may play an important role in the outcome of such a treatment with IFN-alpha but more patients need to be studied for definite conclusions.
Modinos A, Stefanou N. Localized electromagnetic modes in nonlinear superlattices. Physical Review B. 1996;54(23):16452-16455.Abstract
We describe single and multiple solitonlike solutions of the electromagnetic field in nonlinear superlattices using an effective-medium approximation.
Simserides CD, Triberis GP. Looking for the maximum low-temperature conductivity in selectively doped AlxGa1-xAs-GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs double heterojunctions. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 1996;8:L421-L426. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We use self-consistent numerical calculations to study the sheet electron concentration and the mobility as functions of the doping concentration, the spacer thickness, the well width and the Al mole fraction of a selectively doped AlxGa1−xAs/GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs double heterojunction, using no arbitrary, a priori, assumptions, at low temperatures.For the first time we take into account two kinds of donor (shallow and deep) that coexist in the Si-doped AlxGa1−xAs. We study all the significant scattering mechanisms. The model, based exclusively upon the knowledge of the material and structural parameters involved, allows us to obtain the maximum conductivity for any specific structure. Our results are in a very good agreement with experiment.
Karas M, Bahr U, Tsarbopoulos A, Pramanik BN. MALDI TOF MS Analysis of Glycoproteins Using Delayed Extractions. LOTUS INTERNATIONAL. 1996:1329-1329.
Erdmann WS, Giovanis V. Mass and Location of Center of Mass of Equipment and Garments of Alpine ski Competitors. In: Research yearbook, Studies in the Theory of Physical Education and Sport. ; 1996. pp. 89-101.
Tsarbopoulos A, Prongay A, Baldwin S, Kumarasamy R, Paranik B, Le HV, Karas M, Hillenkamp F. Mass spectrometric analysis of the Sf9 cell-derived interleukin-5 Receptor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASMS CONFERENCE ON MASS SPECTROMETRY AND ALLIED TOPICS. 1996:359-359.
Abreu P, others. {Mean lifetime of the B(s)0 meson}. Z. Phys. 1996;C71:11-30.
Abreu P, others. {Measurement of inclusive K*0 (892), Phi (1020) and K(2)*0 (1430) production in hadronic Z decays}. Z. Phys. 1996;C73:61-72.
Adam W, others. {Measurement of inclusive pi0 production in hadronic Z0 decays}. Z. Phys. 1996;C69:561-574.
Abreu P, others. {Measurement of the B(d)0 oscillation frequency using kaons, leptons and jet charge}. Z. Phys. 1996;C72:17-30.
Abreu P, others. {Measurement of the partial decay width R(b) sup(0) = GAMMA (b anti-b) / GAMMA(had) of the Z with the DELPHI detector at LEP}. Z. Phys. 1996;C70:531-548.
Abreu P, others. {A Measurement of the photon structure function F2(gamma) at an average Q**2 of 12-GeV**2/c**4}. Z. Phys. 1996;C69:223-234.
Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou C, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Mertzimekis TJ. Measurements of $^{222}$Rn migration in soil. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 1996;208:541–547.Abstract
The concentration of radon (222Rn) was measured in the soil near the ground surface, using CR/39 solid state nuclear track detectors. The measurements were carried out in PVC tubes at 0.25 m intervals up to 1.25 m. The detectors were etched in 7N NaOH solutions at 80°C. The ?-tracks from radon's decay were counted using a microscope. A microscopc-camera-computer system developed for automatic counting was also used. The results provide evidence for the non-diffusive transport of radon in soils. A transport length of (46.9 ± 3.2) cm was estimated for radon transport near ground surface. Also the variation of soil's radon concentration was correlate to humidity and atmospheric pressure. Copyright © 1996 Akade?miai Kiado?. All rights reserved.
Rigo A, Lyon-Caen H, Armijo R, Deschamps A, Hatzfeld D, Makropoulos K, Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I. {A microseismic study in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece): implications for large-scale normal faulting mechanisms}. Geophysical Journal International [Internet]. 1996;126:663-688. Publisher's VersionAbstract
{We present the results of a dense seismological experiment in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth (Psathopyrgos-Aigion area), one of the most active rifts in the Aegean region for which we have precise tectonic information. The network included 51 digital stations that operated during July and August 1991, covering a surface of 40 times 40 km2. Among the 5000 recorded events with ML ranging between 1.0 and 3.0, we precisely located 774 events. We obtained 148 well-constrained focal mechanisms using P-wave first motions. Of these, 60 also have mechanisms obtained by combining the P-wave first motions with the S-wave polarization directions. The observed seismicity is mainly located between 6 and 11 km depth. Most of the fault-plane solutions correspond to E-W-striking normal faulting, in agreement with the geological evidence. Most of the well-determined mechanisms indicate a nodal plane dipping 10–25° due north and a steep south-dipping plane. A similar asymmetry is also seen in the seismicity distribution and in the overall geological structure of the Corinth Rift. We discuss this evidence and the inference of a deep detachment zone, a structure where the major faults seen at the surface appear to root. A large part of the microseismic activity appears to cluster in regions near the junctions of the main faults with the proposed detachment zone. This feature of the microseismicity is interpreted in terms of stress transfer and stress concentration in regions of probable nucleation of future large earthquakes.}
Koutsilieris M, Dimopoulos MA, Doillon C, Sourla A, Reyes-Moreno C, Choki I. The molecular concept of prostate cancer. Cancer Journal [Internet]. 1996;9(2):89 - 94. WebsiteAbstract
This is a brief presentation of the emerging molecular concept of prostate cancer as regards the diagnosis and staging of the disease, analysis of tumour response to hormone-depletion therapy, and the cellular mechanisms that underly progression of the organ-confined tumour toward systemic dissemination and inevitable lethal disease.
Makropoulos K, Bernard P, Berge C, Briole P, Gomez J-M, Lyon-Caen H, Meyer B, Tiberi C, Rigo A, Hatzfeld D, et al. Ms=6.1 June 15, 1995 Aeghion earthquake. In: XXV ESC General Assembly. September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland: European Seismological Commission; 1996. 79_abstract_8-9.pdf
Stefanadis C, STRATOS C, Bahl VK, WASIR HS, Voudris V, Foussas S, Cokkinos D, Toutouzas P. Multicenter experience with retrograde nontransseptal balloon mitral valvuloplasty: Predictors for immediate and long-term outcome. In: Circulation. Vol. 94. AMER HEART ASSOC 7272 GREENVILLE AVENUE, DALLAS, TX 75231-4596; 1996. pp. 2153–2153.
Vassilakis E. Neotectonic regime of central Aetolo-Akarnania (western Greece). Faculty of Geology & Geoenvironment. 1996:91.
KASAPIDIS, P. PROVATIDOUMARAGOUVALAKOSSPE. Neue Daten ϋber die Herpetofauna von Lesbos ( Αgaische Inseln Griechenland) und einige biogeographische Bemerkungen ϋber die Inseln des nordostlichen agaischen Archipels. . SalamandraSalamandra. 1996;32:171-180.
Koussiouris TG, Skarpetis MG. New results concerning the solvability of Morgan's problem. Proc. of the Circuit, Systems and Computers. 1996.
Makropoulos K, Diagourtas D, Kassaras I, Kouskouna V, Papadimitriou P, Ziazia M. The November-December 1994 Lefkas (W. Greece) earthquake sequence: Results from in situ seismological survey. In: XXV ESC General Assembly. September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland: European Seismological Commission; 1996. 76_abstract_6-7.pdf
Makropoulos K, Diagourtas D, Kassaras I, Kouskouna V, Papadimitriou P, Ziazia M. The November-December 1994 Lefkas (W. Greece) earthquake sequence: Results from in situ seismological survey. First Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society [Internet]. 1996:10-11. Publisher's Version paper_45_balkan-1996.pdf
Poulos SE, Collins MB, Pattiaratchi C, Cramp A, Gull W, Tsimplis M, Papatheodorou G. Oceanography and sedimentation in the semi-enclosed, deep-water Gulf of Corinth (Greece). Marine Geology [Internet]. 1996;134:213-235. Website
Pavlakis EP. Onelio Jorge Cardoso en el cuento cubano. Mexico: Claves Latinoamericanas; 1996.
Burnetas AN, Katehakis MN. Optimal adaptive policies for sequential allocation problems. Advances in Applied Mathematics [Internet]. 1996;17:122-142. Website
Burnetas AN, Katehakis MN. Optimal adaptive policies for sequential allocation problems. Advances in Applied Mathematics [Internet]. 1996;17:122-142. WebsiteAbstract
Consider the problem of sequential sampling from m statistical populations to maximize the expected sum of outcomes in the long run. Under suitable assumptions on the unknown parameters θ= ∈ Θ, it is shown that there exists a class CR of adaptive policies with the following properties: (i) The expected n horizon reward Vπ0 n (θ=) under any policy π0 in CR is equal to nμ,*(η=) - M(θ=)log n + o(log n), as n → ∞, where μ*(θ=) is the largest population mean and M(θ=) is a constant. (ii) Policies in CR are asymptotically optimal within a larger class CUF of "uniformly fast convergent" policies in the sense that limn → ∞(nμ,*(θ=) - Vπ0 n (θ=))/ (nμ*(θ=) - Vπ n(θ=)) ≤ 1, for any π ∈ CUF and any θ= ∈ Θ such that M(θ=) > 0. Policies in CR are specified via easily computable indices, defined as unique solutions to dual problems that arise naturally from the functional form of M(θ=). In addition, the assumptions are verified for populations specified by nonparametric discrete univariate distributions with finite support. In the case of normal populations with unknown means and variances, we leave as an open problem the verification of one assumption. © 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Output feedback decoupling of linear systems with nonlinear uncertain structure. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 1996;333:625–629.
Papadopoulos IN, Boukis D, Katsaragakis S, Apostolakis A, Androulakis G, others. P-65 Preventable prehospital trauma deaths. Resuscitation. 1996;31:S37.
Cameron S, Dracopoulos MC. Parallel Implementation of the Virtual Springs Method. In: Final Workshop of the {H}azardous {E}nvironment {RO}botic{S} ({HEROS}) Network. Human Capital and Mobility Programme; 1996.
Dracopoulos MC, Glasgow C, Parrott AK, Simkin J. Parallel Performance Prediction for Finite Element Computations. 1996.
Dracopoulos MC. Parallelisation of {VF} Software: a Solver Directed Approach. 1996.
Drakopoulos S, Skaatun JD. Payment profiles when fringe benefits are durable public goods. DISCUSSION PAPER-UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS. 1996.
Abreu P, others. {Performance of the DELPHI detector}. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 1996;A378:57-100.
Hizanidis K, Frantzeskakis DJ, Polymilis C. Perturbed Manakov-Stackel system. In: Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism. ; 1996. Website
Japour AJ, Lertora JJ, Meehan PM, Erice A, Connor JD, Griffith BP, Clax PA, Holden-Wiltse J, Hussey S, Walesky M, et al. A Phase-I Study of the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Antiviral Activity of Combination Didanosine and Ribavirin in Patients with HIV-1 Disease. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes [Internet]. 1996;13(3):235-246. WebsiteAbstract
Summary: A phase-I study was conducted to examine the safety, pharmacokinetics, and activity of combination 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (ddI) and ribavirin against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-positive individuals with CD4+ cell counts of ≤500/μl. Nineteen patients were enrolled into the study in which ddI monotherapy (200 mg p.o. b.i.d.) was administered for the first 4 weeks, followed by the coadministration of ribavirin (600 mg p.o. q.d.) and ddI (200 mg p.o. b.i.d.) for 8 or 20 additional weeks. The combination regimen was safe and well tolerated. Three patients did not complete 12 weeks of the study because of adverse events or voluntary withdrawal. The pharmacokinetic studies performed at weeks 4, 6, and 12 on specimens collected from the 15 individuals who completed 12 weeks of therapy revealed no pharmacokinetic interaction between ddI and ribavirin. A significant decline from baseline in HIV-1 titer as measured by quantitative HIV-1 culture was detected both during the ddI-monotherapy phase (week 4, p < 0.001) and during the combination-therapy ddI + ribavirin phase (week 12, p < 0.001); the median drop observed was 0.90 log10 at week 4 and 0.92 log10 at week 12. While the addition of ribavirin did not result in further reductions in viremia in the following weeks on study treatment, 13 (81%) of the 16 patients had at least a -0.5 log10 change in viral titer at week 12. The median decline in plasma viral RNA was 0.68 log10 at week 4 (p < 0.001) and 0.67 log10 at week 12 (p = 0.005). CD4+ cell counts increased above baseline significantly during the ddI-monotherapy phase of the study (p = 0.0038). The median increase was +26 cells/mm3 at week 4 and +11 cells/mm3 at week 12; for patients who remained on treatment through 24 weeks, the median CD4+ cell count increase was +10 cells/mm3. The L74V ddI resistance-conferring HIV-1 reverse-transcriptase mutation emerged in 53% of the patients. Patients with non-syncytiuminducing HIV variants demonstrated greater responses to treatment with larger decreases in virus load and greater increases in CD4+ cell count. Our results reveal that the combination of ddI and ribavirin in HIV-positive patients is safe, well tolerated, without adverse pharmacologic interaction, and associated with significant and sustained declines in virus load over 12 weeks of therapy.
Dziembowska T, Guskos N, Typek J, Grech E, Likodimos V, Wabia M, Fuks H, Ramos J, Palios G, Kawecka J. Physico-chemical properties of Cu(II) complexes of bis-salicylidene-1,2-phenylenediamine and bis-(3,5-dichlorosalicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine. Polish Journal of Chemistry [Internet]. 1996;70:1425-1434. WebsiteAbstract
The powder samples of Cu(II) complexes of bis-salicylidene-1,2-phenylenediamine (complex I) and bis-(3,5-dichlorosalicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine (complex II) have been prepared and investigated by magnetic, IR, UV/VIS and EPR methods. From IR similar chemical structures for both complexes have been proposed. The electronic spectra support the square-planar geometry of both complexes. Magnetic susceptibility of complex I has shown typical paramagnetic behaviour for spin S = 1/2 with some ferromagnetic interaction, but no ferromagnetic order down to 1.7 K. The observed EPR spectra for both complexes are dominated by resonances arising from coupled pairs of copper ions in the temperature range investigated.
The Christmas present of peace
. 1996.
Abreu P, others. {A Precise measurement of the tau lepton lifetime}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B365:448-460.
Gregoriou O, Vitoratos N, Papadias C, Konidaris S, Gargaropoulos A, Rizos D. Pregnancy rates in gonadotrophin stimulated cycles with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination for the treatment of male subfertility. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 1996;64(2):213 - 216.Abstract
Objective: To compare the pregnancy rates achieved by intrauterine insemination or timed intercourse in gonadotrophin stimulated cycles in couples whose only detectable abnormality was poor sperm quality. Design: Sixty-two couples with primary or secondary infertility due to male factor entered the study. The 62 couples were randomly equally divided into two groups. Each group began one of the two treatment modalities (controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in conjunction with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination) for three consecutive cycles and then switched to the alternative treatment after one rest cycle, if pregnancy was not achieved. Results: Five pregnancies (3.9%) were achieved after 128 cycles with timed intercourse and 15 pregnancies (11.5%) after 130 cycles with intrauterine insemination. The difference was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: We suggest that intrauterine insemination during hMG stimulated cycles improves the pregnancy rates of couples whose only detectable abnormality is poor sperm quality.
Mantzavinos T, Dimitriadou F, Kanakas N, Rizos D, Arvaniti K, Voutsina K. Pregnancy results after ovum donation following one to seven embryo transfers. Fertility and Sterility. 1996;66(5):765 - 768.Abstract
Objective: To determine whether failure to achieve pregnancy after repeated ET after ovum donation was due to an endometrial defect or to the embryo quality. Design: Retrospective data analysis. Setting: A private infertility center. Patient(s): Four hundred sixty-seven donors (513 cycles) undergoing IVF donating oocytes to 266 recipients (423 cycles). Intervention(s): Hormonal endometrial preparation with increasing dosages of valerate E2 (2, 4, and 6 mg) and 100 mg of P. Main Outcome Measure(s): Pregnancy rates (PRs) and abortion rates in patients undergoing one to seven ETs after ovum donation. Result(s): Pregnancy rates in recipients that had one or two ETs were significantly higher (34.8%) compared with those of recipients having three or more ETs (15.1%). Abortion rates were significantly higher (54.5%) in recipients repeating more than three ETs than in the recipients having one or two ETs (29.1%). Conclusion(s): Recipients that had failed to establish a pregnancy after two ETs had a lower PR in successive attempts, possibly because of a defect of their endometrial lining.
Papadopoulos IN, Palgimesi N, Boukis D, Katsaragakis S, Apostolakis A, Androulakis G. Preventable prehospital trauma deaths. Resuscitation. 1996;3:S37.
Papadopoulos IN, Bukis D, Karalas E, Katsaragakis S, Stergiopoulos S, Peros G, Androulakis G. Preventable prehospital trauma deaths in a Hellenic urban health region: an audit of prehospital trauma care. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 1996;41:864–869.
Papadopoulos IN, Bukis D, Karalas E, Katsaragakis S, Stergiopoulos S, Peros G, Androulakis G. Preventable prehospital trauma deaths in a hellenic urban health region: An audit of prehospital trauma care. Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care. 1996;41:864-869.
Papadopoulos IN, Bukis D, Karalas E, Katsaragakis S, Stergiopoulos S, Peros G, Androulakis G. Preventable prehospital trauma deaths in a hellenic urban health region: An audit of prehospital trauma care. Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care [Internet]. 1996;41:864-869. Website
Dimopoulos MA, Moulopoulos LA, Costantinides C, Deliveliotis C, Pantazopoulos D, Dimopoulos C. Primary renal lymphoma: A clinical and radiological study. Journal of Urology [Internet]. 1996;155(6):1865 - 1867. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: We assessed the incidence, clinical and radiological features, and prognosis of patients with renal lymphoma. Materials and Methods: We studied 210 patients with symptoms, signs and radiological findings suggestive of renal cell carcinoma. Results: Final diagnosis in 6 of 210 patients (3%) was primary renal lymphoma. Radiological features were similar to those of renal cell carcinoma. Five of the 6 patients had an International Prognostic Index score of greater than 1. Despite appropriate chemotherapy, only 2 patients remain with complete remission. Conclusions: Primary renal lymphoma is unusual but not rare. The relatively poor prognosis in our patients could be attributed to the adverse prognostic factors associated with aggressive nodal lymphomas.
Mazis I. The Principles of Geopolitics and the Case of the Greek Space in South-Eastern Mediterranean. Archives of Economic History. 1996;VII(1-2):93-107.Abstract
The geopolitical approach is imposed neither by legal superstructures and international organizations nor through -willingly or unwillingly- inapplicable moral exhortations. The geopolitical approaches are dominated only by one point: the logic of power of the international ruling social and economic cores. Unfortunately, the results of the geopolitically stronger actions are “legalized” -after they have been established- by the legal decisions or the international organizations. There are many relevant examples.
Bednarek W, Kirk JG, Mastichiadis A. Production of gamma-rays by inverse Compton scattering in jets. [Internet]. 1996;120:571 - 574. WebsiteAbstract
We discuss a model for the γ-ray production in blazars in which electrons are accelerated rectilinearly in localised regions of the jet, scattering soft radiation from the accretion disk. In our model the jet divides naturally into two zones. In the `radiation dominated zone' (close to the disk), the acceleration of electrons is balanced by inverse Compton losses in the Thomson regime and energy is efficiently transferred into the γ-rays. The γ-ray spectral slope is determined by the electric field profile along the jet. In the `particle dominated zone' (further from the disk) the electron losses are too low to balance acceleration and the electrons are injected into the jet with energies corresponding to the full potential drop in the acceleration region. We suggest that these electrons are then isotropised by the random component of the magnetic field of the jet and cool mainly by synchrotron losses. In the framework of our model we predict further that Galactic black hole candidates might be sources of γ-radiation; in this case, however, we do not expect emission above 10GeV.
Adam W, others. {Production of SIGMA0 and OMEGA- in Z decays}. Z. Phys. 1996;C70:371-382.
Bednarek W, Kirk JG, Mastichiadis A. On the production of very high energy beamed gamma-rays in blazars. [Internet]. 1996;307:L17. WebsiteAbstract
The variable flux of TeV gamma-rays detected from Mkn 421 and Mkn 501 requires the presence of high energy electrons, which could in principle produce large numbers of electron/positron pairs, leading to an electromagnetic cascade. We point out that this scenario can be avoided if electrons are accelerated to high energy rectilinearly, rather than being injected isotropically into a blob, as in most of the models of the GeV gamma-ray emission. By balancing linear acceleration by an electric field against inverse Compton losses in the radiation field of the accretion disk we calculate the emitted spectra and find the conditions which must be fulfilled in order to exclude the development of electromagnetic cascades during acceleration. Assuming these to be fulfilled, we show that the maximum possible photon energy is approximately 10M_8_^2/5^TeV, where M_8_ is the mass of the central black hole in units of 10^8^Msun_. In addition we compute the optical depth to absorption of TeV photons on a possible isotropic scattered component and on the observed nonthermal radiation (in the case of Mkn 421) and find that TeV photons can escape provided the nonthermal X-rays originate in a jet moving with a Lorentz factor γ_b_>8.
Moustakas AL, Fisher DS. Prospects for non-Fermi-liquid behavior of a two-level impurity in a metal. Physical Review B. 1996;53:4300-4315.
Mavrikakis M, Vaiopoulos G, Athanassiades P, Antoniades L, Papamichael C, Dimopoulos MA. Pseudohyperphosphatemia in multiple myeloma [10]. American Journal of Hematology [Internet]. 1996;51(2):178 - 179. Website
Ioannides KG, Mertzimekis TJ, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Kirikopoulos I. Radiocesium sorption-desorption processes in lake sediments. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 1996;208:549–557.Abstract
The kinetics of radiocesium sorption and desorption by cation solutions and the corresponding radiocesium distribution profiles in sediment cores were investigated. The results have shown that a significant percentage of radiocesium is adsorbed in the sediments during the first 3 d. Radiocesium reaches rapidly (< than 5 d) at a depth which does not exceed 3.5 cm. The desorption of radiocesium was found to depend on cation concentrations. Empirical laws are derived both for cesium adsorption and desorption.
Stratikos E, Alberdi E, Gettins PGW, Becerra SP. Recombinant human pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF): Characterization of PEDF overexpressed and secreted by eukaryotic cells. Protein Science [Internet]. 1996;5:2575-2582. Website
Ioannides KG, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Mertzimekis TJ, Mantzios AS, Nicolaou E, Pappas CP. Reduction of cesium concentration in ovine tissues following treatment with Prussian Blue labeled with $^{59}$Fe. Health Phys. 1996;71:713.
Taira M, Boline J, Smyrnis N, Georgopoulos AP, Ashe J. On the relations between single cell activity in the motor cortex and the direction and magnitude of three-dimensional static isometric force. Experimental brain research. 1996;109:367–376.
Arabatzis T. Rethinking the 'Discovery' of the Electron. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics [Internet]. 1996;27(4):405-435. Publisher's Version 1996a
Tzafestas SG, Tzamtzi MP, Rigatos GG. Robust control and motion design for mobile robots in a time-varying environment. In: CESA'96 IMACS Multiconference: computational engineering in systems applications. ; 1996. pp. 706–711.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Robust disturbance rejection for left invertible systems with measurable and nonmeasurable disturbances. 1996.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Robust exact model matching via PD feedback with application to DC servo motor. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems. Vol. 1. IEEE; 1996. pp. 602–605.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Robust exact model matching with simultaneous robust disturbance rejection. In: Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium ROCOND. Vol. 96. ; 1996. pp. 399–404.
Skarpetis MG, Koumboulis FN. Robust manoeuvres for the lateral motion of an aircraft. 1996.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG, Mertzios BG. Robustness of Multirate Filters Banks. In: Proceedings IWISP'96. Elsevier; 1996. pp. 493–496.
Cokkinos DV, Athanassopoulos G, Karatassakis G. Role of myocardial viability in the improvement of cardiac function after revascularization. Heart Failure Reviews. 1996;1:105–113.
Lekkas EL, Kranis CD, Fountoulis IG, Lozios SG, Adamopoulou EI. School Buildings and Antiseismic Planning. The example of Grevena-Kozani earthquake (W. Macedonia, Greece) of May 13, 1995. 1996.
Adam W, others. {Search for anomalous production of single photons at $\sqrt{s}$ = 130-GeV and 136-GeV}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B380:471-479.
Abreu P, others. {Search for exclusive decays of the LAMBDA(b) baryon and measurement of its mass}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B374:351-361.
Abreu P, others. {Search for high mass gamma gamma resonances in e+ e –-> lepton+ lepton- gamma gamma, neutrino anti-neutrino gamma gamma and q anti-q gamma gamma at LEP-1}. Z. Phys. 1996;C72:179-190.
Abreu P, others. {Search for neutralinos, scalar leptons and scalar quarks in e+ e- interactions at s**(1/2) = 130-GeV and 136-GeV.}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B387:651-666.
Adam W, others. {Search for pair production of heavy objects in 4 jet events at s**(1/2) = 130-GeV - 136-GeV}. Z. Phys. 1996;C73:1-9.
Abreu P, others. {Search for promptly produced heavy quarkonium states in hadronic Z decays}. Z. Phys. 1996;C69:575-584.
Abreu P, others. {Search for the lightest chargino at s**(1/2) = 130-GeV and 136-GeV in DELPHI}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B382:323-336.
Lekkas E, Kranis H, Leounakis M, Stylianos P. The seismotectonic setting of the Kobe area (Japan)-the concomitant geodynamic phenomena of the Hanshin earthquake (17 January 1995). Advances in Earthquake Engineering-The Kobe Earthquake: Geodynamical Aspects. 1996:1-16.
Frantzeskakis DJ. Small-amplitude solitary structures for an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General [Internet]. 1996;29:3631-3639. Website
Papadimitriou P, Makropoulos K, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Drakopoulos J. The CORNET permanent digital telemetry network. First Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society [Internet]. 1996:490-491. Publisher's Version E01_1996_Balcan_Cornet.pdf
Papadimitriou P, Makropoulos K, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Drakopoulos J. The CORNET permanent digital telemetry network. First Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society [Internet]. 1996:490-491. Publisher's Version E01_1996_Balcan_Cornet.pdf
Lekkas EL, Lozios SG, Fountoulis IG, Kranis CD, Adamopoulou EI. Spatial Distribution of damage caused by the Grevena-Kozani earthquake (W. Macedonia, Greece) of May 13, 1995. 1996.
Frantzeskakis DJ, Nistazakis E, Hizanidis K. Spectral analysis of solitary wave propagation near the zero dispersion point. In: Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism. ; 1996. Website
Frantzeskakis DJ, Nistazakis E, Hizanidis K. Spectral analysis of solitary wave propagation near the zero dispersion point. In: Trans Black Sea Region Symposium on Applied Electromagnetism. ; 1996. Website
Titarchuk L, Mastichiadis A, Kylafis ND. Spherical accretion onto neutron stars and black holes. [Internet]. 1996;120:171 - 174. WebsiteAbstract
Spectral formation in steady state, spherical accretion onto neutron stars and black holes is examined by solving numerically and analytically the equation of radiative transfer. The photons escape diffusively and their energy gains come from their scattering off thermal electrons in the converging flow of the accreting gas. We show that the bulk motion of the flow is more efficient in upscattering photons than thermal Comptonization in the range of non-relativistic electron temperatures. The spectrum observed at infinity is a power law with an exponential turnover at energies of order of the electron rest mass. Especially in the case of accretion into a black hole, the spectral energy power-law index is distributed around 1.5. Because bulk motion near the horizon (1-5 Schwarzschild radii) is most likely a necessary characteristic of accretion into a black hole, we claim that observations of an extended power law up to about m_e_c^2^, formed as a result of bulk motion Comptonization, is a real observational evidence for the existence of an underlying black hole.
Maragou P, Valakos ED, Giannopoulos Z, Stavropoulou A, Chondropoulos B. Spring aspect of feeding ecology in Podarcis peloponnesiaca (Bibron & Bory, 1933). HerpetozoaHerpetozoa. 1996;9:105-110.Abstract
The stomach contents of 108 specimens of Podarcis peloponnesiaca (BlBRON & BORY, 1833) were examined and the results of the analysis are discussed together with prey availability data. The animals were sampled during the spring months March to May when the activity of the lizards and their prey is at its peak. According to the results of the present study, P. peloponnesiaca feeds mainly on arthropods. Imaginai Coleoptera, Diptera, insect larvae, and spiders were the most frequently encountered prey in the lizard's environment. The same taxa were found to be numerically predominant in the stomachs of P. peloponnesiaca.
Koumboulis FN, Skarpetis MG. Static controllers for magnetic suspension and balance systems. IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications. 1996;143:338–348.
Cokkinos DV. Strength training may be a valuable adjunct to dynamic exercise rehabilitation. 1996.
Giannopoulos A. A proportional Dvoretzky-Rogers factorisation result. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society [Internet]. 1996;124:233-241. Publisher's Version
Mavromoustakos T, Theodoropoulou E, Papahatjis D, Kourouli T, Yang D-P, Trumbore M, Makriyannis A. Studies on the thermotropic effects of cannabinoids on phosphatidylcholine bilayers using differential scanning calorimetry and small angle X-ray diffraction. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes [Internet]. 1996;1281(2):235 - 244. Website
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Mildvan D, Bassiakos Y, Zucker ML, Hyslop Jr N, Krown SE, Sacks HS, Zachary J, Paredes J, Fessel WJ, Rhame F, et al. Synergy, activity and tolerability of zidovudine and interferon-alpha in patients with symptomatic HIV-1 infection: AIDS Clincal Trial Group 068. Antiviral therapy. 1996;1:77–88.
Panagiotopoulos D, Matsoukas JM, Alexopoulos K, Zebeki A, Mavromoustakos T, Saifeddine M, Hollenberg MD. Synthesis and activities of cyclic thrombin-receptor-derived peptide analogues of the Ser42-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg46 motif sequence containing D-Phe and/or D-Arg. Letters in Peptide Science [Internet]. 1996;3(4):233 - 240. Website
Matsoukas JM, Panagiotopoulos D, Keramida M, Mavromoustakos T, Yamdagni R, Wu Q, Moore GJ, Saifeddine M, Hollenberg MD. Synthesis and contractile activities of cyclic thrombin receptor- derived peptide analogues with a Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg motif: Importance of the Phe/Arg relative conformation and the primary amino group for activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry [Internet]. 1996;39(18):3585 - 3591. Website
Koufaki M, Calogeropoulou T, Mavromoustakos T, Theodoropoulou E, Tsotinis A, Makriyannis A. Synthesis of 2H-labeled alkoxyethyl phosphodiester (AZT) derivatives for solid-state 2H-NMR studies. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry [Internet]. 1996;33(3):619 - 622. Website
Mastichiadis A, de Jager OC. TeV emission from SN 1006. [Internet]. 1996;311:L5 - L8. WebsiteAbstract
Supernova 1006 is the first shell type supernova remnant to show evidence of particle acceleration to TeV energies. In the present paper we examine this possibility by modeling the observed X-ray non-thermal emission in terms of synchrotron radiation from Fermi accelerated electrons. The predicted synchrotron spectrum fits the radio and non-thermal component of the observed soft X-ray to hard X-ray emission quite well. These particles can produce TeV gamma rays by inverse Compton scattering on the microwave radiation and other ambient fields, and the derived electron distribution is also used to calculate the expected inverse Compton flux. We find that if the remnant is characterised by a magnetic field strength lower than ~7yG, then the TeV flux can be higher than that of the Crab Nebula. About 75% of the TeV emission from SN 1006 is expected to be concentrated in the synchrotron bright NE and SW rims (the "hard aegis") of the remnant, which would allow a sensitive search if the Atmospheric Imaging Cherenkov Technique is used.
Manolis AS, Melita-Manolis H, Vassilikos V, Maounis T, Chiladakis J, Christopoulou-Cokkinou V, Cokkinos DV. Thrombogenicity of radiofrequency lesions: results with serial D-dimer determinations. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 1996;28:1257–1261.
Mavromoustakos T, Yang D-P, Makriyannis A. Topography and thermotropic properties of cannabinoids in brain sphingomyelin bilayers. Life Sciences [Internet]. 1996;59(23):1969 - 1979. Website
Argyres EN, Lahanas AB, Papadopoulos CG, Spanos VC. {Trilinear gauge boson couplings in the MSSM}. Phys. Lett. B. 1996;383:63–77.
Argyres EN, Lahanas AB, Papadopoulos CG, Spanos VC. {Trilinear gauge boson couplings in the MSSM}. Phys.Lett. 1996;B383:63-77.
Gounaris G, others. {Triple gauge boson couplings}. In: {AGS / RHIC Users Annual Meeting}. ; 1996.
Gounaris G, others. {Triple gauge boson couplings}. In: {AGS / RHIC Users Annual Meeting Upton, New York, June 15-16, 1995}. ; 1996. pp. 525-576.
Gounaris G, Kneur JL, Zeppenfeld D, Ajaltouni Z, Arhrib A, others. {Triple gauge boson couplings}. 1996.
Abreu P, others. {Tuning and test of fragmentation models based on identified particles and precision event shape data}. Z. Phys. 1996;C73:11-60.
Christofides C, Diakonos F, Seas A, Christou C, Nestoros M, Mandelis A. Two-layer model for photomodulated thermoreflectance of semiconductor wafers. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 1996;80(3):1713 - 1725.
Abreu P, others. {Updated precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B377:195-204.
Abreu P, others. {An Upper limit for Br (Z0 –-> g g g) from symmetric three jet Z0 hadronic decays}. Phys. Lett. 1996;B389:405-415.
Theodoropoulou E, Mavromoustakos T, Byza A. Use of DSC to study the thermotropic properties of octyl-, decyl-, and dodecyl-bromine salts of quaternary dimethylamino-adamantanol in pure or complex form with β-cyclodextrin in DPPC bilayers. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes [Internet]. 1996;14(2):113 - 119. Website
Morgan D, Hatzidimitriou D. VizieR Online Data Catalog: A survey of carbon stars in the SMC (Morgan+, 1995). [Internet]. 1996:J/A+AS/113/539. WebsiteAbstract
A survey of carbon stars in the outer parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud has been completed; the candidate objects were identified by inspecting UK Schmidt Telescope objective-prism plates which cover a total area of ~220 sq deg on the sky, including the inter-Cloud region. Co-ordinates are given for 1185 newly identified carbon stars. (1 data file).
Hatzidimitriou D, Croke BF, Morgan DH, Cannon RD. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Kinematics of SMC carbon stars (Hatzidimitriou+ 1997). [Internet]. 1996:J/A+AS/122/507. WebsiteAbstract
We present a radial velocity survey of a sample of the field population of carbon stars in the outer parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This first set of results includes radial velocities for 71 carbon stars, with an individual precision of +/-2-5km/s. The mean heliocentric velocity of the stars (excluding one very high velocity star) is 149.3+/-3.0km/s with a velocity dispersion of 25.2+/-2.1km/s. These values drop to 145.5+/-2.7km/s and 20.6+/-1.9km/s respectively, if we exclude the stars belonging to the Outer Wing. The velocity distribution does not show the multiple peaks seen in some samples of Population I objects. The mass of the SMC as inferred from the above velocity dispersion (without the outer Wing stars) is =~1.2x109M☉. (2 data files).
Poulos SE, Collins M, Evans G. Water-sediment fluxes of Greek rivers, southeastern Alpine Europe: Annual yields, seasonal variability, delta formation and human impact. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie [Internet]. 1996;40:243-261. Website
Poulos SE, Collins MB, Evans G. {Water-sediment fluxes of Greek rivers, Southeastern Alpine Europe: annual yields, seasonal variability, delta formation and human impact}. Z. Geomorph. N.R. 1996;40:243–261.
Economou A, Fielden PR, Packham AJ. Wiener filtering of electroanalytical data by means of fast Fourier transform. Analytica chimica actaAnalytica Chimica Acta. 1996;319:3-12.
Γαλανάκη Ε, Μπεζεβέγκης ΗΓ. Αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων της καθημερινής ζωής: Η περίπτωση της παιδικής μοναξιάς. Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society [Internet]. 1996;3(2):72-84. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study was part of a broader research prograrn of the first author concerning loneliness and coping behaviour in childhood. We attempted to explore children's definitions of loneliness as well as the kind and frequency of coping strategies children employ in order to deal with loneliness. 238 4th- and 6th-grade pupils answered the questions: 'What is loneliness?' and 'When you feel lonely, what do you do in order to stop feeling that way?'. Children defined loneliness as the sad feeling caused by the absence of friends and by peer rejection. Children used various coping strategies, including seeking the companionship of important others (e.g., parents, siblings, grandparents, peers, pets); solitary play; indoor and outdoor activities (e.g., television, video games, sports); cognitive strategies (e.g., attempt to forget this feeling, attempt to improve oneself in order to find friends and not being rejected by peers); and passive ways of coping (e.g., doing nothing, crying, going to sleep). The two most frequent strategies were seeking companionship in peers and watching television. Results are discussed in terms of age and gender differences and of their relevance to coping taxonomies known from relevant literature.
Πετράκης Παναγιώτης. Επενδυτικά κίνητρα για τις Μ.Μ.Ε. : Μελέτες εφαρμοσμένης οικονομικής πολιτικής.; 1996.
Πετράκης Παναγιώτης. Επιχειρηματικότητα και ανάπτυξη.; 1996.
Nikolaou K. Η εικόνα του Κρούμου: Εικόνα των «κακοφρόνων» Βουλγάρων. Byzantina Symmeikta. 1996;10:269-282.
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Η Ελληνοβουδιστική Τέχνη. Έλληνες και Φιλέλληνες. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ, τεύχος 6, Αυγ. 1993, σελ. 48-50. 1996;(τεύχος 6):48-50.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). Η Ελληνοβουδιστική Τέχνη. Έλληνες και Φιλέλληνες. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ, τεύχος 6, Αυγ. 1993, σελ. 48-50.
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Η "Λύρα" του Αιγαίου. Η λυρική ποίηση 'γεννήθηκε' στο Αιγαίο. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt., ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ, τεύχος 38, 15 Αυγ.-15 Σεπτ. 1996: 75-76. 1996;(τεύχος 38):75-76.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). Η "Λύρα" του Αιγαίου. Η λυρική ποίηση 'γεννήθηκε' στο Αιγαίο. Οι πρώτοι μεγάλοι Έλληνες λυρικοί ποιητές. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt., ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ, τεύχος 38, 15 Αυγ.-15 Σεπτ. 1996: 75-76.  
Καμπέρίδου Ειρήνη. Η Ναυπηγική του Αιγαίου, Έλληνες, οι μεγαλοφυέστεροι κατασκευαστές πλοίων: «ο άνθρωπος του Αιγαίου» και οι πρώτες θαλασσοκρατορίες. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ, τεύχος 40, 15 Οκτ-15 Νοεμ. 1996, σελ. 66-68. 1996;(τεύχος 40):66-68.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). Η Ναυπηγική του Αιγαίου, Έλληνες, οι μεγαλοφυέστεροι κατασκευαστές πλοίων: «ο άνθρωπος του Αιγαίου» και οι  πρώτες θαλασσοκρατορίες. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ, τεύχος 40, 15 Οκτ-15 Νοεμ. 1996, σελ. 66-68.
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. «Ομολογώ», Καταστροφή Ελληνικών Αρχαιοτήτων (Hughes 1820): Η Συλλεκτική Μανία των Ευρωπαίων. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ- GRAMMA, Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ, τεύχος 35, 15 Μαίου -15 Ιουνίου 1996, σελ. 72-75. 1996;(τεύχος 35):72-75.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). «Ομολογώ», Καταστροφή Ελληνικών Αρχαιοτήτων (Hughes 1820): Η Συλλεκτική Μανία των Ευρωπαίων. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ- GRAMMA,  Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΕΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ, τεύχος 35, 15 Μαίου-15Ιουνίου 1996, σελ. 72-75.
Πετράκης Παναγιώτης, Giddy IH, Βενεκές Κωνσταντίν, Κουφόπουλος Κωνσταντίν. Παγκόσμιες χρηματοπιστωτικές αγορές.; 1996.
Φανάρας Βασίλειος. «Προς Βιολογική Αθανασία;». περιοδικό Κοινωνικές Τομές. 1996;79:418-419.Abstract
Το άρθρο σχολιάζει τη δυνατότητα λήψης σπέρματος από σπερματίδες, δηλαδή πρώιμου και μη δημιουργημένου σπέρματος για χρήση στην εξωσωματική γονιμοποίηση. Το γεγονός αυτό στάθηκε η αφορμή για τη συγγραφή της σύντομης αυτής αναφοράς, στην οποία περιγράφεται η δυνατότητα να μεταβιβάζονται διηνεκώς τα γονίδια των στείρων ανδρών,  επιβαρύνοντας έτσι το γενετικό φορτίο των επόμενων γενεών.
Αραμπατζής Θ. Σκέψεις για την ιστοριογραφία των επιστημονικών ανακαλύψεων: η περίπτωση του ηλεκτρονίου. Νεύσις [Internet]. 1996;5:33-53. Publisher's Version 1996b
Πετράκης Παναγιώτης, Αλεξάκης Παναγιώτης. Συγκριτική ανάλυση των εγχώριων, αλλοδαπών και των τεχνολογικά διασυνδεμένων επιχειρήσεων στην ελληνική βιομηχανία.; 1996.
Καμπερίδου Είρήνη. Τα υποδήματα των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων. Υποδηματοποιεία, τόποι συνάντησης. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. Τέυχος 32, 15 Ιαν.-15 Φεβρ. 1996, σελ. 68-71. 1996;(τεύχος 32):68-71.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). Τα υποδήματα των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων. Υποδηματοποιεία τόποι συνάντησης. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. Τέυχος 32, 15 Ιαν.-15 Φεβρ. 1996, σελ. 68-71.
Τάσεις του ορθόδοξου μοναχισμού 9ος-20ός αιώνες / Trends in Orthodox Monasticism 9th–20th Centuries. (Nikolaou K). Αθήνα: Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών / Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών - Tο Βυζάντιο σήμερα 1; 1996.Abstract
Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συμποσίου που διοργανώθηκε στα πλαίσια του Προγράμματος «Οι δρόμοι του ορθόδοξου μοναχισμού: Πορευθέντες μάθετε». Θεσσαλονίκη, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου - 2 Οκτωβρίου 1994.Proceedings of the International Symposium Organised within the Programme «The Routes of Orthodox Monasticism: Go ye and learn
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Το Ελληνικό Κόσμημα. Έργο Τέχνης με Ιστορία και Παράδοση. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. Τεύχος 33, 15 Φεβρ.-15 Μαρτίου 1996, σελ. 70-75. 1996;(τεύχος 33):70-75.Abstract
Χρήση παραπομπής/ When citing: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (1996). Το Ελληνικό Κόσμημα. Έργο Τέχνης με Ιστορία και Παράδοση. ΓΡΑΜΜΑ-GRAMMA Griechische Zeitschrift fur Deutschland und Europa. Attika Press, Frankfurt. Τεύχος 33, 15 Φεβρ.-15 Μαρτίου 1996., σελ. 70-75.
Φανάρας Βασίλειος. «Το πρόβλημα των δανεικών μητέρων (SURROGATE MOTHERS), (Με Αφορμή την προβολή της ταινίας ΤΗΕ ΒΑΒΥ MAKER), Μια αδρή ψηλάφηση του προβλήματος». περιοδικό Κοινωνικές Τομές. 1996;74:182-183.Abstract
Στο σύντομο αυτό άρθρο σχολιάζεται το θέμα των δανεικών μητέρων, πριν από την τελική διαμόρφωση άποψης για το πρόβλημα στη διδακτορική διατριβή, με αφορμή την προβολή σχετικής ταινίας στην τηλεόραση. Συγκεκριμένα, εκφέρουμε θετική γνώμη για την περίπτωση εγκυμοσύνης εμβρύου από συγγενικό ή φιλικό πρόσωπο, δίχως συναλλαγές και ανταλλάγματα, όταν η μητέρα-σύζυγο δεν δύναται να κυοφορήσει. Ωστόσο, στη συνέχεια η θέση μας για το θέμα αυτό είναι περισσότερο κριτική και διατηρούμε επιφυλάξεις, οι οποίες αναπτύσσονται στη διδακτορική διατριβή.
Γαλανάκη Ε. Το "φανταστικό ακροατήριο" και ο "προσωπικός μύθος": Μια πρώτη διερευνητική προσέγγιση των δύο εκδηλώσεων του εφηβικού εγωκεντρισμού. Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society [Internet]. 1996;3(3):1-19. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The aim of the present study was to assess the two main forms of adolescent egocentrism, the imaginary audience and the personal fable phenomenon, in Greek adolescents. Piaget defined adolescent egocentrism as a differentiation failure, a negative by-product of the newly acquired formal operational abilities. Elkind stated that adolescents often believe that they are the focus of attention and act as if they are performing in front of an audience (imaginary audience). They also feel special/unique, omnipotent and invulnerable (personal fable). The Greek adaptations of Lapsley's New Imaginary Audience Scale and New Personal Fable Scale were administered to 783 14-18-year-old adolescents from Athens and semi-rural areas of Greece. The New Imaginary Audience Scale was a highly reliable measure, whereas the New Personal Fable Scale had a lower, though adequate, reliability. Factor analyses showed that the imaginary audience consisted of several factors, the most important of which were, among the 14-16-year-old adolescents, leadership abilities, physical strength, material possessions and, among the 16-18 year-old adolescents, physical appearance, relationships with the opposite sex, and leadership abilities. The distinction among the three dimensions of the personal fable was confirmed in general. Both the imaginary audience and the personal fable decreased significantly with age. Boys had significantly higher personal fable scores than girls. Adolescents from semi-rural areas had significantly higher imaginary audience and personal fable scores than those living in Athens. The necessity to assess adolescent egocentrism, a developmental phenomenon that explains various adolescent behaviours, within a multidimensional framework is discussed.
Μπελέζος Κωνσταντίν. Τό Ὑπόμνημα τοῦ Οἰκουμενίου στήν Ἀποκάλυψη τοῦ Ἰωάννου (Ἱστορική καί ἑρμηνευτική προσέγγιση) . 1996.