Large positive magnetoresistance in nonstoichiometric NiMnSb thin films on silicon


Branford WR, Clowes SK, Syed MH, Bugoslavsky YV, Gardelis S, Androulakis J, Giapintzakis J, Grigorescu CEA, Berenov AV, Roy SB, et al. Large positive magnetoresistance in nonstoichiometric NiMnSb thin films on silicon. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2004;84:2358-2360.


The transport properties of pulsed-laser-deposited NiMnSb films on silicon as a function of film thickness were discussed. It was found that a low-temperature upturn was observed in the resistivity for film thicknesses of 130 nm and below. It was observed that as the film thickness decreased, the magnitude of both the resistivity upturn and the magnetoresistance increased. Analysis shows that the evolution of the field dependence of the magnetoresistance appeared similar to the silver chalcogenides and was indicative of a crossover from hole-dominated to electron-dominated transport as the temperature increased.


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