Publications by Year: 2016

Критический Текст Нового Завета: Православная Перспектива
Karakolis, Christos. “Критический Текст Нового Завета: Православная Перспектива”. In СОВРЕМЕННАЯ БИБЛЕИСТИКА И ПРЕДАНИЕ ЦЕРКВИ: Μатериалы VII еждународной богословской конференции усской равославной Церкви: Μосква, 26–28 ноября 2013, 171-184. Moscow: SS Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate Studies, 2016. Publisher's Version
Τα καινοδιαθηκικά υπομνήματα του Π. Τρεμπέλα
Καρακόλης, Χρήστος. “Τα καινοδιαθηκικά υπομνήματα του Π. Τρεμπέλα”. In Παναγιώτης Ν. Τρεμπέλας: Μεταξύ παράδοσης και ανανέωσης, μεταξύ επιστήμης και ιεραποστολής, 71-83. Βόλος: Εκδοτική Δημητριάδος, 2016. Publisher's Version
The Relationship between the Septuagint and the Hebrew Bible in Origen's Exegesis: The Example of Isaiah 7:14
Karakolis, Christos. “The Relationship between the Septuagint and the Hebrew Bible in Origen's Exegesis: The Example of Isaiah 7:14”. In Studies in Orthodox Hermeneutics: A Festschrift in Honor of Theodore G. Stylianopoulos, 95–104. Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2016. Publisher's Version
The Mother of Jesus in the Gospel according to John: A Narrative-Critical and Theological Perspective
This study attempts to analyse the narrative function and the theological significance of Jesus’ mother for the overall theology of the fourth gospel, mainly based on the exegetical method of narrative criticism.In the first part, the problem of the anonymity of Jesus’ mother in juxtapposition with the anonymity of the beloved disciple is dealt with. The second part consists of a detailed exegetical approach to the narrative of Jesus’ first sign in Cana within the Johannine narrative context as a whole. On this basis, in the third part a response to further relevant questions about the significance of Jesus’ mother according to the overall fourth gospel’s witness is attempted. The article is concluded with a summary of exegetical and theological positions, including a hypothesis about a possible Johannine background of the current Orthodox understanding of Theotokos.
The Logos-Concept and Dramatic Irony in the Fourth Gospel's Prologue and Narrative
Karakolis, Christos. “The Logos-Concept and Dramatic Irony in the Fourth Gospel's Prologue and Narrative”. In The Prologue of the Gospel of John: Its Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Contexts. Papers read at the Colloquium Ioanneum 2013, 139–156. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016. Publisher's Version
The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts: Personal Entity or Impersonal Power? A Synchronic Approach
Karakolis, Christos. “The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts: Personal Entity or Impersonal Power? A Synchronic Approach”. In The Holy Spirit and the Church according to the New Testament: Sixth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Belgrade, August 25 to 31, 2013, 88–109. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016. Publisher's Version