Modeling direct damages. Examples from Athens, Greece.


Karkani A, Evelpidou N, Vassilopoulos A. Modeling direct damages. Examples from Athens, Greece. In: SMARTeST Conference. Athens, Greece; 2012.

Date Presented:

27-28 September


In a changing environment, due to the changing climate and the rapid urbanization, the cities have to develop the ability to be resilient and adapt in the present and future development. Therefore, every element of the urban
environment has to be prepared and develop abilities, in order to face the future challenges, such as the floods. This paper focuses on a part of Kifissos drainage basin (Athens, Greece) in order to estimate and compare direct residential flood damages from different building types around Kifissos river. For the purposes of this study, FloReTo, a web-based tool was used. FloReTo is a web-based advisory system on mitigation measures on a micro-scale level, enabling tailored approach for the user’s own property data. As this paper deals with flood damages on a microscale-residential level, the data collected from the studied
buildings include information concerning the type of property, the conditions of the buildings (old, new, renovated, etc.), type of foundation, elevations of the floors, configuration of the basement (if they exist) and first floor with a
detailed description of the materials, the assets/property of the examined floors and finally information about the services of the building (electricity, heating, sewerage system). The comparison of the results of this model allows evaluating the predominant building types of the study area along with their preparedness and capacity to cope with the current and future challenges.