Publications by Year: 2023

Bessin Z, Jaud M, Letortu P, Vassilakis E, Evelpidou N, Costa C, Delacourt C. Smartphone Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry from a boat for Coastal Cliff Face Monitoring Compared with Pleiades Tri-Stereoscopic Imagery and Unmanned Aerial System Imagery. Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2023;15(15):3824. Publisher's Version
Mamou A, Evelpidou N, Zerefos S. Developing effective open and distance learning educational material in the context of resilient geo-heritage conservation: a case study at the Hellenic Open University. Innovating Higher Education Conference. 2023:21-26.
Evelpidou N, Ganas A, Karkani A, Spyrou E, Saitis G. Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Changes and Vertical GNSS Motions in the Gulf of Corinth: The Asymmetric Localization of Deformation Inside an Active Half-Graben. Geosciences [Internet]. 2023;13(11):329. Publisher's Version
Evelpidou N, Cartalis C, Karkani A, Saitis G, Philippopoulos K, Spyrou E. A GIS-Based Assessment of Flood Hazard through Track Records over the 1886-2022 Period in Greece. Climate [Internet]. 2023;11(11):226. Publisher's Version
Woodroffe C, Evelpidou N, Delgado-Fernandez I, Green D, Karkani A, Ciavola P. Coastal Systems: The Dynamic Interface Between Land and Sea. Research Directions, Challenges and Achievements of Modern Geography [Internet]. 2023:207-228. Publisher's Version
Scott H, Saitis G, Evelpidou N, Karkani A, Karatzas N, Papanis P. A small, Earthquake-Triggered Submarine Landslide at Gialtra, North Euboean Gulf, Greece. In: ; 2023. Publisher's Version
Spyrou E, Evelpidou N, Saitis G. Vulnerability of the Coastal Zone of Western Naxos to Sea Level Rise. 7th Panhellenic Conference “Naxos throughout time”. 2023.
Evelpidou N, Spyrou E, Saitis G, Maroukian H. The Future of the Wetlands of Naxos. 7th Panhellenic Conference “Naxos throughout time”. 2023.
Evelpidou N, Spyrou E, Saitis G, Karkani A. Inventory and Evaluation of the Geomorphological Monuments of the Island of Naxos. 7th Panhellenic Conference “Naxos throughout time”. 2023.
Evelpidou N, Kapiri M-S, Spyrou E, Saitis G, Petropoulos A, Karkani A. Study of Coastal Erosion at Alyko, Naxos. 7th Panhellenic Conference “Naxos throughout time”. 2023.
Kotsakis T, Evelpidou N, Stamatakis M, Lykouropoulos M, Karkani A. The Emery of Naxos: A Cultural and Geoenvironmental Heritage. 7th Panhellenic Conference “Naxos throughout time”. 2023.
Karkani A, Evelpidou N, Saitis G, Tsanakas Κ, DRINIA H, Vassilakis E, Karymbalis E, Batzakis DV. Coastal evolution and relative sea level changes at Psatha (Alkyonides bay, Greece). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2023;11(1):199. Publisher's Version
Panagiotopoulou A, Ragia L, Evelpidou N. Deep-Learning Based Super-Resolution of Aeolianite Images on the Purpose of Edge Detection and Pattern Extraction. 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management [Internet]. 2023:244-250. Publisher's Version
Karkani A, Saitis G, Komi A, Evelpidou N. Citizens' Perspective on Coastal Erosion in Greece. Geosciences [Internet]. 2023;13(7):191. Publisher's Version
Mereli A, Evelpidou N, Psycharis S, DRINIA H, Antonarakou A, Mereli M, Tzouxanioti M. Educations of students from Greek schools regarding natural disasters through STEAM. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education [Internet]. 2023;9(8). Publisher's Version
Oikonomou P, Karkani A, Evelpidou N, Kampolis I, Spada G. The fish tanks of the Mediterranean Sea. Quaternary [Internet]. 2023;6(2):24. Publisher's Version
Arianoutsou M, Christopoulou A, Fyllas N, Aravanopoulos F, Kapsomenakis I, Michopoulos P, Evelpidou N, Spyrou E, Lekkas E, Zerefos C. Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on the Natural Capital and Ecological Services of the Forests of Greece. Resilience of Greek Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change of the Academy of Athens [Internet]. 2023:365-399. Publisher's Version
Evelpidou N, Karkani A, Spyrou E, Gavalas AT, Saitis G. Assessing and promoting the coastal geomorphological heritage of the eastern coast of Rhodes Island, Southeastern Aegean, Greece. Scientific Culture. 2023;9(3):13-43.
Gogou M, Mavroulis S, Evelpidou N, Lekkas E. Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Natural Hazards Over the Aegean Archipelago. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry [Internet]. 2023. Publisher's Version