Kamberidou, Irene (1986). Aegean women organize study program. SPOTLIGHT, A Fortnightly Publication for Political Studies, Publication of the Institute of Political Studies (I.P.S), no. 34, January 1. 1986: 8.
***SPOTLIGHT issues available in National Library of Australia. State Library of NSW, State Library Victoria, Victoria University. Victoria University Library and Library of the Hellenic Foreign Affairs Ministry (Athens).
** Επίσης βλ. επισυναπτόμενα άρθρα στο SPOTLIGHT / See also attached SPOTLIGHT articles:
1. --Women from all over the world meeting in Athens: Women in Public Administration, Zappeio conference center
2. --Mediterranean Women On the Move: symposium in Delphi April 4-5, 1984
3. --When women work together: an new ago-tourist enterprise helps the women of Petra achieve economic independence
4. --Women in the Service (law and order)
5. --sample of front page