

Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2004). Technoethics-Technoethos. In Second study presented [submitted] at the Consultation Workshop on Gender and Technology in Brussels, 28 June 2004, Venue: European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General Miniaturisation, Embedded Systems, Societal Applications. presented at the 28 June, Brussels, Belgium: CORDIS, European Commission. Copy at

Date Presented:

28 June


Patsantaras, N. & Kamberidou, I. (2004). Technoethics-Technoethos. Second study presented [and submitted] at the Consultation Workshop on Gender and Technology in Brussels, 28 June 2004, Venue: European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General Miniaturisation, Embedded Systems, Societal Applications, June 28, 2004, Brussels.
  • Also included, Consultation Workshop on Gender and Technology revised report,  along with our draft Policy Proposal on GENDER AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, July 2004.