This paper presents some of the most important known evidence up to this day, proving the defining British interference in the case of the Pogrom in Istanbul-Constantinople (Events of September 1955) and how these tragic events completely destroyed Hellenism of Constantinople are connected to the British colonial interests in Middle East. The theoretical methodological is based on the geopolitical analysis and, in particular, on the model proposed by the Anglo-Saxon Geographers - Geopoliticians Sir Halford Mackinder (1861-1947, School of Geography-London School of Economics) and especially in its elaborated form presented in 1944 by the American Professor of Yale, Nicolas Spykman (1893-1943, Yale Institute for International Studies, Yale University - USA). Therefore, this paper supports the theoretical hypothesis of the desire to preserve Rimland on the part of Britain and explains, based on the same theoretical model, the final approach of the USA towards the British stances. Naturally, the aforementioned model explains the role of Turkey. The presence of the secret paramilitary networks “Stay Behind”, known as Gladio also validates and fully supports the writer’s hypothesis.