Processing knickpoints in Lefkada Island with the use of GIS techniques.


Verikiou E, Evelpidou N, Vassilopoulos A. Processing knickpoints in Lefkada Island with the use of GIS techniques. Annale Géologique des Pays Helléniques. 2000;XXXVIII:211-220.


The aim of this paper, is to demonstrate the use of GIS technology in the study of knickpoints, by processing geographical, geomorphological and geological variables. The final result is the creation of different level databases and thematic maps and their combination in order to help scientists to deduce geomorphological conclusions. These GIS techniques help the user to locate probable knickpoints fast and accurately, minimizing the subjectivity of the processing. This methodology can be easily applied to any set of similar nature primary data, without any modifications. As a case study we used Leukada
island (West Greece) because it gathers a variety of lithologies, a sufficient rain state, a polymorphic relief and tectonic activity. The result of this study is a field cross-tested method based on GIS techniques that can predict the exact point providing the coordinates (e.g. Longitute/Latitute) of possible knickpoints. The
data that the user has to supply to the system is a good scale relief and the drainage system of the area.