Publications by Year: 2020

Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης, Μάριος, & Μυλωνάκου-Κεκέ, Ηρώ. (2020). Η διεπιστημονική συνέργεια της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης (εκπαίδευση και έρευνα) και της Κοινωνικής Παιδαγωγικής για την ανάπτυξη ενός πεδίου έρευνας και θεωρίας. Νέα Παιδεία, 175, 23-41.Abstract
Η παρούσα μελέτη συμβάλει στην ανάπτυξη νέων επιστημονικών αντικειμένων που προκύπτουν από τη συνέργεια επιστημών. Αφορά δυνατότητες συνέργειας της Κοινωνικής Παιδαγωγικής και της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης (Μυλωνάκου-Κεκέ, 2013∙ Κουκουνάρας Λιάγκης, 2019), που έχουν εμφανιστεί, στο πλαίσιο της τυπικής εκπαίδευσης με βάση τις Ευρωπαϊκές Συστάσεις και Συμβάσεις, τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα και τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού, αλλά και τις σύγχρονες θεωρίες στη θρησκειοπαιδαγωγική και θεολογία. Παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης (μάθημα και έρευνα) και του πλαισίου της, με όρους κοινωνικών συστημάτων (Engeström, 1999; 2005), αλλά και του Υπερ(συν)επιστημονικού Κοινωνικοπαιδαγωγικού Μοντέλου, που έχει σχεδιαστεί με βάση τη διαλεκτική σχέση των θεωριών της Μεθοδολογίας των Ανθρώπινων Συστημάτων, της Συστημικής Επιστήμης (Senge, 2006) και του Μοντέλου της Συνεκπαίδευσης/Syneducation και της Διαχείρισης της Γνώσης (Κεκές, 2007, 2008∙ Mylonakou-Keke, 2015∙  Μυλωνάκου-Κεκέ, 2016). Φαίνεται ότι δημιουργείται ένα διακριτό επιστημονικό πεδίο δράσης κοινού ενδιαφέροντος των δύο επιστημονικών πεδίων, που βασίζεται σε κοινές προϋποθέσεις και επιδιώξεις. Μπορεί, μάλιστα να έχει εφαρμογές στην ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη του ανθρώπου, στην προσωπική και συλλογική ζωή, και επιπλέον να προκαλεί βελτιωτικές αλλαγές, που είναι ένας από τους βασικούς ρόλους της εκπαίδευσης.
Koukounaras-Liagkis, M., Skordoulis, M., Sidiropoulos, G., & Drosos, D. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Case of Secondary Education Teachers in Greece.. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(4), 521-533.
The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and conflict resolution among secondary education teachers in Greece. The research sample consists of 130 high schools’ teachers in Greece. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, concerning teachers’ working environment, their behavior during workplace conflicts as well as their emotional intelligence and were analyzed using descriptive and inductive statistics. The statistical analyses have revealed that the main reason for workplace conflicts in secondary schools is the existence of informal groups. In addition, emotional intelligence seem to have a direct relationship with conflict resolution styles, while a negative relationship between emotional intelligence and the frequency of involvement in workplace conflicts is observed. Furthermore, it was found that holding a position of responsibility does not play a significant role in conflict resolution style adoption. The research results show that the solution-oriented method is the most popular amongst the other conflict resolution styles. Last, it was found that the average score of emotional intelligence among the respondents was high.
Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης, Μ., & Κολάση, Δ. (2020). Παγκοσμιοποίηση και εκπαίδευση: Ο ρόλος της θρησκείας στα Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα Σπουδών. Εκπαιδευτικός Κύκλος, 8(2), 39-51.Abstract
Religion is a key theme in the learning process that aims to design, reflect, and transform knowledge in order for students to acquire the ability to: reflect on issues of social, economic, political and cultural pluralism, take reflective action which leads to responsible citizenship, bring about transformation and social change, enable understanding, and manage diversity through synthesis, collaboration, dialogue and creative debate, while cultivating a consciousness that leverages any local and differring elements. The above pedagogical approaches to the curriculum are presented here, focusing on the role of knowledge of religion in preschool and first-school education. The local environment, the family, the person‟s religion, and other persons of religion in the environment at pre-school and of pre-school age, have a role to play in the process of constructing the personal identity that is carried out in school by meaningful personal experiences. This process of giving meaning requires the student to know the language, to be literate and in this case the religious language. Literacy in the early years of school is fundamental to a child's development and maturity. Religious literacy is therefore essential from an early age, since it has a profound effect. Therefore, it is about the zone of proximal development, i.e. the functions that have not yet matured but are in the process of maturing.
Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης, Μ., & Ρεντζή, Π. (2020). Η Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα και την Ευρώπη και η μάθηση «για» τη δημοκρατία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. In Β. Πλιόγκου & Καρακατσάνη, Δ. (Eds.), Σύγχρονες τάσεις στην Παιδαγωγική θεωρία και πρακτική. Δημοκρατία-Πολιτειότητα-Ετερογένεια. Αθήνα: Gutenberg.
Koukounaras-Liagkis, M. (2020). Changing students’ and teachers’ concepts and constructs of knowledge in RE in Greece. British Journal of Religious Education, 42(2), 152-166. Doi: 10.1080/01416200.2019.1653262. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Based on a qualitative research (2012–15) this paper is concerned with the identification of concepts and constructs of knowledge in RE. It is based on participative enquiry and educational action-research methodology. Over a three-year period, the researcher, teachers and the students of a High School in one of the most difficult social, economic and pedagogic environments in Greece collaborated and the resulting data were analysed by a team of independent researchers using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Findings point to the consideration of knowledge in education as an experience in which the content (what) of education is as important as the process (how). RE teaches an additional invaluable language with different religious meanings of concepts, which facilitates students’ communication with self and others, and offers an interpretation of the world. Such religious literacy is essentially provided at school in the framework of multi-literacies and is a result of an intersubjective process of the interconnection between thinking, reflection and action on what the curriculum positions on the top of the didactic triangle (content, teacher, student). In that process, to ‘know what I know’ and to provide ‘events with meaning’ based on experiential learning and its principles, is of inestimable value.