Kamberidou, I. (2011). Athletes United for Peace: Reconciliation through Sport.” Presentation (εισήγηση) at the international conference SPORT AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CULTURES. In SPORT AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CULTURES. presented at the 15 September, Wingate Institute/Zinman College, Israel: The International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education(ICSSPE/CIEPSS). Copy at
programme.sportasmediatorbetweencultures.pdf | 233 KB | |
conference_presentation.programme.wingate._israel_sept._2011.pdf | 5.74 MB | |
1.israel_athletes_united_for_peace.pdf | 3.14 MB |
Date Presented:
15 SeptemberAbstract:
Kamberidou, I. (2011). “Athletes United for Peace: Reconciliation through Sport.” Presentation (εισήγηση) at the international conference SPORT AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CULTURES, September 15-17, 2011, Wingate Institute/Zinman College, Israel. The International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education(ICSSPE/CIEPSS). [book of abstracts, also see powerpoint presentation in
D. 4.1, D.4.1.1 and D.4.2 in Apella