Publications by Year: 2000

Mazis I. Tarikat and Cemaat in Modern Day Turkey. Defensor Pacis. 2000;(6).Abstract
What is a Tarikat? What is their role in Turkey? To answer these questions the terms “Tarikat” (Islamic order) and “Cemaat” (Islamic community or group) and the differences between them will have to be clarified. Then their political and social functions will be illustrated.
Mazis I. The New World Order and the Middle East: The Creation and Realignment of States in Three Stages. Defensor Pacis. 2000;(4):28-36.Abstract
The geopolitical situation creates the conditions which will allow the signing of treaties of friendship and cooperation between the Arab countries in the region and Israel. Unthreatened by the Iranian or Syrian export of “Islamic revolution” or “Kurdish terrorism” respectively, relieved of the “pan-Arab syndromes” caused by the non-resolution of the Palestinian problem, Arab governments in the region will no longer have any impediment to their promotion of long-range plans for cooperation with Israel, aiming at the development and prosperity of the region
Μάζης Ιωάννης. Τὸ τουρκικὸ πολιτικὸν ἰσλὰμ ὡς γεωπολιτικὸς καταλύτης τοῦ ἀγγλοσαξονικοῦ παράγοντος στὴν Εὐρώπη. Γεωπολιτική. 2000;(4).Abstract
Ἀποτελεῖ πράγματι τὸ πολιτικὸ ἰσλὰμ ἀπειλὴ γιὰ τὸ «κοσμικὸ» καθεστὼς τῆς «εὐρωπαϊκῆς» Τουρκίας; Καὶ κατὰ πόσον τὸ ἐρωτημα αὐτὸ ἀποτελεῖ ἀνησυχία τῶν δυτικῶν κέντρων ἀποφάσεων; Ἢ μήπως ὁ ὑποκριτικὸς «ἀντιισλαμισμὸς» τῆς ∆ύσεως, καὶ κυρίως τῶν ΗΠΑ, χρησιμοποιεῖ στὴν πραγματικότητα τὸ Ἰσλὰμ ὡς ὀργανικὸ στοιχεῖο γιὰ τὴν διαχρονικὴ στρατηγική του, ἰδιαιτέρως στὸ πλαίσιο τοῦ ἐκ νέου ἀκρωτηριασμοῦ καὶ τοῦ «ὑγειονομικοῦ» περιορισμοῦ τῆς Ρωσσίας; Η παρούσα δημοσίευση αναλύει τὸ τουρκικὸ πολιτικὸν ἰσλὰμ, ὡς γεωπολιτικὸς καταλύτης τοῦ ἀγγλοσαξονικοῦ παράγοντος στὴν Εὐρώπη.