Publications by Year: 2009

Mazis I. 6/7 Eylül 1955 Olayları, Kıbrısta sömürgeciliğe karsı mücadele ve Engiltere faktörü. In: 6-7/9/1955 Olaylari Istanbul Rumluğuna karşi imha eylemi. Atina: Tutaklar Uluslarası Konferans; 2009. pp. 70-78.Abstract
Ozellikle soğuk savas doneminde etkili olan Anglosakson jeostratejik yaklasım, cok onemli iki Anglosakson coğrafyacı ve jeopolitik uzmanı Sir Halford Mackinder (1861-1947) ve Nicholas Spykman (18931943) tarafından dile getirilmistir. Bu jeopolitik modellerden, Ege takım adalarını ve onun devamı Girit ile Kıbrıs’ ı iceren dikey coğrafi alanın, Rimland’ ın stratejik bolumunu olusturduğunu ve aynı zamanda bu alanın NATO’ nun Guneydoğu kanadı icin bir istikrarsızlık noktası olduğu ortaya cıkıyor. Bu alanın stratejik kontrol altında tutulması icin Anglosaksonların ilgisi, 20’nci yuzyıl boyunca devamlı ve buyuk olmus, Soğuk Savas doneminde ise doruğa varmıstır. 50li ve 60lı yıllar arasında kalan donem, Soğuk Savasın tırmandığı ve iki buyuk rakip arasındaki tehlikeli olayların arttığı bir donemdir. Bizim analizimize gore Anglosakson “Ozel İliskisi”, yani Londra – Vasington jeostratejik iliskisi her zaman Batı olarak anılan tarafı, nitelendirmistir.
Mazis I. The British Factor, the Cyprus Independence Struggle and “Septemvriana” 1955: A Geopolitical Analysis of Covert Operations. 6-7/9/1955: An Act of Annihilation of the Greek Community of Istanbul. 2009:120-29.Abstract
This paper presents some of the most important known evidence up to this day, proving the defining British interference in the case of the Pogrom in Istanbul-Constantinople (Events of September 1955) and how these tragic events completely destroyed Hellenism of Constantinople are connected to the British colonial interests in Middle East. The theoretical methodological is based on the geopolitical analysis and, in particular, on the model proposed by the Anglo-Saxon Geographers - Geopoliticians Sir Halford Mackinder (1861-1947, School of Geography-London School of Economics) and especially in its elaborated form presented in 1944 by the American Professor of Yale, Nicolas Spykman (1893-1943, Yale Institute for International Studies, Yale University - USA). Therefore, this paper supports the theoretical hypothesis of the desire to preserve Rimland on the part of Britain and explains, based on the same theoretical model, the final approach of the USA towards the British stances. Naturally, the aforementioned model explains the role of Turkey. The presence of the secret paramilitary networks “Stay Behind”, known as Gladio also validates and fully supports the writer’s hypothesis.
Μάζης Ιωάννης. Ἡ γεωπολιτικὴ τῆς Τουρκίας: Ὁ “νεο-ὀθωμανισμὸς” καὶ ὁ ρόλος τοῦ Νταβούτογλου - Οἱ σχέσεις μὲ Ἑλλάδα, ΗΠΑ, Ρωσσία καὶ Ἰσραήλ τὸν 21ο αἰῶνα. Ἀμυντικὴ Ἐπιθεώρηση. 2009.Abstract
Το παρόν κείμενο αποτελεί συνέντευξη του Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Μάζη, ο οποίος αναλύει τη γεωπολιτικὴ τῆς Τουρκίας, μὲ στόχο τὴν πληρεστέραν ἐνημέρωση τοῦ ἀναγνωστικοῦ κοινοῦ, γιὰ μιὰ σειρὰ κρισίμων θεμάτων. Ο Καθηγητής αναφέρεται στο “νεο-ὀθωμανισμὸ” καὶ στο ρόλο τοῦ Νταβούτογλου, στις σχέσεις μὲ την Ἑλλάδα, τις ΗΠΑ, τη Ρωσσία καὶ το Ἰσραήλ, τὸν 21ο αἰῶνα, μετὰ τὴν σύγχυση ποὺ προεκλήθη στὴν χώρα μας ἐξ αἰτίας τῆς ἀνακοινώσεως τῆς ἐπίσημης ἐπισκέψεως τοῦ Ἀμερικανοῦ προέδρου Μπαρὰκ Ὀμπάμα στὴν Τουρκία καὶ τῆς δημοσιότητος ποὺ ἔλαβε στὰ ἑλληνικὰ ΜΜΕ, ὁ κύριος σύμβουλος τοῦ Τούρκου πρωθυπουργοῦ, γιὰ θέματα ἐξωτερικῆς πολιτικῆς.
Μάζης Ιωάννης. Ἡ Ἑλλὰς καὶ ὁ «μηδενικὸς» Νταβούτογλου ἢ «Οἱ πιρουέττες τῆς στρουθοκάμηλου». Ἀμυντικὴ Ἐπιθεώρηση. 2009;(81).Abstract
Ποιούς θεωρεῖ "γείτονες" ὁ Ἀ. Νταβούτογλου; Διότι ἀπὸ ὅ,τι φαίνεται ἀπὸ τὰ γραφόμενά του, γιὰ ὅποιον τὰ διαβάζει, τὴν Ἑλλάδα καὶ τὴν Κύπρο δὲν πρέπει νὰ τὴν συμπεριλαμβάνει σὲ αὐτὴν τὴν χορεία. Καὶ ἐπειδὴ τὰ ἀνωτέρω στρουθοκαμηλικὰ ἐγράφησαν ἀναφορικῶς πρὸς τὶς πιθανὲς προοπτικὲς ἐξελίξεων στὸ Κυπριακό, το παρόν κείμενο παρουσιάζει και σχολιάζει αναλυτικά τις απόψεις του Α. Νταβούτογλου, σχετικώς με τις γειτονικές χώρες της Τουρκίας, έτσι όπως αυτές αναφέρονται στο βιβλίο του με τίτλο "Στρατηγικό Βάθος".