Publications by Year: 2023

Book Chapter
Potari, D., & Psycharis, G. (2023). Introduction to How Digital Resources Alter Design Landscape. In B. Pepin, Gueudet, G., & Trouche, L. (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education. Springer. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The main purpose of this section is to explore the design of and design with digital resources (DRs) for mathematics teaching and learning. Design of DRs involves teachers’ engagement in the process where DRs are the product of design. Design with DRs refers to cases where DRs facilitate the design-work offering an environment for teacher collaboration (e.g., communication platform) or an environment for designing tasks and lessons. The chapters of this section address both forms of design.
Journal Article
Psycharis, G., & Skott, C. K. (2023). Studying a mathematics teacher’s documentational and identity trajectories over time. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We study the interactions over 22 years between one mathematics teacher and his resources for teaching, especially digital ones, with a dual focus on the teacher’s documentational and identity trajectories and professional development. We combined a theoretical framework on teachers’ work with resources  —documentational approach to didactics (DAD)— with a framework based on social practice theory—patterns of participation (PoP). The DAD analysis provided rich descriptions of which digital resources the teacher interacted with and of the transformative evolution of these interactions over time. The PoP analysis offered explanations of how and why the teacher transformed his interactions with the resources through foregrounding affective and contextual factors as significant for the teacher’s formation of identity. We conclude that the combination of the two frameworks provided deeper and complementary insights into the teacher’s long-term professional development with digital resources, and that such networking is needed to develop balanced understandings of teachers’ long-term interactions with digital resources.
Book Chapter
Psycharis, G., Potari, D., & Skott, C. K. (2023). Addressing collective and individual aspects of teacher design with digital resources in collaborative settings. In B. Pepin, Gueudet, G., & Choppin, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education. Springer. Publisher's VersionAbstract
of teacher design in collaborative settings in the light of the new opportunities that digital resources (DRs) offer. Taking into account the growing research interest into the collective dimension of teachers’ design-work, our aim is to answer what are the forms, conditions, and products of teachers’ collective design-work with DRs as well as what and how the individual teacher learns by participating in collaborative work with DRs. We also aim to answer what theoretical and analytical perspectives are used by researchers to study teachers’ collective design-work with DRs. To answer these questions, we conducted a systematic literature study leading finally to 36 peer-reviewed publications. Our first thematic analysis resulted in two main themes (the process of teacher collaboration, the impact of teacher collaboration on teacher professional learning) and corresponding subthemes. The next step of our analysis focused on: the context, the product, the purpose, and the processes of the design-work; the theoretical and methodological approaches by which it was studied; and the main findings. The final synthesis indicates that (a) teachers’ collaborative design-work has usually positive learning outcomes for individual teachers, (b) the role of DRs in the collaboration depends on their affordances, and (c) the collective-individual interplay has been studied mainly by a focus on the effects of the collaboration on the individual teacher and not the other way around. Areas of further research are also discussed.