Publications by Year: 2016

Conference Paper
Potari, D., Psycharis, G., Spiliotopoulou, V., Triantafillou, C., Zachariades, T., & Zoupa, A. (2016). Mathematics and science teachers' collaboration: searching for common grounds. In C. Csikos, Rausch, A., & Szitanyi, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 40) (Vol. 4, pp. 91-98). Szeged, Hungary: PME. pme_40_2016b.pdf
Triantafillou, C., Psycharis, G., Potari, D., Zachariades, T., & Spiliotopoulou, V. (2016). Aspects of secondary teachers’ attempts to integrate workplace in teaching. In Educating the Educators II: Conference on international approaches to scaling-up professional development in mathematics and science education (pp. 82-84). Freiburg, Germany. mascil_2016.pdf
Potari, D., & Psycharis, G. (2016). Prospective mathematics teachers’ argumentation while interpreting classroom incidents. In Thirteenth International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 13), TSG 48: Pre-service mathematics education of secondary teachers. presented at the 24-31 July, University of Hamburg, Germany. icme_13_2016.pdf
Kafetzopoulos, G. - I., & Psycharis, G. (2016). Conceptualising function as covariation through the use of a digital system integrating CAS and Dynamic Geometry. In C. Csíkos, Rausch, A., & Szitányi, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 40) (Vol. 3, pp. 67-74). Szeged, Hungary: PME. pme_40_2016a.pdf