K$\alpha$$μ$$π$$\varepsilon$$\rho$$\acuteıota}$$δ$o$\upsilon$, E. $ıota$$\rho$$\acuteη$$ν$$η$. (2006).
O$ıota$ $π$$\varepsilon$$\rho$$\acuteıota}$ E$łambda$$łambda$$η$$ν$$ıota$$\sigma$$μ$o$\acuteν$ A$ν$$\tau$$ıota$$łambda$$\acuteη$$\psi$$\varepsilon$$ıota$$ς$ $ąppa$$\alpha$$ıota$ $\Pi$$\varepsilon$$\rho$$ıota$$\gamma$$\rho$$\alpha$$\varp.
$\Phi$I$Łambda$O$Σ$O$\Phi$IA & $\Pi$AI$Δ$EIA, $\Pi$$\varepsilon$$\rho$$ıota$o$δ$$ıota$$ąppa$$\acuteη$ {\'{}E}$ąppa$$δ$o$\sigma$$η$ $\tau$$η$$ς$ {\'{}E}$ν$$ømega$$\sigma$$η$$ς$ K$\alpha$$þeta$$η$$\gamma$$η$$\tau$$\acuteømega}$$ν$ $\ga, 14–18. $\Phi$I$Łambda$O$Σ$O$\Phi$IA & $\Pi$AI$Δ$EIA, $\Pi$$\varepsilon$$\rho$$ıota$o$δ$$ıota$$ąppa$$\acuteη$ {\'{}E}$ąppa$$δ$o$\sigma$$η$ $\tau$$η$$ς$ {\'{}E}$ν$$ømega$$\sigma$$η$$ς$ K$\alpha$$þeta$$η$$\gamma$$η$$\tau$$\acuteømega}$$ν$ $\ga.
Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Οι περί Ελληνισμού Αντιλήψεις και Περιγραφές περιηγητριών του 17ου, 18ου και 19ου αιώνα και η γυναικεία περιήγηση.
ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ & ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ, (38), 14-18. Ένωσης Καθηγητών για την Προαγωγή της Φιλοσοφίας στην Εκπαίδευση (ΕΚΔΕΦ).
Παρατηρείται μία ιδιαίτέρη ευαισθητοποίηση στις γυναικείες μαρτυρίες, όσον αφορά το θέμα της υποδούλωσης και του εξανδραποδισμού, από τον Τουρκικό ζυγό, αυτών που αποκαλούσαν απογόνους των αρχαίων Ελλήνων, που συμβάλλει στην επικέντρωση του γυναικείου λόγου στο Ελληνικό στοιχείο, συγκριτικά με τις περιγραφές τους για άλλους υπόδουλους λαούς και υποτελείς υπηκόους των Οθωμανικών επικρατειών. Εν ολίγοις, οι λόγοι που ώθησαν τις περιηγήτριες να επικεντρώσουν μεγαλύτερη προσοχή ή να παρέχουν περισσότερο υλικό, στα έργα τους για το «Ελληνικό στοιχείο», συγκριτικά με άλλους υπόδουλους λαούς, αναζητούνται στον ευρύτερο ρόλο που έπαιζε στις κοινωνίες, ο απόηχος του αρχαίου Ελληνικού πολιτισμού. Οι περιηγήτριες, και ιδιαίτερα εκείνες του 19ου αιώνα, όπως και οι περιηγητές, ήταν επηρεασμένες από τον «Ελληνικό Πυρετό» (Larrabee 1957), δηλαδή το μεγάλο φιλελληνικό πνεύμα και ρεύμα της εποχής τους- τον ρομαντισμό και την εξιδανίκευση για την Ελλάδα, που, κατά την εκτίμησή τους, υπήρξε η κοιτίδα του πολιτισμού και της δημοκρατίας, η Ελλάδα των αρχαίων φιλοσόφων, του Ομήρου, των απογόνων των αρχαίων, οι οποίοι είχαν καταφέρει μετά από 400 χρόνια δουλείας να διατηρήσουν την εθνική τους συνείδηση, αλλά και να εξεγερθούν—παρόλο που και άλλοι λαοί αγωνίσθηκαν και εκείνοι σκληρά για την εθνική τους ανεξαρτησία. Έτσι ευαισθητοποιημένοι, οι δυτικοί, πέραν της αποστολής μη-κυβερνητικής Αγγλικής, Γαλλικής και Αμερικάνικής οικονομικής βοήθειας στον υπόδουλο Ελληνισμό, κατά την διάρκεια του Ελληνικού εθνικο-απελευθερωτικού αγώνα (της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης) και των εξεγέρσεων που ακολούθησαν, έφταναν και οι ίδιοι, γυναίκες και άνδρες, σε μεγάλους αριθμούς, για να βοηθήσουν και να συμμετάσχουν στον εθνικο-απελευθερωτικό αγώνα του Ελληνισμού κατά του Τουρκικού ζυγού. Οι γυναικείες μαρτυρίες που ακολουθούν, αποτελούν αντιπροσωπευτικά δείγματα αυτού του φιλελληνικού ρεύματος, αυτού του «Ελληνικού Πυρετού» και αυτής της ιδιαίτερης ευαισθητοποίησης για εκείνους που εθεωρούσαν απογόνους των αρχαίων Ελλήνων.
discourseonorientalismandthegreekelement._2007.compressed.pdf Athanaselis, S., Kamberidou, I., Laios, I., & Charitou, S. (2006).
Doping, a contemporary perspective [in Greek]. ESKAN-National Anti-Doping Council.
doping_.pdf Tsopani, D., Patsantaras, N., Dallas, G., & Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Stuctural Trends and Prospects of Male Participation in Rhythmic Gymnastics.
Proceedings of the 1st International Congress in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM, Torino Italy, 6-7 April. Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM.
AbstractRhythmic Gymnastics has been established as an exclusively female sport. Current issues and questions repeatedly arise concerning women´s participation in all sports, namely access into all traditionally male dominated sports, whereas they have not been developed in reference to the participation of men in rhythmic gymnastics. The purpose of this study is to explore and investigate these gender issues and present the views and perceptions of rhythmic gymnastics´ internal environment (structural elements: scoring of evaluations codes, judges, etc) as well those of the external environment (audiences, journalists, etc) concerning a) the imminent participation on men in rhythmic gymnastics, b) rules and regulations pertaining to the female gymnast's appearance. In this study 299 individuals from around the world, representing different social groups (journalists, trainers/coaches, parents, etc), responded to a closed questionnaire during an international championship. The results showed that the overwhelming majority (76.5%) of the responds favor the participation of men in rhythmic gymnastics. Additionally, the results reveal the necessity for redefinition, in other words that the restrictive character of the regulations concerning the appearance of female gymnasts must be redefined, as well as the possibility, prospect or opportunity for access to men, particularly in the framework of recent issues concerning gender in sports.
a._126._stuctural_trends_and_prospects_of_male_participation_in_rhythmic_gymnastics_2006.pdf Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Presentation (May 19, 2006) at the 14th International Sport Science Conference (Komotini) of the Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece [CONGRESS ROOM 2: PREFECTURE HALL]. Προφορική Ανακοίνωση στο 14o Διεθνές Συνέδριο Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού (Κομοτηνή), Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισμού, Δημοκρί.
14o_diethnis_synedrio_2006_komotini.pdf Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006).
14o Διεθνές Συνέδριο Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισμού, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης / 14th Internationa. Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.
programma_synedriou_friday_may_19_2006.pdf Tsopani, D., Patsantaras, N., Dallas, G., & Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Stuctural Trends and Prospects of Male Participation in Rhythmic Gymnastics. In
Proceedings of the 1st International Congress in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM, Torino Italy, 6-7 April (pp. 35–39). presented at the 6 April, Torino, Italy: Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM.
AbstractTsopani, D., Patsantaras, N., Dallas, G., & Kamberidou, I. (2006). "Stuctural Trends and Prospects of Male Participation in Rhythmic Gymnastics". Proceedings of the 1st International Congress in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM, Torino Italy, 6-7 April, pp. 35–39. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4529.8405 K.8 in Apella
structural_transformation_trends_and_the_prospects_of_male_participation_in_rhythmic_gymnastics.pdf Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., Patsantaras, N., Kamberidou, I., Tinto, A., & Louka, A. (2006).
Physical Appearance in Rhythmic Gymnastics: code of point and current perceptions. In
ANNOUNCEMENT at the Convegno Internazionale Ginnastia Ritmica: Identita e propelmatiche di questo sport, 6-7 Aprile 2006 (Torino Italy). Torino, Italy: Convegno Internazionale Ginnastia Ritmica (1st international Rhythmic Gymnastics Congress).
AbstractTsopani, D., Dallas, G., Patsantaras, N.,
Kamberidou, I., Tinto, A., & Louka, A. (2006). "Physical Appearance in Rhythmic Gymnastics: code of point and current perceptions". Announcement in Proceedings of the
Convegno Internazionale Ginnastia Ritmica: Identita e propelmatiche di questo sport, (1st international Rhythmic Gymnastics Congress), 6-7 April 2006, Torino Italy.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1482.4161 Physical Appearance in Rhythmic Gymnastics, April 2006, Torino Italy.pdf [K.6 in Apella]
physical_appearance_in_rhythmic_gymnastics_april_2006_torino_italy.pdf Patsantaras, N., Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., Kamberidou, I., & Mitsi, T. (2006).
Gender Issues in Rhythmic Gymnastics. In
ANNOUNCEMENT at the 1st International Congress in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM, Torino Italy, 6-7 April. presented at the 7 April, Torino, Italy: Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM, Torino Italy.
AbstractPatsantaras, N., Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., Kamberidou, I., & Mitsi, T. (2006). "Gender Issues in Rhythmic Gymnastics". In proceedings of the Convegno Internazionale Ginnastica Ritmica CSAM: Identita e propelmatiche di questo sport, (1st international Rhythmic Gymnastics Congress), 6-7 April 2006, Torino Italy. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3940.0164 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT:
Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) is exclusively a woman’s sport, in other words, men are explicitly excluded access. However, the characteristically ‘female-dominated nature’ of this sport (RG) is not without cause. The sport has been formulated according to predominating and prevailing social views and social values, including gender stereotyping, and thus is considered inappropriate and unacceptable for the ‘masculine’ nature or image of ‘masculinity’, including the male body aesthetic. On the contrary, it is considered the ideal means for the construction, the structure, the constitution and the expression of ‘femaleness’, ‘femininity’, and ‘womanhood’, as defined when this sport emerged. Today, although women are not denied access to sports, men are excluded. Namely, they are denied access to rhythmic gymnastics on the competition level. Discrimination, due to biological gender, is an element of social exclusion and social elimination that is actively present—a factor that is inconsistent with prevailing social and sport values, such as gender equality and gender equity. The purpose of this study is to convey and examine the current gender views of rhythmic gymnasts, judges, trainers, members of the technical committees, the audience and journalists, regarding the potential or imminent entrance of men in this sport (RG). Methodology: two hundred and ninety-nine (299) participants— rhythmic gymnasts, trainers, judges, journalists, members of the technical committee, parents and spectators (audience)— responded to a closed questionnaire. The statistical evaluation of the data was prepared with the SPSS v. 13 statistical package-program. Results
: In all the above-mentioned categories, the majority supports the entrance and participation of men in the sport of Rhythmic Gymnastics. A small differentiation is displayed in the responses concerning the proposed competition programs, whereas enormous and conflicting differences of opinion are indicated, concerning probable-imminent higher ratings due to the entrance and participation of men in the sport. The trainers, the judges, the rhythmic gymnasts, the administrative and technical members favor the participation of men in RG., in contrast to the parents, the audience and the journalists. Conclusions
: The results of this study indicate that the gender issue concerning men’s access to RG must be examined, unreservedly by the members of the International Federation of Gymnasts. Today, social exclusions and social elimination based on biological gender, as observed in sports and sports competitions, are outdated and anachronistic, not only in relation to wider-broader social values, but also to the value system of sports.
Key words: ‘female-dominated’ sport, gender stereotyping, the male body aesthetic, men’s access/inclusion in RG.
gender_issues_in_rhythmic_gymnastics_torino_italy_2006.pdf Dallas, G., Patsantaras, N., Kamberidou, I., & Gougou, B. (2006).
Artistic Gymnastics in Greece: Impact and Effects on Athletes Social Development and Later Professional-Occupational Establishment.
Stiinta Sportului, Revista Teoretico-Metodica. Anul XV, Nr. 54/2006,
15, 3–27. Revista editata de: Consiliul Stintei Sprtului din Romania. Institutul National de Cercetare pentru Sport, Bucuresti, Romania.
AbstractDallas, G., Patsantaras, N.,
Kamberidou, I., & Gougou, B. (2006). Artistic Gymnastics in Greece: Impact and Effects on Athletes Social Development and Later Professional-Occupational Establishment.
Stiinta Sportului, Revista Teoretico-Metodica. Anul XV, Nr. 54/2006, 15, 3–29. Revista editata de: Consiliul Stintei Sprtului din Romania. Institutul National de Cercetare pentru Sport, Bucuresti, Romania.
Abstract in
K.9 in Apella Also see article online REVIISTA http://sportscience.ro/ Sport Science Journal STIINTA SPORTULUI 2006 (Revista 2006/54-1) pp. 1-10. K.9.1 in Apella and hardcopy K.9.1.1. in Apella
artistic_gymnastics_in_greece._impact_and_effects_on_athletes_social_development_and_later_professional-occupational_establishment_2006.pdf Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Social Capital Dimensions and Civil Society: Inclusive vs. Exclusionary Social Capital in Sport Governance. In
Presentation at the international conference “Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties”,4-5/12/2006, organized by the Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health. presented at the 12 May, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy: Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health Care Management ‘Carlo Masini’ in collaboration with the European Commission, Milano Italy.
AbstractPresented by Irene Kamberidou 5/12/2006:Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006). "Social Capital Dimensions and Civil Society: Inclusive vs. Exclusionary Social Capital in Sport Governance". Presentation at the international conference “Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties”,4-5/12/2006, organized by the Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health. Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health Care Management ‘Carlo Masini’ in collaboration with the European Commission, Milano Italy. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2700.4644 [ K.5 in Apella and K.5.1 in Apella ]
1._social_capital_dimensions_and_civil_society_milano_2006.pdf Kamberidou, I. (2006).
The Social Gender and Sport Identity: Socio-Cultural Globalization. Presentation at the XIth International CESH Congress Sport and the Construction of Identities, 17-20 September 2006 ,Vienna Austria. In
CESH Congress Sport and the Construction of Identities,Vienna. presented at the 18 September, Vienna, Austria: The European Committee for Sports History (CESH).
AbstractKamberidou, I. (2006). "The Social Gender and Sport Identity- SOCIO-CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION: a bio-socio-cultural interpretation".
Presentation at the XIth International CESH Congress, Sport and the Construction of Identities. Session 18:
National Comparisons and Globalisation, Sept. 18, 2006. 17-20 September 2006 ,Vienna Austria. CESH Congress Sport and the Construction of Identities, Vienna. Organized by the European Committee for Sports History (CESH) .
sport_identity-powerpoint_22.11.2006.ppt K4 in Apella
sport_identity-powerpoint_22.11.2006.ppt Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006).
Towards a Gender-Neutral Inclusive Information Society. In
Women and Science Seminar: Women in the Information Society, European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Brussels (pp. 1–11). European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Brussels Cordis: http://cordis.europa.eu.int/ist/directorate g/seminar20060405.htm.
AbstractThe creation of “the bodiless society”– a gender-neutral society of services that is gradually replacing industrial society– is the result of accelerated technological developments in combination with the globalization of the economy. The products of this technological revolution are in reality services, a factor that has foundational consequences on society. The creation of thousands of specialized employment positions in the distribution and use of new technologies, whose hard nucleus is made up of specific knowledge and technological know-how is currently denied to the less-privileged gender subjects, the citizens who have particular difficulties in adapting and comprehending this transitional stage of the postmodernist period. Will our future society be a globalized technological ‘paradise’ of an abundance of information, products and services, achieved through the marginalization of the vulnerable gender subject, specifically that of non-mainstream social groups, and women in particular? The paper argues that policy measures at EU level, are needed to maintain a high level of gender-inclusion in the Information Society. In this context, the EU is examining the present state of affairs – mainstreaming and promoting equality — working towards establishing an action plan for a better integration of women and non-mainstream social groups in the Information Society. The crucial issue of equality in Information Society must be dealt with and confronted, not only as a question of how to increase the number of consumers or the production of goods and services, but rather as an opportunity for all citizens to become active agents or active members in society, regardless of gender, race, colour, religion, etc. To fight digital illiteracy and future social exclusions the paper suggests three areas of action: Firstly, educational reforms, notably, the institutionalization of mandatory ‘techno-education’: compulsory technological training as an integral part of the curricula of EU public schools, beginning from kindergarten and extending to vocational training. Secondly, international, inter-cultural interdisciplinary research must be progressively and systematically promoted. The new realities of a technological society must be clearly defined and described through interdisciplinary collaborations. We need to look into the present state of affairs before working towards establishing strategies and an action plan for the better integration of women and other vulnerable groups into Information Society. And thirdly, a techno-ethical code to ensure that Europe’s achievements in past are transposed into the Information Society and the virtual environment.
Keywords: “the bodiless society”, digital illiteracy and technophobia, gender-inclusion in the Information Society, action plan, a techno-ethical code (technoethos)
towards_a_gender-neutral_inclusive_infor.pdf Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Gender Equity in Olympic Sports: Absenteeism and ‘Invisibility.
Pandektis International Sports Law Review,
6(3-4), 361–375.
AbstractPatsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2006). Gender Equity in Olympic Sports: Absenteeism and ‘Invisibility’. Pandektis International Sports Law Review, vol. 6, issues 3-4, 361–375. [K.1. in Apella ]
internationalsportslawreview.genderequityinolymp.sports.compressed.pdf Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Le Corps dans la Société Ottomane / the Body and Ottoman Society.
MESOGEIOS: Mediterranee, Histoire, People, Langues, Cultures,
28, 13–29. Editions Herodotos, Paris.
AbstractWhen citing:
Kamberidou, Irene (2006). Le Corps dans la Société Ottomane / the Body and Ottoman Society. MESOGEIOS: Mediterranee, Histoire, People, Langues, Cultures, vol. 28: 13-29. Editions Herodotos, Paris, France.
Στην εργασία αυτή εξετάζονται οι μαρτυρίες έγκλειστων εξισλαμισμένων γυναικών στα Οθωμανικά χαρέμια όπως αυτές καταγράφηκαν από δυτικές περιηγήτριες του 18ου και του 19ου αιώνα, στη Μικρά Ασία, στην Ελλάδα, στην Κύπρο, στην Αίγυπτο και σε άλλες κατεχόμενες περιοχές της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Καταδεικνύεται ότι το υπερβολικό πάχος, η ακινησία και η έλλειψη χάρης στο ανάστημα και στην κίνηση και για τα δύο φύλα, αντανακλούσαν το ατομικό κοινωνικό καθεστώς και θεωρούνταν κοινωνικά ‘προνόμια’ που ανήκαν μόνο στις υψηλότερες τάξεις των Μουσουλμάνων. Ο χορός, η παντομίμα, η τέχνη της ακροβασίας, η φυσική δραστηριότητα και γενικά οποιοδήποτε μορφή καλλιτεχνικής ή σωματικής έκφρασης, κίνησης, ενέργειας ή εκγύμνασης, ήταν όλα σύμβολα κοινωνικής κατωτερότητας. Οι δραστηριότητες αυτές θεωρούνταν ασχολίες, ή εργασίες που ενέπιπταν στην αρμοδιότητα των εξισλαμισμένων σκλάβων, δηλαδή των πρώην μη-μουσουλμάνων που είχαν βίαια ή ‘ομαλά’ εξισλαμισθεί, καθώς και των υπόδουλων/υποτελών λαών, όπως των Ελλήνων, των Αρμενίων, των Εβραίων και των Τσιγγάνων (Kamberidou 2006).
the_body_and_ottoman_society.pdf Kamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006).
Social Capital and Gender Equity in Sports. Presentation at the International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006, Universitat. In
International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006. presented at the 4 December, Milano, Italy: organized by the Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health. Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health Care Management ‘Carlo Masini’ in collaboration wit.
AbstractKamberidou, I., & Patsantaras, N. (2006). "Social Capital and Gender Equity in Sports". Presentation at the International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006, Universitat. International Conference on Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe: Trust and the Use of Social Ties, 4-5/12/2006, Milano, Italy. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3468.4642 K.3 in Apella ***Conference organized by the Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health. Universitat Commerciale Luigi Bocconi and IPAS-Institute of Public Administration and Health Care Management ‘Carlo Masini’ in collaboration with the European Commission, Milano Italy.
social_capital_and_gender_equity_in_sports_2006.pdf Athanaselis, S., Kamberidou, I., Laios, I., & Charitou, S. (2006).
Doping, a contemporary perspective [in Greek] (pp. 106). ESKAN-National Anti-Doping Council.
AbstractAthanaselis, S., Kamberidou, I., Laios, I., & Haritou, S. (2006).
Doping, a contemporary perspective [in Greek]. ESKAN-National Anti-Doping Council.
doping.pdf K.2 in Apella\
** Επίσης φυλλάδια/flyers
Ερωτήσεις & Απαντήσεις για τους Αθλητές,
Ερωτήσεις & Απαντήσεις για τους Προπονητές,
Ερωτήσεις & Απαντήσεις για τους Γονείς. [K.2.1 in Apella] [Additionally prepared three flyers/material ‘
Questions and Answers’ for Athletes, Coaches and Parents. [K.2.1 in Apella]
--National Anti-Doping Agency letter introducing above flyers and book [K.2.1.1 in Apella]
anti_doping_agency_letter_on_leaflets_and_book_on_doping.pdf Kamberidou, I. (2006).
Women Travellers of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries: Discourse on Orientalism and the Greek Element.
ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ & ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ (PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION), (38), 14-18. Philosophy & Education [article in Greek].
Καμπερίδου, Ε., (2006). Οι περί Ελληνισμού Αντιλήψεις και Περιγραφές περιηγητριών του 17ου, 18ου και 19ου και η γυναικεία περιήγηση. ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ & ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ, 38, 14-18. K.9.2. στο Apella
discourseonorientalismandthegreekelement._2007.compressed.pdf Kamberidou, I. (2006).
The Dance "Mania" of the Pontian [Black Sea] Greeks of Sinope in 1870 and Music and Dance Education of female harem inmates.
MAKEDNON, a scientific publication of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, (15), 305–316. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki [article in Greek].
Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2006). Η Χορευτική «Μανία» των Ποντίων της Σινώπης το 1870, και η Επιβαλλόμενη Μουσικο-Χορευτική Εκπαίδευση των Εξισλαμισμένων Σκλάβων. ΜΑΚΕΔΝΩΝ, Περιοδική Επιστημονική Έκδοση της Παιδαγωγικής Σχολής Φλώρινας του Π.Δ.Μ. Τεύχος 15ο, Καλοκαίρι 2006: 305-316. [K.9.3. στο Apella]
*** Kamberidou, Irene (2006). The Dance "Mania" of the Pontian [Black Sea] Greeks of Sinope in 1870 and Music and Dance Education of female harem inmates, in MAKEDNON, a s (cientific publication of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, issue 15, 2006: 305-316. [ K.9.3. in Apella]