
Orgera G, Tipaldi MA, Laurino F, Lucatelli P, Rebonato A, Paraskevopoulos I, Rossi M, Krokidis M. Techniques and future perspectives for the prevention and treatment of endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Insights into Imaging [Internet]. 2019;10(1). Website
Orgera G, Tipaldi MA, Laurino F, Lucatelli P, Rebonato A, Paraskevopoulos I, Rossi M, Krokidis M. Techniques and future perspectives for the prevention and treatment of endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Insights into Imaging [Internet]. 2019;10. Website
Flansburg ME, Stockli DF, Poulaki EM, Soukis K. {Tectono-magmatic and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Cycladic Basement, Ios Island, Greece}. Tectonics. 2019;38:2291–2316.Abstract
The Cycladic Basement (CB) and the overlying Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) are part of the Paleogene Cycladic subduction complex exposed in Miocene metamorphic core complexes in the distended back-arc of the retreating Hellenic subduction zone of the southern Aegean. While the Cenozoic tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the CB and the CBU have been the foci of numerous studies, this study presents new laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry bedrock and detrital zircon (DZ) U-Pb ages that place robust constraints on the presubduction tectonic, magmatic, and paleogeographic evolution of the CB. Zircon U-Pb ages of crystalline CB are $\sim$306-330 Ma, demonstrating local plutonism associated with regional voluminous, protracted Carboniferous magmatism related to Paleo-Tethys subduction. The plutons intruded the CB metasedimentary host-rock sequence, characterized by distinct Gondwanan DZ U-Pb provenance, Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic maximum depositional ages, and synmagmatic, contact metamorphic zircon rims ($\sim$300-330 Ma). DZ U-Pb dating revealed postmagmatic Permian metasedimentary rocks ($\sim$270-295 Ma) that unconformably overlie the CB and have unimodal DZ spectra that indicate exhumation of the CB prior to Permian deposition within extensional basins, as well as mark the onset of CBU deposition prior to formation of the Pindos rift domain. These U-Pb results clarify the late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic evolution of the CB as a peri-Gondwanan terrane composed of Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks, intruded by voluminous Carboniferous arc magmatism, and exhumed in the Permian, prior to Triassic rifting and CBU deposition. Additionally, these data provide a chronostratigraphic framework and illuminate subduction-related juxtaposition within the CB metasedimentary sequence.
Flansburg ME, Stockli DF, Poulaki EM, Soukis K. {Tectono-magmatic and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Cycladic Basement, Ios Island, Greece}. Tectonics. 2019;38.Abstract
©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The Cycladic Basement (CB) and the overlying Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) are part of the Paleogene Cycladic subduction complex exposed in Miocene metamorphic core complexes in the distended back-arc of the retreating Hellenic subduction zone of the southern Aegean. While the Cenozoic tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the CB and the CBU have been the foci of numerous studies, this study presents new laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry bedrock and detrital zircon (DZ) U-Pb ages that place robust constraints on the presubduction tectonic, magmatic, and paleogeographic evolution of the CB. Zircon U-Pb ages of crystalline CB are $\sim$306-330 Ma, demonstrating local plutonism associated with regional voluminous, protracted Carboniferous magmatism related to Paleo-Tethys subduction. The plutons intruded the CB metasedimentary host-rock sequence, characterized by distinct Gondwanan DZ U-Pb provenance, Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic maximum depositional ages, and synmagmatic, contact metamorphic zircon rims ($\sim$300-330 Ma). DZ U-Pb dating revealed postmagmatic Permian metasedimentary rocks ($\sim$270-295 Ma) that unconformably overlie the CB and have unimodal DZ spectra that indicate exhumation of the CB prior to Permian deposition within extensional basins, as well as mark the onset of CBU deposition prior to formation of the Pindos rift domain. These U-Pb results clarify the late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic evolution of the CB as a peri-Gondwanan terrane composed of Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks, intruded by voluminous Carboniferous arc magmatism, and exhumed in the Permian, prior to Triassic rifting and CBU deposition. Additionally, these data provide a chronostratigraphic framework and illuminate subduction-related juxtaposition within the CB metasedimentary sequence.
Bacopoulou F, Efthymiou V, Palaiologos G, Tsarouhas K, Landis G, Fostiropoulos I, Kaklea M, Rentoumis A, Papassotiriou I. Telemedicine screening adolescent metabolic syndrome in Greek schools. European Journal of Clinical Investigation [Internet]. 2019;49. Website
Koumarianou A, Krivan S, Machairas N, Ntavatzikos A, Pantazis N, Schizas D, Martikos G, Kampoli K, Misiakos EP, Patapis P, et al. Ten-year survival outcomes of patients with potentially resectable gastric cancer: impact of clinicopathologic and treatment-related risk factors. Annals of Gastroenterology. 2019;32:99.
Peyrat L-A, Tsafantakis N, Georgousaki K, Ouazzani J, Genilloud O, Trougakos IP, Fokialakis N. {Terrestrial Microorganisms: Cell Factories of Bioactive Molecules with Skin Protecting Applications}. Molecules [Internet]. 2019;24:1836. WebsiteAbstract
It is well known that terrestrial environments host an immense microbial biodiversity. Exposed to different types of stress, such as UV radiation, temperature fluctuations, water availability and the inter- / intra-specific competition for resources, terrestrial microorganisms have been evolved to produce a large spectrum of bioactive molecules. Bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi and algae have shown a high potential of producing biomolecules for pharmaceutical or other industrial purposes as they combine a sustainable, relatively low-cost and fast-production process. Herein, we provide an overview of the different bioactive molecules produced by terrestrial microorganisms with skin protecting applications. The high content in polyphenolic and carotenoid compounds produced by several strains, as well as the presence of exopolysaccharides, melanins, indole and pyrrole derivatives, mycosporines, carboxylic acids and other molecules, are discussed in the context of their antioxidant, photo-protective and skin-whitening activity. Relevant biotechnological tools developed for the enhanced production of high added value natural products, as well as the protecting effect of some antioxidant, hydrolytic and degrading enzymes are also discussed. Furthermore, we describe classes of microbial compounds that are used or have the potential to be used as antimicrobials, moisturizers, biosurfactants, pigments, flavorings and fragrances.
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Dogkas G, Pagkalos C, Lymperis K, Coelho L, Rebola A. Testing the performance of a prototype thermal energy storage tank working with organic phase change material for space heating application conditions. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019;116:00038.
Bin W, Bruschi A, Fanale F, Francesca M, Lucca F, Albajar F, Alberti S, Carannante G, Cavinato M, Chelis I, et al. Tests and developments of a long-pulse high-power 170 {GHz} absorbing matched load. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2019;146:36–39. Website
Bin W, Bruschi A, Fanale F, Francesca M, Lucca F, Albajar F, Alberti S, Carannante G, Cavinato M, Chelis I, et al. Tests and developments of a long-pulse high-power 170 GHz absorbing matched load. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2019;146:36-39. Website
Antalis E, Spathis A, Kottaridi C, Kossyvakis A, Pastellas K, Tsakalos K, Mentis A, Kroupis C, Tsiodras S. Th17 serum cytokines in relation to laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infection: A pilot study. J.Med.Virol. [Internet]. 2019;91(6):963 - 971. WebsiteAbstract
BACKGROUND: Th17 cytokines are associated with modulation of inflammation and may be beneficial in clearing influenza infection in experimental models. The Th17 cytokine profile was evaluated in a pilot study of respiratory virus infections. METHODS: Consecutive patients with symptoms of respiratory tract infection visiting the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital during the winter influenza season of 2014 to 2015 were evaluated. CLART PneumoVir kit, (GENOMICA, Madrid, Spain) was used for viral detection of all known respiratory viruses. Th17 cytokine profile was evaluated with the MILLIPLEX MAP Human TH17 Magnetic Bead Panel (Millipore Corp., Billerica, MA). Correlation of the TH17 profile with viral detection was performed with univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Seventy-six patients were evaluated (median age 56 years, 51.3% female); a respiratory virus was identified in 60 (78.9%) patients; 45% had confirmed influenza. Influenza A (H3N2) correlated with higher levels of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta), IL-17A, IL-17E, IL-17F, IL-21, IL-22, and IL-23 (P < 0.05 by analysis of variance [ANOVA]) compared with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Parainfluenza virus (PIV) similarly had higher levels of GM-CSF, IL-1b, IL-17A, IL-22 compared with those detected in RSV, influenza B and any other virus infection ( P < 0.05; ANOVA). Increasing age (beta-coefficient = 1.11, 95% CI, 1.04-1.2, P < 0.01) as well as IL-17A levels (beta-coefficient = 1.03, 95% CI, 1.001-1.05, P = 0.04) predicted hospital admission. CONCLUSION: Main Th17 cell effector cytokines were upregulated in laboratory-confirmed A(H3N2) influenza and PIV. Excessive amounts of Th17 cytokines may be implicated in the pathogenesis and immune control of acute influenza and PIV infection in humans and may predict the severity of disease
Leggieri A, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Dammertz G, Erckmann V, Gantenbein G, Hogge J-P, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Jelonnek J, et al. THALES TH1507 140 GHz 1 MW CW gyrotron for W7-X stellarator. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Petsalakis ID, Tzeli D, Theodorakopoulos G, Rebek, Jr. J. Theoretical investigation on the binding of alkyl halides and cyclohexyl halides in water-soluble cavitands. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2019;728:174-180.
Tzeli D, Petsalakis ID, Theodorakopoulos G. Theoretical study of the photophysical processes of a styryl-bodipy derivative eliciting an AND molecular logic gate response. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY. 2019;119.
“There Must Be No Ruins”: Ruinophobia and Urban Morphology in Turn-of-the-Century New York
Tsimpouki T. “There Must Be No Ruins”: Ruinophobia and Urban Morphology in Turn-of-the-Century New York. In: Ruins in the Literary and Cultural Imagination. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham; 2019. pp. 111–126. Publisher's Version
Tsiminikaki K, Karell MA, Nathena D, Halazonetis D, Spanakis K, Kranioti EF. Three-Dimensional Geometry of Phalanges as a Proxy for Pair-Matching: Mesh Comparison Using an ICP Algorithm. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1205:55-69.Abstract
Forensic anthropologists are frequently faced with the challenge of individualizing and sorting commingled remains in a variety of scenarios. A number of protocols have been proposed to standardize the methodological approach to individuating commingled remains, some of which are focused on pair-matching. A recent study by Karell et al. (2016) proposed a virtual method for pair-matching humeri using a semi-automatic procedure that gave encouraging results. With regards to the phalanges, there are only a handful of studies focusing on identifying and siding phalanges, as well as exploring their directional and functional asymmetry. Yet, they are still as important as every other bone when sorting commingled human remains in various situations, such as archaeological common burials and mass graves, commingled decomposed remains resulting from atrocities, accidents or natural disasters. This study investigates a new method for pair-matching, a common individualization technique, using digital three-dimensional models of bone: mesh-to-mesh value comparison (MVC) as proposed by Karell et al. (2016). The MVC method digitally compares the entire three-dimensional geometry of two bones using an iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm to produce a single value as a proxy for their similarity. The method is automated with the use of Viewbox software 4.1 beta for a simultaneous comparison of all possible pairs. For this study, 515 phalanges from 24 individuals of mixed ancestry were digitized using CT scans and the 3D modeling program AMIRA 5.3.3. The models were also hollowed (internal information of compact and trabecular bone removed) to test the method with simulated surface scan models. The subsequent data-over 73,000 comparisons-were assessed using sensitivity and specificity rates via ROC analysis to indicate how well the automated version of MVC pair-matched phalanges. The best bone in terms of pair-matching was the proximal phalanx of Digit 3 with 87.5% sensitivity and 92.4% specificity rates at a threshold value of 0.488 for the unhollowed bones. The specificity drops slightly (91.1%) when the hollowed models are compared. To compare the performance of the method in all phalanges, the specificity was set to 95%-allowing for a 5% acceptable error-and the adjusted sensitivity was compared. The highest sensitivity, namely 68.8%, was noted for Digit 2 proximal phalanx for both unhollowed and hollowed models. Thus far, our preliminary results indicate that the MVC method performs well when pair-matching phalanges, though it is less accurate than pair-matching other types of bones. The introduction of 95% specificity threshold allows for rejecting pairs in great confidence, which could, for instance, significantly reduce the number of DNA comparisons required for the remaining possible matches. In addition, the similar results obtained from hollowed and unhollowed models indicate that the internal information included in the unhollowed models adds little to the identification of true pairs. This means that if a CT scan is not available, the method could be applied to surface models produced by light and laser scanners as well. While additional work needs to be done to verify these preliminary results, this research has the potential to expand the repertoire of individualization methods.
Mazis I, Troulis M, Domatioti X. The Thucydidean Legacy of Systemic Geopolitical Analysis and Structural Realism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention [Internet]. 2019;8(10):45-50. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Which are the modern roots of the theories of Systemic Geopolitical Analysis and Structural Realism? Which are the epistemological and methodological bases that a conflict is profound? Being descriptive theories, both Systemic Geopolitical Analysis and Structural Realism have been constructed on the basis of axial hypotheses tested through historical practical case studies. They represent complementary approaches, based on the common Thucydidean legacy of description and analysis emphasizing ontology. In the modern framework of scientific debate, there are also common roots, while the commonalities are more between them in comparison with other theoretical approaches even included in the same scientific field. Under this lens, the current paper endeavors to decode all those reasons making the two theoretical approaches two – even not identical – twins of Thucydides.
Orgera G, Krokidis M, Rebonato A, Tipaldi MA, Mascagni L, Rossi M. Thyroid skeletal metastasis: Pain management with verteblation. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care [Internet]. 2019;9. Website
Orgera G, Krokidis M, Rebonato A, Tipaldi MA, Mascagni L, Rossi M. Thyroid skeletal metastasis: Pain management with verteblation. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care [Internet]. 2019;9(1). Website
Lambropoulos K, Simserides C. Tight-binding modeling of nucleic acid sequences: Interplay between various types of order or disorder and charge transport. Symmetry [Internet]. 2019;11:968. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This review is devoted to tight-binding (TB) modeling of nucleic acid sequences like DNA and RNA. It addresses how various types of order (periodic, quasiperiodic, fractal) or disorder (diagonal, non-diagonal, random, methylation et cetera) affect charge transport. We include an introduction to TB and a discussion of its various submodels [wire, ladder, extended ladder, fishbone (wire), fishbone ladder] and of the process of renormalization. We proceed to a discussion of aperiodicity, quasicrystals and the mathematics of aperiodic substitutional sequences: primitive substitutions, Perron–Frobenius eigenvalue, induced substitutions, and Pisot property. We discuss the energy structure of nucleic acid wires, the coupling to the leads, the transmission coefficients and the current–voltage curves. We also summarize efforts aiming to examine the potentiality to utilize the charge transport characteristics of nucleic acids as a tool to probe several diseases or disorders.
Lambropoulos K, Simserides C. Tight-binding modeling of nucleic acid sequences: Interplay between various types of order or disorder and charge transport. Symmetry. 2019;11(8):968.
Beldachi AF, Tzanakaki A, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D. Time shared optical network (TSON): A programmable network edge solution for multi-access support. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [Internet]. 2019;9. Website
Diamantopoulou A, Sakellis E, Romanos GE, Gardelis S, Ioannidis N, Boukos N, Falaras P, Likodimos V. Titania photonic crystal photocatalysts functionalized by graphene oxide nanocolloids. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [Internet]. 2019;240:277-290. WebsiteAbstract
Photonic crystal-assisted semiconductor photocatalysis has been attracting significant attention as an advanced photon management approach that combines light harvesting with the macro/mesoporous structured materials properties permitting enhanced mass transport and high adsorption. In this work, surface functionalization of well-ordered photonic band gap engineered TiO2 inverse opal films fabricated by the convective evaporation-induced co-assembly method was performed by graphene oxide nanocolloids (nanoGO). The loading of GO nanosheets was determined by the films’ macropore size, with minimal effects on their long range periodicity and photonic properties. While nanoGO deposition reduced mesoporosity of the nanocrystalline titania walls, their surface functionality was greatly improved by the abundant oxygen groups of the GO nanosheets leading to increased pollutant adsorption. Slow photon amplification in the aqueous phase methylene blue photodegradation was identified for the unmodified TiO2 photonic films under both UV–vis and Vis illumination upon spectral overlap of the low energy edge of the inverse opal stop band (in water) with the dye electronic absorption, due to (red) slow photons localized in the titania skeleton that distinctly accelerated dye photodegradation kinetics. The photocatalytic efficiency was further improved for the nanoGO functionalized TiO2 inverse opal films via the synergetic action of interfacial electron transfer from TiO2 to the GO nanosheets. Under UV–vis light, the functionalized photonic films outperformed benchmark mesoporous Aeroxide® P25 TiO2 films where nanoGO modification, despite the enhanced dye adsorption, resulted in adverse effects in photocatalytic degradation due to pore clogging. Combination of the exceptional structural and photonic properties of TiO2 inverse opals with the high adsorption capacity and charge separation afforded by GO nanocolloids is proposed as a promising modification route for the development of efficient photocatalytic films. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.
Diamantopoulou A, Sakellis E, Romanos GE, Gardelis S, Ioannidis N, Boukos N, Falaras P, Likodimos V. Titania photonic crystal photocatalysts functionalized by graphene oxide nanocolloids. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [Internet]. 2019;240:277-290. WebsiteAbstract
Photonic crystal-assisted semiconductor photocatalysis has been attracting significant attention as an advanced photon management approach that combines light harvesting with the macro/mesoporous structured materials properties permitting enhanced mass transport and high adsorption. In this work, surface functionalization of well-ordered photonic band gap engineered TiO2 inverse opal films fabricated by the convective evaporation-induced co-assembly method was performed by graphene oxide nanocolloids (nanoGO). The loading of GO nanosheets was determined by the films’ macropore size, with minimal effects on their long range periodicity and photonic properties. While nanoGO deposition reduced mesoporosity of the nanocrystalline titania walls, their surface functionality was greatly improved by the abundant oxygen groups of the GO nanosheets leading to increased pollutant adsorption. Slow photon amplification in the aqueous phase methylene blue photodegradation was identified for the unmodified TiO2 photonic films under both UV–vis and Vis illumination upon spectral overlap of the low energy edge of the inverse opal stop band (in water) with the dye electronic absorption, due to (red) slow photons localized in the titania skeleton that distinctly accelerated dye photodegradation kinetics. The photocatalytic efficiency was further improved for the nanoGO functionalized TiO2 inverse opal films via the synergetic action of interfacial electron transfer from TiO2 to the GO nanosheets. Under UV–vis light, the functionalized photonic films outperformed benchmark mesoporous Aeroxide® P25 TiO2 films where nanoGO modification, despite the enhanced dye adsorption, resulted in adverse effects in photocatalytic degradation due to pore clogging. Combination of the exceptional structural and photonic properties of TiO2 inverse opals with the high adsorption capacity and charge separation afforded by GO nanocolloids is proposed as a promising modification route for the development of efficient photocatalytic films. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.
Diamantopoulou A, Sakellis E, Romanos GE, Gardelis S, Ioannidis N, Boukos N, Falaras P, Likodimos V. Titania photonic crystal photocatalysts functionalized by graphene oxide nanocolloids. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental [Internet]. 2019;240:277-290. Website
Diamantopoulou A, Sakellis E, Romanos GE, Gardelis S, Ioannidis N, Boukos N, Falaras P, Likodimos V. Titania photonic crystal photocatalysts functionalized by graphene oxide nanocolloids. [Internet]. 2019;240:277-290. Website
Bagratuni T, Sklirou AD, Kastritis E, Liacos CI, Spilioti C, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Kanellias N, Gavriatopoulou M, Terpos E, Trougakos IP, et al. {Toll-Like Receptor 4 Activation Promotes Multiple Myeloma Cell Growth and Survival Via Suppression of The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Factor Chop}. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2019;9:3245. WebsiteAbstract
Despite recent biomedical improvements in treating Multiple Myeloma (MM), the disease still remains incurable. Toll like receptors (TLRs) provide a link between innate and adaptive immune responses and hence potentially correlate inflammation to cancer. Although the regulatory role of TLRs in MM has been under investigation the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study we assayed the function of TLR4 in MM cell lines and in MM patients' samples. We found that lipopolysaccharide-mediated TLR4 activation increased MM cells proliferation and decreased endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, we observed that either the endogenous CHOP expression or the ER stress-mediated CHOP induction, were suppressed by TLR4 activation or its overexpression in MM cell lines; TLR4 induction also suppressed ER stress-induced apoptotic signals. In support, TLR4 gene expression silencing in MM cell lines significantly decreased cell proliferation and promoted CHOP and ATF4 upregulation. TLR4 activation was also able to partially abrogate the effect of bortezomib in MM cell lines by suppressing PERK, ATF4 and phospho-eIF2A. We suggest that TLR4-mediated disruption of ER stress responses contributes to MM cells proliferation and suppresses ER-dependent death signals.
Karakonstantis A, Papadimitriou P, Millas C, Spingos I, Fountoulakis I, Kaviris G. Tomographic imaging of the NW edge of the Hellenic volcanic arc. Journal of Seismology [Internet]. 2019;23(5):995 - 1016. Website
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Varotsos GK, Leitgeb E. Total Outage Probablity of a Multihop Hybrid FSO/MMW System. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2019. ; 2019. Website
Towards a Trope of Reciprocal Reading in the Post-Medium Condition: From Paul Auster'sLeviathan to Sophie Calle'sDouble Game and Back Again. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Rahman S, Krokidis M, Paraskevopoulos I. Transcholecystic approach for distal common bile duct stricture in a non-dilated biliary system: An alternative route. BMJ Case Reports [Internet]. 2019;12(12). Website
Rahman S, Krokidis M, Paraskevopoulos I. Transcholecystic approach for distal common bile duct stricture in a non-dilated biliary system: An alternative route. BMJ Case Reports [Internet]. 2019;12. Website
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Rahman KKM. Transdermal optical wireless links with multiple receivers in the presence of skin-induced attenuation and pointing errors. Computation [Internet]. 2019;7. Website
Drijvers P, Gitirana V, Monaghan J, Okumus S, Besnier S, Pfeiffer C, Mercat C, Thomas A. Transitions Toward Digital Resources: Change, Invariance, and Orchestration. In: Trouche L, Gueudet G, Pepin B The 'Resource' Approach to Mathematics Education . Springer, Cham; 2019. pp. 389-444. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This chapter reports on the work of Working Group 4 and focuses on the integration of digital resources into mathematics teaching and learning practices.There are five central sections, focusing on, instrumental genesis, instrumental orchestration, the documentational approach to didactics, digital resources andteacher education, and the design of learning environments with the use of digital resources. A range of constructs and theoretical approaches are covered in these five sections, and the opening section comments on construct validity and issues in “networking” theoretical frameworks. The chapter can be viewed as a literature review which surveys past and present (at the time of writing) scholarship with an eye to possible future research. The chapter is extensive in several dimensions: a large range of digital resources and applications are considered; the subjects using digital resources are not just teachers but also students, student teachers and student teacher educators. Issues raised in the sections include individual and collective use of resources, the adaptation of these resources for specific learning goals and to prepare (pre- and in-service) teachers for the use of digital resources.
Galanis P. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation methodology for questionnaires in languages other than Greek. Archives of Hellenic Medicine. 2019;36:124–35.
Galanis P. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation methodology for questionnaires in languages other than Greek. Archives of Hellenic Medicine. 2019;36(1):124-35.
Copanitsanou P, Kechagias VA, Galanis P, Grivas TB, Wilson P. Translation and validation of the Greek version of the “ASEPSIS” scoring method for orthopaedic wound infections. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. 2019;33:18-26.
Copanitsanou P, Kechagias VA, Galanis P, Grivas TB, Wilson P. Translation and validation of the Greek version of the “ASEPSIS” scoring method for orthopaedic wound infections. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. 2019;33:18–26.
Chatziralli I, Dimitriou E, Theodossiadis G, Chatzirallis A, Kazantzis D, Theodossiadis P. Treatment of macular edema after pars plana vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane using intravitreal dexamethasone implant: long-term outcomes. Ophthalmologica. 2019;242:16–21.
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Volos CK. Triple Hybrid Terresstrial FSO/RF/MMW System with Receiver's Diversity. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Volos CK. Triple Hybrid Terresstrial FSO/RF/MMW System with Receiver's Diversity. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader
Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader. (Mitsi E). Bloomsbury; 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader offers an accessible and thought-provoking guide to this complex problem play, surveying its key themes and evolving critical preoccupations. Considering its generic ambiguity and experimentalism, it also provides a uniquely detailed and up-to-date history of the play's stage performance from Dryden's rewriting up to Mark Ravenhill and Elizabeth LeCompte's controversial 2012 production for the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Wooster Group.Moving through to four new critical essays, the guide opens up fresh perspectives on the play's iconoclastic nature and its key themes, ranging from issues of gender and sexuality to Elizabethan politics, from the uses of antiquity to questions of cultural translation, with particular attention paid on Troilus' “Greekness”.
Gogou M, Makri E, Katsetsiadou K-N, Evelpidou N, Karkani A, Lekkas E. Tsunami hazard and sand dune protection in West Naxos Island. 6th International Civil Protection Conference - SafeCorfu 2019. 2019.Abstract
The west coast of Naxos Isl. was hit in 1956 by the Amorgos tsunami. This study aims to: a) determine the impact of a potential tsunami similar to the one that occured in 1956, based on the island's contemporary residential and tourist development, and b) explore whether the natural geomorphs (sand dunes) in the 3 study areas (Glyfada, Agios Prokopios, Chora of Naxos) can reduce the tsunami risk. Risk assessment was based on processing field data (differential GPS) and satellite images with GIS software. Furthermore, the dunes potential risk reduction has been evaluated. Results show that taller sand dunes and vegetation provides better tsunami protection to the coast of Glyfada, than the one of Agios Prokopios. Uncontrolled tourism development without any sand dunes protection measures underline their development and, consequently, increases the tsunami risk.
Twitter, politeness, self-presentation.
Sifianou M, Bella S. Twitter, politeness, self-presentation. In: Analysing Digital Discourse: New Insights and Future Directions. Edited by: P.Bou-Franch & P. Garcés-conejos Blitvich. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2019. pp. 341-365.
Xue R, Liu R-Y, Petropoulou M, Oikonomou F, Wang Z-R, Wang K, Wang X-Y. A Two-zone Model for Blazar Emission: Implications for TXS 0506+056 and the Neutrino Event IceCube-170922A. [Internet]. 2019;886:23. WebsiteAbstract
A high-energy muon neutrino event, IceCube-170922A, was recently discovered in both spatial and temporal coincidence with a gamma-ray flare of the blazar TXS 0506+056. It has been shown with standard one-zone models that neutrinos can be produced in the blazar jet via hadronic interactions, but with a flux that is mostly limited by the X-ray data. In this work, we explore the neutrino production from TXS 0506+056 by invoking two physically distinct emission zones in the jet, with an inner blob inside of or close to the broad-line region (BLR) and an outer one well beyond the BLR. Using the Doppler-boosted radiation of the BLR as the target photon field, the inner zone accounts for the neutrino and gamma-ray emission via pγ interactions and inverse Compton scattering, respectively, while the outer zone produces the optical and X-ray emission via synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton processes. The different conditions of the two zones allow us to suppress the X-ray emission from the electromagnetic cascade, and set a much higher upper limit on the muon neutrino flux (i.e., ∼10-11 erg cm-2 s-1) than in one-zone models. We compare our scenario in detail with one-zone models discussed in the literature, and argue that differentiating between such scenarios will become possible with next-generation neutrino telescopes, such as IceCube-Gen2.
Padovani P, Oikonomou F, Petropoulou M, Giommi P, Resconi E. TXS 0506+056, the first cosmic neutrino source, is not a BL Lac. [Internet]. 2019;484:L104 - L108. WebsiteAbstract
We present evidence that TXS 0506+056, the first plausible non-stellar neutrino source, despite appearances, is not a blazar of the BL Lac type but is instead a masquerading BL Lac, i.e. intrinsically a flat-spectrum radio quasar with hidden broad lines and a standard accretion disc. This reclassification is based on: (1) its radio and O II luminosities; (2) its emission line ratios; (3) its Eddington ratio. We also point out that the synchrotron peak frequency of TXS 0506+056 is more than two orders of magnitude larger than expected by the so-called `blazar sequence', a scenario which has been assumed by some theoretical models predicting neutrino (and cosmic ray) emission from blazars. Finally, we comment on the theoretical implications this reclassification has on the location of the γ-ray emitting region and our understanding of neutrino emission in blazars.
Ntavatzikos A, Spathis A, Patapis P, Machairas N, Vourli G, Peros G, Papadopoulos I, Panayiotides I, Koumarianou A. TYMS/KRAS/BRAF molecular profiling predicts survival following adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology [Internet]. 2019;11:551-566. Website
Lazogiannis, Κ., Vassilakis, Emm., Poulos, S., Kotsopoulos, S., Alexopoulos, J.D., Alamanis, N., Papageorgiou, G. UAS-SfM as a cost-effective tool for coastal monitoring and management. In: 1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works. Athens; 2019. pdfAbstract
Coastal zone monitoring of river deltas is essential in order to understand their evolution and incorporate sustainable coastal management practices. Frequent data collection is essential but often surveys can be costly and time-consuming. This often leads to increase the time lag between successive monitoring campaigns to reduce survey costs, with the consequence of fragmenting the data available for coastal zone management. In this study we present the ability of off-the-shelf Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) coupled with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to map and measure coastal features (e.g. shorelines).
Lazogiannis K, Vassilakis E, Poulos S, Kotsopoulos S, Alexopoulos J, Alamanis N, Papageorgiou G. UAS-SfM as a Cost-Effective Tool for Coastal Monitoring and Management. 1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works [Internet]. 2019;1:135-139. pdfAbstract
Coastal zone monitoring is essential in order to understand their evolution and incorporate sustainable coastal management practices. Frequent data collection is essential but often surveys can be costly and time-consuming. Several costly and time-consuming tools and techniques have been developed during the last few years for change detection and monitoring, allowing for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. In this study we present the ability of an off-the-shelf Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) coupled with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to map and measure coastal features (e.g. shorelines). The UAS surveys taken place over three campaigns during Autumn 2017 (November), Spring 2018 (March) and Autumn 2018 (October) in Pinios river deltaic coast. The demonstrated UAS-SfM methodology produced remote sensing data with great spatial resolution which could be used to visually identify important parameters for coastal research and management at a fraction of thecost of other available techniques and. Even an off-the-shelf UAS is suitable for repeat surveys to assess spatial and temporal changes at small spatial extents and to better comprehend how these may be related with site-specific natural processes along the coast.
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Spyrou N-I, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Papadimitriou P, Kasssaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis G-A, Voulgaris N. UAV and GIS based rapid earthquake-induced building damage assessment and methodology for EMS-98 isoseismal map drawing: The June 12, 2017 Mw 6.3 Lesvos (Northeastern Aegean, Greece) earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2019;37:101169.
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Spyrou N-I, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Papadimitriou P, Kasssaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis G-A, Voulgaris N, et al. UAV and GIS based rapid earthquake-induced building damage assessment and methodology for EMS-98 isoseismal map drawing: The June 12, 2017 Mw 6.3 Lesvos (Northeastern Aegean, Greece) earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction [Internet]. 2019;37. Website
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Spyrou N-I, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Papadimitriou P, Kasssaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis GA-, Voulgaris N, et al. UAV and GIS based rapid earthquake-induced building damage assessment and methodology for EMS-98 isoseismal map drawing: The June 12, 2017 Mw 6.3 Lesvos (Northeastern Aegean, Greece) earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction [Internet]. 2019;37:101169. Publisher's VersionAbstract
On June 12, 2017, an Mw 6.3 earthquake struck Lesvos Island (Northeastern Aegean, Greece). Building damage was observed in its southeastern part with very heavy structural damage limited in the settlement of Vrissa. Taking into account that Vrissa is located further inland from the epicenter than other settlements with less damage, Vrissa looks like an earthquake impact paradox. For interpreting this paradox, a complete approach for damage assessment in an earthquake-affected area was applied during the first hours of the emergency response phase in order to provide crucial information to civil protection agencies. It comprises integration of building-by-building inspection, use of desktop and web GIS applications, UAV survey and digital post processing, extraction of data and information related to the buildings of the affected area, application of the European Macroseismic Scale 1998 and assignment of macroseismic intensities. Correlation of the all aforementioned data with the geological, geomorphological, geotechnical and seismological properties of the affected area along with its buildings characteristics was followed. This damage scene is attributed to the synergy of the near-field location of Vrissa, recent deposits, geotechnically unstable zones, proximity to active faults, rupture directivity phenomena and vulnerable buildings. The integration of UAV and web GIS applications during a rapid post-earthquake field macroseismic reconnaissance can potentially be considered as a methodological framework that can be applied for similar analysis in other areas affected not only by earthquakes but also by other extreme events that have the potential to cause destructive effects on the natural environment, humans and infrastructures.
Tsakmakidis KL, Reshef O, Almpanis E, Zouros GP, Mohammadi E, Saadat D, Sohrabi F, Fahimi-Kashani N, Etezadi D, Boyd RW, et al. Ultrabroadband 3D invisibility with fast-light cloaks. Nature Communications [Internet]. 2019;10. WebsiteAbstract
An invisibility cloak should completely hide an object from an observer, ideally across the visible spectrum and for all angles of incidence and polarizations of light, in three dimensions. However, until now, all such devices have been limited to either small bandwidths or have disregarded the phase of the impinging wave or worked only along specific directions. Here, we show that these seemingly fundamental restrictions can be lifted by using cloaks made of fast-light media, termed tachyonic cloaks, where the wave group velocity is larger than the speed of light in vacuum. On the basis of exact analytic calculations and full-wave causal simulations, we demonstrate three-dimensional cloaking that cannot be detected even interferometrically across the entire visible regime. Our results open the road for ultrabroadband invisibility of large objects, with direct implications for stealth and information technology, non-disturbing sensors, near-field scanning optical microscopy imaging, and superluminal propagation. © 2019, The Author(s).
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Volos CK, Tsigopoulos AD. Underwater optical wireless communications with chromatic dispersion and time jitter. Computation [Internet]. 2019;7. Website
Kopanias K, Barlagianni G. Unequal in Life but Equal in Death? The Mortuary Evidence for Social Stratification in the Ubaid Polities. Ash Sharq. Bulletin of the Ancient Near East [Internet]. 2019;3(1):1-20. Publisher's Version paper_2019_unequal_in_life_but_equal.pdf
The Unfinished Story of Nicodemus: A Reader-Centered Approach
Karakolis C. The Unfinished Story of Nicodemus: A Reader-Centered Approach. In: Expressions of the Johannine Kerygma in John 2:23–5:18. Historical, Literary, and Theological Readings from the Colloquium Ioanneum 2017 in Jerusalem. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; 2019. pp. 13-27. Publisher's Version karakolis_013-028.pdf
Mavroudis PD, Kosmidis K, Macheras P. On the unphysical hypotheses in pharmacokinetics and oral drug absorption: Time to utilize instantaneous rate coefficients instead of rate constants. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 2019;130:137-146.Abstract
This work aims to explore the unphysical assumptions associated with i) the homogeneity of the well mixed compartments of pharmacokinetics and ii) the diffusion limited model of drug dissolution. To this end, we i) tested the homogeneity hypothesis using Monte Carlo simulations for a reaction and a diffusional process that take place in Euclidean and fractal media, ii) re-considered the flip-flop kinetics assuming that the absorption rate for a one-compartment model is governed by an instantaneous rate coefficient instead of a rate constant, and, iii) re-considered the extent of drug absorption as a function of dose using an in vivo reaction limited model of drug dissolution with integer and non-integer stoichiometry values. We found that drug diffusional processes and reactions are slowed down in heterogeneous media and the environmental heterogeneity leads to increased fluctuations of the measurable quantities. Highly variable experimental literature data with measurements in intrathecal space and gastrointestinal fluids were explained accordingly. Next, by applying power law and Weibull input functions to a one-compartment model of disposition we show that the shape of concentration-time curves is highly dependent on the time exponent of the input functions. Realistic examples based on PK data of three compounds known to exhibit flip-flop kinetics are analyzed. The need to use time dependent coefficients instead of rate constants in PBPK modeling and virtual bioequivalence is underlined. Finally, the shape of the fraction absorbed as a function of dose plots, using an in vivo reaction limited model of drug dissolution were found to be dependent on the stoichiometry value and the solubility of drug. Ascending and descending limbs were observed for the higher stoichiometries (2.0 and 1.5) with the low solubility drug. In contrast, for the more soluble drug, a continuous increase of fraction absorbed as a function of dose is observed when the higher stoichiometries are used (2.0 and 1.5). For both drugs, the fraction absorbed for the lower values of stoichiometry (0.7 and 1.0) exhibit a non-dependency on dose profile. Our results give an insight into the complex picture of in vivo drug dissolution since diffusion-limited and reaction-limited processes seem to operate under in vivo conditions concurrently.
Macheras P. On an Unphysical Hypothesis of Bateman Equation and its Implications for Pharmacokinetics. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH. 2019;36.
Avgeris M, Tsilimantou A, Levis PK, Rampias T, Papadimitriou MA, Panoutsopoulou K, Stravodimos K, Scorilas A. Unraveling UCA1 lncRNA prognostic utility in urothelial bladder cancer. Carcinogenesis. 2019;40:965-974.Abstract
In the era of precision oncology, bladder cancer (BlCa) is characterized by generic patient management and lack of personalized prognosis and surveillance. Herein, we have studied the clinical significance of urothelial cancer associated 1 (UCA1) lncRNA in improving patients' risk stratification and prognosis. A screening cohort of 176 BlCa patients was used for UCA1 quantification. The Hedegaard et al. (n = 476) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) provisional (n = 413) were analyzed as validation cohorts for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), respectively. Patients' survival outcome was assessed using recurrence and progression for NMIBC or death for MIBC as clinical endpoint events. Bootstrap analysis was performed for internal validation of Cox regression analysis, whereas the clinical benefit of disease prognosis was assessed by decision curve analysis. UCA1 was significantly overexpressed in bladder tumors compared with normal urothelium, which was confirmed only in the case of NMIBC. Interestingly, reduced expression of UCA1 was correlated with muscle-invasive disease as well as with tumors of higher stage and grade. UCA1 loss was strongly associated with higher risk of short-term relapse [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.974; P = 0.032] and progression to invasive stages (HR = 3.476; P = 0.023) in NMIBC. In this regard, Hedegaard et al. and TCGA validation cohorts confirmed the unfavorable prognostic nature of UCA1 loss in BlCa. Finally, prognosis prediction models integrating UCA1 underexpression and established clinical disease markers contributed to improved stratification specificity and superior clinical benefit for NMIBC prognosis. Underexpression of UCA1 correlates with worse disease outcome in NMIBC and contributes to superior prediction of disease early relapse and progression as well as improved patient stratification specificity.
Papatheodorou N, Pino A, Kouroupetroglou G, Constantinides V, Andreadou E, Papageorgiou CC. Upper Limb Motor Skills Performance Evaluation Based on Point-and-Click Cursor Trajectory Analysis: Application in Early Multiple Sclerosis Detection". IEEE Access Journal [Internet]. 2019;7:28999–29013. Publisher's Version
Tyrlis E, Manzini E, Bader J, Ukita J, Nakamura H, Matei D. Ural Blocking Driving Extreme Arctic Sea Ice Loss, Cold Eurasia, and Stratospheric Vortex Weakening in Autumn and Early Winter 2016–2017. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres [Internet]. 2019;124:11313-11329. Website
Dilalos, S., Alexopoulos JD. Urban Gravity Measurements for the Subsurface Investigation of Athens Basin (Greece). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece [Internet]. 2019;Sp.Pub. No 7:211-212. pdfAbstract
Taking into consideration the major damage caused by the disastrous earthquake of 7th September 1999 (5.9R), the need for further and deeper investigation of the geological structure of the subsurface came up. The damage distribution of an earthquake is usually related to the tectonic structures of the area (Dilalos and Alexopoulos, 2017). Unfortunately, since the areas are covered with artificial surfaces, such as buildings, industrial infrastructures, roads, bridges and generally artificial surfaces, the geological research is quite complicated. The missing geological information for the deep subsurface can only be retrieved using geophysical methods. Given the fact that the 54.5% of Athens basin is covered with artificial surfaces (Dilalos, 2018), not all the geophysical methods can be applied. The land gravity measurements seem like the most applicable method for such a deep geotectonic investigation.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Mujeeb Rahman KK. On the use of Diversity in Transdermal Optical Wireless Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors for Outage Performance Estimation. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Mujeeb Rahman KK. On the use of Diversity in Transdermal Optical Wireless Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors for Outage Performance Estimation. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Papapanagiotou IK, Charamanta M, Roidi S, Al-Achmar NS, Soldatou A, Michala L. {The Use of Norethisterone for the Treatment of Severe Uterine Bleeding in Adolescents: An Audit of Our Experience}. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2019;32.Abstract
© 2019 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Study Objective: The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the effectiveness of norethisterone (NET) in the management of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in adolescents in a tertiary care center. Design: This was a prospective audit focused on administering high doses of NET in female adolescents with complaints of AUB. Setting: We included female adolescents who presented to our Emergency Gynecological Department or Adolescent Gynecological Outpatient Department from October 2016 to January 2019. Participants: The study included 29 female adolescents aged 11-17 (mean, 13.14) years. Interventions: Patients were administered a daily dose of 10-30 mg, depending on the severity of the condition, bleeding duration, and patient weight. Main Outcome Measures: Cessation of vaginal bleeding. Results: Mean age at menarche of our patient sample was 11.4 years (range, 10.7-14 years). AUB presented at a mean time of 24.6 months after menarche (range, 0-79 months). Blood transfusion was deemed necessary in 9 patients. Bleeding stopped at a mean of 46.1 (range, 8-120) hours after onset of treatment with NET. No serious adverse events were reported with NET administration, with only 3 cases of minor side effects. Conclusion: The use of NET is an effective and reliable treatment option among adolescents for whom control of AUB is desired in the acute setting.
Frache G, Tombras GS, Stavropoulos K, Mkrttchian G. The use of technology to support learning at western region colleges, UAE. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 770-774. Website
Chrysostomou S. User generated content (UGC) environments fostering collaboration to enrich music teaching in schools. Joint (ad)venture music. Networking as a challenge for music teachers. Programme book for the 25th EAS Conference and 6th European ISME Regional Conference held on 19-22 April 2017 at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Austria. 2019.
Galanis P, Maragkoudaki A, Bilali A, Vraka I, Charalambous G. Users Satisfaction at Outpatients Departments of a General Hospital at Crete. Nursing Care & Research/Nosileia kai Ereuna. 2019.
Galanis P, Maragkoudaki A, Bilali A, Vraka I, Charalambous G. Users Satisfaction at Outpatients Departments of a General Hospital at Crete. Nursing Care & Research/Nosileia kai Ereuna. 2019;(54).
Charalambous C, Galanis P, Tselepos C, Theodorou M. Users' satisfaction of public dental services in Cyprus. Archives of Hellenic Medicine. 2019;36(2):195-201.
Charalambous C, Galanis P, Tselepos C, Theodorou M. Users' satisfaction of public dental services in Cyprus. Archives of Hellenic Medicine. 2019;36:195–201.
Assimakopoulou P, Nastos P, Vassilakis E. Using Copernicus EO data and services in primary education. EGU General Assembly [Internet]. 2019;21:3549. posterAbstract
The Copernicus EO Programme offers information services based on vast amounts of satellite and in-situ data. This information content which is freely and openly available to all users, can directly impact teaching and learning systems by providing insights of our planet never available before. Specifically, the Copernicus ecosystem can enable students to develop a keen awareness of the intricate interrelationships that exist in the real world environment. The incorporation of Copernicus services and data in all levels of education is an ongoing effort which has been initiated with the establishment of the Copernicus Academy Network. Here, we present an application of Copernicus services into the Greek upper primary school curriculum, delivered in the form of “ready-to-use” hands-on activities. We use case studies from the latest natural disasters which have raised public awareness and are believed to be concrete examples of local events that are personally relevant to students, thus engaging them in an experiential learning process. The activity shown is related to the Athens’ devastating forest fires during the summer of 2018 (Mati, Kineta forest fires). We use the Sentinel-hub EO Browser tool to approach the issue of forest fires in urban compare to rural sites. Through simple concepts developed from these examples, the students are introduced to science subjects such as the interaction of light with matter, the reflection of light by different land surfaces, and the extinction of the radiation by atmospheric constituents. The interdisciplinary approach used in the suggested classroom activities promotes the UNESCO vision for education that helps students better understand the world in which they live by addressing the complexity and interconnectedness of environmental problems and thus promoting sustainable development concepts. Future work includes the use of additional natural phenomena and disasters or man-made emergency situations monitored by Copernicus in order to further promote a holistic approach in teaching and learning of Earth System Sciences. (e.g. floods, oil spills, algal blooms, desert dust outbreaks, volcanic eruptions etc.).
Tsiboukli A, Cullen J. Using Lifeworld Analysis to co-design a new role in youth work. Exartiseis [Internet]. 2019;32:27-45. Publisher's VersionAbstract
this paper presents the results of research using lifeworld analysis to capture the lived experience of young people ‘on the margins’. in this research, lifeworld analysis is applied as a grounding technique in an action research project aimed at designing, implementing and evaluating a novel training programme to develop a new role in youth work - the ‘comunity Animateur’. More broadly, the action research explores the contribution marginalised young people could potentially make to enhancing the social capital of their communities and, ultimately, the contribution they could make to supporting socio-ecological transformations in Europe.
Konstantakopoulou O, Kaitelidou D, Galanis P, Siskou O, Economou C. Using patient experience measures to evaluate the quality of medical and nursing care in the newly established PHC units (TOMYs), in Greece. Social Cohesion and Development. 2019;14:49–63.
Utopian spatialities: the past as present in the films of Philippos Koutsaftis. Journal of Modern Greek Studies [Internet]. 2019;37(2):327-360. Publisher's Version
Tourou P, Konstantaras J, Vrachopoulos GM, Sourkounis C, Koukou MK, Pagkalos C, Lymperis K, Dogkas G. Validation of a control algorithm for the efficient charging of PCM energy storage tanks using an emulation platform. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference ENERGY in BUILDINGS. 2019;2019.
Drakopoulos SA. Value Neutrality in the History of Economics (Η Αξιολογική Ουδετερότητα στην Ιστορία της Οικονομικής. Neusis Review of the History and Philosophy of Science . 2019;26:5-24.
Stanimirović PS, Katsikis VN, Zhang Z, Li S, Chen J, Zhou M. Varying-parameter Zhang neural network for approximating some expressions involving outer inverses. Optimization Methods and Software. 2019:1–27.
Erdmann WS, Dancewicz-Nosko D, Giovanis V. Velocity distribution of women's 30-km cross-country skiing during Olympic Games from 2002-2014. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2019;59(1):17-24.
Papaioannou TG, Katsalis K, Sourlas V, Amditis A. Virtual CDN Providers: Profit Maximization through Collaboration. In: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE; 2019. pp. 1–6.
Batsos G, Christodoulou E, Vartholomatos G, Galanis P, Stefaniotou M. Vitreous levels of Lipocalin-2 on patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. PLoS One. 2019;14:e0227266.
Collaboration G, Eyer L, Rimoldini L, Audard M, Anderson RI, Nienartowicz K, Glass F, Marchal O, Grenon M, Mowlavi N, et al. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gaia DR2. Variable stars in CMD (Gaia Collaboration+, 2019). [Internet]. 2019:J/A+A/623/A110. WebsiteAbstract
Time series in the G, BP, and RP bands of the selected field-of-view transits for 224 sources that are not published in Gaia DR2, but are plotted in Fig. 11. An animated version of Fig. 11 is provided online and at (2 data files).
Huber D, Chaplin WJ, Chontos A, Kjeldsen H, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Bedding TR, Ball W, Brahm R, Espinoza N, Henning T, et al. VizieR Online Data Catalog: High-precision radial velocities for HD 221416 (Huber+, 2019). [Internet]. 2019:J/AJ/157/245. WebsiteAbstract
We obtained high-resolution spectra of HD 221416 using several facilities within the TESS Follow-up Observation Program (TFOP), including HIRES (Vogt et al. 1994SPIE.2198..362V) on the 10 m telescope at Keck Observatory (Maunakea, Hawai'i); the Hertzsprung SONG Telescope at Teide Observatory (Tenerife; Grundahl et al. 2017ApJ...836..142G); HARPS (Mayor et al. 2003Msngr.114...20M), FEROS (Kaufer et al. 1999Msngr..95....8K), Coralie (Queloz et al. 2001Msngr.105....1Q), and FIDEOS (Vanzi et al. 2018MNRAS.477.5041V) on the MPG/ESO 3.6 m, 2.2 m, 1.2 m, and 1 m telescopes at La Silla Observatory (Chile); Veloce (Gilbert et al. 2018SPIE10702E..0YG) on the 3.9 m Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory (Australia); TRES (Furesz 2008, PhD thesis Univ. Szeged) on the 1.5 m Tillinghast reflector at the F. L. Whipple Observatory (Mt. Hopkins, Arizona); and iSHELL (Rayner et al. 2012SPIE.8446E..2CR) on the NASA IRTF Telescope (Maunakea, Hawai'i). All spectra used in this paper were obtained between 2018 November 11 and December 30 and have a minimum spectral resolution of R~44000. (1 data file).
Spetsieri ZT, Bonanos AZ, Yang M, Kourniotis M, Hatzidimitriou D. VizieR Online Data Catalog: NGC1326A, 1425 and 4548 supergiants VI mags (Spetsieri+, 2019). [Internet]. 2019:J/A+A/629/A3. WebsiteAbstract
We used archival observations of NGC 1326A, NGC 1425, and NGC 4548 taken with the HST WFPC2 as described in Freedman et al. (2001ApJ...553...47F) as part of the HST Key Project. For the three galaxies, we used the observations available in the filters F555W(equivalent to Johnson V filter) and the F814W (equivalent toKron-Cousins I). In particular, we used 13 epochs of observations in F555W and 8 epochs in F814W that are available for the galaxies NGC 1326A and NGC 4548, while for NGC 1425, we used the 14 available epochs in F555W and 8 in F814W (6 data files).
Hatzidimitriou D, Held EV, Tognelli E, Bragaglia A, Magrini L, Bravi L, Gazeas K, Dapergolas A, Drazdauskas A, Delgado-Mena E, et al. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Pismis 18 photometry and radial velocities (Hatzidimitriou+, 2019). [Internet]. 2019:J/A+A/626/A90. WebsiteAbstract
The data for Pismis 18 were obtained in May and June 2014 with FLAMES on the VLT-UT2 telescope at the European Southern Observatory. (1 data file).
Bonanos AZ, Yang M, Sokolovsky KV, Gavras P, Hatzidimitriou D, Bellas-Velidis I, Kakaletris G, Lennon DJ, Nota A, White RL, et al. VizieR Online Data Catalog: The Hubble Catalog of Variables (Bonanos+, 2019). [Internet]. 2019:J/A+A/630/A92. WebsiteAbstract
The HCV catalog (tableb2) lists for each source the equatorial coordinates, MatchID, GroupID, subgroup, the pipeline classification flag, the expert-validation classification flag, the number of existing instrument and filter combinations for the source, the name of the instrument and filter combination for which the following data are given: the filter detection flag, which indicates whether the source is variable [1] or is not variable [0], the variability quality flag, the number of measurements in the light curve, the HSC magnitude, the corrected magnitude, the MAD value, and the reduced chi2 value. For all multi-filter variable candidates, there are extra columns for each additional instrument and filter combination, in which the source is classified as a variable candidate. The catalog of constant sources (tableb3) contains the sources that fall below the 5σ detection threshold of the HCV pipeline. These include constant sources and possibly, low-amplitude variables below the detection threshold. For each source, the columns show the equatorial coordinates, the MatchID, the GroupID, the subgroup, the number of instrument and filter combinations in which individual sources are observed, followed by the name of each instrument and filter combination for which the following data are given: the number of measurements in the light curve, the HSC magnitude, the corrected magnitude, the MAD value, and the reduced chi2 value. (2 data files).
We owe ourselves to debt: Classical Greece, Athens in crisis, and the body as battlefield. Social Science Information [Internet]. 2019;58(3):469-492. Publisher's Version
Roufi A, Vassilakis E, Poulos S. Western Lefkada Shoreline Displacement Rates Based On Photogrammetric Processing Of Remote Sensing Datasets From Various Sources. 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece [Internet]. 2019;7:512-513. PosterAbstract
The aim of this study is to calculate the displacement rates of the coastline at the western part of the island, which is characterized of the escarpment coast. The shape of this coastal zone is caused mainly by tectonism which is very frequent in this wider area (Valkaniotis et al., 2018). The western coast of the island from Cape Agios Ioannis (NW) to the southernmost point of the peninsula, Cape Doukato is steep and precipitous, as a result of the high seismicity of the Ionian Sea area (Bornovas, 1964). Along this side of the island, several landslides and rock falls are observed. The situation changes only at the northern part of the island, with a distinctive coastal landform over the narrow zone called "Zostiras" (Leivaditis & Verikiou - Papaspyridakou, 1986). This work was conducted using two different types of data. Historical analogue panchromatic aerial images of high resolution (Zuidam and Van Zuidam-Cancelado, 1979) and contemporary digital high resolution multi-spectral satellite images were combined for extracting the coastline at the time period of acquisition. The acquisition of the aerial photographs took place during 1945 and 2010, while the satellite images where acquired during 2016, 2017 and 2018 (Figure 1). In all cases the images were digitally processed and optically optimized in order to produce a highly accurate representation of the shoreline at each time period. All the data were imported in a Geographic Information System platform, where they were subjected into comparison and geo-statistical analysis (Tsokos et al., 2018). Several transects were drawn normally to the coast and the distance between them was set at every 200 m as the relative displacement of the coastline was calculated for each one of them. In a way to achieve this, an extension of the ESRI ArcGIS v.10.6.1 software was employed as published by USGS and named Digital Shoreline Analysis System v.5 (DSAS). The DSAS extension (Thieler et al., 2009) lets the user define a constant straight line in a specific distance from the shoreline and take transects perpendicular to it among the evolving coastlines. The measurements give quantitative information on the change of the position of the shoreline, as well as more useful statistical data. Even if this seems to be an arbitrary value, it worked rather sufficiently at this almost 12 km long segment of the shoreline as it can be characterized as rather curvy and either a smaller value would result an oversampled area with transects intersect each other mixing the calculations or a larger value would result quite sparse transect locations without any representative outcome.
Arabatzis T. What are scientific concepts?. In: K. McCain and K. Kampourakis (eds.), What is Scientific Knowledge? An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science. 1st ed. New York: Routledge; 2019. pp. 85-99. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this article I discuss the nature and function of scientific concepts, what ittakes to possess them, how they can be represented, and how they can be studiedby examining the uses of the scientific terms associated with them. I then examinethe epistemological issues that arise when considering conceptual change.Furthermore, I draw a distinction between concepts referring to manifest entities(accessible to observation) and concepts referring to hidden entities (temporarilyor permanently unobservable). I argue that the function of scientific concepts isdifferent in the two cases. In the former case, their function is primarily classificatory;whereas in the latter case, their function is primarily explanatory. Finally,I suggest that the epistemological problems generated by the evolution of scientificconcepts are more severe in the latter case than in the former.
Alexa-Stratulat T, Pešić M, Gašparović AČ, Trougakos IP, Riganti C. {What sustains the multidrug resistance phenotype beyond ABC efflux transporters? Looking beyond the tip of the iceberg}. Drug Resistance Updates [Internet]. 2019;46:100643. WebsiteAbstract
Identification of multidrug (MDR) efflux transporters that belong to the ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) superfamily, represented an important breakthrough for understanding cancer multidrug resistance (MDR) and its possible overcoming. However, recent data indicate that drug resistant cells have a complex intracellular physiology that involves constant changes in energetic and oxidative-reductive metabolic pathways, as well as in the molecular circuitries connecting mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. The aim of this review is to discuss the key molecular mechanisms of cellular reprogramming that induce and maintain MDR, beyond the presence of MDR efflux transporters. We specifically highlight how cancer cells characterized by high metabolic plasticity – i.e. cells able to shift the energy metabolism between glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, to survive both the normoxic and hypoxic conditions, to modify the cytosolic and mitochondrial oxidative-reductive metabolism, are more prone to adapt to exogenous stressors such as anti-cancer drugs and acquire a MDR phenotype. Similarly, we discuss how changes in mitochondria dynamics and mitophagy rates, changes in proteome stability ensuring non-oncogenic proteostatic mechanisms, changes in ubiquitin/proteasome- and autophagy/lysosome-related pathways, promote the cellular survival under stress conditions, along with the acquisition or maintenance of MDR. After dissecting the complex intracellular crosstalk that takes place during the development of MDR, we suggest that mapping the specific adaptation pathways underlying cell survival in response to stress and targeting these pathways with potent pharmacologic agents may be a new approach to enhance therapeutic efficacy against MDR tumors.
Sypsa V. Why do HIV outbreaks re-emerge among people who inject drugs?. Lancet HIV. 2019;6:e274-e275.
Balios D, Koutsokostas D, Papathanasiou S, Eriotis N. Winemaking Sector in Greece: An Accounting-Based Approach. International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting [Internet]. 2019;6(2):1-17. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The wine making sector is directly intertwined with viniculture, which has been known since ancient times. Nowadays, Greece offers outstanding value for its wines and there are many new varieties that will certainly expand the customer's palate. In order to explore the sector's potential, financial statements and ratio analysis is implemented. In this study, 14 financial ratios are estimated in order to examine the domestic wine sector. This sample consists of 51 domestic wine producing companies. The uniqueness of this analysis is based on the fact that the individual financial reports are edited and properly adjusted in order for a consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account, representative of the sector, to be constructed. The wine sector's perspective seems conducive to better control regarding primarily operating expenses. The findings could aid producers in the Greek wine industry in providing them valuable considerations and guidelines. The wine market is considered as an enjoyable, collectible, tangible asset that has an exciting future.
Nikolaou K. Women's journeys in the middle byzantine era: an impulse to monasticism, an urge to meet holy men. Women's journeys in the middle byzantine era: an impulse to monasticism, an urge to meet holy men. [Internet]. 2019:353-370. Publisher's Version
Balta G, Dalla C, Kokras N. Women's Psychiatry. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1192:225-249.Abstract
Brain disorders and mental diseases, in particular, are common and considered as a top global health challenge for the twenty-first century. Interestingly, women suffer more frequently from mental disorders than men. Moreover, women may respond to psychotropic drugs differently than men, and, through their lifespan, they endure sex-orientated social stressors. In this chapter, we present how women may differ in the development and manifestation of mental health issues and how they differ from men in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. We discuss issues in clinical trials regarding women participation, issues in the use of psychotropic medications in pregnancy, and challenges that psychiatry faces as a result of the wider use of contraceptives, of childbearing at older age, and of menopause. Such issues, among others, demand further women-oriented psychiatric research that can improve the care for women during the course of their lives. Indeed, despite all these known sex differences, psychiatry for both men and women patients uses the same approach. Thereby, a modified paradigm for women's psychiatry, which takes into account all these differences, emerges as a necessity, and psychiatric research should take more vigorously into account sex differences.
Balta G, Dalla C, Kokras N. Women's Psychiatry. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1192:225-249.Abstract
Brain disorders and mental diseases, in particular, are common and considered as a top global health challenge for the twenty-first century. Interestingly, women suffer more frequently from mental disorders than men. Moreover, women may respond to psychotropic drugs differently than men, and, through their lifespan, they endure sex-orientated social stressors. In this chapter, we present how women may differ in the development and manifestation of mental health issues and how they differ from men in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. We discuss issues in clinical trials regarding women participation, issues in the use of psychotropic medications in pregnancy, and challenges that psychiatry faces as a result of the wider use of contraceptives, of childbearing at older age, and of menopause. Such issues, among others, demand further women-oriented psychiatric research that can improve the care for women during the course of their lives. Indeed, despite all these known sex differences, psychiatry for both men and women patients uses the same approach. Thereby, a modified paradigm for women's psychiatry, which takes into account all these differences, emerges as a necessity, and psychiatric research should take more vigorously into account sex differences.
Chatzara A, Chronopoulou I, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P, Chatziralli I. XEN implant for glaucoma treatment: a review of the literature. In: Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 34. Taylor & Francis; 2019. pp. 93–97.
Sell PH, Zezas A, Williams SJ, Andrews JJ, Gazeas K, Gallagher JS, Ptak A. The X-ray binary populations of M81 and M82. [Internet]. 2019;346:344 - 349. WebsiteAbstract
We use deep Chandra and HST data to uniquely classify the X-ray binary (XRB) populations in M81 on the basis of their donor stars and local stellar populations (into early-type main sequence, yellow giant, supergiant, low-mass, and globular cluster). First, we find that more massive, redder, and denser globular clusters are more likely to be associated with XRBs. Second, we find that the high-mass XRBs (HMXBs) overall have a steeper X-ray luminosity function (XLF) than the canonical star-forming galaxy XLF, though there is some evidence of variations in the slopes of the sub-populations. On the other hand, the XLF of the prototypical starburst M82 is described by the canonical powerlaw (αcum ∼ 0.6) down to LX ∼ 1036 erg s-1. We attribute variations in XLF slopes to different mass transfer modes (Roche-lobe overflow versus wind-fed systems).
Poulaki EM, Stockli DF, Flansburg ME, Soukis K. {Zircon U-Pb Chronostratigraphy and Provenance of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and the Nature of the Contact With the Cycladic Basement on Sikinos and Ios Islands, Greece}. Tectonics. 2019;38.Abstract
©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Sikinos and Ios Islands, located in the Southern Cyclades, represent part of a Cenozoic metamorphic core complex system that exposes subduction-related metamorphic rocks in the highly extended back-arc region of the Hellenic subduction zone. These exhumed HP-LT metamorphic units are composed of Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (CBU) and the Paleozoic Cycladic Basement (CB). The magmatic and stratigraphic evolution of these units, as well as the nature of the contact between the CBU and CB, have remained poorly understood. We used zircon U-Pb dating to determine crystallization ages of the CB on Sikinos and the maximum deposition ages and detrital provenance of the metasedimentary units to reconstruct the Mesozoic to early Cenozoic stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the CBU on both islands. The results reveal that the CB in Sikinos is composed of Cambrian-Silurian metasedimentary rocks intruded by Carboniferous granites and is overlain by metasedimentary rocks of the CBU with depositional ages spanning from Permo-Triassic to Late Cretaceous. The provenance data from the CBU records a long-lived tectonic evolution from Paleo-Tethys subduction and rifting, to passive margin formation, and to subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Pindos basin. The continuous stratigraphic record and provenance evolution from the CB into the CBU imply a para-autochthonous relationship. On NE Sikinos and Ios, stratigraphic constraints suggest older-over-younger relationships along cryptic-thrusts, supporting premetamorphic or synmetamorphic structural repetition of the CBU by imbrication, likely during subduction underplating.
Manolesou D, Papaioannou TG, Georgiopoulos G, Schizas D, Lazaris A, Stamatelopoulos K, Dimakakos E, Stergiopulos N, Stefanadis C, Liakakos T, et al. Α systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of aortic anastomotic devices. Journal of Vascular Surgery [Internet]. 2019;69(2):598 - 613.e7. Website
Κέφη-Χατζηχαμπέρη Ευαγγελία, Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Άθληση και Στρατιωτικές Σχολές: Βιβλιογραφική Ανασκόπηση. 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθη. 2019;(Ενότητα ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις).Abstract
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Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης Μ, Γκρίλης Γ. Αλλαγές στη διδακτική μεθοδολογία της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης - Παρατηρώντας την εφαρμογή του Προγράμματος Σπουδών των Θρησκευτικών (2017) στη Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. Μία μελέτη περίπτωσης. ΜΕΝΤΟΡΑΣ [Internet]. 2019;17-18:25-54. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Στο άρθρο παρουσιάζεται έρευνα που διενεργήθηκε (2017-18) με σκοπό να αποτυπώσει τον βαθμό εφαρμογής των Προγραμμάτων Σπουδών της Θρησκευτικής Εκπαίδευσης (2017) στη Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση από εκπαιδευμένους και επιμορφωμένους θεολόγους-μέντορες που συνεργάζονται με το Τμήμα Θεολογίας του ΕΚΠΑ στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Παιδαγωγικής και Διδακτικής επάρκειας. Πραγματοποιήθηκε με Φύλλα Παρατήρησης της διδασκαλίας από τους φοιτητές/τις φοιτήτριες. Το συμπέρασμα στο οποίο καταλήγει είναι ότι σε ένα μεγάλο βαθμό η διδακτική προσέγγιση του Μαθήματος των Θρησκευτικών αλλάζει.
Φυτιλή, Π. Γιοβάνης. Ανάλυση της στρατηγικής ρυθμού των αθλητριών υψηλού επίπεδου στα 20km του αγωνιστικού βάδην. Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων 5ου Συνεδρίου Αθλητικής Επιστήμης, ΣΕΦΑΑ Αθήνα. 2019:93.
Αντωνίου, Ε. Γιοβάνης. Ανάλυση των αγωνιστικών διαδρομών στη χιονοδρομία και στον κλασικό αθλητισμό. Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων 5ου Συνεδρίου Αθλητικής Επιστήμης, ΣΕΦΑΑ Αθήνα. 2019:156.
Lianos-Liantis E. Δαβίδ Μπεν-Γκουριόν: Ένας μεγάλος Φιλέλληνας. Καθημερινή [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Καντεμνίδη Ε, Καραγιαννάκης Γ, Γαλανάκη Ε. Διερεύνηση της επίδοσης στα κλάσματα μαθητών Ε΄& Στ΄ δημοτικού με δυσκολίες στα μαθηματικά ή/και στην ανάγνωση. Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιστημών Εκπαίδευσης [Internet]. 2019;9:211-224. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Οι υπάρχουσες έρευνες αναδεικνύουν ότι πολλοί μαθητές αντιμετωπίζουν δυσκολίες στα κλάσματα εξαιτίας της σύνθετης έννοιας αυτών καθώς και των λανθασμένων στρατηγικών που χρησιμοποιούν για τη διαχείριση τους. Σύμφωνα με σύγχρονα ερευνητικά ευρήματα, φαίνεται πως τόσο η εννοιολογική όσο και η διαδικαστική γνώση των κλασμάτων είναι απαραίτητες για τη μαθηματική ικανότητα. Στόχος της παρούσας μελέτης αποτελεί η ανάδειξη της ύπαρξης ή μη διαφοροποίησης στην επίδοση στα κλάσματα ολικά, εννοιολογικά και διαδικαστικά μεταξύ παιδιών με και χωρίς δυσκολίες στα μαθηματικά ή την ανάγνωση. Για τους σκοπούς της έρευνας χρησιμοποιήθηκε το MathPro test το οποίο αξιολογεί μαθηματικές δεξιότητες στους τομείς: επίγνωσης αριθμού, μνήμης, οπτικο-χωρικό και συλλογιστικής, ένα τεστ κλασμάτων που αξιολογεί την εννοιολογική και τη διαδικαστική γνώση, ένα ερωτηματολόγιο αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης στα μαθηματικά και την ανάγνωση από το δάσκαλο της τάξης και ένα τεστ αναγνωστικής ευχέρειας. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν πως οι μαθητές με δυσκολίες στα μαθηματικά ή την ανάγνωση σημείωσαν στατιστικά σημαντικά χαμηλότερη επίδοση στα κλάσματα συνολικά, αλλά και επιμέρους στη διαδικαστική και εννοιολογική γνώση των κλασμάτων. Οπότε, προκύπτει η ανάγκη καλλιέργειας των δεξιοτήτων που απαιτούνται για τη διαχείριση κλασματικών αριθμών με σκοπό να αντιμετωπίσουν τις εν λόγω δυσκολίες οι μαθητές
Giovani C, Kamberidou I, Patsantaras N. ΔΙΕΡΕΥΝΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΔΙΟΜΑΔΙΚΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ Η ΕΠΙΔΡΑΣΗ ΤΟΥΣ ΣΤΗ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗ ΤΩΝ ΜΑΘΗΤΩΝ/ΤΡΙΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΥΣΙΚΗΣ ΑΓΩΓΗΣ. 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθη. 2019;(Αναρτημένη Ανακοίνωση):1-2.Abstract
© Γιοβάνη, Χ. Καμπερίδου, Ε., Πατσαντάρας, Ν. (2019). Διερεύνηση των Διομαδικών Σχέσεων και η επίδρασή τους στη συμμετοχή των μαθητών/τριών στο μάθημα της Φυσικής Αγωγής. Αναρτημένη Ανακοίνωση. Θεματική ενότητα: «Θεσμικές, διοικητικές, κοινωνιολογικές και ιστορικές προσεγγίσεις στην άσκηση και υγεία», 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 12-14 Απριλίου 2019, Αθήνα. [σελ. 141 στο ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΩΝ)
team.intergroup.relations.phys_.ed_._.pdf poster.presentation.pdf askisi_ygeia._vivlio_praktikon_sel._606162139141167.pdf
Δογματικὸς Πλουραλισμὸς καὶ Κανονικὴ Περιεκτικότητα. Τὸ οὐτοπικὸ δόγμα τῆς ἐκτὸς τόπου καθολικότητας. Θεολογία. 2019;90(1):89-106.
Μάζης Ιωάννης. Εθνικές "αυταπάτες" διεθνούς εμβέλειας: Οι Πρέσπες. Civitas Gentium. 2019;7(1):13-36.Abstract
Το παρόν κείμενο αναφέρεται στη Συμφωνία των Πρεσπών.
Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης Μ. Εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών με θέμα τη θέση της θρησκείας στο σχολείο - Βιωματικό εργαστήριο για ένα σχολείο με ανθρώπους για ανθρώπους. In: Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης Μ, Γιαννούλη Μ Θέατρο & παραστατικές τέχνες στην εκπαίδευση: Ουτοπία ή αναγκαιότητα; Theatre/Drama and Performing Arts in Education: Utopia or Necessity? Αθήνα: Πανελλήνιο Δίκτυο για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση; 2019. pp. 430-437.Abstract
Το παρόν άρθρο αναφέρεται στη διαχείριση επίμαχων ζητημάτων στο σχολείο καιεστιάζει στη θρησκευτική ετερότητα στον σύγχρονο κόσμο, και ιδιαίτερα στην ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία, και κυρίως στην καταλλαγή μεταξύ των ανθρώπων που ακολουθούν διαφορετικές θρησκείες ή καμία θρησκεία. Με βάση τις βασικές αρχές της βιωματικής μάθησης, αναπτύσσεται θεωρητικά και πρακτικά ένα εργαστήριο εκπαίδευσης εκπαιδευτικών που συνδυάζει το θέατρο και τη διδασκαλία-διαχείριση επίμαχων ζητημάτων. Η εκπαίδευση στοχεύει στον αναστοχασμό των συμμετεχόντων, ώστε να κατανοούν την ανάγκη του θρησκευτικού γραμματισμού αξιοποιώντας τη θεατροπαιδαγωγική ως μέθοδο, που βοηθά στην έρευνα-δράση για ένα σχολείο ανθρώπινο που εκπαιδεύει ανθρώπους και πολίτες.
Lianos-Liantis E. Έλληνας το γένος, Εβραίος το θρήσκευμα. Καθημερινή [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's Version
Kamberidou I. Ελλοχεύει ο κίνδυνος έμφυλης μεροληψίας στις προοπτικές της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και του STEM;. In: Εισήγηση (ως προσκεκλημένη ομιλήτρια) στο πρώτο Γυναικείο Συμπόσιο της Επιτροπής Γυναικείων Θεμάτων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης των Lions «Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και ισότητα των φύλων –Γυναίκες σε επιστημονικά πεδία STEM». Athens: Επιτροπή Γυναικείων Θεμάτων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης των Lions ; 2019. pp. 1-8.Abstract
Στο πλαίσιο της 4ης βιομηχανικής επανάστασης που βιώνουμε σήμερα αυτή η εργασία εξετάζει το ψηφιακό χάσμα, εισάγωντας τη διάσταση το φύλου.   Όπως τονίζει ο Elliot (2017), ερευνητής του Οργανισμού Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης: «Ζούμε σ’ ένα ψηφιακό παζάρι όπου οτιδήποτε  δεν έχει  κατασκευαστεί για να εξυπηρετεί την εποχή του διαδικτύου δεν θα αντέξει την πίεση.» Αυτή η παρουσίαση  επικεντρώνετε στο έμφυλο χάσμα, δηλαδή την υποεκροσώπηση των γυναικών στους τομείς της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και του STEM. Η γυναικεία συμμετοχή σε διάφορους  τομείς ΤΠΕ και Επικοινωνίας στην Ευρώπη είναι μόνο 30% (και μόλις το 19% των διευθυντικών στελεχών είναι γυναίκες). Η αντιστοιχία γυναικών αποφοίτων πληροφορικής σε σχέση με τους άνδρες είναι 3 προς 10, ενώ  μόνο 9 στους 100 προγραμματιστές είναι γυναίκες.  Αναμένονται σημαντικές ελλείψεις εργατικού δυναμικού στο μέλλον, ειδικά αν λάβουμε υπόψη ότι μόνο το 24,9% των απόφοιτων της τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης σε τομείς που σχετίζονται με την τεχνολογία είναι γυναίκες (European Commission 2018) . Τα ερευνητικά μας ερωτήματα είναι: (1) Η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη (αι) θα κλείσει το έμφυλο χάσμα δεξιοτήτων, θα προωθήσει την έμφυλη ουδετερότητα (Kamberidou, 2004, 2020), δηλαδή την ισότητα, αυξάνοντας τη γυναικεία συμμετοχή. 2) Υπάρχει περίπτωση να αυξηθεί το έμφυλο χάσμα (η υποεκπροσώπηση των γυναικών) στον εργασιακό χώρο; Μήπως η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη θα αναπαράγει κοινωνικά στερεότυπα (κοινωνικές ανισότητες)  και ως αποτέλεσμα το έμφυλο χάσμα στους εργασιακούς χώρους;---------------------------------------------------- Λέξεις κλειδιά: Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη, STEM, Γυναίκα, Φύλο, Απασχολησιμότητα, Ελληνίδες επιστήμονες, Έμφυλες διαφορές, Κενό/χάσμα δεξιοτήτων     Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), STEM, Women, Gender, Employability, Greek women scientists, gender skills gap
lions_womens_symposiumhumanrights.pdf lions.programma.symbosioy.17.3.2019.pdf balanceforbetter.pdf inspirational.greek_.women_.jpg 190317_205544_collage-1.jpg 190317_205830_collage-1.jpg presentation_sample.eisigisi.pdf lionsappreciationcertificatescan0051.pdf balanceforbetterappreciation.pdf
Μάζης Ιωάννης, Τρούλης Μάρκος. Η Αιγιακή πολιτική της Ελλάδος κατά τη μταψυχροπολεμική περίοδο. Civitas Gentium [Internet]. 2019;7(2):29-39. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Η αιγαιακή πολιτική της Ελλάδος κατά τη μεταψυχροπολεμική περίοδο είναι καθ’ όλα ενδεικτική των εγγενών προβλημάτων της ελλείψεως στρατηγικής κουλτούρας μεταξύ των εν Αθήναις ιθυνόντων. Επί του εν λόγω στοιχείου βασίζεται η ανάλυση εντός της παρούσης μελέτης και οι συμπαρομαρτούσες συνέπειες επιχειρείται να υπογραμμισθούν. Αναμφιλέκτως, τα περιθώρια χαράξεως μίας διαφορετικής στρατηγικής πλεύσεως ήταν υπαρκτά εξαιτίας της μείζονος ανακατανομής ισχύος επί πλανητικού και περιφερειακού επιπέδου την επομένη της λήξεως του Ψυχρού Πολέμου, αλλά την προκειμένη συστημική ευκαιρία άδραξε μόνο η Τουρκία, με αποτέλεσμα την πλήρη διατάραξη της ισορροπίας ισχύος εντός του Αιγαιακού Αρχιπελαγικού χώρου. Συνεπώς, με γνώμονα την πάγια εκπεφρασμένη επιλογή διεθνοποιήσεως-ουδετεροποιήσεως του διαύλου Δαρδανελίων-Αιγαίου υπό νατοϊκή σκέπη, η Ελλάς ευρίσκεται ενώπιον της προκλήσεως υλοποιήσεως μίας αξιόπιστης αποτρεπτικής στρατηγικής. Επιτυγχάνει τον εν λόγω σκοπό, με άξονα και την κρισιμοτάτη περίοδο των δεκαετιών του 1990 και του 2000 ούσες μεταβατικές για την πορεία των διακρατικών συσχετισμών εντός του συμπλόκου της Ευρυτέρας Μέσης Ανατολής.
Κουμαριανός Θεόδωρος Ι. Ἡ Ἀναστάσιμη Ἀκολουθία τοῦ Πάσχα καὶ τῆς Διακαινησίμου Ἑβδομάδος. In: ΙΖ΄ Πανελλήνιο Λειτουργικό Συμπόσιο Στελεχών Ιερών Mητροπόλεων, Κόρινθος, Σεπτέμβριος 2018. «Οἱ ἱερὲς Ἀκολουθίες στὴν περίοδο τῆς "Παρακλητικῆς", τοῦ "Τριωδίου" καὶ τοῦ "Πεντηκοσταρίου"». Ἀποστολικὴ Διακονία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Ἑλλάδος, Ἀθῆναι ; 2019. pp. 249-269.
Μάζης Ιωάννης, Δωματιώτη Ξανθίππη. Η διεπιστημονική φύση της Συστημικής Γεωπολιτικής Ανάλυσης: ορισμός, επεξεργασία και χρήση γεωπολιτικών δεικτών νομικού περιεχομένου. Η περίπτωση του Αρκτικού Ωκεανού και η θαλάσσια ανακατανομή ισχύος (οριοθέτηση υφαλοκρηπίδος). Civitas Gentium. 2019;7(1):328-354.Abstract
Το παρόν κείμενο αναφέρεται στους γεωπολιτικούς δείκτες νομικού περιεχομένου, με παράδειγμα την οριοθέτηση της υφαλοκρηπίδας στον Αρκτικό Ωκεανό.
Δεναξάς Νικόλαος Α. Η εξουσία της παγκοσμιοποίησης και η οικονομική κρίση. Νεα Σιών. 2019;96.
Αθηναίου Ε, Καραγιαννάκης Γ, Γαλανάκη Ε. Η επίδραση επιμέρους μαθηματικών δεξιοτήτων στην εννοιολογική και διαδικαστική γνώση κλασμάτων μαθητών Ε’ και Στ’ δημοτικού. Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επιστημών Εκπαίδευσης, [Internet]. 2019;9:53-76. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Παρόλο που η σημασία αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης των κλασμάτων έχει αναδειχθεί από πολλούς ερευνητές, οι προαπαιτούμενες μαθηματικές δεξιότητες για τον σκοπό αυτόν δεν έχουν διερευνηθεί ακόμη. Οι μέχρι τώρα προσπάθειες έχουν επικεντρωθεί κυρίως σε ευρήματα σχετικά με την εννοιολογική και τη διαδικαστική γνώση των κλασμάτων. Η παρούσα μελέτη στοχεύει να αναδείξει αυτές τις μαθηματικές δεξιότητες που σχετίζονται με την κλασματική γνώση σε μαθητές Ε ́ και Στ ́ δημοτικού. Σε αυτήν έλαβαν μέρος 99 μαθητές σχολικής ηλικίας κατά μέσο όρο 11,1 ετών οι οποίοι φοιτούσαν σε δημόσια δημοτικά σχολεία του νομού Ευβοίας. Στην έρευνα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν το MathPro test το οποίο αξιολόγησε επιμέρους μαθηματικές δεξιότητες των συμμετεχόντων ως προς την Επίγνωση Αριθμού, τη Μνήμη, την Οπτικο-χωρική ικανότητα και τη Συλλογιστική και ένα αυτοσχέδιο τεστ για την συνολική, εννοιολογική και διαδικαστική κατανόηση στα κλάσματα. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι από τις δραστηριότητες του MathPro test, τα Προβλήματα και οι Νοεροί Υπολογισμοί προβλέπουν τη συνολική και την εννοιολογική κλασματική επίδοση των συμμετεχόντων. Η διαδικαστική επίδοση στα κλάσματα φάνηκε να προβλέπεται από τους Κύβους, τα Προβλήματα και τους Νοερούς Υπολογισμούς. Συμπερασματικά, οι μαθηματικές δεξιότητες που σχετίζονται με τον Οπτικο-χωρικό τομέα και αυτόν της Συλλογιστικής φάνηκε ότι προβλέπουν την επίδοση στην κλασματική γνώση.
Ξιάρχου, Π. Γιοβάνης. Η επίδραση της υποδομής του χειμερινού τουρισμού στη χιονοδρομία και στους τραυματισμούς. Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων 5ου Συνεδρίου Αθλητικής Επιστήμης, ΣΕΦΑΑ Αθήνα. 2019:167.
Η ιεραρχική διάρθρωση στην πρώιμη Εκκλησία: Σχεδίασμα προσέγγισης της καινοδιαθηκικής μαρτυρίας
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Η ιεραρχική διάρθρωση στην πρώιμη Εκκλησία: Σχεδίασμα προσέγγισης της καινοδιαθηκικής μαρτυρίας. Σύναξη [Internet]. 2019;150:4-22. Publisher's Version ierarhiki_diarthrosi.pdf
Η Καινή Διαθήκη ως θεμέλιο διαλόγου και συνεργασίας μεταξύ των χριστιανικών Εκκλησιών
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Η Καινή Διαθήκη ως θεμέλιο διαλόγου και συνεργασίας μεταξύ των χριστιανικών Εκκλησιών. In: Σικ Μαρία Αγία Γραφή: Διάλογος Θεού – ανθρώπου. Αθήνα: Ιερά Αρχιεπισκοπή Καθολικών Αθηνών; 2019. pp. 39–47. scan_18_may_2023_14.03.pdf
Αλεξοπούλου Αγγελική. Η συμβολή του κριτικού γραμματισμού στη διδασκαλία των ξένων γλωσσών: μία πρόταση διδακτικής παρέμβασης με αφορμή την πρόσληψη της ελληνικής πραγματικότητας στον ισπανικό τύπο. In: Αραβοσιτάς, Θ. Σκούρτου Ζητήματα Γλώσσας, Ετερότητας και Εκπαίδευσης. Αθήνα: Gutenberg; 2019. pp. 497-513.
Αντερριώτη-Καλπακίδου Μυρτώ, Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Η Συμμετοχή των Μουσουλμάνων Γυναικών στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό: Πολιτισμικά Εμπόδια και Στρατηγικές Ένταξης. Συνεδρία Πτυχιακών Εργασιών 13/4, 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και. 2019;(e-posters (συντονισμός Ε. Ρουσάνογλου):Αναρτημένες Ανακοινώσεις.Abstract
Αντερριώτη-Καλπακίδου, Μυρτώ και Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2019). "Η Συμμετοχή των Μουσουλμάνων Γυναικών στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό: Πολιτισμικά Εμπόδια και Στρατηγικές Ένταξης".  Συνεδρία Πτυχιακών Εργασιών ΙΙ, 13/4, 5ο συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 12-14 Απριλίου 2019, Αθήνα. [σελ. 167 στο Βιβλίο Πρακτικών ΣΕΦΑΑ/ΕΚΠΑ]
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Αμούτζας, Κ. Γιοβάνης. Η τοπογραφική καταγραφή των διαδρομών του γιγαντιαίου σλάλομ ανδρών σε χειμερινούς Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες στο “SOCHI”. 20ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Θεσσαλονίκη, 7-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 (short paper-S11). 2019;39(2-4):57-59.
Κασάπη Εἰρήνη. Θανάσης Ν. Παπαθανασίου. Ἕνας 'Ιάπωνας δίχως σχιστὰ μάτια. Νικόλαος Κασάτκιν, ὁ εὐαγγελιστὴς τῶν Ἰαπώνων (Thanassis N. Papathanassiou, Nikolai Kasatkin. The Enlightener of Japan). Θεολογία. 2019;90(19):277-280.
Μανιτάκης Νικόλας. Κέντρα εκμάθησης της γαλλικής γλώσσας στην αγγλοκρατούμενη Κύπρο κατά την περίοδο του Μεσοπολέμου. Επετηρίδα Κέντρου Επιστημονικών Ερευνών [Internet]. 2019;39:371-401. Publisher's Version
Georgiou Y, Patsantaras N, Kamberidou I. Κίνητρα των Μετεχόντων του Δρομικού Κινήματος στην Ελλάδα. 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθη [Internet]. 2019;(Εισήγηση: ενότητα ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις). Publisher's VersionAbstract
© Γεωργίου, Ι., Πατσαντάρας, Ν., Καμπερίδου, Ε. (2019). Κίνητρα των Μετεχόντων του Δρομικού Κινήματος στην Ελλάδα. Εισήγηση (ενότητα ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις 14/4) στο 5ο συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 12-14 Απριλίου 2019, Αθήνα. [σελ. 60 στο ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΩΝ]
Spenga A, Kamberidou I, Patsantaras N. ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΟΙ ΠΑΡΑΓΟΝΤΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΕΠΗΡΕΑΖΟΥΝ ΤΗ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗ ΤΩΝ ΕΦΗΒΩΝ ΚΟΡΙΤΣΙΩΝ ΣΤΗ ΦΥΣΙΚΗ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΑ/ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΤΗ ΦΥΣΙΚΗ ΑΓΩΓΗ. 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθη [Internet]. 2019;(Εισήγηση: Ενότητα ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις):1-2. Publisher's VersionAbstract
© Σπέγγα, Α., Καμπερίδου, Ε., Πατσαντάρας. Ν. (2019). Κοινωνικοί παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη συμμετοχή των εφήβων κοριτσιών στη Φυσική Δραστηριότητα, την ΄Ασκηση και τη Φυσική Αγωγή. Εισήγηση (ενότητα ελεύθερες ανακοινώσεις 14/4) στο 5ο Συνέδριο Αθλητικής Επιστήμης «Άσκηση & Υγεία», Σχολή Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 12-14 Απριλίου 2019, Αθήνα. (ΣΤΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΩΝ σελ. 62).....................ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ (KEYWORDS): Φύλο, Κορίτσια, Εφηβεία, Άσκηση, Φυσική δραστηριότητα, Κοινωνική υποστήριξη, Φυσική αγωγή, Κοινωνικοποίηση (Gender, Adolescent girls, Exercise, Physical activity, Social Support, Socialization)  
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Λούντβιχ Τηκ: "Ο βασιλιάς του ρομαντισμού". Από τα ρομαντικά έντεχνα παραμύθια στο διήγημα του ρεαλισμού
Μητραλέξη Κατερίνα. Λούντβιχ Τηκ: "Ο βασιλιάς του ρομαντισμού". Από τα ρομαντικά έντεχνα παραμύθια στο διήγημα του ρεαλισμού. In: Λούντβιχ Τηκ. Οι πολυτέλειες της ζωής. Τρία διηγήματα και μια νουβέλα. Μετάφραση: Έλενα Νούσια. Επίμετρο: Έλενα Νούσια - Κατερίνα Μητραλέξη. Αθήνα: ύψιλον/βιβλία; 2019. pp. 187-225. Publisher's Version
Φυτιλή, Π. Γιοβάνης. Μελέτη της μεταβολής της ταχύτητας στα 20km του αγωνιστικού βάδην γυναικών σε εθνικό επίπεδο. Εκδόσεις Κυριακίδη, Θεσσαλονίκη. 2019;39(1):127.
Ο δέσμιος Παύλος και το ήθος των πιστών των Φιλίππων: Νοηματικές αντιστοιχίες και ηθική διδασκαλία στο Φιλ. 1,12-2,18
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Ο δέσμιος Παύλος και το ήθος των πιστών των Φιλίππων: Νοηματικές αντιστοιχίες και ηθική διδασκαλία στο Φιλ. 1,12-2,18. In: Φωτίου Σταύρος Εκκλησία - Θεολογία - Βασιλεία: Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Καθηγητή Γεώργιο Π. Πατρώνο. Αθήνα: Σμίλη; 2019. pp. 521–540. 61237783.pdf
Τριανταφυλλάκη Α. Ο ρόλος της μουσικής τεχνολογίας στην ανάπτυξη της μουσικής δημιουργικότητας. Νέες κατευθύνσεις και προοπτικές για την Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. In: Διαλεκτική και Πρωτοπορία στη Μουσική Παιδαγωγική. Θεσσαλονίκη : ΕΕΜΕ; 2019.
Ο υπερσυντέλικος στην Κυπριακή και την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική: μια κοινωνιογλωσσική προσέγγιση
Τσιπλάκου Σταυρούλα, Αρμοστής Σπύρος, Μιχελιουδάκης Δημήτρης, Μόζερ Αμαλία, Μπέλλα Σπυριδούλα. Ο υπερσυντέλικος στην Κυπριακή και την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική: μια κοινωνιογλωσσική προσέγγιση. 8th International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects andLinguistic Theory. 2019:325-338.Abstract
Η Κυπριανή Κοινή παρουσιάζει δομικές καινοτομίες οι οποίες μπορεί να υποστηριχθεί ότι αποτελούν αποτέλεσμα της μακρόχρονης επαφής της με την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική (ΚΝΕ), την υψηλή ποικιλία στο διγλωσσικό περιβάλλον της ελληνοκυπριακής γλωσσικής κοινότητας. Μία από αυτές τις καινοτομίες είναι και οι περιφραστικοί συντελικοί χρόνοι, παρακείμενος και υπερσυντέλικος. Σε ό,τι αφορά τον υπερσυντέλικο, στην ΚΝΕ χαρακτιρίζεται κυρίως από την ερμηνεία του προτερόχονου στο παρελθόν, καθώς και από τη χρήση του για αναφορά στο μακρινό παρελθόν. Αντιθέτως, στην Κυπριακή Ελληνική (ΚΕ) ο υπερσυντέλικος εναλλάσσεται ελεύθερα με τον αόριστο (απλό συνοπτικό παρελθοντικό) και μπορεί να επιστρατεύεται για πραγματολογικούς σκοπούς, π.χ. για να τονίσει ένα σημαντικό σημείο σε μια αφήγηση, ενδεχομένως λόγω της σχετικά μεγαλύτερης επισημότητάς του. Σε πρόσφατη έρευνα έχει υποστηριχθεί ότι αυτό αποτελεί αποκλειστική καινοτομία της ΚΕ. Η παρούσα μελέτη επανεξετάζει αυτή την υπόθεση στη βάση της παρατήρησης ότι η ΚΝΕ παρουσιάζει παρόμοιες χρήσεις. Χρησιμοποιώντας αυθόρμητα προφορικά δεδομένα και δεδομένα από ερωτηματολόγια για τον χαρακτηρισμό προτάσεων ως προς τη γραμματικότητά τους ερευνούμε (α) αν η παρατηρούμενη ποικιλότητα καθορίζεται από κοινωνιογλωσσικούς παράγοντες και (β) ποια είναι τα νεοτερικά σημασιολογικά και πραγματολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του υπερσυντέλικου σε κάθε ποικιλία.
Ο υπερσυντέλικος στην Κυπριακή και την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική: μια κοινωνιογλωσσική προσέγγιση
Τσιπλάκου Σταυρούλα, Αρμοστής Σπύρος, Μιχελιουδάκης Δημήτρης, Μόζερ Αμαλία, Μπέλλα Σπυριδούλα. Ο υπερσυντέλικος στην Κυπριακή και την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική: μια κοινωνιογλωσσική προσέγγιση. 8th International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects andLinguistic Theory. 2019:325-338.Abstract
Η Κυπριανή Κοινή παρουσιάζει δομικές καινοτομίες οι οποίες μπορεί να υποστηριχθεί ότι αποτελούν αποτέλεσμα της μακρόχρονης επαφής της με την Κοινή Νέα Ελληνική (ΚΝΕ), την υψηλή ποικιλία στο διγλωσσικό περιβάλλον της ελληνοκυπριακής γλωσσικής κοινότητας. Μία από αυτές τις καινοτομίες είναι και οι περιφραστικοί συντελικοί χρόνοι, παρακείμενος και υπερσυντέλικος. Σε ό,τι αφορά τον υπερσυντέλικο, στην ΚΝΕ χαρακτιρίζεται κυρίως από την ερμηνεία του προτερόχονου στο παρελθόν, καθώς και από τη χρήση του για αναφορά στο μακρινό παρελθόν. Αντιθέτως, στην Κυπριακή Ελληνική (ΚΕ) ο υπερσυντέλικος εναλλάσσεται ελεύθερα με τον αόριστο (απλό συνοπτικό παρελθοντικό) και μπορεί να επιστρατεύεται για πραγματολογικούς σκοπούς, π.χ. για να τονίσει ένα σημαντικό σημείο σε μια αφήγηση, ενδεχομένως λόγω της σχετικά μεγαλύτερης επισημότητάς του. Σε πρόσφατη έρευνα έχει υποστηριχθεί ότι αυτό αποτελεί αποκλειστική καινοτομία της ΚΕ. Η παρούσα μελέτη επανεξετάζει αυτή την υπόθεση στη βάση της παρατήρησης ότι η ΚΝΕ παρουσιάζει παρόμοιες χρήσεις. Χρησιμοποιώντας αυθόρμητα προφορικά δεδομένα και δεδομένα από ερωτηματολόγια για τον χαρακτηρισμό προτάσεων ως προς τη γραμματικότητά τους ερευνούμε (α) αν η παρατηρούμενη ποικιλότητα καθορίζεται από κοινωνιογλωσσικούς παράγοντες και (β) ποια είναι τα νεοτερικά σημασιολογικά και πραγματολογικά χαρακτηριστικά του υπερσυντέλικου σε κάθε ποικιλία.
Καρακάση Κ. Οι Κήποι του Διαφωτισμού ως Ετεροτοπίες. Δύο παραδείγματα: Rousseau: „Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse“ και Goethe: „Wahlverwandtschaften. In: Γαραντούδης Ευριπίδης, Πάτσιου Βίκυ, Πολυκανδριώτη Ουρανία Ποιητική του τοπίου. Πρακτικά του Ε΄ Συνεδρίου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Γενικής και Συγκριτικής Γραμματολογίας (2012). Αθήνα: Εθνικό Κέντρο Ερευνών, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Συγκριτικής Γραμματολογίας; 2019. pp. 125 - 141.
Οι συνέπειες της άλωσης του 1204 στην λειτουργική ζωή και πράξη της Κωνσταντινούπολεως. Synthesis. 2019;6(1):1-16.
Οι τελευταίες εξελίξεις γύρω από το Μάθημα των Θρησκευτικών και η αναγκαιότητα της διδασκαλίας της Βίβλου στο σχολικό πρόγραμμα - Recent Developments concerning Religious Education and the Necessity of Teaching the Bible in the School Curriculum
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Οι τελευταίες εξελίξεις γύρω από το Μάθημα των Θρησκευτικών και η αναγκαιότητα της διδασκαλίας της Βίβλου στο σχολικό πρόγραμμα - Recent Developments concerning Religious Education and the Necessity of Teaching the Bible in the School Curriculum. Ελληνική περιοδική έκδοση για τη Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση - Greek Journal of Religious Education [Internet]. 2019;2(2):9-18. Publisher's Version karakolis_1030457-031120191.pdf
Φινές, Α. Γιοβάνης. Οι τραυματισμοί των χιονοδρόμων στην Ελλάδα. 20ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού, Θεσσαλονίκη, 7-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2019 (Ο27). 2019;39(2-4):81.
Μάζης Ιωάννης, Δήγκας Άγις. Ολοκληρωμένη μεθοδολογία κατασκευής σύνθετων δεικτών στη σύγχρονη Συστημική Γεωπολιτική Ανάλυση. Civitas Gentium. 2019;7(1):159-204.Abstract
Το παρόν κείμενο αναφέρεται στην ολοκληρωμένη μεθοδολογία κατασκευής σύνθετων δεικτών κατά τη σύγχρονη Συστημική Γεωπολιτική Ανάλυση.
Αμούτζας, Κ. Γιοβάνης. Παράγοντες που συμβάλουν στη μείωση των ατυχημάτων στους χιονοδρόμους Αλπικού σκι. Physical Education – Sport – Health (Φυσική Αγωγή-Αθλητισμός-Υγεία). 2019;33:(υπό δημοσίευση).
Kopanias K. Πειρατές, Hapiru και Μισθοφόροι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού" [Pirates, Hapiru and Mercenaries in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Late Bronze Age] Polychronakou-Sgouritsa P, Palaggia O. Proceedings of a Symposion in Memory of Professor Spyridon Iakovides [Internet]. 2019:113-125. Publisher's Version paper_2019_hapiru.pdf
Σάββας Αγουρίδης: Ο ρηξικέλευθος βιβλικός επιστήμων και θεολόγος
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Σάββας Αγουρίδης: Ο ρηξικέλευθος βιβλικός επιστήμων και θεολόγος. In: Σάββας Αγουρίδης: Επιστημονική μαρτυρία, εκκλησιαστική & κοινωνική διακονία. Αθήνα; 2019. pp. 17-29. savvas_agourides_publication.pdf
Συζυγικά πορτρέτα στα νομίσματα και τα κοσμήματα της Ελληνιστικής περιόδου. In: Νόμισμα / Κόσμημα. Χρήσεις - Διαδράσεις - Συμβολισμοί από την Αρχαιότητα έως Σήμερα. Αθήνα: Λυδία Λίθος; 2019. pp. 103-112.Abstract
Jugate portraits on coinage and jewellery of the Hellenistic periodJugate representations of divine or royal couples appear often on coins and sealsin Graeco-Roman art. Putting an emphasis on dynastic integrity and continuity –derived from the model of their divine predecessors– the kings of the Hellenisticperiod (and particularly so the Ptolemies of Egypt) are shown next to their consortsas guarantors for the production of lawful heirs. As their divine model –devised,evidently, by themselves in anticipation of the symbolism they wished to put forward–they most commonly used Sarapis and Isis, a couple known to us from coins, sealsand other such portable media, as well as a remote counterpart in the face of Zeusand Dione, a divine couple known from the coins and seals of Epirus.The emblematic value of coins or jewels employed as seals, such as engravedgemstones and signet rings, stresses the symbolism of the jugate scheme, renderingthe image into an agent for Hellenistic kingship ideology. The type’s adoption byRoman Imperial couples strengthened its ideological content and guaranteed itssurvival well into modernity.
Lianos-Liantis E. Συμμαχία μνήμης και ελπίδας για το Ολοκαύτωμα. Το Βήμα [Internet]. 2019;Β΄3(110). Publisher's Version
Βλάχου Ευαγγελία. Τα αοριστολογικά στοιχεία μεο-ως στοιχεία με λεξική σημασία: δεδομένα από τη γαλλική και την ελληνική. In: Γλωσσική ποικιλία. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Αγγελική Ράλλη. Αθήνα : Κάπα εκδοτική; 2019. Publisher's Version
Lianos-Liantis E. Τα Φώτα Ολόφωτα της Εορτής Χανουκά. Τα Νέα [Internet]. 2019;(691). Publisher's Version
Κουκουνάρας- Λιάγκης Μ. Τι μαθαίνει ένα παιδί στη Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση στο σχολείο; / What does a child learn in Religious Education at school?. Ελληνική Περιοδική Έκδοση για τη Θρησκευτική Εκπαίδευση / Greek Journal of Religious Education [Internet]. 2019;2(1):9-16. Doi: 10.30457/30420191. what_does_a_child_learn_in_religious_education_at_school.pdf
Το μοτίβο του ορυχείου στο «γερμανικό» διήγημα του Γ. Μ. Βιζυηνού «Αι συνέπειαι της παλαιάς ιστοριας
Μητραλέξη Κατερίνα. Το μοτίβο του ορυχείου στο «γερμανικό» διήγημα του Γ. Μ. Βιζυηνού «Αι συνέπειαι της παλαιάς ιστοριας. In: Η ποιητική του τοπίου. Πρακτικά συνεδρίου. Επιμ. Ευριπίδης Γαραντούδης, Βίκυ Πάτσιου, Ουρανία Πολυκανδριώτη, τόμος Β’. Vol. 2. Αθήνα: Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών / Ινστιτούτο Ιστορικών Ερευνών – Ελληνική …; 2019. pp. 35-54. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Πρόκειται για το κείμενο της ανακοίνωσης στο Ε΄ Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Γενικής και Συγκριτικής Γραμματολογίας με τίτλο «Η ποιητική του τοπίου», που διοργανώθηκε σε συνεργασία με το Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών και πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών από τις 19 έως τις 22 Ιανουαρίου 2012. Η ανακοίνωση διερευνά τη λειτουργία του μοτίβου του ορυχείου στο πρώτο διήγημα του Βιζυηνού Αι συνέπειαι της παλαιάς ιστορίας (1884). Εντοπίζεται η προέλευσή του από τις αφηγήσεις του γερμανικού ρομαντισμού, όπου το τοπίο, φυσικό ή αρχιτεκτονικό, αντικατοπτρίζει τα εντός της ψυχής συμβαίνοντα, ενώ ο υπό την γη αόρατος χώρος αποκτά ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Το ορυχείο, η κατάβαση στα έγκατα της γης, γίνεται στον ρομαντισμό ένα προσφιλές μοτίβο, όπου η κατάδυση ισοδυναμεί με προσέγγιση ενός μυστηριώδους και μαγικού ακόμα χώρου, παραπέμποντας στον ψυχισμό του ήρωα και οδηγώντας στην αποκάλυψη του μυστικού της καλλιτεχνικής δημιουργίας.  Μεταξύ των πολλών σχετικών αφηγήσεων και παραλλαγών του μοτίβου στον γερμανικό ρομαντισμό και νεορομαντισμό ιδιαίτερη θέση κατέχουν οι ιστορίες που πλέκονται γύρω από ένα ασυνήθιστο πραγματικό περιστατικό που συνέβη το 1670 στο ορυχείο του Φαλούν, στη Σουηδία. Στην ανακοίνωση αναδεικνύεται η διακειμενική σχέση του κειμένου του Βιζυηνού κυρίως με μία από τις αφηγήσεις αυτές, με την σύντομη αφήγηση του Γιόχαν Πέτερ Χέμπελ Ανέλπιστη αντάμωση [Unverhofftes Wiedersehen, 1810] συγκεκριμένα. Η ανάδειξη αυτής της σχέσης συμβάλλει στην ερμηνεία του διηγήματος του Βιζυηνού, αφού βοηθά στον εντοπισμό και στην κατανόηση της βασικής αντινομίας που διέπει και οργανώνει το αφήγημα. Στον Χέμπελ διαπιστώνουμε ότι υπάρχει μια μυθικών διαστάσεων αντινομία, το σχήμα «ζωή → θάνατος» αντιστρέφεται και γίνεται «θάνατος → ζωή», εφόσον υποδηλώνεται, από τη σκοπιά της γυναικείας μορφής του αφηγήματος, η εσχατολογική υπόσχεση του χριστιανισμού. Με παρόμοιο τρόπο ο αφηγητής του διηγήματος του Βιζυηνού αναστοχάζεται, ως φοιτητής της νέας  επιστήμης της ψυχολογίας στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα, πάνω στις υπό διερεύνηση ιδιότητες της ψυχής του ανθρώπου, που διαφεύγουν της δυνατότητας περιγραφής και αποσαφήνισης με τα μέσα του επιστημονικού λόγου. Η σχέση «σώματος/ύλης» και «ψυχής» θεματοποιείται τόσο στο επίπεδο του ανώνυμου αφηγητή, όσο και στο επίπεδο των μορφών της Κλάρας και του Πασχάλη. Η αρχική επιδίωξη του επιστημονικού λόγου του αφηγητή να καταλήξει σε ασφαλές συμπέρασμα σχετικά με την κυριαρχία της «ύλης» πάνω στην «ψυχή» ανατρέπεται, αφού στο τέλος αναγνωρίζει την κυριαρχία της «ψυχής» πάνω στην «ύλη» μέσω της δυνατότητας υπέρβασης που διαθέτει ο άνθρωπος. Η ανακοίνωση στοχεύει παράλληλα στην ανάδειξη της λειτουργίας των λοιπών διακειμενικών αναφορών του διηγήματος σε λογοτεχνικά κείμενα του Γιόχαν Βόλφγκανγκ φον Γκαίτε.  
Manitakis N. Το τυπογραφείο του Γαλλικού Ινστιτούτου Αθηνών. Ένας ιδιαίτερος τυπογραφικός οργανισμός. Μνήμων [Internet]. 2019;37:221-248. Publisher's Version
Kamberidou I. Ψηφιακές δεξιότητες και ψηφιακός αποκλεισμός: Γεφυρώνοντας το έμφυλο ψηφιακό χάσμα (Digital skills and digital exclusion: Bridging the gender digital divide). Πρακτικά του 6ου Συνεδρίου της ΕΚΕ | ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ-Hellenic Sociological Society (HSS): "H Κοινωνιολογία και ο Δημόσιος Ρόλος της στην Εποχή της Μεταμόρφ [Internet]. 2019;(6):202-210. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Ο ψηφιακός εγγραμματισμός λειτουργεί ως εξαιρετικό μέσο-εργαλείο για την ισότιμη μεταχείριση και ενσωμάτωση-ένταξη κοινωνικά αποκλεισμένων ομάδων στην κοινωνία της πληροφορίας. Προβαίνοντας σε μια ανάλυση των πρόσφατων ερευνών και συζητήσεων για το ψηφιακό χάσμα, τις απαιτούμενες σήμερα ψηφιακές δεξιότητες και τη μελλοντική ζήτηση, η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη επικεντρώνεται στην έμφυλη διάσταση. Ερευνητικά δεδομένα επιβεβαιώνουν ότι δεκαετίες προτάσεων και παρεμβάσεων—ερευνητικών, πολιτικών, κοινωνικών, νομοθετικών—δεν αύξησαν τη γυναικεία συμμετοχή στους κλάδους των STEM (Επιστήμη, Τεχνολογία, Μηχανική, Μαθηματικά) και των Τεχνολογιών της Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνίας (ΤΠΕ). Οι γυναίκες εξακολουθούν να αποτελούν αόρατη μειονότητα σε αυτούς τους τομείς, παρά τις ενέργειες του κινήματος για την κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση-ένταξη των γυναικών και κοριτσιών στις ΤΠΕ και την ευρεία αναγνώριση της σημαντικότητας των ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων στους χώρους εργασίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Τα αποτελέσματα εμπειρικών ερευνών αναδεικνύουν τη ζωτικής σημασίας αναμόρφωση της εκπαίδευσης STEM ώστε να συμπεριλάβει την έμφυλη διάσταση, δεδομένου ότι οι κοινωνικές προκαταλήψεις ξεκινούν από μικρή ηλικία. Επισημαίνεται, επίσης, η αναγκαιότητα να καθοριστούν και να καταγραφούν από τους βιομηχανικούς θεσμούς οι πραγματικές ανάγκες και οι ψηφιακές δεξιότητες που απαιτούνται σήμερα. Η μελέτη ολοκληρώνεται με τις πολύτιμες συμβουλές τεσσάρων γυναικών-προτύπων· συγκεκριμένα, διακεκριμένων γυναικών στην κοινωνία της πληροφορίας και των ΤΠΕ: Nancy Pascall, Rosalie Zobel, Όλγα Σταυροπούλου και Elizabeth Pollitzer.  Λέξεις κλειδιά: Ψηφιακό χάσμα-αποκλεισμός, Τεχνοφοβία, Ψηφιακές δεξιότητες, Έμφυλη διάσταση, Soft Skills ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Abstract This study examines current research on the digital skills crisis and future skills demand, focusing on the gender dimension of the digital divide. Studies confirm that decades of equal opportunity policies, legislation and government initiatives have failed to increase women’s engagement in the STEM and ICT sectors. Statistics show no real improvement, women remaining a minority, despite the social inclusion movement in ICT and the widespread acknowledgement of the importance of digital skills required in EU workplaces. Industry needs to project and clearly define digital skill requirements. It is also vital to reshape STEM education to include the gender dimension, since social biases start at an early age. Accordingly, following a series of interviews, the study concludes with recommendations from four inspirational role models, successful women in ICT and information society: Nancy Pascall, Rosalie Zobel, Olga Stavropoulou and Elizabeth Pollitzer. Key words: Digital Divide, Skill Gaps, Gender Gaps, Digital Literacy, Soft Skills
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Καλαντώνη Δ, Γάσπαρη Μ, Κασσάρας Ι, Πομόνης Α, Παύλου Κ. Ψηφιακή βάση δεδομένων των ιστορικών αντισεισμικών κατασκευών της παλιάς πόλης της Λευκάδας. 3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ψηφιοποίησης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς - EuroMed 2019. 2019. paper_71_psifiopoiisi_ton_ktirion_tis_leykadas_fullpaper_docx.pdf
Пророческая Христопогия в Евангелии от Марка? Подохд, Ориентированный на Читателя
Karakolis C. Пророческая Христопогия в Евангелии от Марка? Подохд, Ориентированный на Читателя. In: История и Теология в Евангельских Повествованиях Материалы Седьмого Совместного Симпозиума Восточноевропейских и Западных Исследователей Нового Завета. Moscow; 2019. pp. 190-204. Publisher's Version 61234318.pdf
Loukaidou G, Gazeas K. 114 Minima timings of ultra-short orbital period eclipsing binaries. [Internet]. 2018;6237:1. WebsiteAbstract
We present 114 times of minima of 6 ultra-short orbital period eclipsing binaries.
Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis G-A, Voulgaris N, Lekkas E, Chouliaras G, Evangelidis C, Pavlou K, Kapetanidis V, et al. The 12th June 2017 Mw = 6.3 Lesvos earthquake from detailed seismological observations. Journal of Geodynamics [Internet]. 2018;115:23 - 42. Website
Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis G-A, Voulgaris N, Lekkas E, Chouliaras G, Evangelidis C, Pavlou K, Kapetanidis V, et al. The 12th June 2017 Mw = 6.3 Lesvos earthquake from detailed seismological observations. Journal of Geodynamics [Internet]. 2018;115:23 - 42. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A major earthquake (Mwö=ö6.3) occurred on the 12th of June 2017 (12:28 GMT) offshore, south of the SE coast of Lesvos Island, at a depth of 13ökm, in an area characterized by normal faulting with an important strike-slip component in certain cases. Over 900 events of the sequence between 12 and 30 June 2017 were manually analyzed and located, employing an optimized local velocity model. Double-difference relocation revealed seven spatially separated groups of events, forming two linear branches, roughly aligned N130°E, compatible with the strike of known mapped faults along the southern coast of Lesvos Island. Spatiotemporal analysis indicated gradual migration of seismicity towards NW and SE from the margins of the main rupture, while a strong secondary sequence at a separate fault patch SE of the mainshock, oriented NW-SE, was triggered by the largest aftershock (Mwö=ö5.2) that occurred on 17 June. The focal mechanisms of the mainshock (φö=ö122°, δö=ö40° and λö=ö−83°) and of the major aftershocks were determined using regional moment tensor inversion. In most cases normal faulting was revealed with the fault plane oriented in a NW-SE direction, dipping SW, with the exception of the largest aftershock that was characterized by strike-slip faulting. Stress inversion revealed a complex stress field south of Lesvos, related both to normal, in an approximate E-W direction, and strike-slip faulting. All aftershocks outside the main rupture, where gradual seismicity migration was observed, are located within the positive lobes of static stress transfer determined by applying the Coulomb criterion for the mainshock. Stress loading on optimal faults under a strike-slip regime explains the occurrence of the largest aftershock and the seismicity that was triggered at the eastern patch of the rupture zone.
Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, Tselentis G-A, Voulgaris N, Lekkas E, Chouliaras G, Evangelidis C, Pavlou K, Kapetanidis V. The 12th June 2017 Mw= 6.3 Lesvos earthquake from detailed seismological observations. Journal of Geodynamics. 2018;115:23-42.
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Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Grossetti G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jin J, Kalaria P, Marek A, et al. 2018 Status on KIT Gyrotron Activities. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Polychronopoulou E, Ntaios G, Sagris D, Perlepe K, Gioulekas F, Galanis P, Pardali C, Vemmou A, Koroboki E, Papavasileiou V, et al. 20-YEAR TRENDS OF CHARACTERISTICS AND OUTCOMES OF STROKE PATIENTS WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Journal of Hypertension. 2018;36:e110.
Ntaios G, Sagris D, Gioulekas F, Galanis P, Pardali C, Vemmou A, Koroboki E, Papavasileiou V, Vassilopoulou S, Manios E, et al. 20-year trends of characteristics and outcomes of stroke patients with atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Stroke. 2018;13:707–716.
Polychronopoulou E, Ntaios G, Sagris D, Perlepe K, Gioulekas F, Galanis P, Pardali C, Vemmou A, Koroboki E, Papavasileiou V. 20-YEAR TRENDS OF CHARACTERISTICS AND OUTCOMES OF STROKE PATIENTS WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Journal of Hypertension. 2018;36:e110.
Ntaios G, Sagris D, Gioulekas F, Galanis P, Pardali C, Vemmou A, Koroboki E, Papavasileiou V, Vassilopoulou S, Manios E. 20-year trends of characteristics and outcomes of stroke patients with atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Stroke. 2018;13(7):707-716.
Yu S, Chi C, Protogerou AD, Safar ME, Blacher J, Argyris AA, Nasothimiou EG, Sfikakis PP, Papaioannou TG, Xu H, et al. 24-hour aortic blood pressure variability showed a stronger association with carotid damage than 24-hour brachial blood pressure variability: The SAFAR study. Journal of Clinical Hypertension [Internet]. 2018;20(3):499 - 507. Website
Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Karakonstantis A, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G. The 26th March 1993 (M5.4) Pyrgos earthquake on the western segment of the Movri causative fault of the 2008 event. In: 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece “10 years after the 2008 Movri Mtn M6.5 Earthquake; An earthquake increasing our knowledge for the deformation in a foreland area”. Patras, Greece: Geological Society of Greece ; 2018. pp. 17-18. 126_abstract.pdf
Balk MC, Avramidis KA, Illy S, Wu C. 2nd Harmonic Gyrotron simulation with CST STUDIO SUITE®. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2. Website
Karakonstantis A, Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G, et al. On the 3-D velocity structure of W. Greece. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 131_abstract_let_wgreece_esc.pdf
Kamberidou I. 437 DIRECT CITATIONS – 437 ΑΝΑΦΟΡΕΣ ΑΠΕΥΘΕΙΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΕΡΓΟ. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens]. 2018;(August 10, 2018):1-55.Abstract
  • 437 direct citations since 2003 (updated August 10,  2018)
437  ετεροναφορές/παραπομπές/αναφορές—απευθείας στο έργο— σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά, βιβλία, πρακτικά συνεδρίων, διδακτορικές διατριβές, κ.ά., από το 2003 έως 010/08/2018.
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Castro A, Larsen F, Papadimitriou I. 5D rotating black holes and the nAdS₂/nCFT₁ correspondence. JHEP. 2018;10:042.
Dafka S, Toreti A, Luterbacher J, Zanis P, Tyrlis E, Xoplaki E. On the ability of RCMs to capture the circulation pattern of Etesians. Climate Dynamics [Internet]. 2018;51:1687-1706. Website
Lekka E, Varela A, Tsilafakis K, Kostavasili I, Davos C, Cokkinos D, Mavroidis M. Ablation of dysferlin gene ameliorates desmin deficient cardiomyopathy. In: EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. Vol. 39. OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND; 2018. pp. 594–594.
Piperos T, Kaklamanos I, Chrysikos D, Zarokosta M, Boumpa E, Zoulamoglou M, Kalles V, Gkogka G-I, Mariolis-Sapsakos T. Abnormal distance of the extralaryngeal bifurcation point of the recurrent laryngeal nerve from the cricothyroid joint. J Surg Case Rep. 2018;2018(1):rjx257.Abstract
The extralaryngeal bifurcation point of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is typically located in a mean distance of 0-2 cm from the cricothyroid joint (CTJ). In the presented case though, the left RLN was unexpectedly identified bifurcating in a mean distance of 7 cm from the left CTJ in a young woman with multinodular goiter during total thyroidectomy. The RLN was carefully exposed throughout its course for the avoidance of iatrogenic injury of the nerval structure. The operation was uneventful. The present manuscript aims to highlight a scarce anatomic variation and its implications for thyroidectomy. Rare anatomic variations of the RLN such as the presented one encumber thyroid surgery and represent a severe risk factor of RLN injury. Meticulous operative technique combined with surgeons' perpetual awareness concerning this peculiar anatomical aberration leads to an injury-free thyroid surgery.
Kokras N, Stamouli E, Sotiropoulos I, Katirtzoglou EA, Siarkos KT, Dalagiorgou G, Alexandraki KI, Coulocheri S, Piperi C, Politis AM. Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Cell-Derived Peripheral Inflammatory Cytokines in Early Stages of Alzheimer's Disease. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2018;38:138-143.Abstract
BACKGROUND: Clinical and preclinical studies firmly support the involvement of the inflammation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Despite acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) being widely used in AD patients, there is no conclusive evidence about their impact on the inflammatory response. METHODS: This study investigates peripheral proinflammatory cytokines (interferon gamma [IFN-γ], tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α], and interleukins 1β [IL-1β] and 6 [IL-6]) by firstly comparing peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)-derived secretion in drug-naïve and AChEI-treated AD patients versus healthy controls. A subset of those drug-naïve AD patients, who were prescribed the AChEI donepezil, was followed-up for 6 months to investigate if donepezil suppresses proinflammatory cell-derived cytokine secretion. RESULTS: Patients with AD showed higher levels of PBMC-derived proinflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in comparison with healthy controls. On reexamination, previously drug-naïve AD patients who received donepezil treatment for 6 months displayed a decrease in cell-derived IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: Proinflammatory PBMC-derived cytokines were increased in patients with AD in comparison with healthy controls and donepezil-reduced proinflammatory cytokines when examining drug-naïve AD patients before and after AChEI treatment.
Alexovič M, Dotsikas Y, Bober P, Sabo J. Achievements in robotic automation of solvent extraction and related approaches for bioanalysis of pharmaceuticals. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences [Internet]. 2018;1092:402-421. Website
Blaziak K, Tzeli D, Xantheas SS, Uggerud E. The activation of carbon dioxide by first row transition metals (Sc-Zn). PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2018;20:25495-25505.
Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD, Minou M. Adequate feedback-based customer incentives in automated demand response. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems. ; 2018. pp. 38–42.
Kevrekidis PG, Wang W, Carretero-González R, Frantzeskakis DJ. Adiabatic invariant analysis of dark and dark-bright soliton stripes in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A [Internet]. 2018;97. Website
Topoglidis E, Kolozoff P-A, Tiflidis C, Papavasiliou J, Sakellis E. Adsorption and electrochemical behavior of Cyt-c on carbon nanotubes/TiO2 nanocomposite films fabricated at various annealing temperatures. Colloid and Polymer Science [Internet]. 2018;296:1353-1364. Website
Topoglidis E, Kolozoff P-A, Tiflidis C, Papavasiliou J, Sakellis E. Adsorption and electrochemical behavior of Cyt-c on carbon nanotubes/TiO2 nanocomposite films fabricated at various annealing temperatures. [Internet]. 2018;296:1353-1364. Website
Armaos R, Tsiboukli A. Adult Education and Change in Organisations. 3rd Biennial Conference: Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for Transformation. 2018.
Dagla I, Benaki D, Baira E, Lemonakis N, Poudyal H, Brown L, Tsarbopoulos A, Skaltsounis A-L, Mikros E, Gikas E. Alteration in the liver metabolome of rats with metabolic syndrome after treatment with Hydroxytyrosol. A Mass Spectrometry And Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-based metabolomics study. Talanta. 2018;178:246-257.
Salomon E, Schmitt M, Marapaka AK, Stamogiannos A, Revelant G, Schmitt C, Alavi S, Florent I, Addlagatta A, Stratikos E, et al. Aminobenzosuberone scaffold as a modular chemical tool for the inhibition of therapeutically relevant M1 aminopeptidases. Molecules [Internet]. 2018;23. Website
Iliou K, Malenović A, Loukas YL, Dotsikas Y. Analysis of potential genotoxic impurities in rabeprazole active pharmaceutical ingredient via Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry, following quality-by-design principles for method development. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis [Internet]. 2018;149:410-418. Website
Daltzis PA, Volos CK, Nistazakis HE, Tsigopoulos AD, Tombras GS. Analysis, synchronization and circuit design of a 4D hyperchaotic hyperjerk system. Computation [Internet]. 2018;6. Website
Daltzis PA, Volos CK, Nistazakis HE, Tsigopoulos AD, Tombras GS. Analysis, synchronization and circuit design of a 4D hyperchaotic hyperjerk system. Computation [Internet]. 2018;6. Website
Zarokosta M, Piperos T, Chrysikos D, Nikou E, Flessas I, Skarpas G, Papapanagiotou I, Tsiaoussis I, Noussios G, Mariolis-Sapsakos T. Anatomic variation of the relation between the inferior mesenteric artery and the bifurcation point of abdominal aorta during lower anterior resection: A rare case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;51:385-387.Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Identification and ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is a crucial surgical step when performing lower anterior resection (LAR) for rectal cancer. Anatomic variations of the relation between the IMA and the bifurcation point of abdominal aorta (AA) encumber surgical maneuvers and are of great clinical importance. PRESENTATION OF CASE: An unusual anatomic variation of the relation between IMA and the bifurcation point of AA was unexpectedly detected during LAR to a 69-year-old Caucasian female patient. The operation was uneventful. A meticulous review of the recent literature was conducted as well. DISCUSSION: Variations of the mesenteric vascular supply are mainly identified incidentally, during the operation. In particular, variations of IMA are extremely uncommon in the literature. However, such kind of congenital variations, are not as rare as considered and their presence encumbers surgical maneuvers and increases the potentiality of intraoperative injury and hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: Surgeons' deep knowledge and unceasing awareness concerning probable anatomic variations of the relation between the IMA and AA, combined with detailed exposure of the operative field and of the relationship between these adjacent arteries constitute the cornerstone of a safe operation.
Chytas D, Korres DS, Babis GC, Efstathopoulos NE, Papadopoulos EC, Markatos K, Nikolaou VS. Anatomical considerations of C2 lamina for the placement of translaminar screw: a review of the literature. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2018;28(3):343-349.Abstract
PURPOSE: The thorough knowledge of C2 lamina anatomy is essential for the avoidance of complications during screw fixation. We performed a review of the literature, aiming to detect what was found about anatomical feasibility of C2 translaminar fixation in different populations, along with possible recommendations for the avoidance of complications, and to detect whether factors such as race or gender could influence axis lamina anatomy and fixation feasibility. METHODS: We performed a search in PubMed and Cochrane database of systematic reviews for studies which correlated axis lamina anatomy with fixation feasibility. We extracted data concerning measurements on C2 lamina, the methods and conclusions of the studies. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies met our inclusion criteria. The studies mainly focused on Asian populations. Male gender was generally related to larger anatomical parameters of C2 lamina. The use of a C2 translaminar screw with a diameter of 3.5 mm was generally feasible, even in children, but there was disagreement about risk of vertebral artery injury. Computed tomography was most frequently recommended preoperatively. Three-dimensional reconstruction was suggested by some authors. CONCLUSION: C2 lamina anatomy generally permitted screw fixation in most studies, but there was disagreement about risk of vertebral artery injury. Preoperative computed tomography was generally recommended, while, according to some authors, three-dimensional reconstruction could be essential. However, there is a relative lack of studies about non-Asian populations. More research could further illustrate the anatomy of C2 lamina, clarify the safety of axis fixation for more populations and perhaps modify preoperative imaging protocols.
Kalopita K, Michala L, Theofanakis C, Valsamidis D. {Anesthetic management of mosaic Turner's syndrome posted for elective cesarean delivery after spontaneous pregnancy}. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia. 2018.Abstract
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. Turner's syndrome, one of the most common sex chromosome abnormalities in females, is caused by loss of part or all of an X chromosome. We report a case of mosaic Turner's syndrome, posted for elective cesarean delivery under low-dose sequential combined spinal epidural anesthesia. The unique features of this case were the combination of an anticipated difficult airway and both short stature and scoliosis in the lumbar region. A titrated combined spinal-epidural technique was performed in order to avoid hemodynamic instability, which could have been exacerbated in the presence of cardiovascular deformities that accompany this syndrome in many cases. The patient was managed successfully under regional anesthesia, which is generally a preferred technique to general anesthesia, to avoid sympathetic stimulation during intubation and emergence. Further, this technique may avoid potential complications associated with difficult airway management.
Aaboud M, others. {Angular analysis of $B^0_d \rightarrow K^{*}μ^+μ^-$ decays in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 8$ TeV with the ATLAS detector}. JHEP. 2018;10:047.
Zarokosta M, Piperos Τ, Zoulamoglou M, Theodoropoulos P, Nikou E, Flessas I, Boumpa E, Bonatsos V, Noussios G, Mariolis-Sapsakos T. Anomalous course of the sigmoid colon and the mesosigmoid encountered during colectomy. A case report of a redundant loop of sigmoid colon. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;46:20-23.Abstract
Introduction Sigmoid colon constitutes a part of the large intestine that presents several congenital anatomic variations. In particular, the presence of a redundant loop of sigmoid colon is of tremendous importance for surgeons, obstetricians and radiologists, since it is closely related to multiple pathological conditions and functional implications of the neighboring anatomical structures. PRESENTATION OF CASE: An unusual anatomic variation in position and length of the sigmoid colon and its mesocolon was unexpectedly detected during right hemicolectomy to a 67-year-old Caucasian male patient due to colon cancer. The operation was uneventful. A meticulous review of the literature was conducted as well. DISCUSSION: A redundant loop of sigmoid colon may go unnoticed or it might lead to urinary, digestive and vascular complications. Its presence is associated with acute and chronic pathological conditions, sigmoid volvulus and serious confusions in radiological diagnosis and instrumentation. CONCLUSION: Surgeons' thorough knowledge concerning this rare anatomic variation is fundamental and crucial in order to establish a correct diagnosis and assert the appropriate management when performing operations including pelvis and abdomen.
Dastoori M, Bouserhal JP, Halazonetis DJ, Athanasiou AE. Anterior teeth root inclination prediction derived from digital models: A comparative study of plaster study casts and CBCT images. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018;10(11):e1069-e1074.Abstract
Background: To assess the accuracy of digital models generated using commercially available software to predict anterior teeth root inclination characteristics and compare the results to relevant data obtained from CBCT images. Material and Methods: Following sample size calculation and after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, pre-treatment maxillary and mandibular plaster models and the corresponding CBCT scans of 31 patients attending a private orthodontic clinic were selected. The subjects were 10 males and 21 females with age range 12 to 40 years. Plaster models were scanned using the high resolution mode of an Ortho Insight 3D scanner and CBCT scans were taken using a Kodak 9500 Cone Beam 3D System machine. The teeth on the digital scans were segmented and virtual roots were predicted and constructed by the Ortho Insight 3D software. The long axes of the predicted roots and the actual roots, as segmented from the CBCT images, were computed using best-fit lines. The inter-axis angle was used to assess error in root inclination prediction by the software. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Intra-examiner error was evaluated using the Bland-Altman method. Results: The maximum disparity in angle between images derived from digital models and CBCT data was almost 40 degrees (upper left canine). The upper and lower canines produced the worst results, followed by the lower lateral incisors. The upper central incisors showed the best results, although the maximum angle of difference exceeded 20 degrees (with the median around 8 degrees). Conclusions: Root morphology imaging prediction is not a primary function of this software and this study confirmed its limitation as a sole tool in routine clinical applications. At present these predictions cannot be considered accurate or reliable unless correlated clinically with a radiographic image. Digital models, CBCT, tooth root inclination prediction software.
Chauhan R, Maxted A, Rangaraj S, Fotis L. Anti-Gbm Disease in Children: Outcomes and Association with Systemic Vasculitis. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 2018;3(2):1-4.
Moschos MM, Laios K, Androudi S, Ladas DS, Chatziralli IP. Anti-platelet effects of vitamin supplements in age-related macular degeneration: an in vitro study. Cutaneous and ocular toxicology. 2018;37:207–209.
Vavuranakis M, Kalogeras K, Kolokathis AM, Vrachatis D, Magkoutis N, Siasos G, Oikonomou E, Kariori M, Papaioannou T, Lavda M, et al. Antithrombotic therapy in TAVI. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology [Internet]. 2018;15(1):66 - 75. Website
Wassertheurer S, Hametner B, Mayer CC, Hafez A, Negishi K, Papaioannou TG, Protogerou AD, Sharman JE, Weber T. Aortic systolic pressure derived with different calibration methods: Associations to brachial systolic pressure in the general population. Blood Pressure Monitoring [Internet]. 2018;23(3):134 - 140. Website
Afratis NA, Klepfish M, Karamanos NK, Sagi I. The apparent competitive action of ECM proteases and cross-linking enzymes during fibrosis: Applications to drug discovery. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2018;129:4-15.Abstract
Progressive loss of organ function in most organs is associated with fibrosis, a tissue state associated with abnormal matrix buildup. If highly progressive, the fibrotic process eventually leads to organ failure and death. Fibrosis is a basic connective tissue lesion defined by the increase in the amount of fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM) components in a tissue or organ. In addition, intrinsic changes in important structural cells can induce the fibrotic response by regulating the differentiation, recruitment, proliferation and activation of extracellular matrix-producing myofibroblasts. ECM enzymes belonging to the family of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and lysyl oxidases (LOXs) play a crucial role in ECM remodeling and regeneration. MMPs have a catalytic role in degradation of ECM, whereas LOX/LOXLs mediate ECM, especially collagen, cross-linking and stiffening. Importantly, enzymes from both families are elevated during the fibrotic response to tissue injury and its resolution. Yet, the apparent molecular competition or antagonistic activities of these enzyme families during the various stages of fibrosis is often overlooked. In this review, we discuss the diverse roles of MMPs and LOX/LOXL2 in chronic organ fibrosis. Finally, we review contemporary therapeutic strategies for fibrosis treatment, based on neutralization of MMP and LOX activity, as well as the development of novel drug delivery approaches.
Al Imran M, Nakashima K, Evelpidou N, Kawasaki S. Applicability of Coastal Ureolytic Bacteria for Coastal Protection in Greece. In: The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM18). ; 2018.
Mantzourani I, Terpou A, Alexopoulos A, Chondrou P, Galanis A, Bekatorou A, Bezirtzoglou E, Koutinas AA, Plessas S. Application of a novel potential probiotic lactobacillus paracasei strain isolated from kefir grains in the production of feta-type cheese. MicroorganismsMicroorganisms. 2018;6:1-17.
Papastavrou G, Karamanou M, Papaioannou T, Agapitos E, Androutsos G. The arabo-islamic contribution to the evolution of cardiology. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union [Internet]. 2018;53(2):268 - 271. Website
Evelpidou N, Karkani A. Archaeology and Sea-Level Change. In: Finkl C, Makowski C Encyclopedia of Coastal Science. Springer; 2018.
The Art of Painting in Ancient Greece. Athens and Atlanta: Kapon Editions and Lockwood Press; 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This innovative, fresh look on Greek painting combines a standard, comprehensive survey of the material record – wall-paintings, painted panels, or slabs – with an in-depth exploration of the ways in which the Greeks themselves appreciated this demanding art. The book dwells on techniques, styles, themes, and masters, as well as their admirers, clients, and critics. At the same time, the author discusses recent breakthroughs in archaeology, cultural studies, and art history in order to offer a well-rounded picture of a unique phenomenon in Greek culture, a celebrated art that enjoyed a long afterlife. In this respect, this book is unique in its kind as it reflects new, multidisciplinary scholarly approaches to the material record which it combines with a more traditional, art-historical exploration. Drawing on a wide range of ancient authorities – from Plato and Xenophon to Cicero, Pliny, Lucian, and Philostratus – the author discusses the surviving works within their chronological framework and under the light of recent discoveries. After a wide-ranging discussion of painting in Bronze-Age Greece (Cyclades, Crete, Santorini, Mycenaean Greece), the book establishes a highly readable narrative of all technical, stylistic, iconographical and aesthetic developments through the Archaic, the Classical, and the Hellenistic period, before it culminates with the study of Graeco-Roman painting in the 2nd-3rd c. AD. The study thus covers all significant milestones in the development of Greek painting from the prehistoric through to the Roman era, as well as most surviving works (including many lesser known or recently discovered ones); it also pays tribute to the oeuvre and individual contributions of most great masters of antiquity. The book’s introduction offers a thorough account of the techniques and materials employed in ancient painting, alongside contemporary technical, scientific, and theoretical approaches to its study. The text is fully illustrated in color, and accompanied by an extensive bibliography and index. The Art of Painting in Ancient Greece is a scholarly monograph that would interest all Greek-art enthusiasts, archaeology and art-history students, as well as any academic working on classical Greece.
Assimakopoulos VD, Bekiari T, Pateraki S, Maggos T, Stamatis P, Nicolopoulou P, Assimakopoulos MN. Assessing personal exposure to PM using data from an integrated indoor-outdoor experiment in Athens-Greece. Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2018;636:1303-1320. Website
Xanthopoulou P, Valakos E, Youlatos D, Nikita E. Assessing the accuracy of cranial and pelvic ageing methods on human skeletal remains from a modern Greek assemblage. [Internet]. 2018. WebsiteAbstract
The present study tests the accuracy of commonly adopted ageing methods based on the morphology of the pubic symphysis, auricular surface and cranial sutures. These methods are examined both in their traditional form as well as in the context of transition analysis using the ADBOU software in a modern Greek documented collection consisting of 140 individuals who lived mainly in the second half of the twentieth century and come from cemeteries in the area of Athens. The auricular surface overall produced the most accurate age estimates in our material, with different methods based on this anatomical area showing varying degrees of success for different age groups. The pubic symphysis produced accurate results primarily for young adults and the same applied to cranial sutures but the latter appeared completely inappropriate for older individuals. The use of transition analysis through the ADBOU software provided less accurate results than the corresponding traditional ageing methods in our sample. Our results are in agreement with those obtained from validation studies based on material from across the world, but certain differences identified with other studies on Greek material highlight the importance of taking into account intra- and inter-population variability in age estimation.
Stergiopoulou A, Katavoutas G, Samoli E, Dimakopoulou K, Papageorgiou I, Karagianni P, Flocas H, Katsouyanni K. Assessing the associations of daily respiratory symptoms and lung function in schoolchildren using an Air Quality Index for ozone: Results from the RESPOZE panel study in Athens, Greece. Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2018;633:492-499. Website
Roshan G, Nastos PT. Assessment of extreme heat stress probabilities in Iran's urban settlements, using first order Markov chain model. Sustainable Cities and Society [Internet]. 2018;36:302-310. Website
Marchenko A, Carlucci S, Pagliano L, Pietrobon M, Karlessi T, Santamouris M, Delaere N, Assimakopoulos M. The assessment of the environmental quality directly perceived and experienced by the employees of 69 European offices. In: Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Comfort. ; 2018. pp. 1017-1028. Website
Koukouzas N, Kypritidou Z, Purser G, Rochelle CA, Vasilatos C, Tsoukalas N. Assessment of the impact of CO2 storage in sandstone formations by experimental studies and geochemical modeling: The case of the Mesohellenic Trough, NW Greece. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2018;71:116-132.
Kouroutzoglou J, Avgoustoglou EN, Flocas HA, Hatzaki M, Skrimizeas P, Keay K. Assessment of the role of sea surface fluxes on eastern Mediterranean explosive cyclogenesis with the aid of the limited-area model COSMO.GR. Atmospheric Research [Internet]. 2018;208:132-147. Website
Mantzourani I, Kazakos S, Terpou A, Mallouchos A, Kimbaris A, Alexopoulos A, Bezirtzoglou E, Plessas S. Assessment of volatile compounds evolution, antioxidant activity, and total phenolics content during cold storage of pomegranate beverage fermented by Lactobacillus paracasei K5. FermentationFermentation. 2018;4.
Papoutsis K, Kapelouzou A, Tsilimigras DI, Patelis N, Kouvelos G, Schizas D, Karavokyros I, Georgopoulos S. Associations between serum relaxin 2, aneurysm formation/size and severity of atherosclerosis: a preliminary prospective analysis. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2018.Abstract
Serum relaxin 2 (RL2) is a pleiotropic hormone that acts on various organs and systems, particularly the cardiovascular system. Although RL2 seems to upregulate the synthesis of nitric monoxide (NO) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9, current literature on its role in atherosclerosis and aneurysm formation is scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of serum RL2 in patients with an arterial aneurysm as well as in atherosclerotic patients, and correlate them with the severity of their related vascular disease. A total of 53 subjects were enrolled in this study: 37 patients were scheduled to undergo surgery: 21 patients for different forms of atherosclerotic disease (ATH), 16 patients for an arterial aneurysm (AA), 6 patients for undergoing temporal artery biopsy (TAB), and 10 healthy blood donors (HBD) served as the control groups. RL2 was measured using enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. RL2 was significantly higher in AA patients compared to ATH (P<0.01), TAB (P<0.001) and HBD (P<0.01). No significant difference was found between the ATH and TAB groups (P>0.05). In addition, ATH and AA patients were further subdivided based on the severity of their disease. Serum RL2 was progressively increased in patients with arterial aneurysms, showing a positive relationship with the size of the aneurysmatic dilatation. By contrast, the RL2 level was inversely related to the severity of the atherosclerotic disease. Studies with a larger cohort incorporating a consistent study population are warranted to verify our results and shed light on the mechanistic background of these processes.
Bousiadi S, Lelidis I. Asymmetric adsorption in an open electrolytic cell. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics [Internet]. 2018;382:127-134. Website
Amodeo A, D'amico G, Giunta A, Papagiannopoulos N, Papayannis A, Argyrouli A, Mylonaki M, Tsaknakis G, Kokkalis P, Soupiona O, et al. ATHLI16: The ATHens Lidar Intercomparison campaign. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 176. ; 2018. Website
Gallos P, Georgiadis C, Liaskos J, Mantas J. Augmented Reality Glasses and Head-Mounted Display Devices in Healthcare. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:82-85.Abstract
Augmented Realty (AR) technology has a significant contribution in healthcare sector by offering valuable solutions the last two decades. The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementations of Augmented Reality technologies in healthcare, which include wearable devices such as AR Glasses and Optical Head-Mounted Display Devices (OHMD), by searching the international scientific literature. Relevant studies were retrieved online from scientific databases using keywords related to Augmented Reality in healthcare. The results indicate the numerous applications of these technologies in healthcare procedures, like diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, as well as in the education of healthcare professionals. The international scientific community encourages the usage of the AR wearable technologies like AR glasses in Healthcare.
Dey L, Valtonen MJ, Gopakumar A, Zola S, Hudec R, Pihajoki P, Ciprini S, Matsumoto K, Sadakane K, Kidger M, et al. Authenticating the Presence of a Relativistic Massive Black Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General Relativity Centenary Flare: Improved Orbital Parameters. [Internet]. 2018;866:11. WebsiteAbstract
Results from regular monitoring of relativistic compact binaries like PSR 1913+16 are consistent with the dominant (quadrupole) order emission of gravitational waves (GWs). We show that observations associated with the binary black hole (BBH) central engine of blazar OJ 287 demand the inclusion of gravitational radiation reaction effects beyond the quadrupolar order. It turns out that even the effects of certain hereditary contributions to GW emission are required to predict impact flare timings of OJ 287. We develop an approach that incorporates this effect into the BBH model for OJ 287. This allows us to demonstrate an excellent agreement between the observed impact flare timings and those predicted from ten orbital cycles of the BBH central engine model. The deduced rate of orbital period decay is nine orders of magnitude higher than the observed rate in PSR 1913+16, demonstrating again the relativistic nature of OJ 287's central engine. Finally, we argue that precise timing of the predicted 2019 impact flare should allow a test of the celebrated black hole “no-hair theorem” at the 10% level.
Korda AI, Asvestas PA, Matsopoulos GK, Ventouras EM, Smyrnis N. Automatic identification of eye movements using the largest lyapunov exponent. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2018;41:10–20.
Geronikolou S, Chrousos G, Albanopoulos K, Cokkinos D, Kanaka-Gantenbein C. Autonomic Nervous System-Inflammation Link: A New Independent Mechanism for Homeostasis. In: 57th Annual ESPE. Vol. 89. European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology; 2018.
Maravelias G, Antoniou V, Boutsia K, Zezas A, Bonanos AZ, Haberl F, Hatzidimitriou D. A B1-2e optical classification for the optical counterpart of XTE J0052-723 (SXP 4.78; Swift J005139.2-721704). [Internet]. 2018;12237:1. WebsiteAbstract
In ATel #12224 we reported the H & alpha; emission, derived from a wide-field photometric survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud (Maravelias et al. 2017, IAUS 329, 373; Maravelias et al. 2019, in prep.), of the proposed optical counterpart source [M2002] 20671 to the X-ray transient XTE J0052-723 pulsar (SXP 4.78; Swift J005139.2-721704; ATel #12209).
Tsimpida D, Kaitelidou D, Galanis P. Barriers to the use of health services among deaf and hard of hearing adults in Greece: a Cross-Sectional Study. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. 2018;6:638–638.
Tsimpida D, Kaitelidou D, Galanis P. Barriers to the use of health services among deaf and hard of hearing adults in Greece: a Cross-Sectional Study. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. 2018;6(4):638-638.
Geronikolou S, Cokkinos D, Bacopoulou F. Basal Metabolic Rate as Moderator of Inflammation in PCOS. In: HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS. Vol. 90. KARGER ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND; 2018. pp. 493–493.
Kokkinos CT, Giokas DL, Economou AS, Petrou PS, Kakabakos SE. based microfluidic device with integrated sputtered electrodes for stripping voltammetric determination of DNA via quantum dot labeling. Analytical chemistryAnalytical Chemistry. 2018;90:1092-1097.
Avgeris M, Stamati L, Kontos CK, Piatopoulou D, Marmarinos A, Xagorari M, Baka M, Doganis D, Anastasiou T, Kosmidis H, et al. BCL2L12 improves risk stratification and prediction of BFM-chemotherapy response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2018;56:2104-2118.Abstract
Background Risk-adjusted treatment has led to outstanding improvements of the remission and survival rates of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Nevertheless, overtreatment-related toxicity and resistance to therapy have not been fully prevented. In the present study, we evaluated for the first time the clinical impact of the apoptosis-related BCL2L12 gene in prognosis and risk stratification of BFM-treated childhood ALL. Methods Bone marrow specimens were obtained from childhood ALL patients upon disease diagnosis and the end-of-induction (EoI; day 33) of the BFM protocol, as well as from control children. Following total RNA extraction and reverse transcription, BCL2L12 expression levels were determined by qPCR. Patients' cytogenetics, immunophenotyping and minimal residual disease (MRD) evaluation were performed according to the international guidelines. Results BCL2L12 expression was significantly increased in childhood ALL and correlated with higher BCL2/BAX expression ratio and favorable disease markers. More importantly, BCL2L12 expression was associated with disease remission, while the reduced BCL2L12 expression was able to predict patients' poor response to BFM therapy, in terms of M2-M3 response and MRD>/=0.1% on day 15. The survival analysis confirmed the significantly higher risk of the BFM-treated patients underexpressing BCL2L12 at disease diagnosis for early relapse and worse survival. Lastly, evaluation of BCL2L12 expression clearly strengthened the prognostic value of the established disease prognostic markers, leading to superior prediction of patients' outcome and improved specificity of BFM risk stratification. Conclusions The expression levels of the apoptosis-related BCL2L12 predict response to treatment and survival outcome of childhood ALL patients receiving BFM chemotherapy.
Mouratidis A, Michou A, Aelterman N, Haerens L, Vansteenkiste M. Begin-of-school-year perceived autonomy-support and structure as predictors of end-of-school-year study efforts and procrastination: the mediating role of autonomous and controlled motivation. Educational Psychology [Internet]. 2018;38:435-450. Publisher's VersionAbstract
AbstractIn this prospective study, we recruited a sample of Belgian adolescents (N = 886) to investigate to what extent perceived teachers? motivating style relates to quality of motivation in the beginning of the school year and, in turn, changes in study effort and procrastination by the end of the school year. After controlling for initial levels of study effort and procrastination and for a shared variance due to classroom membership, we found, through path analysis, perceived autonomy support and structure to relate positively to autonomous motivation, which in turn predicted increased study effort and decreased procrastination at the end of the school year. The findings are discussed from a theoretical and practical standpoint.
Chalatsa I, Arvanitis DA, Mikropoulou EV, Giagini A, Papadopoulou-Daifoti Z, Aligiannis N, Halabalaki M, Tsarbopoulos A, Skaltsounis LA, Sanoudou D. Beneficial Effects of Sideritis scardica and Cichorium spinosum against Amyloidogenic Pathway and Tau Misprocessing in Alzheimer's Disease Neuronal Cell Culture Models. J Alzheimers DisJ Alzheimers DisJ Alzheimers Dis. 2018;64:787-800.Abstract
BACKGROUND: Natural products are a significantly underutilized source of potential treatments against human disease. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a prime example of conditions that could be amenable to such treatments as suggested by recent findings. OBJECTIVE: Aiming to identify novel potentially therapeutic approaches against AD, we assessed the effects of Cichorium spinosum and Sideritis scardica extracts, both distinct components of the Mediterranean diet. METHODS/RESULTS: After the detailed characterization of the extracts' composition using LC-HRMS methods, they were evaluated on two AD neuronal cell culture models, namely the AbetaPP overexpressing SH-SY5Y-AbetaPP and the hyperphosphorylated tau expressing PC12-htau. Initially their effect on cell viability of SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells was examined, and subsequently their downstream effects on AbetaPP and tau processing pathways were investigated in the SH-SY5Y-AbetaPP and PC12-htau cells. We found that the S. scardica and C. spinosum extracts have similar effects on tau, as they both significantly decrease total tau, the activation of the GSK3beta, ERK1 and/or ERK2 kinases of tau, as well as tau hyperphosphorylation. Furthermore, both extracts appear to promote AbetaPP processing through the alpha, non-amyloidogenic pathway, albeit through partly different mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that C. spinosum and S. scardica could have a notable potential in the prevention and/or treatment of AD, and merit further investigations at the in vivo level.
Chalatsa I, Arvanitis DA, Mikropoulou EV, Giagini A, Papadopoulou-Daifoti Z, Aligiannis N, Halabalaki M, Tsarbopoulos A, Skaltsounis LA, Sanoudou D. Beneficial effects of Sideritis scardica and Cichorium spinosum against amyloidogenic pathway and tau misprocessing in Alzheimer’s disease neuronal cell culture models. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2018;64(3):787-800.
Marek A, Avramidis KA, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Thumm M. Benefits of advanced full-wave vector analysis codes for the design of high-power microwave tubes. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 279-282. Website
Bartholomew KJ, Ntoumanis N, Mouratidis A, Katartzi E, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C, Vlachopoulos S. Beware of your teaching style: A school-year long investigation of controlling teaching and student motivational experiences. Learning and Instruction [Internet]. 2018;53:50-63. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Relatively little research drawing from self-determination theory has examined the links between controlling teaching environments and student motivation. To this end, two longitudinal studies were conducted to explore how students’ perceptions of controlling teaching behavior and experiences of psychological need frustration were associated with a number of motivation-related outcomes over a school year. Multilevel growth modelling indicated that changes in perceptions of controlling teaching positively related to changes in need frustration across the school year (Studies 1 & 2) which, in turn, negatively related to autonomous motivation and positively related to controlled motivation and amotivation in Study 1 (N = 419); and positively related to fear of failure, contingent self-worth, and challenge avoidance in Study 2 (N = 447). Significant indirect effects also supported the mediating role of need frustration. These findings reinforce the need for research on the negative motivational pathways which link controlling teaching to poor quality student motivation. Implications for teacher training are discussed.
Koutsogiannis G, Georgaki A. Bioacoustics and Shazam. In: 5th Conference of Acoustic Ecology. University of the Peloponnese; 2018.Abstract
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, διάφορες εταιρείες σε συνεργασία με ερευνητικά εργαστήρια στο χώρο της Βιοακουστικής έχουν αναπτύξει λογισμικά ακουστικής ανάλυσης των καλεσμάτων των πουλιών, μέσω αυτόματης αναγνώρισης προτύπων, που ταυτοποιούν τη ρυθμική και μελωδική δομή του ‘‘τραγουδιού’’ τους σύμφωνα με τη βιολογική τους κατάταξη. Οι εφαρμογές αυτές ακολουθούν διαφορετική μεθοδολογία ως προς το κομμάτι της ανάλυσης και της αναγνώρισης, ωστόσο παρουσιάζουν κάποια κοινά μειονεκτήματα, όπως είναι η χαμηλή ακρίβεια, η έλλειψη μεθόδων επαγγελματικής ανάλυσης για μεγαλύτερο εύρος πουλιών, οι διάφορες τεχνικές δυσκολίες και η προϋπόθεση ύπαρξης εξειδικευμένου ανθρώπινου δυναμικού για την υλοποίησή τους. Στο πλαίσιο αυτής της ανακοίνωσης θα παρουσιάσουμε κάποιες από τις υπάρχουσες εφαρμογές και σημαντικές έρευνες πού έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί στο πεδίο αυτό, ενώ παράλληλα θα σχολιάσουμε τις επικρατέστερες μεθόδους και τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούν. Εν συνεχεία θα αναφερθούμε στο πρόβλημα της καταγραφής και της συγκριτικής μελέτης μεγαλύτερου εύρους πουλιών, καθώς και στη δημιουργία μίας νέας εφαρμογής αναγνώρισης που μελλοντικά θα περιλαμβάνει την ελληνική ορνιθοπανίδα. Τέλος, θα συζητήσουμε τα οφέλη της εφαρμογής αυτού του τύπου λογισμικών στη σχολική εκπαίδευση και τον ηχητικό και μουσικό εγγραμματισμό στο πλαίσιο της ακουστικής οικολογίας.
Murase K, Oikonomou F, Petropoulou M. Blazar Flares as an Origin of High-energy Cosmic Neutrinos?. [Internet]. 2018;865:124. WebsiteAbstract
We consider implications of high-energy neutrino emission from blazar flares, including the recent event IceCube-170922A and the 2014-2015 neutrino flare that could originate from TXS 0506+056. First, we discuss their contribution to the diffuse neutrino intensity taking into account various observational constraints. Blazars are likely to be subdominant in the diffuse neutrino intensity at sub-PeV energies, and we show that blazar flares like those of TXS 0506+056 could make ≲1%-10% of the total neutrino intensity. We also argue that the neutrino output of blazars can be dominated by the flares in the standard leptonic scenario for their γ-ray emission, and energetic flares may still be detected with a rate of ≲ 1 {yr}}-1. Second, we consider multi-messenger constraints on the source modeling. We show that luminous neutrino flares should be accompanied by luminous broadband cascade emission, emerging also in X-rays and γ-rays. This implies that not only γ-ray telescopes like Fermi but also X-ray sky monitors such as Swift and MAXI are critical to test the canonical picture based on the single-zone modeling. We also suggest a two-zone model that can naturally satisfy the X-ray constraints while explaining the flaring neutrinos via either photomeson or hadronuclear processes.
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Sandalidis HG, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS. Block error rate performance of OOK freespace optical links over gamma-gamma turbulence channels with generalised nonzero boresight pointing errors. IET Optoelectronics [Internet]. 2018;12:269-272. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Sandalidis HG, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS. Block error rate performance of OOK freespace optical links over gamma-gamma turbulence channels with generalised nonzero boresight pointing errors. IET Optoelectronics [Internet]. 2018;12:269-272. Website
Kostorrizos A, Koukakis A, Samolis A, Protogerou V, Mariolis-Sapsakos T, Piagkou M, Natsis K, Skandalakis GP, Troupis T. Body donation for research and teaching purposes: the contribution of blood donation units in the progress of anatomical science. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2018.Abstract
Cadaver's dissection has a fundamental role in teaching and understanding the anatomy. Postmortem body donation (PMBD) is an important source of cadavers and provides an opportunity to carry out research or educational activities in medicine and surgery. The objective of the current study is to determine the perspectives and attitudes toward PMBD among blood donors (BLD) and elderly people. These data are fundamental to highlight the PMBD extent and individual factors that might influence PMBD. Concerning the perception of body donation (BD) among BLD and elderly, the most common reason for BD was the contribution in research, in both study groups, while the commonest reason for hesitating BD was the lack of information following by personal reasons, concerning BLD and the elderly. The BLD were more likely to be interesting in BD for contribution in research and personal reasons. Additionally, BLD compare to the elderly were less likely to hesitate BD for religious and personal reasons and more likely to hesitate BD for not being informed. BLD who interested in BD for contribution in research were significantly older. Elderly that hesitated BD for personal reasons was significantly older. In BLD group, those that responded that blood and body donation are the same were significantly younger, while in the elderly were significantly older. The proportion of BLD that declared that blood and body donation is the same was significantly higher in more educated people. A need for well-organized and informative BD programs is evident. Orientating the public towards this practice is of high moral and medical value, since with this important promotion the altruistic act of BD will expand globally.
Francis K, Dougali A, Sideri K, Kroupis C, Vasdekis V, Dima K, Douzenis A. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in children with ASD and their parents: a 3-year follow-up. Acta Psychiatr.Scand. [Internet]. 2018;137(5):433 - 441. WebsiteAbstract
OBJECTIVE: Several lines of evidence point to a probable relationship between brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but studies have yielded inconsistent findings on the BDNF serum level in ASD. The study aimed to assess those levels in children with ASD and their families. METHOD: BDNF serum levels were measured in 45 ASD children without intellectual disability (ID) and allergies, age 30-42 months and age-matched normal controls. BDNF serum levels in the parents of the ASD subjects were compared to normal controls. BDNF serum levels in the ASD subjects were followed up for 3 years and correlated with adaptive functioning changes. RESULTS: BDNF serum levels were measured to be lower in children with ASD and independent of all the major baseline characteristics of the subjects. Having a child with ASD raises the BDNF levels in parents comparing to controls. Prospectively, no correlation between the change of BDNF variables in time and the change of the Vineland scores was found. CONCLUSIONS: Our results contradict those from recent published meta-analyses with the age, the presence of ID and allergies being possible contributing factors. The parents' data indeed point to a role of BDNF in the pathophysiology of ASD
Koukouloyannis V, Kevrekidis PG, Veldes GP, Frantzeskakis DJ, Dimarzio D, Lan X, Radisic V. Bright breathers in nonlinear left-handed metamaterial lattices. Physica Scripta [Internet]. 2018;93. Website
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Spyrou N-I, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Carydis P, Voulgaris N, Lekkas E. Building damage induced by the 2017 June 12, Mw 6.3 Lesvos (North Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake and application of the European macroseismic scale 1998. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018:9129.
Panagouli E, Tsoucalas G, Papaioannou TG, Thomaidis V, Fiska A, Venieratos D, Skandalakis P. A cadaveric study of anatomical variations of the normal arterial pattern in hellenic population. Archives of the Balkan Medical Union [Internet]. 2018;53(4):488 - 496. Website
Georgantzinos SK. A CAD/CAE Approach For An Efficient Analysis of Contact Mechanics in Rolling Bearings. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics. 2018;8(2):65-82.
Karatzi K, Papaioannou TG, Psaltopoulou T, Tousoulis D. Caffeine Effects on Arterial Stiffness: To Drink or Not to Drink?. Mayo Clinic Proceedings [Internet]. 2018;93(8):1149 - 1150. Website
Dilalos S, Alexopoulos JD, Tsatsaris A. Calculation of Building Correction for urban gravity surveys. A case study of Athens metropolis (Greece). Journal of Applied Geophysics [Internet]. 2018;159:540-552. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In gravity surveys, many unwanted effects are produced by geological or non-geological sources. These calculable effects have to be removed through the data reduction procedure. Common corrections in gravity measurements are those for the instrument drift, the tide, the Free Air, the Bouguer and the terrain effect. However, when we deal with gravity campaigns carried out in cities, we also have to take into consideration the so-called Building Correction. This concerns the correction of the gravitational effect caused by the existence of buildings and anthropogenic constructions (stadiums, bridges etc.) close to a gravity measurement. This process can become quite demanding sometimes. Because of that, in this paper we discuss a calculation method for the Building Correction of the gravity measurements. Two types of data are crucial in that procedure. The first one is the mean building density and the other one is the volume of the existing buildings, which is related to the spatial distribution and the buildings height. The mean building density has been calculated in this paper, based on percentage contribution of the building materials (concrete, bricks etc.) of the whole building volume. The calculated mean building density was equal to 0.44 g/cm3. A Building Height Map has been produced, based on the Digital Elevation Model and the Digital Surface Model. Taking into account the building volume and their density, a simulation of the terrain correction procedure has been carried out, for the Building Correction calculation. The calculated Building Correction values range from almost zero (in the suburbs) to 0.25 mGal. A comparison for the Residual Anomaly values (affected by the Building Correction) has also been made. Differences up to 0.19 mGal revealed are considered to be quite significant for the credibility of the final data.
Sklirou A, Papanagnou E-D, Fokialakis N, Trougakos IP. {Cancer chemoprevention via activation of proteostatic modules}. Cancer Letters [Internet]. 2018;413:110–121. WebsiteAbstract
Proteins carry out the majority of cellular functions and maintain cellular homeodynamics mostly by participating in multimeric assemblies that operate as protein machines. Proteome quality control is thus critical for cellular functionality, and it is carried out through the curating activity of the proteostasis network (PN). Key components of the PN are the protein synthesis and trafficking modules, the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response, molecular chaperones, and the two main degradation machineries, namely the ubiquitin proteasome and autophagy lysosome pathways. Part of the PN are also several stress responsive pathways, including nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), which mobilises genomic responses against oxidative and/or xenobiotic damage. Nevertheless, the gradual accumulation of stressors during ageing or earlier due to lifestyle results in an increasingly damaged and unstable proteome. This outcome may then increase genomic instability due to reduced DNA replication fidelity or repair, leading to various age-related diseases such as cancer. Considering that the activation of proteostatic modules exerts anti-ageing effects in model organisms, we present herein a synopsis of studies showing that proteostatic modules activation (e.g. by natural products) represents a promising tumour-chemopreventive approach.
Τζίμα Κλεοπάτρα. Capital structure in shipping with a focus on bonds. 2018.
Tsoucalas G, Papaioannou TG, Vlachopoulos C, Karamanou M. Cardioliths in 19th century medical literature. Artery Research [Internet]. 2018;23:9 - 13. Website
Langi P, Kiokias S, Varzakas T, Proestos C. Carotenoids: From plants to food and feed industries. [Internet]. 2018;1852:57-71. Website
Langi P, Kiokias S, Varzakas T, Proestos C. Carotenoids: From plants to food and feed industries. Methods in Molecular Biology [Internet]. 2018;1852:57-71. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD. CDMA radio on FSO links over gamma turbulence channels with nonzero boresight pointing errors. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2018. ; 2018. pp. 1-4. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD. CDMA radio on FSO links over gamma turbulence channels with nonzero boresight pointing errors. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2018. ; 2018. pp. 1-4. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Sandalidis HG, Tombras GS. CDMA RoFSO Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors over M Turbulence Channels. IEEE Photonics Journal [Internet]. 2018;10. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Sandalidis HG, Tombras GS. CDMA RoFSO Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors over M Turbulence Channels. IEEE Photonics Journal [Internet]. 2018;10. Website
Muravchik M, Henstra GA, Eliassen GT, Gawthorpe R, Leeder M, Kranis H, Skourtsos E, Andrews J. Channel and Lobe Interaction With Basin Floor Topography in Deep Water Rift Basins–Plio-Pleistocene Syn-Rift of the Corinth Rift, Greece. AAPG ACE 2018. 2018.
Vrachopoulos MG. Chapter 7: Exploitation of Normal (Shallow) Geothermy for heating and cooling applications.; 2018.
Aschenbrenner, P.H. GVF. The characteristics of Poland’s alpine skier’s (students) related to the frequency of accidents. Physical education of students. 2018;22(4):167–174.
Bothou A, Tsikouras P, Zervoudis S, Lykeridou A, Bacopoulou F, Galazios G, Stefos T, Iatrakis G. Characteristics of spontaneous multiple pregnancy in a cohort of Greek women during a period of twenty years. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition [Internet]. 2018;32:51-60. Website
Fitili P, Giovanis V, Sanidopoulos G. The characteristics of the Greek athletes’ of race walking in relation to the frequency of injuries. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Sports. 2018;22(3):130-135.
Dimitriou N, Garbi A, Vasilakis K, Schoofs A, Taha A, Nikiforakis M, Kotsilitis S, Papaioannou TG, Kotsopoulos D, Bardaki C, et al. ChArGED: Implementing a framework for improving energy efficiency in public buildings through IoTenabled energy disaggregation and serious games. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). IEEE; 2018. pp. 65–70.
Sotiropoulos GP, Dalamaga M, Antonakos G, Marinou I, Vogiatzakis E, Kotopouli M, Karampela I, Christodoulatos GS, Lekka A, Papavassiliou AG. Chemerin as a biomarker at the intersection of inflammation, hemotaxis, coagulation, fibrinolysis and metabolism in resectable non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2018;125:291-299.Abstract
OBJECTIVES: Chemerin is an emerging adipocytokine at the intersection of inflammation, chemotaxis, thrombosis, fibrinolysis and metabolism. Our aims were 1) to explore circulating chemerin in resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) taking into account its several interfaces; 2) to study its diagnostic potential; and 3) to assess its associations with clinicopathological features of NSCLC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a large case-control study, serum chemerin, insulin resistance and lipid parameters, classic adipocytokines, inflammatory, coagulation, fibrinolysis and tumor biomarkers were determined in 110 consecutive patients with resectable NSCLC and 110 healthy controls matched on age (± 5 years), gender and date of blood draw (± 1 month). RESULTS: NSCLC cases exhibited significantly elevated circulating chemerin compared to controls (p < 0.001). In NSCLC cases, chemerin was positively associated with Homeostasis model assessment score of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fibrinogen, plasminogen activity, tumor and inflammatory biomarkers, adiponectin, number of infiltrated lymph nodes and NSCLC stage. In control participants, circulating chemerin was positively correlated with somatometric, metabolic, lipid, hemostatic and inflammatory biomarkers, and leptin. Serum chemerin was independently associated with NSCLC, above and beyond NSCLC risk factors (OR: 2.20, 95% CI: 1.09-4.40, p = 0.03). In cases, hemostatic parameters (platelet count and plasminogen activity), HOMA-IR, CYFRA 21-1, creatinine and plant food consumption emerged as independent predictors of circulating chemerin (p < 0.05). Serum chemerin greater than 220 μg/L (cut-off point) yielded a sensitivity and a specificity of 63% and 91.8% respectively with a modest discriminative ability (AUC = 0.72, 95% C.I. 0.64-0.79) for the diagnosis of NSCLC. CONCLUSION: Chemerin may represent a potentially useful biomarker in NSCLC integrating tumor-promoting networks, inflammatory and hemostatic mechanisms, and cancer-related metabolic pathways. More preclinical, prospective and longitudinal studies highlighting the pathogenetic role of chemerin in NSCLC are needed to corroborate and extend these data.
Petropoulos G, Raptopoulou KG, Pasias IN, Thomaidis NS, Proestos C. Chemometric determination of the shelf life of opened cans using the migration of specific metals as quality indicators. [Internet]. 2018;267:313-318. Website
Petropoulos G, Raptopoulou KG, Pasias IN, Thomaidis NS, Proestos C. Chemometric determination of the shelf life of opened cans using the migration of specific metals as quality indicators. Food Chemistry [Internet]. 2018;267:313-318. Website
Chatziralli I, Theodossiadis G, Panagiotidis D, Pousoulidi P, Theodossiadis P. Choriocapillaris’ alterations in the presence of reticular pseudodrusen compared to drusen: study based on OCTA findings. International ophthalmology. 2018;38:1887–1893.
Chatziralli I, Theodossiadis G, Panagiotidis D, Pousoulidi P, Theodossiadis P. Choriocapillaris vascular density changes in patients with drusen: cross-sectional study based on optical coherence tomography angiography findings. Ophthalmology and therapy. 2018;7:101–107.
Kopanias K. Cilicia and Pamphylia during the Early Iron Age: Hiyawa, Mopsos and the Foundation of the Greek Cities. AURA [Internet]. 2018;1:69-95. Publisher's Version paper_2018_cilicia.pdf
Kalli V, Kollia E, Roidaki A, Proestos C, Markaki P. Cistus incanus L. extract inhibits Aflatoxin B1 production by Aspergillus parasiticus in macadamia nuts. [Internet]. 2018;111:63-68. Website
Kalli V, Kollia E, Roidaki A, Proestos C, Markaki P. Cistus incanus L. extract inhibits Aflatoxin B1 production by Aspergillus parasiticus in macadamia nuts. Industrial Crops and Products [Internet]. 2018;111:63-68. Website
Spyrou N, Avgerinos KI, Mantzoros CS, Dalamaga M. Classic and Novel Adipocytocines at the Intersection of Obesity and Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies. Curr Obes Rep. 2018;7(4):260-275.Abstract
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In this review, we investigate the role of classic and novel adipocytokines in cancer pathogenesis synopsizing the mechanisms underlying the association between adipocytokines and malignancy. Special emphasis is given on novel adipocytokines as new evidence is emerging regarding their entanglement in neoplastic development. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent data have emphasized the role of the triad of overweight/obesity, insulin resistance and adipocytokines in cancer. In the setting of obesity, classic and novel adipocytokines present independent and joint effects on activation of major intracellular signaling pathways implicated in cell proliferation, expansion, survival, adhesion, invasion, and metastasis. Until now, more than 15 adipocytokines have been associated with cancer, and this list continues to expand. While the plethora of circulating pro-inflammatory adipocytokines, such as leptin, resistin, extracellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase, and chemerin are elevated in malignancies, some adipocytokines such as adiponectin and omentin-1 are generally decreased in cancers and are considered protective against carcinogenesis. Elucidating the intertwining of inflammation, cellular bioenergetics, and adiposopathy is significant for the development of preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies against cancer. Novel more effective and safe adipocytokine-centered therapeutic interventions may pave the way for targeted oncotherapy.
Vagenas G, Palaiothodorou D. Climatic origin is unrelated to national Olympic success and specialization: an analysis of six successive games (1996-2016) using 12 dissimilar sports categories. Sport in Society [Internet]. 2018:1-16. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Disparities among nations in the summer Olympics are often ascribed to long-lasting climatic influences. In this study, we examined six Summer Games (1996–2016) to investigate the potential correlation between climatic origin and national Olympic success in 12 dissimilar sports categories. We measured total success by medal tallies (MT) and the revealed symmetric comparative advantage (CA). Using Tobit regression, we tested the effect of four generic climates (Dry–Arid, Tropical–Equatorial, Warm–Humid, Cool–Humid) against the covariation of population, gross domestic product and the socialist system. The Tobit models were significant both for MT (ρ2 = 0.20–0.73) and CA (ρ2 = 0.08–0.54). With a few minor exceptions (Weights, Aquatics/Water, Combat) much of the variation in MT and CA was explained by the three covariates. Inter-nation disparities in Olympic performance are unrelated to climatic origin. The previously observed ‘advantage’ of the Temperate climate is discussed considering the strong ‘socialist’ covariate.
Piatopoulou D, Avgeris M, Drakaki I, Marmarinos A, Xagorari M, Baka M, Pourtsidis A, Kossiva L, Gourgiotis D, Scorilas A. Clinical utility of miR-143/miR-182 levels in prognosis and risk stratification specificity of BFM-treated childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2018;97:1169-1182.Abstract
Although childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is characterized by high remission rates, there are still patients who experience poor response to therapy or toxic effects due to intensive treatment. In the present study, we examined the expression profile of miR-143 and miR-182 in childhood ALL and evaluated their clinical significance for patients receiving Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster (BFM) protocol. Bone marrow specimens from 125 childhood ALL patients upon diagnosis and the end-of-induction (EoI; day 33), as well as from 64 healthy control children undergone RNA extraction, polyadenylation, and reverse transcription. Expression levels of miRNAs were quantified by qPCR analysis. Patients' cytogenetic, immunohistotype and MRD evaluation was performed according to international guidelines. Median follow-up time was 86.0 months (95% CI 74.0-98.0), while patients' mean DFS and OS intervals were 112.0 months (95% CI 104.2-119.8) and 109.2 months (95% CI 101.2-117.3), respectively. Bone marrow levels of miR-143/miR-182 were significantly decreased in childhood ALL patients at diagnosis and increased in more than 90% of patients at the EoI. Patients' survival analysis highlighted that children overexpressing miR-143/miR-182 at the EoI presented significantly higher risk for short-term relapse (log-rank test: p = 0.021; Cox regression: HR = 4.911, p = 0.038) and death (log-rank test: p = 0.028; Cox regression: HR = 4.590, p = 0.046). Finally, the evaluation of the miR-143/miR-182 EoI levels along with the established disease prognostic markers resulted to improved prediction of BFM-treated patients' survival outcome and response to therapy and additionally to superior BFM risk stratification specificity. Concluding, miR-143 and miR-182 could serve as novel prognostic molecular markers for pediatric ALL treated with BFM chemotherapy.
Chatziralli I, Dimitriou E, Saitakis G, CHATZIRALLIS A, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P. Coexistence of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration: epidemiology and management. In: ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA. Vol. 96. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2018. pp. 21–21.
Tsoucalas G, Papaioannou T, Panayiotakopoulos G, Saridaki Z, Vrachatis DA, Karamanou M. Colchicum genus in the writings of ancient Greek and Byzantine physicians. Current Pharmaceutical Design [Internet]. 2018;24(6):648 - 653. Website
Aaboud M, others. {Combination of inclusive and differential $ \mathrm{t}øverline{\mathrm{t}} $ charge asymmetry measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ and 8 TeV}. JHEP. 2018;04:033.
Aaboud M, others. {Combination of searches for heavy resonances decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using 36 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector}. Phys. Rev. D. 2018;98:052008.
Aaboud M, others. {Combination of the searches for pair-produced vector-like partners of the third-generation quarks at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector}. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018;121:211801.
Aaboud M, others. {Combined measurement of differential and total cross sections in the $H \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ and the $H \rightarrow ZZ^* \rightarrow 4\ell$ decay channels at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector}. Phys. Lett. B. 2018;786:114–133.
Tsokos A, Kotsi E, Petrakis S, Vassilakis E. Combining series of multi-source high spatial resolution remote sensing datasets for the detection of shoreline displacement rates and the effectiveness of coastal zone protection measures. Journal of Coastal Conservation [Internet]. 2018;22(2):431-441.
The long-term change of the shoreline location is a phenomenon, which is highly factored in the design of construction projects along the coastal zone. Especially, beach erosion is characterized as one of the major problems at coastal areas and it is of high importance as a quite significant percentage of social development is concentrated in a relatively narrow zone not far from the waterfront. This study presents a methodology that aims to quantify the shoreline displacement rate by involving the processing of different types of remote sensing datasets such as aerial photographs, satellite images and unmanned aerial system data coupled with in-situ observations and measurements. Several photogrammetric techniques were used in order to orthorectify and homogenize a time series of remotely sensed data acquired from 1945 to 2017, representing a rapidly relocating coastal zone at the southern part of Corinth Gulf (Greece), as a case study. All images were digitally processed and optically optimized in order to produce a highly accurate representation of the shoreline at the time period of each acquisition. The data were imported in a Geographic Information System platform, where they were subjected to comparison and geostatistical analysis. High erosion rates were calculated, reaching the order of 0.18 m/year on average whilst extreme rates of 0.70 m/year were also observed in specific locations leading to the segmentation of the coastal zone according to its vulnerability and consequently the risk for further development as well as the effectiveness of measures already taken by the authorities.
Bagchi V, Kalra A, Das P, Paraskevopoulou P, Gorla S, Ai L, Wang Q, Mohapatra S, Choudhury A, Sun Z. Comparative Nitrene-Transfer Chemistry to Olefinic Substrates Mediated by a Library of Anionic Mn (II) Triphenylamido-Amine Reagents and M (II) Congeners (M= Fe, Co, Ni) Favoring Aromatic over Aliphatic Alkenes. ACS Catalysis. 2018;8(10):9183-9206.
Andreopoulou A, Katz BFG. Comparing the effect of HRTF processing techniques on perceptual quality ratings. In: Audio Engineering Society Convention 144. Audio Engineering Society; 2018.
Aaboud M, others. {Comparison between simulated and observed LHC beam backgrounds in the ATLAS experiment at ${E_{\textrm {beam}}}$ = 4 TeV}. JINST. 2018;13:P12006.
Salta S, Papageorgiou L, Larsen AK, Van Dreden P, Soulier C, Cokkinos DV, Elalamy I, Gerotziafas GT. Comparison of antithrombin-dependent and direct inhibitors of factor Xa or thrombin on the kinetics and qualitative characteristics of blood clots. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2018;2:696–707.
P. C, A. M, E. P, D. M, N. Z, T. M, C.E. S. Comparison of the thermal behavior and conformational changes in partially and fully hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylchonine systems. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry [Internet]. 2018;131(2):887-898. Publisher's Version
Varlatzidou A, Zarokosta M, Nikou E, Theodoropoulos P, Kakaviatos D, Piperos Τ, Kalles V, Bonatsos V, Mariolis-Sapsakos T. Complete unilateral ureteral duplication encountered during intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer. J Surg Case Rep. 2018;2018(10):rjy266.Abstract
Complete duplication of ureters is a very rare clinical entity that may either be asymptomatic or present with a variety of clinical findings. In the presented case a 51-year-old Caucasian female underwent an intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer. Intraoperatively, during the standard bilateral recognition and mobilization of the ureters, complete unilateral duplication of the left ureter was incidentally detected, deriving from a single renal parenchyma. Such a congenital abnormality though constitutes a major risk-factor of accidental ureteral injury during operations including pelvis. Conclusively, meticulous exposure of both ureters combined with surgeons' unceasing awareness constitute the cornerstone of a safe operation.
Stanimirović PS, Katsikis VN, Pappas D. Computation of {2, 4} and {2, 3}-inverses based on rank-one updates. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 2018;66:147–166.
Vavuranakis M, Papaioannou TG, Vrachatis D, Katsimboulas M, Sanidas EA, Vaina S, Agrogiannis G, Patsouris E, Kakadiaris I, Stefanadis C, et al. Computational imaging of aortic vasa vasorum and neovascularization in rabbits using contrast-enhanced intravascular ultrasound: Association with histological analysis. Anatolian Journal of Cardiology [Internet]. 2018;20(2):117 - 124. Website
Latsas GP, Zisis AI, Tigelis IG. Computational Studies on the Suppression of Parasitic Oscillations in Gyrotron Beam Tunnels. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2018;65:3479-3485. Website
Latsas GP, Zisis AI, Tigelis IG. Computational Studies on the Suppression of Parasitic Oscillations in Gyrotron Beam Tunnels. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2018;65:3479-3485. Website
Gkatzios N, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Compute Resource Disaggregation: An Enabler for Efficient 5G RAN Softwarisation. In: 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2018. ; 2018. pp. 146-150. Website
Gkatzios N, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Compute Resource Disaggregation: An Enabler for Efficient 5G RAN Softwarisation. In: ; 2018. pp. 146 - 150. Website
Kafetzopoulos G-I, Psycharis G. Conceptualization of function as covariation through the use of learning trajectories. In: Weigand H-G, Clark-Wilson A, Donevska-Todorova A, Faggiano E, Grønbæk N, Trgalova J Proceedings of the Fifth ERME Topic Conference (ETC 5) on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA). Copenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagen; 2018. pp. 139-146. erme_meda_2018a.pdf
Boula S, Petropoulou M, Mastichiadis A. On the Connection of Radio and γ-Ray Emission in Blazars. [Internet]. 2018;7:3. WebsiteAbstract
Blazars are a sub-category of radio-loud active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets pointing towards to the observer. They are well-known for their non-thermal variable emission, which practically extends over the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Despite the plethora of multi-wavelength observations, the issue about the origin of the γ-ray and radio emission in blazar jets remains unsettled. Here, we construct a parametric leptonic model for studying the connection between the γ-ray and radio emission in both steady-state and flaring states of blazars. Assuming that relativistic electrons are injected continuously at a fixed distance from the black hole, we numerically study the evolution of their population as it propagates to larger distances while losing energy due to expansion and radiative cooling. In this framework, γ-ray photons are naturally produced at small distances (e.g., 10‑3 pc) when the electrons are still very energetic, whereas the radio emission is produced at larger distances (e.g., 1 pc), after the electrons have cooled and the emitting region has become optically thin to synchrotron self-absorption due to expansion. We present preliminary results of our numerical investigation for the steady-state jet emission and the predicted time lags between γ-rays and radio during flares.
Boula S, Petropoulou M, Mastichiadis A. On the Connection of Radio and γ-Ray Emission in Blazars. [Internet]. 2018;7. WebsiteAbstract
Blazars are a sub-category of radio-loud active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets pointing towards to the observer. They are well-known for their non-thermal variable emission, which practically extends over the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Despite the plethora of multi-wavelength observations, the issue about the origin of the γ -ray and radio emission in blazar jets remains unsettled. Here, we construct a parametric leptonic model for studying the connection between the γ -ray and radio emission in both steady-state and flaring states of blazars. Assuming that relativistic electrons are injected continuously at a fixed distance from the black hole, we numerically study the evolution of their population as it propagates to larger distances while losing energy due to expansion and radiative cooling. In this framework, γ -ray photons are naturally produced at small distances (e.g., 10 - 3 pc) when the electrons are still very energetic, whereas the radio emission is produced at larger distances (e.g., 1 pc), after the electrons have cooled and the emitting region has become optically thin to synchrotron self-absorption due to expansion. We present preliminary results of our numerical investigation for the steady-state jet emission and the predicted time lags between γ -rays and radio during flares.
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Kalaria P, Obermaier M, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, et al. Considerations on the selection of operating modes for future coaxial-cavity gyrotrons for DEMO. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 283-286. Website
Aaboud M, others. {Constraints on off-shell Higgs boson production and the Higgs boson total width in $ZZ\to4\ell$ and $ZZ\to2\ell2ν$ final states with the ATLAS detector}. Phys. Lett. B. 2018;786:223–244.
Frache G, Nistazakis H, Tombras G. Constructing learning-by-doing pedagogical model for delivering 21st century engineering education. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems [Internet]. 2018;3:115-124. Website
Frache G, Nistazakis H, Tombras G. Constructing learning-by-doing pedagogical model for delivering 21st century engineering education. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems [Internet]. 2018;3:115-124. Website
Roussakis Y. Contra Aquam Remigare*: Reimagining Humanistic Paideia Through Comparative-Historical Analysis of Education. European EducationEuropean Education [Internet]. 2018;50(2):119 - 133. Website
Konstanta I, Fostira F, Apostolou P, Stratikos E, Kalfakakou D, Pampanos A, Kollia P, Papadimitriou C, Konstantopoulou I, Yannoukakos D. Contribution of RAD51D germline mutations in breast and ovarian cancer in Greece. Journal of Human Genetics [Internet]. 2018;63:1149-1158. Website
P X, et all. Contribution of repeated infections in asthma persistence from preschool to school age: design and characteristics of the PreDicta cohort. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2018;29(4):383-393.
Marek A, Avramidis KA, Copplestone SM, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Ortwein P, Thumm M. Contributions to the Joint DFG-RSF Project - Generation of Ultra-Short Microwave Pulses - Generation o. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Skarpetis MG, Koumboulis FN, Papanikolaou P. Control and Visualization of Mobile Robot Formation. In: 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES). IEEE; 2018. pp. 000413–000418.
Zeibekis M, Zhang SJ, Pissas M, Stamopoulos D. Control of Both Superconducting Critical Temperature and Critical Current by Means of Electric-Field-Induced Reconfigurable Strain. JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM. 2018;31(10):3147 - 3152.Abstract
The controlled modification of superconductivity by any means is a long-standing issue in low-temperature physics. In this work, we present data on the control of the superconducting properties of conventional low critical-temperature (T-C) Nb thin films with thickness (d(Nb)) =15 and 20 nm under application of reconfigurable strain, S induced by an external electric field, and E-ex to a piezoelectric (PE) single crystal, namely (1 - x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3 - x PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) with x =0.30-0.31. The experimental results (reduction of T-C and critical current (J(C)) on the order of 6% and 90-100%, respectively) are nicely reproduced with a phenomenological model that incorporates the constitutive relation S(E-ex) that describes the electro-mechanical response of the PE crystal to well-established formulas that describe T-C and J(C) of the SC thin films.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Ioannou KA. Control of Router Nodes in Production Manufacturing Processes. 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC). 2018:372-377.
Stamopoulos D, Zeibekis M, Zhang SJ. Control of superconductivity by means of electric-field-induced strain in superconductor/piezoelectric hybrids. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2018;123(2).Abstract
The controlled modification of superconductivity by any means, specifically in hybrid systems, has attracted much interest in the recent decades. Here, we present experimental data and phenomenological modeling on the control of T-C of superconducting (SC) Nb thin films, with thickness 3 nm <= d(Nb) <= 50 nm, under the application of in-plane strain, S(E-ex) induced by an external out-of-plane electric field, E-ex to piezoelectric (PE) single crystals, namely, (1 - x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-xPbTiO(3) (PMN-xPT), with x = 0.27 and 0.31. We report experimental modification of TC of Nb by E-ex, accurately described by a phenomenological model that incorporates the constitutive relation S(E-ex) of PMN-xPT. The systematic experimental-phenomenological modeling approach introduced here is generic and paves the way for an understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms in any SC/PE hybrid. Published by AIP Publishing.
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged Access/Metro infastructures for 5G services. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. ; 2018. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged Access/Metro infastructures for 5G services. In: Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. ; 2018. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged access/metro infastructures for 5G services. In: 2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, OFC 2018 - Proceedings. ; 2018. pp. 1-3. Website
Kassaras I, Roumelioti Z, Papadimitriou P, Voulgaris N, et al. The Corinth Gulf RASMON-CORSSA strong-motion network, data and web portal. In: Orfeus EPOS 2018 Annual Observatory Coordination Meeting and Workshop. Athens (Greece); 2018.Abstract
The Gulf of Corinth (Central Greece) is among the most active tectonic rifts worldwide. This is evidenced by the high level of seismicity, the intense E-W trending normal faulting and the high extension rate in a N-S direction. Destructive earthquakes, such as the Heliki event in 373 BC, have occurred since the antiquity. Intense seismicity has also occurred during the instrumental era, with the most recent strong event being the Ms=6.2 1995 Aigion earthquake. In this work, we present the RASMON and CORSSA accelerometric arrays installed across the Gulf of Corinth by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and collaborative institutes in the frame of EU and national projects. Accelerometers were first installed in 1991 and through continuous upgrades and maintenance remain in operation to date, having recorded several thousands of high-quality acceleration time-series of local and regional earthquakes. Nowadays, the accelerometric network comprises eleven (11) three-component instruments (RASMON) and a 15-component vertical array (CORSSA) operating in trigger mode. Six stations located on the southern shore of the Gulf are online via a MOXA serial-to-TCP/IP converter. Recently, NKUA has undertaken an upgrade task of the arrays in the frame of the HELPOS project, the national analog to the EU-wide EPOS project. Upgrade includes conversion of the serial Etna/K2 Kinemetrics instruments into SeedLink servers using Raspberry PIs. Therefore, via Earthworm software, tunneling to NKUA and NTP timing will be plausible. To this aim, tests are currently implemented yielding promising perspective.
Barmparesos N, Assimakopoulos MN, Assimakopoulos VD, Loumos N, Sotiriou MA, Koukoumtzis A. Correction: Indoor air quality and thermal conditions in a primary school with a green roof system [Atmosphere, 9, 75 (2018)]doi 10.3390/atmos9020075. Atmosphere [Internet]. 2018;9. Website
Vraka I, Panourgias E, Sifakis E, Koureas A, Galanis P, Dellaportas D, Gouliamos A, Antoniou A. Correlation between contrast-enhanced ultrasound characteristics (qualitative and quantitative) and pathological prognostic factors in breast cancer. in vivo. 2018;32:945–954.
Vraka I, Panourgias E, Sifakis E, Koureas A, Galanis P, Dellaportas D, Gouliamos A, Antoniou A. Correlation between contrast-enhanced ultrasound characteristics (qualitative and quantitative) and pathological prognostic factors in breast cancer. in vivo. 2018;32(4):945-954.
Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G, Karakonstantis A, Spingos I, Fountoulakis I, Millas C. On the correlation between the crustal deformation and the upper mantle structure of the Hellenic lithospheric plate deduced from seismological and GPS observations. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 133_abstract_upper-mantle_esc.pdf
Panou H, Giovanis V. Correlation of the parameters of Senior Fitness Test and Bosco test in older adults. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. 2018;177(5):212-218.
Emfietzoglou R, Spyrou N, Mantzoros CS, Dalamaga M. Could the endocrine disruptor bisphenol-a be implicated in the pathogenesis of oral and oropharyngeal cancer? Metabolic conisderations and future directions. Metabolism. 2018.Abstract
Bisphenol-A (BPA), a prototype endocrine disrupting molecule, has been associated with many disease entities such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, polycystic ovarian disease, cardiovascular disease, reproductive and neurodevelopmental disorders. BPA has also been associated mainly with hormone sensitive cancers such as breast, prostate, endometrial, ovarian, testicular and thyroid cancers but also non-hormonal sensitive cancers such as cervical and lung cancers, osteosarcoma and meningioma. Recent research has investigated the sources of contamination which are responsible for higher BPA concentrations in the oral cavity and oropharyngeal space, representing the first site of BPA exposure after ingestion. Besides growing awareness and case registration, the incidence and prevalence of oral (OC) and oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) have increased during the last decades correlating with the increased production of BPA worldwide. So far, no study in the medical literature has explored the association of BPA with OC and OPC. BPA may be linked to the etiopathogenesis of OC and OPC through a multitude of mechanisms encompassing and interconnecting genetic, epigenetic, inflammatory, immune, metabolic, hormonal and oxidative stress alterations as well as modulation of oral microbiome. Hence, it is not possible to rule out a potential role of BPA exposure in oral and oropharyngeal tissue carcinogenesis, especially knowing its potential to participate in other non hormonal sensitive malignancies and to deregulate signaling pathways implicated in OC and OPC. This perspective aims at outlining evidence and proposing for the first time a potential link between BPA with OC and OPC, the most frequent subtypes of head and neck malignancies.
Crisis, austerity measures and beyond: archaeology in Greece since the global financial crisis. Archaeological Reports [Internet]. 2018;64:171-180. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This article, covering the roughly decade-long “Greek crisis” (2008-2018), uses official statistics in order to examine the effects the prolonged recession had for archaeology in Greece. As the data show, although revenues from museums and archaeological sites are in considerable rise (a side effect of “crisis tourism” among other factors), state spending on archaeological research is lacking; furthermore, the steady collapse of the state apparatus during this long decade has seriously affected archaeology and the ways it is practiced in the country, ultimately leading to the loss of an entire generation of Greek archaeologists.
Vroutsis N, Psycharis G, Triantafillou C. Crossing the boundaries between school mathematics and workplace through authentic tasks. In: Bergqvist E, Österholm M, Granberg C, Sumpter L Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 42). Vol. 4. Umeå, Sweden: PME; 2018. pp. 395-402. pme_42_2018b.pdf
Kapetanidis V, Kassaras I. Crustal stress-field from the inversion of focal mechanisms in the Greek region: new insights for regional deformation. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 138_abstract_stress-field_esc.pdf
Kostis PC, Kafka KI, Petrakis PE. Cultural change and innovation performance. Journal of Business Research. 2018;88:306-313.
Valanti EK, Dalakoura-Karagkouni K, Sanoudou D. Current and Emerging Reconstituted HDL-apoA-I and HDL-apoE Approaches to Treat Atherosclerosis. J Pers MedJ Pers MedJ Pers Med. 2018;8.Abstract
Atherosclerosis affects millions of people worldwide. However, the wide variety of limitations in the current therapeutic options leaves much to be desired in future lipid-lowering therapies. For example, although statins, which are the first-line treatment for coronary heart disease (CHD), reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in a large percentage of patients, they lead to optimal levels of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) in only about one-third of patients. A new promising research direction against atherosclerosis aims to improve lipoprotein metabolism. Novel therapeutic approaches are being developed to increase the levels of functional high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. This review aims to highlight the atheroprotective potential of the in vitro synthesized reconstituted HDL particles containing apolipoprotein E (apoE) as their sole apolipoprotein component (rHDL-apoE). For this purpose, we provide: (1) a summary of the atheroprotective properties of native plasma HDL and its apolipoprotein components, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apoE; (2) an overview of the anti-atherogenic functions of rHDL-apoA-I and apoA-I-containing HDL, i.e., natural HDL isolated from transgenic Apoa1(-/-) x Apoe(-/-) mice overexpressing human apoA-I (HDL-apoA-I); and (3) the latest developments and therapeutic potential of HDL-apoE and rHDL-apoE. Novel rHDL formulations containing apoE could possibly present enhanced biological functions, leading to improved therapeutic efficacy against atherosclerosis.
Theodorou-Kanakari A, Karampitianis S, Karageorgou V, Kampourelli E, Kapasakis E, Theodossiadis P, Chatziralli I. Current and emerging treatment modalities for Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: a review of the literature. Advances in therapy. 2018;35:1510–1518.
Ruess S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Kalaria PC, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Ruess T, Rzesnicki T, et al. Current Status of the KIT Coaxial-Cavity Long-Pulse Gyrotron and its Key Components. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Zivlas C, Triposkiadis F, Psarras S, Giamouzis G, Skoularigis I, Chryssanthopoulos S, Kapelouzou A, Ramcharitar S, Barnes E, Papasteriadis E, et al. Cystatin C and galectin-3 as therapeutic targets in heart failure. Therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease. 2018;12:233–235.
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Spyrou N-I, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Carydis P, Lekkas E. Damage Distribution of the June 2017 Mw 6.3 Lesvos (North Aegean Sea, Greece) Earthquake and EMS-98 Application to the Traditional Settlement of Vrissa. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, June. 2018:18-21.
Zhang J, Romero-García V, Theocharis G, Richoux O, Achilleos V, Frantzeskakis DJ. Dark solitons in acoustic transmission line metamaterials. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [Internet]. 2018;8. Website
Das Neue Testament in der orthodoxen Kirche und Theologie: Hermeneutische Ansätze und Perspektiven
Karakolis C. Das Neue Testament in der orthodoxen Kirche und Theologie: Hermeneutische Ansätze und Perspektiven. Sacra Scripta [Internet]. 2018;16(1):83–93. Publisher's VersionAbstract
One of the most important challenges of contemporary Orthodox theology is the possibility of creative dialogue with the methods and the results of modern New Testament scholarship. This paper claims that a combination of the Orthodox theological tradition and New Testament scholarship is not only possible but indeed necessary. Since the first centuries, the Church Fathers have been studying the New Testament by a variety of approaches using the methodological tools of their respective era. The Church Fathers have considered the New Testament as being a book written by inspired human beings and witnessing the divine revelation. During the middle and later Byzantine period, the patristic biblical exegesis has gradually gained so much authority and importance that it became normative for all later interpretations. One could characterize the patristic interpretation of the Holy Scripture during the first Christian centuries as a “canon after the canon.” Modern-day New Testament scholarship is also not free of problems with regard to both method and content. From an Orthodox perspective, this is due to the fact that it often exceeds its own limits by trying to access the uncreated divine reality by using created scholarly methods and categories. The Church Fathers have avoided this inconsistency by developing and following a “double theological methodology,” namely distinct approaches to the created reality and the uncreated one. Just like the Church Fathers made use of the philosophical and theological language and methods of their own time, nowadays Orthodox Theology can significantly profit from the use of the methods and results of New Testament scholarship. This is the only way for it to provide convincing answers to contemporary questions. Such a practice would be an adoption of the true spirit of the Church Fathers, as opposed to merely citing their texts that refer to a different time and focus on different problems from our own.
Galanis P. Data analysis in qualitative research: Thematic analysis. Archives of Hellenic medicine. 2018;35:416–421.
Galanis P. Data analysis in qualitative research: Thematic analysis. Archives of Hellenic medicine. 2018;35(3):416-421.
Drikos S, Tsoukos A. Data benchmarking through a longitudinal study in high-level men’s volleyball. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 2018;18:1-11.Abstract
A benchmark is a reference point for comparisons established from the value of a performance indicator. In order to create benchmarks for volleyball, we used performance data from each team of the Greek Volley League from the season 2005-2006 until the season 2016-2017 (N = 143). We considered the effectiveness of 14 parameters from five skills: serve, attack after passing, attack after defence, block and pass. The results showed that high-level teams of the Greek championship, which finished in positions 1-4, had as benchmarks: (a) in serve, two aces every five serve errors, while teams 9-12 had two aces every six errors, (b) in attack after passing one error or one passive block every four kills, while teams 9-12 had one every five kills, (c) in attack after defence one error or one passive block every three kills versus every two kills for 9-12 and (d) one error every nine passes on the target against every seven passes for 9-12. Overall, the results of this study indicate that success in volleyball can be explained with skill performance indicators, expressed as the ratio of successful to unsuccessful attempts, or with a ratio of successful attempts per set, in case of block skill. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR
Manolitzas P, Kostagiolas P, Grigoroudis E, Intas G, Stergiannis P. Data on patient’s satisfaction from an emergency department: Developing strategies with the Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis. Data in brief. 2018;21:956-961.
Mabbe E, Soenens B, Vansteenkiste M, Van der Kaap-Deeder J, Mouratidis A. Day-to-day Variation in Autonomy-Supportive and Psychologically Controlling Parenting: The Role of Parents’ Daily Experiences of Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration. Parenting [Internet]. 2018;18:86-109. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Objective. Autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting have been shown to relate to positive and negative developmental outcomes, respectively. Most research that addresses antecedents of these parenting constructs has focused on the predictive role of between-parent differences (e.g., personality). To gain insight in dynamics of within-parent changes in reported parenting, this study focused on daily fluctuations in reported autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting and examined the role of parents’ need satisfaction and need frustration in accounting for those fluctuations. Design. Mothers (M age = 45) and fathers (M age = 47) of 198 adolescents (M age = 15) participated in a 7-day diary study. Results. Multilevel modeling provided evidence for significant day-to-day variability in both parenting dimensions. Daily fluctuations in need satisfaction were related to daily fluctuations in reported autonomy-supportive parenting and daily fluctuations in need frustration were related to daily fluctuations in reported psychologically controlling parenting. These associations were not moderated by between-parent differences in those parenting dimensions. Conclusions. The findings provide evidence for the role of parents’ own needs-related experiences in their daily display of autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting.
Pantazaras A, Santamouris M, Lee SE, Assimakopoulos MN. A decision tool to balance indoor air quality and energy consumption: A case study. Energy and Buildings [Internet]. 2018;165:246-258. Website
Kopanias K. Deconstructing Achilles. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Hero Pavúk P, Klontza-Jaklová V, Harding A. ΕΥΔΑΙΜΩΝ. Studies in Honor of Jan Bouzek [Internet]. 2018:31-69. Publisher's Version paper_2018_piyamaradu.pdf
Sasaki M, Haberl F, Henze M, Saeedi S, Williams BF, Plucinsky PP, Hatzidimitriou D, Karampelas A, Sokolovsky KV, Breitschwerdt D, et al. Deep XMM-Newton observations of the northern disc of M 31. I. Source catalogue. [Internet]. 2018;620:A28. WebsiteAbstract
Context. We carried out new observations of two fields in the star-forming northern ring of M 31 with XMM-Newton with each one of them consisting of two exposures of about 100 ks each. A previous XMM-Newton survey of the entire M 31 galaxy revealed extended diffuse X-ray emission in these regions. Aims: We study the population of X-ray sources in the northern disc of M 31 by compiling a complete list of X-ray sources down to a sensitivity limit of ∼7 × 1034 erg s-1 (0.5-2.0 keV) and improve the identification of the X-ray sources. The major objective of the observing programme was the study of the hot phase of the interstellar medium (ISM) in M 31. The analysis of the diffuse emission and the study of the ISM is presented in a separate paper. Methods: We analysed the spectral properties of all detected sources using hardness ratios and spectra if the statistics were high enough. We also checked for variability. In order to classify the sources detected in the new deep XMM-Newton observations, we cross-correlated the source list with the source catalogue of a new survey of the northern disc of M 31 carried out with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope (Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury, PHAT) as well as with other existing catalogues. Results: We detected a total of 389 sources in the two fields of the northern disc of M 31 observed with XMM-Newton. We identified 43 foreground stars and candidates and 50 background sources. Based on a comparison with the results of the Chandra/PHAT survey, we classify 24 hard X-ray sources as new candidates for X-ray binaries. In total, we identified 34 X-ray binaries and candidates and 18 supernova remnants (SNRs) and candidates. We studied the spectral properties of the four brightest SNRs and confirmed five new X-ray SNRs. Three of the four SNRs, for which a spectral analysis was performed, show emission mainly below 2 keV, which is consistent with shocked ISM. The spectra of two of them also require an additional component with a higher temperature. The SNR [SPH11] 1535 has a harder spectrum and might suggest that there is a pulsar-wind nebula inside the SNR. For all SNRs in the observed fields, we measured the X-ray flux or calculated upper limits. We also carried out short-term and long-term variability studies of the X-ray sources and found five new sources showing clear variability. In addition, we studied the spectral properties of the transient source SWIFT J004420.1+413702, which shows significant variation in flux over a period of seven months (June 2015 to January 2016) and associated change in absorption. Based on the likely optical counterpart detected in the Chandra/PHAT survey, the source is classified as a low-mass X-ray binary. Based on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States and NASA.Tables A.1-A.6 are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
Sakellariou D, Rousakis G, Morfis I, Panagiotopoulos I, Ioakim C, Trikalinou G, Tsampouraki-Kraounaki K, Kranis H, Karageorgis A. Deformation and kinematics at the termination of the North Anatolian Fault: the North Aegean Trough horsetail structure. Proceedings of the 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology. 2018:25-27.
Sakellariou D, Rousakis G, Morfis I, Panagiotopoulos I, Ioakim C, Trikalinou G, Tsampouraki-Kraounaki K, Kranis H, Karageorgis A. Deformation and kinematics at the termination of the North Anatolian Fault: the North Aegean Trough horsetail structure, INQUA Focus Group Earthquake Geology and Seismic Hazards. 2018.
Tsoukos A, Veligekas P, Brown LE, Terzis G, Bogdanis GC. Delayed Effects of a Low-Volume, Power-Type Resistance Exercise Session on Explosive Performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2018;32(3):643-650.Abstract
Tsoukos, A, Veligekas, P, Brown, LE, Terzis, G, and Bogdanis, GC. Delayed effects of a low-volume, power-type resistance exercise session on explosive performance. J Strength Cond Res 32(3): 643-650, 2018-This study examined the delayed effects of a power-type training session on explosive performance. Seventeen well-trained male power and team sport athletes (age: 22.7 ± 5.5 years, height: 181 ± 8 cm, body mass: 80.7 ± 8.6 kg, body fat: 9.2 ± 1.7%, 1 repetition maximum (1RM) half-squat: 163 ± 29 kg) performed 4 sessions (2 experimental and 2 control) 1 week apart in a randomized and counterbalanced order. Explosive performance was assessed before, 24 and 48 hours after a low-volume, power-type training session (5 × 4 jump squats at 40% 1RM with 3 minutes rest), as well as before and after 24 and 48 hours of rest (control). Dependent variables were as follows: countermovement jump (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI) during a drop jump, leg press maximum isometric force, and rate of force development (RFD) at 3 time windows: 0-100, 0-200, and 0-300 milliseconds. Analysis of variance revealed no changes in the control conditions. In contrast after training, CMJ was improved by 5.1 ± 1.0% and 3.0 ± 1.0% at 24 and 48 hours, respectively, compared with baseline. The RSI improved by 10.7 ± 2.1% only at 24 hours. The RFD increased at all time windows at 24 hours (range of improvement: 9.7 ± 3.4% to 18.3 ± 4.1%, p < 0.01). However, at 48 hours, improvement was only seen in RFD0-100 (9.8 ± 3.1%, p < 0.01). These findings suggest that a low-volume, power-type training session results in delayed enhancement of explosive muscle performance, which is greatest at 24 hours after the activity. Athletes are advised to perform power-type training 1 day before competition or a high-quality training session to improve their performances.
Galanis P. The Delphi method. Arch. Hell. Med. 2018;35:564–570.
Galanis P. The Delphi method. Arch. Hell. Med. 2018;35(4):564-570.
Dassios T, Kaltsogianni O, Krokidis M, Hickey A, Greenough A. Deltoid muscle morphometry as an index of impaired skeletal muscularity in neonatal intensive care. European Journal of Pediatrics [Internet]. 2018;177:507-512. Website
Dassios T, Kaltsogianni O, Krokidis M, Hickey A, Greenough A. Deltoid muscle morphometry as an index of impaired skeletal muscularity in neonatal intensive care. European Journal of Pediatrics [Internet]. 2018;177(4):507 - 512. Website
Grassani D, Cardea I, Fabbri SJ, Upham J, Boyd RW, Altug H, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès C-S. Demonstration of ultra-high time-bandwidth product in a non-reciprocal fiber-optic system. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F114-FIO 2018. ; 2018. WebsiteAbstract
We demonstrate that a non-reciprocal, time-variant fiber cavity can operate above the "fundamental" time-bandwidth limit (TBL) of reciprocal structures by more than two orders of magnitude. © 2018 The Author(s).
Nikolaou K. The Depiction of Byzantine Woman in Hagiographical Texts (Eighth-Eleventh Centuries). In: A. Rigo (ed.), Byzantine Hagiography: Texts, Themes & Projects. ; 2018. pp. 247-263.
Nikolopoulos M, Karampela I, Tzortzis E, Dalamaga M. Deploying Cloud Computing in the Greek Healthcare System: A Modern Development Proposal Incorporating Clinical and Laboratory Data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:35-38.Abstract
Cloud computing is a reality in most business sectors. Hospitals have been more reluctant to adopt cloud technology due to strict data security regulations. Cloud could provide economies of scale reducing Information Technology spending in the Greek state-owned hospitals, while giving the opportunity to the hospitals to upgrade their profile offering web-based services. We propose a simple, robust and easy to apply approach for the Greek hospitals, focusing on clinical and laboratory data in order to move to the cloud environment. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other study regarding the adoption of cloud infrastructure in the Greek hospital sector. This innovative method could transform the business model of the hospitals.
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Tachos N, Tsolakoglou N. Design and development of a 10-kWe ORC installation working with low-temperature sources. International Journal of Sustainable Energy. 2018;37(9):857-872.
Tsioustas C, Loupis M. Design, simulation and experimental verification of an active inductance for a low frequency tuned mass damper in an aircraft fuselage active vibration cancellation system. In: IEEE; 2018. pp. 1 - 5.
Kotsopoulos D, Bardaki C, Papaioannou TG, andKaterina Pramatari SL. DESIGNING AN IOT-ENABLED GAMIFIED APP FOR EMPLOYEE ENERGY CONSERVATION AT THE WORKPLACE. e-Society 2018. 2018:55.
Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, et al. A detailed study of the 12th June 2017 Mw=6.3 Lesvos earthquake. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta; 2018. 130_abstract_lesvos_esc.pdf
Meyer ET, Petropoulou M, Georganopoulos M, Chiaberge M, Breiding P, Sparks WB. Detection of an Optical/UV Jet/Counterjet and Multiple Spectral Components in M84. [Internet]. 2018;860:9. WebsiteAbstract
We report an optical/UV jet and counterjet in M84, previously unreported in archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging. With archival VLA, ALMA, and Chandra imaging, we examine the first well-sampled spectral energy distribution of the inner jet of M84, where we find that multiple co-spatial spectral components are required. In particular, the ALMA data reveal that the radio spectrum of all four knots in the jet turns over at approximately 100 GHz, which requires a second component for the bright optical/UV emission. Further, the optical/UV has a soft spectrum and is inconsistent with the relatively flat X-ray spectrum, which indicates a third component at higher energies. Using archival VLA imaging, we have measured the proper motion of the innermost knots at 0.9 ± 0.6 and 1.1 ± 0.4c, which when combined with the low jet-to-counterjet flux ratio yields an orientation angle for the system of {74}-18+9°. In the radio, we find high fractional polarization of the inner jet of up to 30% while in the optical no polarization is detected (<8%). We investigate different scenarios for explaining the particular multicomponent spectral energy distribution (SED) of the knots. Inverse Compton models are ruled out due to the extreme departure from equipartition and the unrealistically high total jet power required. The multicomponent SED can be naturally explained within a leptohadronic scenario, but at the cost of very high power in relativistic protons. A two-component synchrotron model remains a viable explanation, but more theoretical work is needed to explain the origin and properties of the electron populations.
Tsimpida D, Kaitelidou D, Galanis P. Determinants of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among deaf and hard of hearing adults in Greece: a cross-sectional study. Archives of Public Health. 2018;76:1–11.
Tsimpida D, Kaitelidou D, Galanis P. Determinants of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among deaf and hard of hearing adults in Greece: a cross-sectional study. Archives of Public Health. 2018;76(1):1-11.
Moukas AI, Maragou NC, Thomaidis NS, Calokerinos AC. Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in surface water by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Letters [Internet]. 2018;51:96-110. Website
Pasias IN, Kiriakou IK, Papakonstantinou L, Proestos C. Determination of vitamin E in cereal products and biscuits by GC-FID. [Internet]. 2018;7. Website
Pasias IN, Kiriakou IK, Papakonstantinou L, Proestos C. Determination of vitamin E in cereal products and biscuits by GC-FID. Foods [Internet]. 2018;7. Website
Evelpidou N, Gournellos T, Karkani A, Kardara E. Developing a neuro-fuzzy system to classify drainage sub-basins according their erosion risk on the island of Lefkas (Greece). In: 19th Joint Geomorphological Meeting & 34th Romanian National Symposium on Geomorphology "From field mapping and landform analysis to multi-risk assessment: challenges, uncertainties and transdisciplinarity". Buzau (Romania); 2018.
Evelpidou N, Gournelos T, Karkani A, Kardara E. Developing a neuro-fuzzy system to classify drainage sub-basins according to erosion processes on the Island of Lefkas, Greece. In: Vol. 20. Revista de Geomorphologie; 2018. pp. 79-89.Abstract
In this paper we attempt to classify drainage sub-basins according to their erosion risk. We have adopted a multi-step procedure to face this problem. The input variables were introduced into a GIS platform. These variables are the vulnerability of the surface rocks to erosion, slope gradient, vegetation cover and land use and drainage basin characteristics. We then constructed a fuzzy inference mechanism to pre-process the input variables. Next we used neural-network technology to process the input variables. The above system was trained to ‘learn’and classify the input data. The output of this procedure was a classification of the sub-drainage basins related to their risk of erosion. This neuro-fuzzy system was applied to the island of Lefkas (Greece).
Angelakis E, Kosteletos G, Andreopoulou A, Georgaki A. Development and Evaluation of an Audio Signal Processing Educational Tool to Support Somatosensory Singing Control. In: Audio Engineering Society Convention 145. Audio Engineering Society; 2018.
Rzesnicki T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Joannidis ZC, Jin J, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Ruess T, Schmid M, et al. Development and First Operation of the 170 GHz, 2 MW Longer-Pulse Coaxial-Cavity Modular Gyrotron Prototype at KIT. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018. Website
Stylianides A, Mantas J, Roupa Z, Yamasaki EN. Development of an Evaluation Framework for Health Information Systems (DIPSA). Acta Inform Med. 2018;26(4):230-234.Abstract
Introduction: Use of Integrated Health Information Systems (IHIS) for the provision of healthcare services benefits both healthcare professionals and patients, while requiring continuous evaluation and upgrading to fully support its role. Aim: The main purpose of the study was to develop an evaluation framework for hospitals utilizing IHIS, within the three main areas identified as Human factor, Technology and Organization. Material and methods: The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions, with 17 questions (related to categories procedures, system quality and satisfaction), 25 questions (related to categories, safety and collaboration) and 1 question related to accessibility to the system (within the category system quality). Three open questions were added to evaluate users' perception on what was needed for the improvement of health services in their respective hospitals for all 3 variables being evaluated. The open questions were included to allow participants to express their opinion in a more detailed setting. A database was developed, and the data were processed and analyzed. Results: Factor analysis formed 5 categories for the evaluation framework. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found in all categories to be above > 0.85. Conclusion: Evaluation frameworks can be designed, developed and implemented by using different methodologies. For an evaluation framework to be effective it should be designed and implemented based on the aims and purpose of the research and the specific needs of the particular healthcare setting or hospital. Considering the categories satisfaction, collaboration, safety, system quality, procedures, and by using Likert scale and open questions in the current study, DIPSA can provide a holistic image of IHIS by evaluating any hospital system.
Rizou T, Perlikos F, Lagiou M, Karaglani M, Nikolopoulos S, Toumpoulis I, Kroupis C. Development of novel real-time RT-qPCR methodologies for quantification of the COL11A1 mRNA general and C transcripts and evaluation in non-small cell lung cancer specimens. J.BUON. [Internet]. 2018;23(6):1699 - 1710. WebsiteAbstract
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was the development of new quantitative methodologies for the general (total) COL11A1 gene and the C transcript (RT-qPCR methods for A and E transcripts have already been developed by our group previously), the quantification of all COL11A1 transcripts and the investigation for the first time of their potential association with histopathological prognostic factors in lung cancer. METHODS: Real-time RT-qPCR methodologies with dual hybridization probes were developed on the Light Cycler 1.5 platform (Roche,Germany). All COL11A1 transcripts were measured in 27 cDNA lung tissue specimens in a blinded fashion (8 control and 19 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissues with known histopathological data). Statistical analysis was performed with the IBM SPSS program. RESULTS: The novel real-time RT-qPCR methodologies were appropriately validated. All 19 NSCLC samples were positive for the general COL11A1 transcript (range 11.2-1198.0 copies/mug total RNA, while 5 out of 8 control samples were negative: mean values were also statistically significantly different (p<0.001). In 4 tumor samples (21%), no specific COL11A1 transcript was detected. Transcript C was detected in only 3 tumor samples. Regarding transcripts A and E, 13 out of 19 tumor samples were positive for either one (68%) and 11 for both (58%). CONCLUSIONS: No other statistically significant association of the specific transcripts with histopathological data was observed, most probably due to the limited number of samples. As the number of general COL11A1 transcripts/microg exceeds the sum of A+E+C transcripts in all samples, there is opportunity for discovery and identification of other transcripts as well
Charalampopoulos G, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Deviating from Net Neutrality: Assessing the impact on the implementation of economic replicability tests in Europe. Joint 13th CTTE and 10th CMI Conference on Internet of Things - Business Models, Users, and Networks. 2018;2018-January:1-8.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Gappmair W, Sandalidis HG, Tombras GS. DF relayed subcarrier FSO links over Malaga turbulence channels with phase noise and non-zero boresight pointing errors. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [Internet]. 2018;8. Website
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Gappmair W, Sandalidis HG, Tombras GS. DF relayed subcarrier FSO links over Malaga turbulence channels with phase noise and non-zero boresight pointing errors. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [Internet]. 2018;8. Website
Mouratidis A, Michou A, Demircioglu AN, Sayil M. Different goals, different pathways to success: Performance-approach goals as direct and mastery-approach goals as indirect predictors of grades in mathematics. Learning and Individual Differences [Internet]. 2018;61:127 - 135. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this study, we aimed to investigate the different routes through which perceived goal structures, and in turn mastery-approach and performance-approach goals in mathematics, predict subsequent academic performance. Path analyses with a sample of Turkish adolescents (N = 369; 49.1% males; M-age = 16.67 years, SD = 1.85) revealed two distinct paths. After controlling for mid-year grades, we found perceived mastery goal structures to relate (positively) to mastery-approach goals, which in turn positively predicted end-year grades through challenge seeking. In contrast, perceived performance goal structures related positively to both performance approach and performance-avoidance goals with the former directly predicting higher end-year grades, and the latter being related negatively to challenge seeking. These findings imply that there may exist different paths that can predict academic performance.
Adland E, Hill M, Lavandier N, Csala A, Edwards A, Chen F, Radkowski M, Kowalska JD, Paraskevis D, Hatzakis A, et al. Differential Immunodominance Hierarchy of CD8T-Cell Responses in HLA-B*27:05- and -B*27:02-Mediated Control of HIV-1 Infection. J Virol. 2018;92(4).Abstract
The well-characterized association between HLA-B*27:05 and protection against HIV disease progression has been linked to immunodominant HLA-B*27:05-restricted CD8T-cell responses toward the conserved Gag KK10 (residues 263 to 272) and polymerase (Pol) KY9 (residues 901 to 909) epitopes. We studied the impact of the 3 amino acid differences between HLA-B*27:05 and the closely related HLA-B*27:02 on the HIV-specific CD8T-cell response hierarchy and on immune control of HIV. Genetic epidemiological data indicate that both HLA-B*27:02 and HLA-B*27:05 are associated with slower disease progression and lower viral loads. The effect of HLA-B*27:02 appeared to be consistently stronger than that of HLA-B*27:05. In contrast to HLA-B*27:05, the immunodominant HIV-specific HLA-B*27:02-restricted CD8T-cell response is to a Nef epitope (residues 142 to 150 [VW9]), with Pol KY9 subdominant and Gag KK10 further subdominant. This selection was driven by structural differences in the F pocket, mediated by a polymorphism between these two HLA alleles at position 81. Analysis of autologous virus sequences showed that in HLA-B*27:02-positive subjects, all three of these CD8T-cell responses impose selection pressure on the virus, whereas in HLA-B*27:05-positive subjects, there is no Nef VW9-mediated selection pressure. These studies demonstrate that HLA-B*27:02 mediates protection against HIV disease progression that is at least as strong as or stronger than that mediated by HLA-B*27:05. In combination with the protective Gag KK10 and Pol KY9 CD8T-cell responses that dominate HIV-specific CD8T-cell activity in HLA-B*27:05-positive subjects, a Nef VW9-specific response is additionally present and immunodominant in HLA-B*27:02-positive subjects, mediated through a polymorphism at residue 81 in the F pocket, that contributes to selection pressure against HIV.CD8T cells play a central role in successful control of HIV infection and have the potential also to mediate the eradication of viral reservoirs of infection. The principal means by which protective HLA class I molecules, such as HLA-B*27:05 and HLA-B*57:01, slow HIV disease progression is believed to be via the particular HIV-specific CD8T cell responses restricted by those alleles. We focus here on HLA-B*27:05, one of the best-characterized protective HLA molecules, and the closely related HLA-B*27:02, which differs by only 3 amino acids and which has not been well studied in relation to control of HIV infection. We show that HLA-B*27:02 is also protective against HIV disease progression, but the CD8T-cell immunodominance hierarchy of HLA-B*27:02 differs strikingly from that of HLA-B*27:05. These findings indicate that the immunodominant HLA-B*27:02-restricted Nef response adds to protection mediated by the Gag and Pol specificities that dominate anti-HIV CD8T-cell activity in HLA-B*27:05-positive subjects.
Kosmidis K, Macheras P. On the dilemma of fractal or fractional kinetics in drug release studies: A comparison between Weibull and Mittag-Leffler functions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS. 2018;543:269-273.Abstract
We compare two of the most successful models for the description and analysis of drug release data. The fractal kinetics approach leading to release profiles described by a Weibull function and the fractional kinetics approach leading to release profiles described by a Mittag-Leffler function. We used Monte Carlo simulations to generate artificial release data from euclidean and fractal substrates. We have also used real release data from the literature and found that both models are capable in describing release data up to roughly 85% of the release. For larger times both models systematically overestimate the number of particles remaining in the release device.
Aaboud M, others. {Direct top-quark decay width measurement in the $t\bar{t}$ lepton+jets channel at $\sqrt{s}$=8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment}. Eur. Phys. J. C. 2018;78:129.
Lagarias P, Lambrinidis G, Stamatis D, Conventino M, Ortore G, Mavromoustakos T, Klotz NK, Kolocouris A. Discover of Novel Adenosine Receptor Antagonists through a Combined Structure-and Ligand-Based Approach Followed by Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Ligand Binding Mode. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2018;58(4):794–815 .
Mirza SB, Lee RCH, Chu JJH, Salmas RE, Mavromoustakos T, Durdagi S. Discovery of selective dengue virus inhibitors using combination of molecular fingerprint-based virtual screening protocols, structure-based pharmacophore model development, molecular dynamics simulations and in vitro studies. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling [Internet]. 2018;79:88 - 102. Website
Papanikolaou IS, Tziatzios G, Gkolfakis P, Parasyris S, Kizgala P, Economopoulos N, Papadopoulos IN, Dimitriadis GD, Triantafyllou K. Dislodged biliary stent causes lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage four years postendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Clinical Case Reports [Internet]. 2018;6:1373-1374. Website
Papanikolaou IS, Tziatzios G, Gkolfakis P, Parasyris S, Kizgala P, Economopoulos N, Papadopoulos IN, Dimitriadis GD, Triantafyllou K. Dislodged biliary stent causes lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage four years postendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Clinical case reports. 2018;6:1373–1374.
Bacopoulou F, Foskolos E, Stefanaki C, Tsitsami E, Vousoura E. Disordered eating attitudes and emotional/behavioral adjustment in Greek adolescents. Eating and Weight Disorders [Internet]. 2018;23:621-628. Website
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Ioannidis ZC, Tigelis IG. Dispersion properties of rectangularly-corrugated waveguide structures by the in-house 3D {FDTD} code {COCHLEA} in cylindrical coordinates. {IET} Microwaves, Antennas {&}amp$\mathsemicolon$ Propagation [Internet]. 2018;13:28–34. Website
Lianos-Liantis E. . Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών [Internet]. 2018;(12 November).
Papathanasiou S, Mylonas P, Kenourgios D.
Bank Mergers - Takeovers and Customer Satisfaction: The Case of a Greek Commercial Bank
. Int J Financ Econ Trade [Internet]. 2018;2(2):11-17.
The aim of this study is to examine the correlation of the service quality dimensions to the overall customer satisfaction in the Greek banking sector, following its restructuring due to the mergers and the takeovers during the current financial crisis period (2009 - 2015), and to analyze in particular the case of Piraeus Bank, the biggest Greek commercial Bank. The research conducted so as the data to be collected, was drawn from a customer sample of the Piraeus Bank and as for the measurements used, are based on the widely accepted SERVQUAL model, as it is proposed by Parasuraman et al. (1988), where the five dimensions of service quality merged: reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance and tangibles. According to the results, all service quality dimensions are positively related to the customer satisfaction. The greatest impact, regarding customer satisfaction, was observed most in the dimensions of empathy and reliability. Moreover, it was discovered that a certain type of customer discontent is on the verge of being manifested among the considered bank services.
Arabatzis T. Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science [Internet]. 2018;9(1):35-37.
I raise two challenges for scientific realists. The first is a pessimistic meta-induction (PMI), but not of the more common type, which focuses on rejected theories and abandoned entities. Rather, the PMI I have in mind departs from conceptual change, which is ubiquitous in science. Scientific concepts change over time, often to a degree that is difficult to square with the stability of their referents, a sine qua non for realists. The second challenge is to make sense of successful scientific practice that was centered on entities that have turned out to be fictitious.
Fanaras V, Georgiadou K.
Innovative methods for teaching Ethics:Art as a tool for reflections on bioethics, An educational scenario
. Επιστημονική Επιθεώρηση του ΠΜΣ "Ορθόδοξη Χριστιανική Θεολογία και Θρησκευτικός Πλουραλισμός" περιοδικό "Διάλογος: Σπουδές στη Θεολογία". 2018;9:483-492. eap-th-fanaras_georgiadou.pdf
Gierens K, Eleftheratos K, Sausen R. . Atmos. Meas. Tech. [Internet]. 2018;11:939–948. a32_journal_publication_amt_2018.pdf
Zerefos C, Kapsomenakis J, Eleftheratos K, Tourpali K, Petropavlovskikh I, Hubert D, Godin-Beekmann S, Steinbrecht W, Frith S, Sofieva V, et al. . Atmos. Chem. Phys. [Internet]. 2018;18:6427–6440. a33_journal_publication_acp_2018.pdf
Raptis I-P, Kazadzis S, Eleftheratos K, Amiridis V, Fountoulakis I. . Atmosphere [Internet]. 2018;9:364. a34_journal_publication_atmosphere_2018.pdf
Liritzis I, Preka-Papadema P, Antonopoulos P, Kalachanis K, Tzanis CG. Does Astronomical and Geographical Information of Plutarch's de Facie Describe a Trip beyond the North Atlantic Ocean?. Journal of Coastal Research [Internet]. 2018;34:651-674. Website
Drawing Authority and Exerting Power in the Second Letter to Timothy: The Example of 2 Tim 3
Karakolis C. Drawing Authority and Exerting Power in the Second Letter to Timothy: The Example of 2 Tim 3. In: Bieringer R 2 Timothy and Titus Reconsidered. Leuven: Peeters; 2018. pp. 63–86. Publisher's Version drawing_authority.pdf
Syriopoulos T, Jaghoubi S, Salhi B. Dual Long Memory Properties and Stock Market Efficiency in External Shocks: Evidence from Leading Oil-Dependent Markets. Transylvanian Review. 2018;1(1).
Bader M, Dunkel A, Wenning M, Kohler B, Medard G, Del Castillo E, Gholami A, Kuster B, Scherer S, Hofmann T. Dynamic proteome alteration and functional modulation of human saliva induced by dietary chemosensory stimuli. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2018;66(22):5621-5634.
Vasilakos G, Koniaris A, Wolf M, Halazonetis D, Gkantidis N. Early anterior crossbite correction through posterior bite opening: a 3D superimposition prospective cohort study. Eur J Orthod. 2018;40(4):364-371.Abstract
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness, clinical performance, and potential adverse effects of early anterior crossbite correction through opening of the bite. Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of 16 consecutive patients (8.0 ± 0.9, range: 6.2-9.3 years) with dental anterior crossbite in the mixed dentition who were treated through posterior bite opening. Patients were prospectively followed until a minimum of 6 months post-treatment and there were no drop-outs. Results: In 14 patients (87.5 per cent), the anterior crossbite was corrected. Results remained stable without any retention regime. Active treatment of the successfully treated cases lasted 2.5 months (range: 0.6-8.9). Crossbite correction of central incisors was achieved by a 2.05 mm (range: 0.97-5.45) forward movement and 9.25° (range: 2.32-14.52°) buccal inclination of the crowns (P < 0.05). The antagonists showed spontaneous adaptation of their position in the opposite direction (P < 0.05). No important adverse effects were recorded. Limitations: This was a non-comparative controlled study, on a limited sample. Conclusions: Bite opening is a promising, simple, and non-compliance approach for early dental anterior crossbite correction. The technique of 3D superimposition and analysis of digital models used here, allowed precise evaluation of single tooth movement in all three planes of space.
Diamantopoulou A, Kalpachidou T, Aspiotis G, Gampierakis I, Stylianopoulou F, Stamatakis A. An early experience of mild adversity involving temporary denial of maternal contact affects the serotonergic system of adult male rats and leads to a depressive-like phenotype and inability to adapt to a chronic social stress. Physiology {&} Behavior [Internet]. 2018;184:46–54. Website
Diamantopoulou A, Kalpachidou T, Aspiotis G, Gampierakis I, Stylianopoulou F, Stamatakis A. An early experience of mild adversity involving temporary denial of maternal contact affects the serotonergic system of adult male rats and leads to a depressive-like phenotype and inability to adapt to a chronic social stress. Physiology and Behavior [Internet]. 2018;184:46-54. Website
Diamantopoulou A, Kalpachidou T, Aspiotis G, Gampierakis I, Stylianopoulou F, Stamatakis A. An early experience of mild adversity involving temporary denial of maternal contact affects the serotonergic system of adult male rats and leads to a depressive-like phenotype and inability to adapt to a chronic social stress. Physiology and Behavior [Internet]. 2018;184:46-54. Website
Antoniou V, Andreadakis E, Mavroulis S, Spyrou N-I, Skourtsos E, Carydis P, Lekkas E. Earthquake-induced building damage assessment using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): the case of Vrissa settlement after the 2017 Lesvos earthquake (Northeastern Aegean, Greece). EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018:9671.
Mavroulis S, Skourtsos E, Danamos G, Lekkas E. Earthquake-induced slope movements in Western Greece during the last decade. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018:9385.
Chatziralli I. Editorial-suboptimal response to intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment for patients with diabetic macular edema: is there any point in switching treatment. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018;22:5047–50.
Kolokathi A, Mantas J. Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: A Mapping Approach. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:313-316.Abstract
The emergence of the information technologies has seriously changed the healthcare system. Thus, health professionals need to be well-educated in order to respond successfully to the challenges of their job. In higher education programs in, biomedical informatics and health informatics are continuously developing. At this study more than 500 universities and colleges in Europe were checked in order to find related educational programs at all academic levels. The outcome of the research includes 316 study programs at undergraduate and postgraduate level including a variety of specializations. The majority of these programs are taking place in Czech Republic, Ireland and Austria. In contrast, countries such as Croatia and Cyprus have very low number of study programs in these fields.
Varzakas T, Zakynthinos G, Proestos C. Effect of food processing, quality, and safety with emphasis on kosher, halal, vegetarian, and GM food.; 2018 pp. 193-214. Website
Varzakas T, Zakynthinos G, Proestos C. Effect of food processing, quality, and safety with emphasis on kosher, halal, vegetarian, and GM food.; 2018 pp. 193-214. Website
Lodi S, Günthard HF, Dunn D, Garcia F, Logan R, Jose S, Bucher HC, Scherrer AU, Schneider M-P, Egger M, et al. Effect of immediate initiation of antiretroviral treatment on the risk of acquired HIV drug resistance. AIDS. 2018;32(3):327-335.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: We estimated and compared the risk of clinically identified acquired drug resistance under immediate initiation [the currently recommended antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation strategy], initiation with CD4 cell count less than 500 cells/μl and initiation with CD4 cell count less than 350 cells/μl. DESIGN: Cohort study based on routinely collected data from the HIV-CAUSAL collaboration. METHODS: For each individual, baseline was the earliest time when all eligibility criteria (ART-naive, AIDS free, and others) were met after 1999. Acquired drug resistance was defined using the Stanford classification as resistance to any antiretroviral drug that was clinically identified at least 6 months after ART initiation. We used the parametric g-formula to adjust for time-varying (CD4 cell count, HIV RNA, AIDS, ART regimen, and drug resistance testing) and baseline (calendar period, mode of acquisition, sex, age, geographical origin, ethnicity and cohort) characteristics. RESULTS: In 50 981 eligible individuals, 10% had CD4 cell count more than 500 cells/μl at baseline, and 63% initiated ART during follow-up. Of 2672 tests for acquired drug resistance, 794 found resistance. The estimated 7-year risk (95% confidence interval) of acquired drug resistance was 3.2% (2.8,3.5) for immediate initiation, 3.1% (2.7,3.3) for initiation with CD4 cell count less than 500 cells/μl, and 2.8% (2.5,3.0) for initiation with CD4 cell count less than 350 cells/μl. In analyses restricted to individuals with baseline in 2005-2015, the corresponding estimates were 1.9% (1.8, 2.5), 1.9% (1.7, 2.4), and 1.8% (1.7, 2.2). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the risk of acquired drug resistance is very low, especially in recent calendar periods, and that immediate ART initiation only slightly increases the risk. It is unlikely that drug resistance will jeopardize the proven benefits of immediate ART initiation.
Pasias IN, Kiriakou IK, Kaitatzis A, Koutelidakis AE, Proestos C. Effect of late harvest and floral origin on honey antibacterial properties and quality parameters. Food Chemistry [Internet]. 2018;242:513-518. Website
Pasias IN, Kiriakou IK, Kaitatzis A, Koutelidakis AE, Proestos C. Effect of late harvest and floral origin on honey antibacterial properties and quality parameters. [Internet]. 2018;242:513-518. Website
Kiokias S, Proestos C, Oreopoulou V. Effect of natural food antioxidants against ldl and dna oxidative changes. [Internet]. 2018;7. Website
Kiokias S, Proestos C, Oreopoulou V. Effect of natural food antioxidants against ldl and dna oxidative changes. Antioxidants [Internet]. 2018;7. Website
Kostikiadis IN, Methenitis S, Tsoukos A, Veligekas P, Terzis G, Bogdanis GC. The Effect of Short-Term Sport-Specific Strength and Conditioning Training on Physical Fitness of Well-Trained Mixed Martial Arts Athletes. J Sports Sci Med. 2018;17(3):348-358.Abstract
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of a short-term, high-intensity, low-volume Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) specific strength and conditioning training program on performance in national level MMA athletes. Seventeen experienced fighters were divided into two groups: (A) Specific Training Group (STG; n = 10), which followed a specific strength and conditioning program designed according to the demands of MMA competition and (B) Regular Training Group (RTG; n = 7), in which participants followed a regular strength and conditioning program commonly used by MMA athletes. Before and after the four-week training period (3 days per week), body composition, aerobic fitness, strength, power and speed were evaluated. Significant improvements in estimated VO, average power during the 2000 m rowing, bench press, back squat and deadlift 1RM, SJ power, CMJ height power, medicine ball throw velocity, 10 m sprint and 2 m take down speed and fat-free mass were found only in the STG (3.7 to 22.2%; p < 0.05; Hedge's g = -0.42 - 4.1). No significant changes were found for the RTG (p = 0.225 to 0.811). Significant differences between the groups were found for almost all post-training assessments (p < 0.05; Hedge's g = 0.25 - 1.45) as well as for the percentage changes from pre to post training (p < 0.05; Hedge's g: 0.25 - 1.45). Significant relationships were found between percentage changes in fat-free mass, endurance capacity, muscle strength/power and speed (r: -0.475 to 0.758; p < 0.05). These results suggest that a high-intensity low-volume strength and conditioning training intervention designed according to the demands of MMA competition may result in significant performance improvements for well-trained fighters.
Mahdouani M, Gardelis S, Bourguiga R. The effect of Si impurities on the transport properties and the electron-surface phonon interaction in single layer graphene deposited on polar substrates. Physica B: Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2018;550:171-178. WebsiteAbstract
We investigated theoretically the effect of introducing Si impurities in a single layer graphene (1LG) that had been deposited on a polar substrate on the transport properties of the graphene layer. We consider in our analysis the scattering effects due to the surface optical (SO) phonons located at the interface of the 1LG with various polar substrates such asSiC, hexagonal BN,SiO2andHfO2. Our results demonstrate a reduction of SO phonon-limited (SOPL) mobility, and SOPL conductivity as well as an increase of the SOPL resistivity and of the scattering rate in the presence of Si impurities in the 1LG. Further, we studied the effect of Si impurities on the electron-surface phonon interaction. For our analysis we used the eigenenergies aquired from the tight-binding Hamiltonian in 1LG. Indeed the presence of the Si impurities induces a decrement in the resonant coupling between the electronic sub-levels and the surface vibration modes in monolayer graphene deposited on polar substrates. Finally, we investigated the effect of Si impurities on the Auger scattering process which affects the carriers relaxation. Our results show an enhancement of the Auger scattering rate in the case of the Si-doped 1LG compared to the undoped 1LG. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.
Papalexi C, Hatzaki M, Keramitsoglou I, Sismanidis P, Vassilakis E, Daglis I. The effect of urban landscape on land surface temperature: study of the Athens metropolitan area using very high spatial resolution data. 14th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics [Internet]. 2018. PosterAbstract
Urbanization has a significant impact on the surface environment and land surface temperature (LST) can be used as reliable indicator of the Surface Urban Heat Island effect that is caused by it. Here, the relationship between LST and the Athens urban landscape is investigated, using very high resolution airborne nighttime LST image data, obtained during the ESA’s 2009 THERMOPOLIS campaign for three typical summer days (warm day, day with strong Etesian winds and heat wave day). The landscape is represented by the percentage of built-up area coverage per spatial unit provided the European Settlement Map (ESM), spatially averaged on the European Urban Atlas land use map, both provided by Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. It is found that the LSTs exhibit statistically significant differences among the different urban land cover/land use (LCLU) classes, but also among the different days for the same LCLU. A modelled global relationship between LST and landscape can be constructed, though hot and cold spots exist, which indicate clustered areas with higher and lower LSTs. The hotspots coincide with the city centre area of dense fabric and the deviations are maximized with unfavourable meteorological conditions, i.e. heat waves and windless days.
Chatoupis C, Vagenas G. Effectiveness of the practice style and the reciprocal style of teaching: a meta-analysis. The Physical Educator [Internet]. 2018;75(2). Publisher's VersionAbstract
The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the effectiveness of Mosston and Ashworth’s (2008) practice and reciprocal styles of teaching on motor skill acquisition of school and university students. A systematic search in bibliographical databases led to the identification of 23 relevant studies published in peer-reviewed journals. Using certain methodological and statistical criteria, we retained six studies for further analysis. We estimated proper Effect Size (ES) statistics for each study and each teaching style. Heterogeneity of the ESs was almost negligence for the reciprocal style and moderate to large for the practice style (I2 > 50%). Both teaching styles appear to produce rather large effects, with the practice style (mean d = 1.16) having larger effects than the reciprocal style (mean d = 0.94). This meta-analysis provides an overview and synthesis of relevant studies and highlights both teaching styles for increasing K-12 and university students’ motor skill learning. The results are discussed in light of the Spectrum theory.   Keywords: meta-analysis, Spectrum, practice style, reciprocal style, motor skill
Vangopoulou C, Bourmpoula MT, Koupourtidou C, Giompres P, Stamatakis A, Kouvelas ED, Mitsacos A. Effects of an early life experience on rat brain cannabinoid receptors in adolescence and adulthood. IBRO Reports [Internet]. 2018;5:1-9. Website
Vangopoulou C, Bourmpoula MT, Koupourtidou C, Giompres P, Stamatakis A, Kouvelas ED, Mitsacos A. Effects of an early life experience on rat brain cannabinoid receptors in adolescence and adulthood. IBRO Reports [Internet]. 2018;5:1-9. Website
Vangopoulou C, Bourmpoula MT, Koupourtidou C, Giompres P, Stamatakis A, Kouvelas ED, Mitsacos A. Effects of an early life experience on rat brain cannabinoid receptors in adolescence and adulthood. {IBRO} Reports [Internet]. 2018;5:1–9. Website
Bogdanis GC, Tsoukos A, Methenitis SK, Selima E, Veligekas P, Terzis G. Effects of low volume isometric leg press complex training at two knee angles on force-angle relationship and rate of force development. Eur J Sport Sci. 2018:1-9.Abstract
This study compared knee angle-specific neuromuscular adaptations after two low-volume isometric leg press complex training programmes performed at different muscle lengths. Fifteen young males were divided into two groups and trained three times per week for 6 weeks. One group (n = 8) performed 5-7 sets of 3 s maximum isometric leg press exercise, with 4 min recovery, with knee angle at 85° ± 2° (longer muscle-tendon unit length; L-MTU). The other group (n = 7) performed the same isometric training at a knee angle of 145° ± 2° (180°= full extension; shorter muscle-tendon unit length; S-MTU). During the recovery after each set of isometric exercise, participants performed two CMJ every minute, as a form of complex training. Maximum isometric force (MIF) and rate of force development (RFD) were measured over a wide range of knee angles. Countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and maximum half-squat strength (1RM) were also assessed. Training at S-MTU induced a large increase of MIF (22-58%, p < 0.02) and RFD (18-43%, p < 0.05 to 0.001) at knee angles close to the training angle and resulted in a 14° ± 9° shift of the force vs. knee joint angle relationship towards extended knee joint angles (p = 0.001). In contrast, training at L-MTU, resulted in a moderate and similar (≈12.3%, p = 0.028) improvement of force at all knee angles. CMJ performance and 1RM were equally increased in both groups after training by 10.4% ± 8.3% and 7.8% ± 4.7% (p < 0.001), respectively. Low-volume maximal isometric leg-press complex training at S-MTU causes angle-specific adaptations in isometric strength and RFD, while dynamic muscle performance is independent of muscle length during training.
Kaviris G, Spingos I, Millas C, Kapetanidis V, Fountoulakis I, Papadimitriou P, Voulgaris N, Drakatos G. Effects of the January 2018 seismic sequence on shear-wave splitting in the upper crust of Marathon (NE Attica, Greece). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors [Internet]. 2018;285:45 - 58. Website
Tranoulis A, Laios A, Pampanos A, Yannoukakos D, Loutradis D, Michala L. {Efficacy and safety of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone therapy among patients with idiopathic and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea: a systematic review of the literature and a meta-analysis}. Fertility and Sterility. 2018.Abstract
© 2017 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Objective: To systematically review and appraise the existing evidence in relation to the efficacy and safety of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (pGnRH) for the treatment of women with hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Setting: Not applicable. Patient(s): A total of 35 studies (three randomized and 32 observational) encompassing 1,002 women with HA. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Primary outcomes: ovulation rate (OvR), pregnancy per ovulatory cycle rate (POR), and live birth per ovulatory cycle rate (LBOR). Secondary outcomes: multiple gestation (MG), ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and superficial thrombophlebitis (ST) rates. The summary measures were expressed as proportions and 95{%} confidence intervals (CI). Result(s): Pulsatile GnRH treatment appears to achieve high OvRs. A trend toward high PORs and LBORs among women with HA is demonstrated. SC pGnRH achieves comparable OvR compared with IV pGnRH. The incidence of OHSS is low and of mild severity. Treatment with pGnRH is associated with low but slightly higher MG rates compared with the general population. IV administered pGnRH is rarely associated with ST. Conclusion(s): The high OvRs leading to a high rate of singleton pregnancies and the low likelihood of OHSS render the pGnRH treatment modality both effective and safe for the treatment of women with HA of either primary or secondary origin.
Papatheodoridis GV, Sypsa V, Dalekos G, Yurdaydin C, Van Boemmel F, Buti M, Goulis J, Calleja JL, Chi H, Manolakopoulos S, et al. Eight-year survival in chronic hepatitis B patients under long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy is similar to the general population. J Hepatol. 2018;68:1129-1136.Abstract
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The effects of long-term antiviral therapy on survival have not been adequately assessed in chronic hepatitis B (CHB). In this 10-centre, ongoing cohort study, we evaluated the probability of survival and factors affecting survival in Caucasian CHB patients who received long-term entecavir/tenofovir therapy. METHODS: We included 1,951 adult Caucasians with CHB, with or without compensated cirrhosis and without hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at baseline, who received entecavir/tenofovir for >/=12months (median, six years). Kaplan-Meier estimates of cumulative survival over time were obtained. Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated by comparing death rates with those in the Human Mortality Database. RESULTS: The one-, five-, and eight-year cumulative probabilities were 99.7, 95.9, and 94.1% for overall survival, 99.9, 98.3, and 97.4% for liver-related survival, and 99.9, 97.8, and 95.8% for transplantation-free liver-related survival, respectively. Overall mortality was independently associated with older age and HCC development, liver-related mortality was associated with HCC development only, and transplantation-free liver-related mortality was independently associated with HCC development and lower platelet levels at baseline. Baseline cirrhosis was not independently associated with any type of mortality. Compared with the general population, in all CHB patients mortality was not significantly different (SMR 0.82), whereas it was lower in patients without HCC regardless of baseline cirrhosis (SMR 0.58) and was higher in patients who developed HCC (SMR 3.09). CONCLUSION: Caucasian patients with CHB and compensated liver disease who receive long-term entecavir/tenofovir therapy have excellent overall and liver-related eight-year survival, which is similar to that of the general population. HCC is the main factor affecting their overall mortality, and is the only factor affecting their liver-related mortality. LAY SUMMARY: Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B with or without compensated cirrhosis who receive long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy have excellent overall eight-year survival, which is similar to that of the general population. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the main factor affecting their overall mortality, and is the only factor affecting liver-related mortality in this setting.
Kritikou V. El espacio alucinante en Cajambre de Armando Romero. In: Pavlakis EP, Tsokou M, Paraskevá I Estudios Hispánicos: Pensamiento y literatura. 1st ed. Madrid: Ediciones del Orto; 2018. pp. 35-44. 18.el_espacio_alucinante_en_cajambre.pdf
Mavridis S. El proceso inmigratorio en el teatro argentino de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Ilusión, desilusión, resignación. In: Estudios hispánicos. Pensamiento y literatura. Ediciones del Orto; 2018. pp. 95-112.
Liu F, Tsilipakos O, Wang X, Pitilakis A, Tasolamprou AC, Mirmoosa MS, Kwon D-H, Kossifos K, Georgiou J, Kafesaki M, et al. Electromagnetic Aspects of Practical Approaches to Realization of Intelligent Metasurfaces. In: 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, METAMATERIALS 2018. ; 2018. pp. 260 – 262. Website
ELF-awareness in ELT: Bringing together theory and practice.
Sifakis N, Lopriore L, Dewey M, Bayyurt Y, Vettorel P, Cavalheiro L, Siqueira S, Kordia S. ELF-awareness in ELT: Bringing together theory and practice. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca [Internet]. 2018;7(1):155-209. Publisher's Version
Kritikou V. El Siglo de Las Luces de Alejo Carpentier: Historia y Literatura. In: Gallardo-Saborido EJ, Gómez-de-Tejada J, Puñales-Alpízar D Asedios al Caimán Letrado: Literatura y Poder en la Revolución Cubana. 1st ed. Praga: KAROLINUM; 2018. pp. 77-82.Abstract
RESUMEN: La novela El siglo de las luces de Alejo Carpentier es una obra en la que la historia juega un papel importante. En dicha obra el autor empieza de la Revolución Francesa y sus ideales de libertad y justicia social con el propósito de inspirar a los pueblos latinoamericanos que sufren bajo gobiernos opresivos-dictatoriales. En el presente estudio se trata un análisis profundo de la relación entre historia, memoria y literatura. Palabras clave: Literatura cubana, real maravilloso, novela histórica, revolución. ABSTRACT: History plays an important role in Alejo Carpentier’s novel El siglo de las luces. In this work the author presents the French Revolution and its ideals of freedom and social justice in order to inspire the Spanish American people suffering under oppressive dictatorial governments. This study investigates in detail the relationship of history, memory and literature.  Key words: Cuban literature, real maravilloso, historical novel, revolution.
Afratis NA, Selman M, Pardo A, Sagi I. Emerging insights into the role of matrix metalloproteases as therapeutic targets in fibrosis. Matrix Biol. 2018;68-69:167-179.Abstract
Fibrosis is the extensive accumulation and buildup of extracellular matrix components, especially fibrillar collagens, during wound healing in response to tissue injury. During all individual stages of fibrosis ECM proteases, mainly matrix metalloproteinases, have diverse roles. The functional role of MMPs and their endogenous inhibitors are differentiated among their family members, and according to the different stages of fibrosis. MMPs levels are elevated in several inflammatory and non-inflammatory fibrotic tissues contributing to the development, progression or resolution of the disease, whereas in other tissues their expression levels can be diminished or be stable to the baseline. The biological roles of MMPs during fibrosis are not fully resolved, but they seem to differ according the specific member of the family, the affected tissue and the stage of the fibrotic response. Remarkably, some members of the family exhibit profibrotic actions while other function as antifibrotic molecules. Diverse animal models indicate that MMPs are contributing in processes related to immunity, tissue repair and ECM turnover, providing significant impact on mechanisms related to fibrosis. For that purpose, these proteases are considered as pharmacological targets and new biological drugs have been developed in order to treat fibrosis.
Mavrogeni S, Fotis L, Koutsogeorgopoulou L, Vartela V, Papaevangelou V, Kolovou G. The emerging role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of cardiac involvement in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Rheumatology International. 2018;38:1355-1362.
<em>Landscapes of Disease: Malaria in Modern Greece</em>
Gardikas K. Landscapes of Disease: Malaria in Modern Greece. Budapest, New York: Central European University Press; 2018.Abstract
Malaria existed in Greece since prehistoric times. Its prevalence fluctuated depending on climatic, socioeconomic and political changes. The book focuses on the factors that contributed to the spreading of the disease in the years between independent statehood in 1830 and the elimination of malaria in the 1970s. By the nineteenth century, Greece was the most malarious country in Europe and the one most heavily infected with its lethal form, falciparum malaria. Owing to pressures on the environment from economic development, agrarian colonization and heightened mobility, the situation became so serious that malaria became a routine part of everyday life for practically all Greek families, further exacerbated by wars. The country’s highly fragmented geography and its variable rainfall distribution created an environment that was ideal for sustaining and spreading the disease. These factors, in turn, affected the tolerance of the population to malaria. In their struggle with physical suffering and death, the Greeks developed a culture of avid quinine consumption and were likewise eager to embrace the DDT spraying campaign of the immediate post WWII years, which, overall, had a positive demographic effect.ContentsIntroduction Chapter 1: Malaria: An Ancient and Global Disease Chapter 2: The Fragmented Geography of the Disease Chapter 3: Malaria in Peace and War Chapter 4: Patients, Doctors, and Cures ConclusionReviewed in American Historical Review 125:3 (June 2020) by Andrew Robarts Bulletin of the History of Medicine 94:2 (Summer 2020) by Jesse Bump Hungarian Historical Review 8:4 (2019) by Róbert Balogh of Modern Greek Studies by David Idol History by Lion Murard History of Medicine by Vassiliki Theodorou and Culture 62:1 (January 2021) by Daniel Gallardo-AlbarránΜνήμων 36 (2017-2018) by Vangelis Karamanolakis 
Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Kassaras I, Ganas A. Empirical seismic vulnerability, deterministic risk and monetary loss assessment in Fira (Santorini, Greece). Natural Hazards [Internet]. 2018;93:1251–1275. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A deterministic seismic risk and monetary loss model is presented for the capital of Santorini volcanic Island, the town of Fira, on a building block scale. A local seismic source of M5.6 inferred from a recent volcano unrest in 2011–2012, detailed seismic vulnerability of 435 buildings and site conditions deduced from free-field ambient noise measurements were combined toward assessing the EMS-98 damage grade and its probability to occur. The seismic scenario yielded no damage or slight damage for 84{%} of the buildings, 16{%} of the constructions are expected to present moderate-to-heavy damage, while the economic loss amounts to 4 million euros. Although the model predicts low damage and direct economic loss, interaction with the touristic business activities might produce cascade side effects for the economy of the island and consequently Greece's GDP, an important part of which emanates from Santorini.
Zafeiropoulos A, Gouvas P, Fotopoulou E, Tsiolis G, Xirofotos T, Bonnet J, Carrozzo G, Rizou S, Gavras A, Barros MJ, et al. Enabling Vertical Industries Adoption of 5G Technologies: A Cartography of Evolving Solutions. In: 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2018. ; 2018. pp. 130-135. Website
Triantafillou C, Psycharis G, Bakogianni D, Potari D. Enactment of inquiry-based teaching and learning: The case of statistical estimation. In: Bergqvist E, Österholm M, Granberg C, Sumpter L Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 42). Vol. 4. Umeå, Sweden: PME; 2018. pp. 291-298. pme_42_2018a.pdf
Bouris NG, Georgaki A, Chaldaeakes AG. ENCODING BYZANTINE MUSIC NOTATION (ca. 1600-1814). 2018.Abstract
This paper discusses a new method for encoding ByzantineMusic Neumatic Notation (especially the one developedduring the ‘transitory’ period 1670-1814). The Notation ofthis period is characterized by difficulties and peculiarities.The difficult access to Byzantine manuscripts and their deterioratedcondition, complicate reading. In addition, our incompleteknowledge of the interpretation of signs impedesthe comprehension of the musical text leading in results thatare often in dispute. The fact that sign unions are complexenough together with their presence in various places ina composition make electronic transcriptions the ultimatechallenge. Moreover, there does not exist a framework fordata encoding and analysis. This work presents a proposalfor the development of such a model for the old ByzantineNeumatic Notation in Python. The implementation of thisproject is still at an initial stage, and focuses, mostly, on theefficient digitization of old manuscripts. The system, eventhough fully functional, has certain limitations. Some signsare missing, and the musical text is created using microphotographies.Future developments of the program will focuson resolving these deficiencies and adding more features tothe system.
Armeni E, Apostolakis M, Christidi F, Rizos D, Kaparos G, Panoulis K, Augoulea A, Alexandrou A, Karopoulou E, Zalonis I. Endogenous sex hormones and memory performance in middle-aged Greek women with subjective memory complaints. Neurological SciencesNeurological Sciences. 2018;39:259-266.
Tountas M, Verykios A, Polydorou E, Kaltzoglou A, Soultati A, Balis N, Angaridis PA, Papadakis M, Nikolaou V, Auras F, et al. Engineering of Porphyrin Molecules for Use as Effective Cathode Interfacial Modifiers in Organic Solar Cells of Enhanced Efficiency and Stability. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces [Internet]. 2018;10:20728-20739. WebsiteAbstract
In the present work, we effectively modify the TiO2 electron transport layer of organic solar cells with an inverted architecture using appropriately engineered porphyrin molecules. The results show that the optimized porphyrin modifier bearing two carboxylic acids as the anchoring groups and a triazine electron-withdrawing spacer significantly reduces the work function of TiO2, thereby reducing the electron extraction barrier. Moreover, the lower surface energy of the porphyrin-modified substrate results in better physical compatibility between the latter and the photoactive blend. Upon employing porphyrin-modified TiO2 electron transport layers in PTB7:PC71BM-based organic solar cells we obtained an improved average power conversion efficiency up to 8.73%. Importantly, porphyrin modification significantly increased the lifetime of the devices, which retained 80% of their initial efficiency after 500 h of storage in the dark. Because of its simplicity and efficacy, this approach should give tantalizing glimpses and generate an impact into the potential of porphyrins to facilitate electron transfer in organic solar cells and related devices. © 2018 American Chemical Society.
Schoina V, Terpou A, Bosnea L, Kanellaki M, Nigam PS. Entrapment of Lactobacillus casei ATCC393 in the viscus matrix of Pistacia terebinthus resin for functional myzithra cheese manufacture. LWTLWT. 2018;89:441-448.
Cabo-Bizet A, Kol U, Pando Zayas LA, Papadimitriou I, Rathee V. Entropy functional and the holographic attractor mechanism. JHEP. 2018;05:155.
Chatziralli I, Vlachodimitropoulou A, Daoula C, Vrettou C, Galani E, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P. Eplerenone in the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy: a review of the literature. International journal of retina and vitreous. 2018;4:1–5.
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Dimitropoulou E, Assimakopoulos VD, Fameli KM, Flocas HA, Kosmopoulos P, Kazadzis S, Lagouvardos K, Bossioli E. Estimating the biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon emissions over Greece. Atmosphere [Internet]. 2018;9. Website
Dimitropoulou E, Assimakopoulos VD, Fameli KM, Flocas HA, Kosmopoulos P, Kazadzis S, Lagouvardos K, Bossioli E. Estimating the biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon emissions over Greece. Atmosphere [Internet]. 2018;9. Website
Dimitropoulou E, Assimakopoulos VD, Fameli KM, Flocas HA, Kosmopoulos P, Kazadzis S, Lagouvardos K, Bossioli E. Estimating the biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon emissions over Greece. Atmosphere [Internet]. 2018;9(1). Website
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Manousou DK, Stassinakis AN, Syskakis E, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS, Volos CK, Tsigopoulos AD. Estimation of the influence of Vanadium dioxide optical filters at the performance of visible light communication systems. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2018. ; 2018. pp. 1-4. Website
Estudios hispánicos. Pensamiento y literatura. (Pavlakis EP, Tsokou M, Paraskeva E). Madrid: Ediciones del Orto; 2018.
Fragkou D, Galanis P. Ethical issues in epidemiological studies. ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE. 2018;35:129–135.
Fragkou D, Galanis P. Ethical issues in epidemiological studies. ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE. 2018;35(1):129-135.
Fragkou D, Galanis P. Ethical issues related to euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE. 2018;35:834–841.
Fragkou D, Galanis P. Ethical issues related to euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE. 2018;35(6):834-841.
Garavaglia S, Aiello G, Alberti S, Avramidis K, Bruschi A, Chelis IG, Franck J, Gantenbein G, Granucci G, Grossetti G, et al. EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2018;136:1173-1177. Website
Garavaglia S, Aiello G, Alberti S, Avramidis K, Bruschi A, Chelis IG, Franck J, Gantenbein G, Granucci G, Grossetti G, et al. EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2018;136:1173-1177. Website
Garavaglia S, Aiello G, Alberti S, Avramidis K, Bruschi A, Chelis IG, Franck J, Gantenbein G, Granucci G, Grossetti G, et al. EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2018;136:1173-1177. Website
Jassam N, Lake J, Dabrowska M, Queralto J, Rizos D, Lichtinghagen R, Baum H, Ceriotti F, O’Mullane J, Homšak E. The European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine syllabus for postgraduate education and training for Specialists in Laboratory Medicine: version 5–2018. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM). 2018;56:1846-1863.
Tsiboukli A, Efstratoglou A, Gavalakis N, Gounda N, Filinis K, Diakoumakou A, Kaltsa K, Filinis K, Fissaber W, Cholezas I. European Skills Index:Εκτιμήσεις για την Ελλάδα-Προσέγγιση Ερμηνευτικών Παραγόντων και Προτάσεις. Athens: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; 2018 pp. 1-19. Publisher's Version
Louris E, Sfiroera E, Priniotakis G, Makris R, Siemos H, Efthymiou C, Assimakopoulos MN. Evaluating the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of various knit fabric structures. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 459. ; 2018. Website
Zogas S, Birbas K, Chondrocoukis G, Mantas J. Evaluation of a Laboratory e-Learning Course in Health Informatics. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;251:317-319.Abstract
The current paper presents the students' evaluation of a laboratory e-learning course in Health Informatics. After attending the e-learning course, students assessed the e-learning course through an anonymous questionnaire. The study results present the positive attitude of the students towards the e-learning course in Health Informatics. The current e-learning course is easy to use, and it is preferred on the same extent as the hybrid one (e-learning and in-class learning combination). The majority of the participants believed that the e-learning method is at least the same or more efficient compared to the traditional learning approach. Based on the study findings, it seems that this e-learning course could offer important advantages on the learning process as long as it helps students learn in a more effective manner than traditional learning.
Terpou A, Nigam PS, Bosnea L, Kanellaki M. Evaluation of Chios mastic gum as antimicrobial agent and matrix forming material targeting probiotic cell encapsulation for functional fermented milk production. LWTLWT. 2018;97:109-116.
Moschos MM, Chatziralli IP. Evaluation of choroidal and retinal thickness changes in Parkinson’s disease using spectral domain optical coherence tomography. In: Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 33. Taylor & Francis; 2018. pp. 494–497.
Kastritis E, Kostopoulos IV, Terpos E, Paiva B, Fotiou D, Gavriatopoulou M, Kanellias N, Ziogas DC, Roussou M, Migkou M, et al. {Evaluation of minimal residual disease using next-generation flow cytometry in patients with AL amyloidosis}. Blood Cancer Journal [Internet]. 2018;8:46. Website
Kolovou G, Daskalova D, Anagnostopoulou K, Hoursalas I, Voudris V, Mikhailidis DP, Cokkinos DV. Evaluation of Postprandial hypertriglyceridaemia in patients withTangier disease. American journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular diseases. 2018;1:4.
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Cerebral cortex size differs dramatically between reptiles, birds, and mammals, owing to developmental differences in neuron production. In mammals, signaling pathways regulating neurogenesis have been identified, but genetic differences behind their evolution across amniotes remain unknown. We show that direct neurogenesis from radial glia cells, with limited neuron production, dominates the avian, reptilian, and mammalian paleocortex, whereas in the evolutionarily recent mammalian neocortex, most neurogenesis is indirect via basal progenitors. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments in mouse, chick, and snake embryos and in human cerebral organoids demonstrate that high Slit/Robo and low Dll1 signaling, via Jag1 and Jag2, are necessary and sufficient to drive direct neurogenesis. Attenuating Robo signaling and enhancing Dll1 in snakes and birds recapitulates the formation of basal progenitors and promotes indirect neurogenesis. Our study identifies modulation in activity levels of conserved signaling pathways as a primary mechanism driving the expansion and increased complexity of the mammalian neocortex during amniote evolution.
Zola M, Chatziralli I, Menon D, Schwartz R, Hykin P, Sivaprasad S. Evolution of fundus autofluorescence patterns over time in patients with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. Acta ophthalmologica. 2018;96:e835–e839.
Salunkhe G, Weissbrodt K, Feige B, Saville CWN, Berger A, Dundon NM, Bender S, Smyrnis N, Beauducel A, Biscaldi M, et al. Examining the Overlap Between ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Using Candidate Endophenotypes of ADHD. Journal of attention disorders. 2018:1087054718778114.
Demetriou IC. An Example of Nondecomposition in Data Fitting by Piecewise Monotonic Divided Differences of Order Higher than Two. In: Open Problems in Optimization and Data Analysis. Vol. 141. P.M. Pardalos, A. Migdalas, Editors. Springer Optimization and Its Applications 141, Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2018. pp. 319-330.
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Tachos NS, Dogkas G, Lymperis K, Stathopoulos V. Experimental and computational investigation of a latent heat energy storage system with a staggered heat exchanger for various phase change materials. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 2018;7:87-98.
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Tachos NS, Dogkas G, Lymperis K, Stathopoulos V. Experimental and computational investigation of a latent heat energy storage system with a staggered heat exchanger for various phase change materials. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress [Internet]. 2018;7:87–98. Website
Farhadi-Beldachi A, Huques-Satas E, Tzanakaki A, Yan Y, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D. Experimental Demonstration of 5G Fronthaul and Backhaul Convergence Based on FPGA-Based Active Optical Transport. In: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018. Website
Daltzis PA, Gerodimos NA, Volos CK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Experimental observation of antimonotonicity in a nonlinear R-L-Diode circuit. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review [Internet]. 2018;11:72-81. Website
Daltzis PA, Gerodimos NA, Volos CK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Experimental observation of antimonotonicity in a nonlinear R-L-Diode circuit. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review [Internet]. 2018;11:72-81. Website
Vrachopoulos GM, Koukou MK, Dogkas G, Tachos N. Experimental Performance Evaluation of a Small Scale ORC Power Unit Working with Low Temperature Energy Sources for Power Co-generation. 2018.
Diamantis DA, Ramesova S, Chatzigiannis CM, I.Degano, Gerogianni PS, Karadima⁠f C, Perikleous S, Rekkas D, Gerothanassis IP, Galaris D, et al. Exploring the oxidation and iron binding profile of a cyclodextrin encaptulated quercetin complex unveiled a controlled complex dissociation through a chemical Stimulus. Biochim. Biophys. Acta [Internet]. 2018;1862:1913-1924. Publisher's Version
Dong L, Petropoulou M, Giannios D. Extreme scattering events from axisymmetric plasma lenses. [Internet]. 2018;481:2685 - 2693. WebsiteAbstract
Frequency-dependent brightness fluctuations of radio sources, the so-called extreme scattering events (ESEs), have been observed over the last three decades. They are caused by Galactic plasma structures whose geometry and origin are still poorly understood. In this paper, we construct axisymmentric two-dimensional (2D) column density profiles for the plasma lens and explore the resulting ESEs for both point-like and extended sources. A quantity that becomes relevant is the impact parameter b, namely the distance of the observer's path from the lens' symmetry axis. We demonstrate its effects on the shape of ESE light curves and use it for a phenomenological classification of ESEs into four main types. Three of them are unique outcomes of the 2D model and do not show a characteristic U-shaped dip in the light curve, which has been traditionally used as an identification means of ESEs. We apply our model to five well-studied ESEs and show that elongated plasma tubes or quasi-spherical clouds are favoured over plasma sheets for four of them, while the remaining one is compatible with both lens geometries.
Sapalidis A, Sideratou Z, Panagiotaki KN, Sakellis E, Kouvelos EP, Papageorgiou S, Katsaros F. Fabrication of antibacterial poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite films containing dendritic polymer functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Frontiers in Materials [Internet]. 2018;5. Website
Sapalidis A, Sideratou Z, Panagiotaki KN, Sakellis E, Kouvelos EP, Papageorgiou S, Katsaros F. Fabrication of antibacterial poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite films containing dendritic polymer functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. [Internet]. 2018;5. Website
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Carydis P, Lekkas E. Factors controlling the distribution of building damage in the traditional Vrissa settlement induced by the 2017 June 12, Mw 6.3 Lesvos (Northeastern Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018:9317.
Worm M, et all. Factors increasing the risk for a severe reaction in anaphylaxis: An analysis of Data from The European Anaphylaxis Registry. Allergy. 2018;73(6):1322-1330.
Katsianis D, Neokosmidis I, Pastor A, Jacquin L, Gardikis G. Factors Influencing Market Adoption and Evolution of NFV/SDN Cybersecurity Solutions. Evidence from SHIELD Project. 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2018. 2018:261-265.
Karavokyros I, Michalinos A. Favoring D-Lymphadenectomy in Gastric Cancer. Front Surg. 2018;5:42.Abstract
The role of extended lymphadenectomy in the surgical treatment of gastric cancer has been debated for many years. So far six prospective randomized trials and a number of meta-analyses comparing D- to D-lymphadenectomy in open surgery have been published with contradicting results. The possible oncologic benefit of radical lymphadenectomy has been blurred by a number of reasons. In most of the trials the strategies under comparison were made similar after protocol violations. Imperfect design of the trials could not exclude the influence of cofounding factors. Inappropriate endpoints could not detect evidently the difference between the two surgical strategies. On the other hand radical lymphadenectomy was characterized by increased morbidity and mortality. This was mostly caused by the addition of pancreatico-splenectomy in all D-dissections, even when not indicated. A careful analysis of the available evidence indicates that D-lymphadenectomy performed by adequately trained surgeons without resection of the pancreas and/or spleen, unless otherwise indicated, decreases Gastric Cancer Related Deaths and increases Disease Specific Survival. This evidence is not compelling but cannot be ignored. D-lymphadendctomy is nowadays considered to be the standard of care for resectable gastric cancer.
Dalamaga M, Karampela I. Fetuin-A to adiponecting ratio is a promising prognostic biomarker in septic critically ill patients. J Crit Care. 2018;44:134-135.
Tsiamaki AS, Giannopoulos GI, Georgantzinos SK, Anifantis NK. Finite Element Modeling of Nanotubes. In: Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymers. Elsevier; 2018. pp. 291-310.
Psykarakis EE, Chatzopoulou E, Gimisis T. First characterisation of two important postulated intermediates in the formation of a HydT DNA lesion, a thymidine oxidation product. Org. Biomol. Chem. [Internet]. 2018;16:2289–2300. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A number of environmental pollutants and endogenous oxidation agents form 1-(2-deoxy-β-D-ribofura- nosyl)-5-hydroxy-5-methylhydantoin (HydT), an important DNA lesion resulting from thymidine oxi- dation. In this paper, two intermediates, postulated in the formation of HydT, have been characterised for the first time. The first, N1-formyl-N3-pyruvoylurea intermediate, was produced by the ozonolysis reaction of 2’,3’,5’-tri-O-acetylribo-, 3’,5’-di-O-TBS- and N3,O3’,O5-tribenzyl-protected thymidines and was shown to produce, upon decomposition and depending on the protecting group and the conditions, HydT alone, or together with protected-β-D-ribofuranosyl-N1-formylurea and formamide products. In addition, the second and long sought, open-chain-pyruvoylurea intermediate, was produced through de novo synthesis in protected β-D-ribofuranosyl-, 2-deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl- and 2-deoxy-β-D-ribo- pyranosyl systems. The conditions that induce the cyclization to the hydantoin ring of HydT have been determined. The chemistry utilised in the de novo synthesis is suitable for generating isotopically labelled HydT, as a reference in isotope-dilution-aided quantification of DNA damage.
Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Schmid M, Thumm M, et al. First CW experiments with the EU ITER 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial prototype gyrotron. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2. Website
Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Schmid M, Thumm M, et al. First CW experiments with the EU ITER 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial prototype gyrotron. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2. Website
Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Schmid M, Thumm M, et al. First CW experiments with the EU ITER 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial prototype gyrotron. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2. Website
Voudouri K–A, Giannakaki E, Komppula M, Balis D. First results of cirrus clouds properties by means of a pollyxt raman lidar at two measurement sites. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2018;176:05031.
Economou A, Kokkinos C, Prodromidis M. Flexible plastic, paper and textile lab-on-a chip platforms for electrochemical biosensing. Lab on a ChipLab on a Chip. 2018;18:1812-1830.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Stefanatou SG. A flow supervisory control scheme in generic modular form. 2018 South-Eastern European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Society Media Conference (SEEDA_CECNSM). 2018:1-5.
Chryssanthopoulou V. The Folklore Museum and Archives of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: Their Academic and Public Character. In: Mouliou M, Soubiran S, Talas S, Wittje R Turning Inside Out European University Heritage: Collections, Audiences, Stakeholders. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Universeum European Academic Heritage Network (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11-13.06.2015, Greece). N.K.U.A. Press; 2018. pp. 349-355.
Vasilatos C, Economou-Eliopoulos M. Fossilized Bacteria in Fe-Mn-Mineralization: Evidence from the Legrena Valley, W. Lavrion Mine (Greece). Minerals [Internet]. 2018;8:107. Website
Tsipouri L. Fostering innovation in less-developed regions with low institutional capacity. In: OECD/EC Workshop within the workshop series “Broadening innovation policy: New insights for regions and cities". Paris; 2018.
Sopasakis P, Sarimveis H, Macheras P, Dokoumetzidis A. Fractional calculus in pharmacokinetics. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS. 2018;45:107-125.Abstract
We are witnessing the birth of a new variety of pharmacokinetics where non-integer-order differential equations are employed to study the time course of drugs in the body: this is dubbed ``fractional pharmacokinetics{''}. The presence of fractional kinetics has important clinical implications such as the lack of a half-life, observed, for example with the drug amiodarone and the associated irregular accumulation patterns following constant and multiple-dose administration. Building models that accurately reflect this behaviour is essential for the design of less toxic and more effective drug administration protocols and devices. This article introduces the readers to the theory of fractional pharmacokinetics and the research challenges that arise. After a short introduction to the concepts of fractional calculus, and the main applications that have appeared in literature up to date, we address two important aspects. First, numerical methods that allow us to simulate fractional order systems accurately and second, optimal control methodologies that can be used to design dosing regimens to individuals and populations.
Kamberidou I. Frédéric Barbier, The Greek Dream by Monsieur de Choiseul: The Travels of a European of the Enlightenment. [Review of the Book: Le rêve grec de Monsieur de Choiseul Les voyages d'un européen des Lumières by Frédéric Barbier]. Journal of Modern Greek Studies (Print ISSN: 0738-1727, Online ISSN: 1086-3265) [Internet]. 2018;35:564–612. Publisher's VersionAbstract
John Hopkins University Press:  (PROJECT MUSE: Irene Kamberidou (2017). Journal of Modern Greek StudiesVolume 35, Number 2, October 2017, pp. 564-570 | 10.1353/mgs.2017.0031       [[Praised as "a magnificent scholarly journal" by Choice magazine, Journal of Modern Greek Studies is the only scholarly periodical to focus exclusively on modern Greece. The Journal publishes critical analyses of Greek social, cultural, and political affairs, covering the period from the late Byzantine Empire to the present. Contributors include internationally recognized scholars in the fields of history, literature, anthropology, political science, Byzantine studies, and modern Greece. Journal of Modern Greek Studies is the official publication of the Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA).]]..............ARTICLE CITATION:  Kamberidou, Irene (2017). Frédéric Barbier, The Greek Dream by Monsieur de Choiseul: The Travels of a European of the Enlightenment. [Review of the Book:  Le rêve grec de Monsieur de Choiseul Les voyages d'un européen des Lumières by Frédéric Barbier] Journal of Modern Greek Studies 35 (2017) 564–612 © 2017 by The Modern Greek Studies Association. Print ISSN: 0738-1727,  Online ISSN:  1086-3265. John Hopkins University Press: https://www.p     ***** The Greek Dream by Monsieur de Choiseul: The Travels of a European of the Enlightenment by Frédéric Barbier Journal Article published 2017 in Journal of Modern Greek Studies volume 35 issue 2 on pages 564 to 570 Author: Irene Kamberidou  , John Hopkins University Press
Georgiopoulos G, Kontogiannis C, Lambrinoudaki I, Rizos D, Stamatelopoulos K. Free Androgen Index as a Biomarker of Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Postmenopausal Women. 2018.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Diveris GK. Function supervisors for storage systems. 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST). 2018:1-4.
Verykios A, Papadakis M, Soultati A, Skoulikidou M-C, Papaioannou G, Gardelis S, Petsalakis ID, Theodorakopoulos G, Petropoulos V, Palilis LC, et al. Functionalized Zinc Porphyrins with Various Peripheral Groups for Interfacial Electron Injection Barrier Control in Organic Light Emitting Diodes. ACS Omega [Internet]. 2018;3:10008-10018. WebsiteAbstract
Here, we use a simple and effective method to accomplish energy level alignment and thus electron injection barrier control in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) with a conventional architecture based on a green emissive copolymer. In particular, a series of functionalized zinc porphyrin compounds bearing π-delocalized triazine electron withdrawing spacers for efficient intramolecular electron transfer and different terminal groups such as glycine moieties in their peripheral substitutes are employed as thin interlayers at the emissive layer/Al (cathode) interface to realize efficient electron injection/transport. The effects of spatial (i.e., assembly) configuration, molecular dipole moment and type of peripheral group termination on the optical properties and energy level tuning are investigated by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in F8BT/porphyrin films, by photovoltage measurements in OLED devices and by surface work function measurements in Al electrodes modified with the functionalized zinc porphyrins. The performance of OLEDs is significantly improved upon using the functionalized porphyrin interlayers with the recorded luminance of the devices to reach values 1 order of magnitude higher than that of the reference diode without any electron injection/transport interlayer. © 2018 American Chemical Society.
Chatziralli I, Dimitriou E, Kabanarou S, CHATZIRALLIS A, Xirou T, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P. Fundus autofluorescence changes in diabetic retinopathy. In: ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA. Vol. 96. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2018. pp. 21–21.
Evelpidou N, Gournellos T, Karkani A, Kardara E. Fuzzy modelling of slope erosion by runoff: case study Corinth basin, Greece. In: 19th Joint Geomorphological Meeting & 34th Romanian National Symposium on Geomorphology "From field mapping and landform analysis to multi-risk assessment: challenges, uncertainties and transdisciplinarity". Buzau (Romania); 2018.
Evelpidou N, Gournelos T, Kardara E, Karkani A. Fuzzy modelling of slope erosion by runoff. Case study in Corinth basin, Greece. In: Vol. 20. Revista de Geomorphologie; 2018. pp. 34-42.Abstract
This research applies the fuzzy set theory via Geographical Information Systems (GIS) - based analysis to investigate slope erosion by water. The main steps of thisprocedure are the definition of the input variables (rocks’ susceptibility to erosion, slope angle, slope morphology), the development of a fuzzy inference system based on theoretical and empirical knowledge, transforming the input to output variables(erosion – deposition) and the visualization of the output variables (spatial distribution of the erosion-deposition processes). The method was applied at the Corinth drainage basin, located in the north-eastern part of Peloponnese (Greece),where a series of catastrophic erosional events have recently occurred.
Collaboration G, Katz D, Antoja T, Romero-Gómez M, Drimmel R, Reylé C, Seabroke GM, Soubiran C, Babusiaux C, Di Matteo P, et al. Gaia Data Release 2. Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics. [Internet]. 2018;616:A11. WebsiteAbstract
Context. The second Gaia data release (Gaia DR2) contains high-precision positions, parallaxes, and proper motions for 1.3 billion sources as well as line-of-sight velocities for 7.2 million stars brighter than GRVS = 12 mag. Both samples provide a full sky coverage. Aims: To illustrate the potential of Gaia DR2, we provide a first look at the kinematics of the Milky Way disc, within a radius of several kiloparsecs around the Sun. Methods: We benefit for the first time from a sample of 6.4 million F-G-K stars with full 6D phase-space coordinates, precise parallaxes (σϖ/ϖ ≤ 20%), and precise Galactic cylindrical velocities (median uncertainties of 0.9-1.4 km s-1 and 20% of the stars with uncertainties smaller than 1 km s-1 on all three components). From this sample, we extracted a sub-sample of 3.2 million giant stars to map the velocity field of the Galactic disc from 5 kpc to 13 kpc from the Galactic centre and up to 2 kpc above and below the plane. We also study the distribution of 0.3 million solar neighbourhood stars (r < 200 pc), with median velocity uncertainties of 0.4 km s-1, in velocity space and use the full sample to examine how the over-densities evolve in more distant regions. Results: Gaia DR2 allows us to draw 3D maps of the Galactocentric median velocities and velocity dispersions with unprecedented accuracy, precision, and spatial resolution. The maps show the complexity and richness of the velocity field of the galactic disc. We observe streaming motions in all the components of the velocities as well as patterns in the velocity dispersions. For example, we confirm the previously reported negative and positive galactocentric radial velocity gradients in the inner and outer disc, respectively. Here, we see them as part of a non-axisymmetric kinematic oscillation, and we map its azimuthal and vertical behaviour. We also witness a new global arrangement of stars in the velocity plane of the solar neighbourhood and in distant regions in which stars are organised in thin substructures with the shape of circular arches that are oriented approximately along the horizontal direction in the U - V plane. Moreover, in distant regions, we see variations in the velocity substructures more clearly than ever before, in particular, variations in the velocity of the Hercules stream. Conclusions: Gaia DR2 provides the largest existing full 6D phase-space coordinates catalogue. It also vastly increases the number of available distances and transverse velocities with respect to Gaia DR1. Gaia DR2 offers a great wealth of information on the Milky Way and reveals clear non-axisymmetric kinematic signatures within the Galactic disc, for instance. It is now up to the astronomical community to explore its full potential.
Collaboration G, Babusiaux C, van Leeuwen F, Barstow MA, Jordi C, Vallenari A, Bossini D, Bressan A, Cantat-Gaudin T, van Leeuwen M, et al. Gaia Data Release 2. Observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams. [Internet]. 2018;616:A10. WebsiteAbstract
Context. Gaia Data Release 2 provides high-precision astrometry and three-band photometry for about 1.3 billion sources over the full sky. The precision, accuracy, and homogeneity of both astrometry and photometry are unprecedented. Aims: We highlight the power of the Gaia DR2 in studying many fine structures of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD). Gaia allows us to present many different HRDs, depending in particular on stellar population selections. We do not aim here for completeness in terms of types of stars or stellar evolutionary aspects. Instead, we have chosen several illustrative examples. Methods: We describe some of the selections that can be made in Gaia DR2 to highlight the main structures of the Gaia HRDs. We select both field and cluster (open and globular) stars, compare the observations with previous classifications and with stellar evolutionary tracks, and we present variations of the Gaia HRD with age, metallicity, and kinematics. Late stages of stellar evolution such as hot subdwarfs, post-AGB stars, planetary nebulae, and white dwarfs are also analysed, as well as low-mass brown dwarf objects. Results: The Gaia HRDs are unprecedented in both precision and coverage of the various Milky Way stellar populations and stellar evolutionary phases. Many fine structures of the HRDs are presented. The clear split of the white dwarf sequence into hydrogen and helium white dwarfs is presented for the first time in an HRD. The relation between kinematics and the HRD is nicely illustrated. Two different populations in a classical kinematic selection of the halo are unambiguously identified in the HRD. Membership and mean parameters for a selected list of open clusters are provided. They allow drawing very detailed cluster sequences, highlighting fine structures, and providing extremely precise empirical isochrones that will lead to more insight in stellar physics. Conclusions: Gaia DR2 demonstrates the potential of combining precise astrometry and photometry for large samples for studies in stellar evolution and stellar population and opens an entire new area for HRD-based studies. The full Table A.1 is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
Collaboration G, Spoto F, Tanga P, Mignard F, Berthier J, Carry B, Cellino A, Dell'Oro A, Hestroffer D, Muinonen K, et al. Gaia Data Release 2. Observations of solar system objects. [Internet]. 2018;616:A13. WebsiteAbstract
Context. The Gaia spacecraft of the European Space Agency (ESA) has been securing observations of solar system objects (SSOs) since the beginning of its operations. Data Release 2 (DR2) contains the observations of a selected sample of 14,099 SSOs. These asteroids have been already identified and have been numbered by the Minor Planet Center repository. Positions are provided for each Gaia observation at CCD level. As additional information, complementary to astrometry, the apparent brightness of SSOs in the unfiltered G band is also provided for selected observations. Aims: We explain the processing of SSO data, and describe the criteria we used to select the sample published in Gaia DR2. We then explore the data set to assess its quality. Methods: To exploit the main data product for the solar system in Gaia DR2, which is the epoch astrometry of asteroids, it is necessary to take into account the unusual properties of the uncertainty, as the position information is nearly one-dimensional. When this aspect is handled appropriately, an orbit fit can be obtained with post-fit residuals that are overall consistent with the a-priori error model that was used to define individual values of the astrometric uncertainty. The role of both random and systematic errors is described. The distribution of residuals allowed us to identify possible contaminants in the data set (such as stars). Photometry in the G band was compared to computed values from reference asteroid shapes and to the flux registered at the corresponding epochs by the red and blue photometers (RP and BP). Results: The overall astrometric performance is close to the expectations, with an optimal range of brightness G 12 - 17. In this range, the typical transit-level accuracy is well below 1 mas. For fainter asteroids, the growing photon noise deteriorates the performance. Asteroids brighter than G 12 are affected by a lower performance of the processing of their signals. The dramatic improvement brought by Gaia DR2 astrometry of SSOs is demonstrated by comparisons to the archive data and by preliminary tests on the detection of subtle non-gravitational effects.
Collaboration G, Brown AGA, Vallenari A, Prusti T, de Bruijne JHJ, Babusiaux C, Bailer-Jones CAL, Biermann M, Evans DW, Eyer L, et al. Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties. [Internet]. 2018;616:A1. WebsiteAbstract
Context. We present the second Gaia data release, Gaia DR2, consisting of astrometry, photometry, radial velocities, and information on astrophysical parameters and variability, for sources brighter than magnitude 21. In addition epoch astrometry and photometry are provided for a modest sample of minor planets in the solar system. Aims: A summary of the contents of Gaia DR2 is presented, accompanied by a discussion on the differences with respect to Gaia DR1 and an overview of the main limitations which are still present in the survey. Recommendations are made on the responsible use of Gaia DR2 results. Methods: The raw data collected with the Gaia instruments during the first 22 months of the mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) and turned into this second data release, which represents a major advance with respect to Gaia DR1 in terms of completeness, performance, and richness of the data products. Results: Gaia DR2 contains celestial positions and the apparent brightness in G for approximately 1.7 billion sources. For 1.3 billion of those sources, parallaxes and proper motions are in addition available. The sample of sources for which variability information is provided is expanded to 0.5 million stars. This data release contains four new elements: broad-band colour information in the form of the apparent brightness in the GBP (330-680 nm) and GRP (630-1050 nm) bands is available for 1.4 billion sources; median radial velocities for some 7 million sources are presented; for between 77 and 161 million sources estimates are provided of the stellar effective temperature, extinction, reddening, and radius and luminosity; and for a pre-selected list of 14 000 minor planets in the solar system epoch astrometry and photometry are presented. Finally, Gaia DR2 also represents a new materialisation of the celestial reference frame in the optical, the Gaia-CRF2, which is the first optical reference frame based solely on extragalactic sources. There are notable changes in the photometric system and the catalogue source list with respect to Gaia DR1, and we stress the need to consider the two data releases as independent. Conclusions: Gaia DR2 represents a major achievement for the Gaia mission, delivering on the long standing promise to provide parallaxes and proper motions for over 1 billion stars, and representing a first step in the availability of complementary radial velocity and source astrophysical information for a sample of stars in the Gaia survey which covers a very substantial fraction of the volume of our galaxy.
Collaboration G, Mignard F, Klioner SA, Lindegren L, Hernández J, Bastian U, Bombrun A, Hobbs D, Lammers U, Michalik D, et al. Gaia Data Release 2. The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF2). [Internet]. 2018;616:A14. WebsiteAbstract
Context. The second release of Gaia data (Gaia DR2) contains the astrometric parameters for more than half a million quasars. This set defines a kinematically non-rotating reference frame in the optical domain. A subset of these quasars have accurate VLBI positions that allow the axes of the reference frame to be aligned with the International Celestial Reference System (ICRF) radio frame. Aims: We describe the astrometric and photometric properties of the quasars that were selected to represent the celestial reference frame of Gaia DR2 (Gaia-CRF2), and to compare the optical and radio positions for sources with accurate VLBI positions. Methods: Descriptive statistics are used to characterise the overall properties of the quasar sample. Residual rotation and orientation errors and large-scale systematics are quantified by means of expansions in vector spherical harmonics. Positional differences are calculated relative to a prototype version of the forthcoming ICRF3. Results: Gaia-CRF2 consists of the positions of a sample of 556 869 sources in Gaia DR2, obtained from a positional cross-match with the ICRF3-prototype and AllWISE AGN catalogues. The sample constitutes a clean, dense, and homogeneous set of extragalactic point sources in the magnitude range G ≃ 16 to 21 mag with accurately known optical positions. The median positional uncertainty is 0.12 mas for G < 18 mag and 0.5 mas at G = mag. Large-scale systematics are estimated to be in the range 20 to 30 μas. The accuracy claims are supported by the parallaxes and proper motions of the quasars in Gaia DR2. The optical positions for a subset of 2820 sources in common with the ICRF3-prototype show very good overall agreement with the radio positions, but several tens of sources have significantly discrepant positions. Conclusions: Based on less than 40% of the data expected from the nominal Gaia mission, Gaia-CRF2 is the first realisation of a non-rotating global optical reference frame that meets the ICRS prescriptions, meaning that it is built only on extragalactic sources. Its accuracy matches the current radio frame of the ICRF, but the density of sources in all parts of the sky is much higher, except along the Galactic equator.
Karadimitrakis A, Moustakas AL, Couillet R. Gallager Bound for MIMO Channels: Large-N Asymptotics. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications [Internet]. 2018;17(2):1323-1330. arXiV
Kotsopoulos D, Bardaki C, Thanasis PG, Lounis S, Pramatari K. Gamification at Work: Employee Motivations to Participate and Preference for Energy Conservation. 2018.
Porfyrakis P, Tsitsas NL, Frantzeskakis DJ. Gap Solitons in Double-Lorentz Nonlinear Metamaterials. In: 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, METAMATERIALS 2018. ; 2018. pp. 398-400. Website
Savage JE, Jansen PR, Stringer S, Watanabe K, Bryois J, de Leeuw CA, Nagel M, Awasthi S, Barr PB, Coleman JRI, et al. Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence. Nature Genetics. 2018:1.
Mavroulis S, Andreadakis E, Antoniou V, Skourtsos E, Lekkas E. Geodynamic phenomena and ESI 2007 intensities of the 2017 June 12, Mw 6.3 Lesvos (North Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018:9254.
Schneider DA, Grasemann B, Lion A, Soukis K, Draganits E. {Geodynamic significance of the Santorini Detachment System (Cyclades, Greece)}. Terra Nova. 2018;30:414–422.
Kassimati-Tsirikou N, Karampelas N, Pomonis P. Geological and mineralogical study of Tragana ophiolitic rocks, Fthiotis, Greece. 3rd European Mantle Workshop (EMAW 2018). 2018:265.
Evelpidou N, Kampolis I, Karkani A. Geomorphic features associated with erosion. In: Natural Hazards, Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Landslides. CRC Press-Taylor & Francis; 2018.
Evelpidou N, Tzalas C, Zerefos C, Repapis C. Geomorphological and Archaeological Features of Alexandria Depicting Subsidence of the Coastal Zone. Enalia. 2018;14.Abstract
The littoral region of Alexandria, east of Silsileh (the eastern promontory of the Eastern Harbor) to Montazah promontory was investigated combining archaeological and geomorphological evidence in order to better understand the subsidence of the coastal zone. The coastal zone is rich in archaeological and geomorphological features able to provide insights into the evolution of the coastline and the relative sea level changes. Our study has revealed a continuous subsidence of the coastal zone, owed to various contributing processes, while further research is required to decipher the coastal evolution of this littoral.
Stamatopoulos L, Alevizos G, Evelpidou N. Geomorphological Evolution and Fluvial System Development during the Holocene: The Case of Vouraikos River Evolution in Kalavrita Plain, Northern Peloponnese, Greece. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection. 2018;6(17-35).Abstract
Fluvial geomorphology is affected by physical conditions which allow its adaptation due to high dynamics and environmental influences. Fluvial morphological changes are manifested as a result of tendency of the river system to maintain its physical balance. Our study area is the upper and middle flow part of Vouraikos river and surrounding area, near the NW border of Chelmos mountain in Northern Peloponnese, near the town of Kalavrita, at an altitude of 800 m. The area is part of the Skepasto basin, constituting of a graben with a general E-W direction that was developed NW of Kalavrita. The area comprises of Mesozoic, Upper Triassic-Jurassic limestone and dolomite of the Tripolitsa unit External Hellenides and Plio-Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine sequences, while its tectonic structure is characterized mainly by normal faults. The geomorphological landscape is characterized by alluvial deposits and important geomorphological features including fluvial terraces, alluvial fans, fluvial scarps and their main rill washes. This area has been a place of major human activity as shown by the findings of many uncovered artifacts and a settlement. Through a paleographic reconstruction, detailed field investigations, in combination with the compilation of geomorphological maps using GIS software and archaeological evidence found in the area, we attempted to reconstruct the fluvial evolution of Vouraikos river and identify the major geomorphological factors that led to, and influenced it. Finally, the link between cultural activities and sedimentary processes is also studied. The recorded environmental variations had a great impact on the geomorphological shaping and instability of Kalavrita plain and Vouraikos river and are being reflected on the buried settlement. Sediment fluxes were high enough to form strath terraces, while local tectonics aided in the strath and fill terrace creation. Smaller and younger strath terraces, formed during increased sediment supply periods, when the valley was at a higher level.
Evelpidou N. Geomorphology and Sea-Level. In: Finkl C, Makowski C Encyclopedia of Coastal Science. Springer; 2018.
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Spry PG, Scheffer C, Tarantola A, Vanderhaeghe O, Galanos E, Melfos V, et al. {The gersdorffite-bismuthinite-native gold association and the Skarn-Porphyry mineralization in the Kamariza Mining district, Lavrion, Greece}. Minerals. 2018;8.Abstract
Vein-type Pb-Ni-Bi-Au-Ag mineralization at the Clemence deposit in the Kamariza and “km3” in the Lavrion area, was synchronous with the intrusion of a Miocene granodiorite body and related felsic and mafic dikes and sills within marbles and schists in the footwall of (and within) the Western Cycladic detachment system. In the Serpieri deposit (Kamariza area), a porphyry-style pyrrhotite-arsenopyrite mineralized microgranitic dike is genetically related to a garnet-wollastonite bearing skarn characterized by a similar base metal and Ni (up to 219 ppm) enrichment. The Ni–Bi–Au association in the Clemence deposit consists of initial deposition of pyrite and arsenopyrite followed by an intergrowth of native gold-bismuthinite and oscillatory zoned gersdorffite. The zoning is related to variable As, Ni, and Fe contents, indicating fluctuations of arsenic and sulfur fugacity in the hydrothermal fluid. A late evolution towards higher sulfur fugacity in the mineralization is evident by the deposition of chalcopyrite, tennantite, enargite, and galena rimming gersdorffite. At the “km3” locality, Ni sulfides and sulfarsenides, vaesite, millerite, ullmannite, and polydymite, are enclosed in gersdorffite and/or galena. The gersdorffite is homogenous and contains less Fe (up to 2 wt.%) than that from the Clemence deposit (up to 9 wt.%). Bulk ore analyses of the Clemence ore reveal Au and Ag grades both exceeding 100 g/t, Pb and Zn > 1 wt.%, Ni up to 9700 ppm, Co up to 118 ppm, Sn > 100 ppm, and Bi > 2000 ppm. The “km3” mineralization is enriched in Mo (up to 36 ppm), Ni (>1 wt.%), and Co (up to 1290 ppm). Our data further support a magmatic contribution to the ore-forming fluids, although remobilization and leaching of metals from previous mineralization and/or host rocks, through the late involvement of non-magmatic fluid in the ore system, cannot be excluded.
Kalozoumi G, Kel-Margoulis O, Vafiadaki E, Greenberg D, Bernard H, Soreq H, Depaulis A, Sanoudou D. Glial responses during epileptogenesis in Mus musculus point to potential therapeutic targets. PLoS OnePLoS OnePLoS One. 2018;13:e0201742.Abstract
The Mesio-Temporal Lobe Epilepsy syndrome is the most common form of intractable epilepsy. It is characterized by recurrence of focal seizures and is often associated with hippocampal sclerosis and drug resistance. We aimed to characterize the molecular changes occurring during the initial stages of epileptogenesis in search of new therapeutic targets for Mesio-Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. We used a mouse model obtained by intra-hippocampal microinjection of kainate and performed hippocampal whole genome expression analysis at 6h, 12h and 24h post-injection, followed by multilevel bioinformatics analysis. We report significant changes in immune and inflammatory responses, neuronal network reorganization processes and glial functions, predominantly initiated during status epilepticus at 12h and persistent after the end of status epilepticus at 24h post-kainate. Upstream regulator analysis highlighted Cyba, Cybb and Vim as central regulators of multiple overexpressed genes implicated in glial responses at 24h. In silico microRNA analysis indicated that miR-9, miR-19b, miR-129, and miR-223 may regulate the expression of glial-associated genes at 24h. Our data support the hypothesis that glial-mediated inflammatory response holds a key role during epileptogenesis, and that microglial cells may participate in the initial process of epileptogenesis through increased ROS production via the NOX complex.
Kenourgios D, Dimitriou D, Samitas A. Global Crises and Contagion: Does the Capitalization Size Matter?. Applied Economics Quarterly [Internet]. 2018;64(1):39-57. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This paper investigates the spread of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis (ESDC) to different market capitalization segments across countries and regions. Specifically, it tests for capitalization-specific contagion across both crises and their phases by examining large, medium and small capitalization indices of G-20 equity markets. The analysis across stable and the two crisis periods shows the existence of a stronger largecap transmission channel for the majority of countries. On the other hand, the contagion dynamics across the phases of the two crises do not provide a clear pattern of a specific cap size-based contagion across all markets. However, there is evidence that the Pacific region and the three cap groups of some individual markets of different regions are less severely affected. Further, all three cap groups of developed markets are mostly affected during the last phase of the ESDC, while emerging and frontier markets show a more diverse pattern of contagion across the phases of both crises. Finally, the Lehman Brothers’ collapse triggers a dramatic increase of the infection rate, while the ESDC seems to be more contagious than the GFC.
