Publications by Type: Conference Paper

Working Paper
Κουμαριανός Θεόδωρος Ι.

«Rules in Structuring Sacramental Rites in Byzantine Liturgical Tradition. Where There Any? - Studying the Evidence».

In: Γ´ Διεθνές Συνέδριο τής Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL), Βόλος, Μάιος 2010. ; Working Paper.
In Press
Xylouris G, Trakadas P, Nomikos N, Giannopoulos A, Nikolakakis V, Patsourakis G, Gkonis P, Mandilaris C.
A Distributed Trustable AI Engine for Anomaly Detection in 6GNetworks: Architecture, Use Cases and Performance Evaluation
. In: 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). Athens, Greece: IEEE; In Press.
Granelli F, Qaisi M, Kapsalis P, Gkonis P, Nomikos N, Zacarias I, Jukan A, Trakadas P.
AI/ML-Assisted Threat Detection andMitigation in 6G Networks with Digital Twins: The HORSE Approach
. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA). Athens, Greece: Springer; In Press.
Granelli F, Qaisi M, Kapsalis P, Gkonis P, Nomikos N, Zacarias I, Jukan A, Trakadas P.
AI/ML-Assisted Threat Detection andMitigation in 6G Networks with Digital Twins: The HORSE Approach
. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA). Athens, Greece: Springer; In Press.
Al Kasir H, Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Trakadas P, Xylouris G, Kourtis MA, Peteromichelakis E, Samdanis K, Kuklinski S, Chen T, et al.
Automated End-to-End AI/ML Lifecycles for Radio Management in 6G Networks
. In: 2024 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FMWF). Dubai, UAE: IEEE; In Press.
Giannopoulos A, Paralikas I, Spantideas S, Trakadas P.
COOLER: Cooperative Computation Offloading inEdge-Cloud Continuum under Latency Constraintsvia Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, Networking and Services (ICCNS). Dubrovnik, Croatia: IEEE; In Press.
Giannopoulos A, Paralikas I, Spantideas S, Nomikos N, Trakadas P.
PDPPnet:Prioritized Delay-aware and Peer-to-Peer Task Offloading in Cloud-Edge Continuum with DDDQN
. In: 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). Athens, Greece: IEEE; In Press.
Amidi A, Nomikos N, Trakadas P.
The use of “Ethics by Design” approach as amethod to mitigate the challenges posed by automated decision-making systems in justice
. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA). Athens, Greece: Springer; In Press.
Plikas JH, Trakadas P, Kenourgios D.
Utilizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Machine Learning (ML) in Predicting Shipping Loan Defaults
. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA). Athens, Greece: Springer; In Press.
Giannopoulos A, L. S-CA, Masip-Bruin X, D'Andria F, Trakadas P. Placing Computational Tasks within Edge-Cloud Continuum: a DRL Delay Minimization Scheme. In: 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2024). Madrid, Spain: Springer; In Press.
Smailis D, Andreopoulou A, Georgaki A. Reflecting on the Musicality of Machine Learning based Music Generators in Real-Time Jazz Improvisation: A case study of OMax-ImproteK-Djazz. In: 2nd Conference on AI Music Creativity (AIMC 2021). Online Conference; Submitted.
Andreopoulou A, Goudarzi V. SONIFICATION FIRST: THE ROLE OF ICAD IN THE ADVANCEMENT OF SONIFICATION-RELATED RESEARCH. In: 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2021). Virtual Conference; Submitted.
Δεναξάς Νικόλαος Α. Θρησκείες και metaverse: κρίσεις και σχόλια γύρω από τις "μεταθρησκείες" στο πλαίσιο του "καπιταλισμού της επιτήρησης". In: 8ο τακτικό συνέδριο ΕΚΕ. Αθήνα: Gutenberg; Submitted.
Lianos-Liantis E. Εθνική Ιδιοπροσωπεία και Μαρτύριο στην Κολλυβαδική Γραμματεία. In: Το Μαρτύριο του Αίματος: Πνευματική Κορύφωση του Αγώνα του Γένους. Λάρισα: Ιερά Μητρόπολις Λαρίσης και Τυρνάβου; Forthcoming.
Mavroulis S, Mavroulis M, Vassilakis E, Argyropoulos I, Carydis P, Lekkas E. Debris Management in the Area Affected by the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Türkiye) Earthquakes: Highlighting Correct and Incorrect Responses for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction. In: 76th Geological Congress of Türkiye, "Disaster Resilient Cities". Ankara, Türkiye; 2024.Abstract
The largest part of earthquake debris is generated by the collapse during the strong ground motion and the urgent demolition of severely damaged structures during the emergency response and recovery. One of the first and most significant actions during the response and recovery phases is the management of the disaster debris. It constitutes one of the most important challenges for all involved in disaster management, as it poses significant hazards to both the environment and the public health in the affected area. The hazards are attributed to the occurrence of hazardous materials in collapse and demolition debris.Many such challenges and related hazards emerged in the southeastern Türkiye in early February 2023, when two major earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 struck a densely built-up area comprising 11 provinces with many large urban centers such as large cities and towns and extensive rural areas with countless villages.The synergy of the strong ground motion combined with the generation of extensive primary effects, such as coseismic surface ruptures, and the triggering of secondary effects, including liquefaction and landslides among others, resulted in tens of thousands of totally and partially collapsed buildings and large parts of residential areas being flattened. This fact led to a volume of debris considered as the largest since the 1994 Northridge earthquake, an earthquake debris volume difficult to manage even in organized countries.During post-event field surveys conducted by the authors in the affected area, several disposal sites set up in the most affected provinces were detected and checked for suitability. The field surveys comprised the deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the disaster field and the use of satellite imagery back in the laboratory for assessing properties of sites and their surrounding areas as well as for monitoring implemented debris management activities. It is concluded that all sites had characteristics that did not allow them to be classified as safe sites for earthquake debris treatment and disposal. This is mainly attributed to their proximity to areas, where thousands of people live and work on a daily basis. As regards the environmental impact, these sites were operating within or close to surface water bodies. This situation reveals a rush for rapid debris removal and recovery resulting in serious omissions in the preparation of disaster management plans and concessions in their implementation. In this context, effective debris management measures are also proposed: (i) sorting of hazardous materials, (ii) appropriate treatment for chemicals and heavy metals, (iii) 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle) activities, (iv) systematic monitoring of environmental parameters and hazardous substances, (v) storage in sites with safe operation standards, (vi) strict application of international best practices and procedures for limiting asbestos adverse effects on public health.
Christopoulos M, Spantideas S, Giannopoulos A, Trakadas P. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Home Temperature Comfort in IoT-Edge Computing Systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum. ; 2024. pp. 1–7.
A.Triantafyllaki, Makrinou P. Developing a learning partnership in the teaching practicum: Three viewpoints from the field. In: 31st EAS Conference (European Association for Music in Schools). Dublin, Ireland; 2024.
Darzanos G, Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD. Efficient and Budget-Balanced Decentralized Management of Federated Cloud and Edge Providers. In: IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID 2024). Philadelphia, USA: IEEE/ACM; 2024.Abstract
Federations of Infrastructure Service Providers (InfSPs) has emerged as a practice to successfully serve demanding applications in cloud- and edge-computing environments, by overcoming the limitations of each such provider (in terms of available resources, geographic coverage etc.). In this paper, we develop innovative effective mechanisms and policies for the decentralized management of InfSP federations, considering the needs both for resource allocation meeting service composition requirements and for performing a fair and efficient distribution of profits. Resource allocation is performed by means of a greedy algorithm that includes an opportunistic and an adjustment phase. For determining the payments of participating InfSPs, we introduce an innovative sealed-bid reverse auction that combines VCG and first-price auction mechanisms; these are coupled with a sophisticated federation wallet management mechanism serving as a sink for the federation revenues. This hybrid mechanism possesses several nice properties including efficiency, long-term budget balance, truthfulness and individual rationality. Moreover, we present how our solution can be implemented in a decentralized, privacy-preserving and trustworthy manner over a blockchain, achieving bid privacy, non-repudiation and public verifiability. Our approach is evaluated by means of extensive experiments, the results of which reveal that resource allocation is either optimal or very close thereto, while individual InfSP profits as well as total federation profits are maximized. Moreover, the results confirm that the VCG mechanism alone cannot guarantee budget balance, thus justifying the necessity for our hybrid sophisticated solution.
Aigner W, Bons V, Triantafyllaki A. Ensuring quality for mentoring in internships abroad in the music classroom. In: 31st EAS Conference . Dublin, Ireland; 2024.
Fragkoulis DG, Koumboulis FN, Tzamtzi MP, Giannaris GL. Event-Based Supervisor Control for a Bascule Bridge. In: 9th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA24), Greece. ; 2024.
Kouvakas ND, Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Trikas S. An Event-Driven Supervisory Control Design for a Robotic Cell in a Palletizing Process. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2024), Greece. ; 2024.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Kouvakas ND, Tzamtzi MP, Mastrogalias P. A Fault Diagnosis based Safety Supervisor Control for an Automated Guided Vehicle with Faulty modes. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2024), Greece. ; 2024.
Mavroulis S, Vassilakis E, Argyropoulos I, Carydis P, Lekkas E. Geological Effects and Constructional Factors Defining Structural Building Damage by the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes in the Southeastern Türkiye. In: 76th Geological Congress of Türkiye, "Disaster Resilient Cities". Ankara, Türkiye; 2024.Abstract
On 6 February 2023, East Anatolia was devastated by two major earthquakes resulting in hundreds of thousands of collapses and tens of thousands of human casualties, and injured and homeless people. These high numbers are attributed to the extensive heavy and very heavy structural damage corresponding to damage grades 4 and 5 in terms of the European Macroseismic Scale EMS-98 that were caused in the earthquake-affected area.The obvious reasons that contributed to the disaster comprised the large magnitude of the earthquakes, the generation of the first earthquake during the night that found the majority of the population in their homes, the demographic characteristics of the region that include densely built-up and populated areas as well as the proximity of many residential areas to the ruptured faults. Furthermore, the synergy of significant factors, which are strongly related to the seismotectonic setting of the area, the earthquake environmental effects (EEEs) and the characteristics of the affected structures resulted in one of the largest earthquake disasters in the modern history of the country.The aim of this study is to highlight the factors related to building properties and the generation of EEEs that control the grade and the spatial distribution of building damage in the studied earthquake-affected areas of southeastern Turkey. The results of this study are based on field surveys conducted by the authors shortly after the earthquakes (7 to 11 February) and after almost 2 months (31 March to 6 April). The field survey comprising conventional methods of geological mapping and modern and innovative methodologies such as deployment of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).In regards to the building construction properties, the loose enforcement of the building code, the random urban planning solutions and the poor construction standards are the main construction deficiencies that led to one of the largest disasters in Turkey’s recent history.Regarding geological factors, the triggering of primary and secondary EEEs largely shaped the grade and distribution of damage. Where coseismic surface ruptures intersected with the built environment, heavy to very heavy structural damage was observed. This was evident in many cases along the ruptured segments of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. Liquefaction observed close to waterbodies caused damage typical of building foundation load-bearing capacity loss. The earthquake-triggered landslides affected mainly mountainous and semi-mountainous settlements characterized with pre-earthquake high related susceptibility. The high susceptibility to generation of EEEs was extensively confirmed in many cases resulting in extensive damage.
Diakakis, Μ., Gogou, A., Filis, C., Mavroulis, S., Sarantopoulou, A., Kapris, I., Vassilakis, Emm., Katsetsiadou, K.-N., Kotsi, E., Spyrou, Ν., et al. Impacts of extreme storm and flood events on coastal areas: Data from recent disasters in the Eastern Mediterranean region. In: 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks. Chania, Greece: EGU; 2024.
The projected increase in frequency of flood extremes, attributed to climate change, poses a significant threat to coastal regions throughout the Mediterranean. Consequences encompass extensive geomorphological changes, infrastructural degradation, property damage, pollution of the aquatic environment, and other adverse socio-economic impacts, also threating the blue economy—a vital economic driver of the region. Acknowledging the pivotal role of coastal areas as critical nodes for both economic activities and ecologically valuable natural landscapes, it becomes imperative to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms and extents to which extreme flood events can impact these vulnerable coastal zones. This work focuses on exploring the impacts on the coastline of recent extreme storm events in the Eastern Mediterranean. The study aims to explore and classify the typology of effects, the severity of impacts and examine their spatial distribution as means to contribute to an improved understanding of extreme storm and flooding consequences in the region.
Paralikas I, Spantideas S, Giannopoulos A, Trakadas P. Lightweight Inference by Neural Network Pruning: Accuracy, Time and Comparison. In: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer Nature Switzerland Cham; 2024. pp. 248–257.
Drosou TC, Kouvakas ND, Koumboulis FN, Tzamtzi MP. Metaheuristic Tunning of a Common Dual-Stage Controller towards Common I/O Decoupling and Common Model Following for a Differential Drive Mobile Robot carrying various Loads. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2024), Greece. ; 2024.
Kaltenbrunner D, Maitra C, Haberl F, Vasilopoulos G. The population of high-mass X-ray binaries in the LMC detected during the first eROSITA all-sky survey. In: ; 2024. pp. 1637. WebsiteAbstract
The Magellanic Clouds are our closest star-forming galaxies with low Galactic foreground absorption. This makes them a unique laboratory to study the population of high-energy sources. The SMC hosts a large population of Be/X-ray binaries associated with high star formation activity 25-40 Myr ago. It has been proposed that the HMXB population in the LMC is associated with more recent star formation. However, due to the large angular extent and resulting insufficient coverage of the LMC, this association with SFR is not well established yet. An essential asset for studying the HMXB population in the entire LMC was the launch of eROSITA. eROSITA scans the sky in great circles crossing at the ecliptic poles. Due to the vicinity of the south-ecliptic pole, sources in the LMC are monitored for up to several weeks during each all-sky survey, leading to a deep total exposure and the possibility of studying long-term temporal behaviour. This allowed us to discover several new HMXBs, verify candidate HMXBs and construct a complete, flux-limited catalogue. During my presentation, I will first focus on HMXB population properties in the LMC. Then I will discuss individual systems we discovered with eROSITA, such as a Be-WD and an SFXT candidate.
Maitra C, Haberl F, Kaltenbrunner D, Vasilopoulos G. The population of X-ray binaries in the Magellanic system detected during the eROSITA all-sky survey. In: Vol. 21. ; 2024. pp. 301.04. WebsiteAbstract
The Magellanic Clouds are our closest star-forming galaxies with low Galactic foreground absorption and well determined distances. In addition, a low metallicity environment makes them a unique laboratory to study the population of high-energy sources. The SMC hosts a large population of Be/X-ray binaries associated with high star formation activity 25-40 Myr ago. The HMXB population in the LMC is associated with a star formation period at an earlier epoch and a lower HMXB formation efficiency. The Magellanic Bridge is thought to be a product of the tidal interaction between the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC). It contains both gas and stellar components, with young stellar components (therefore HMXBs) which is thought to have formed in situ, as well as an older population of stars (e.g. LMXBs) mostly stripped from the SMC by the LMC. The recent eROSITA all-sky survey marks the first comprehensive X-ray coverage of the entire Magellanic system, offering a broad band X-ray coverage in 0.2-10 keV. Proximity to the south-ecliptic pole facilitates extended monitoring of LMC sources during each survey, enabling a deep total exposure and the exploration of long-term temporal behavior. This presentation will unveil the findings from our study of the X-ray binary population across the entire Magellanic system through the SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey. Additionally, we will showcase unique discoveries, including an X-ray burster in the Magellanic Bridge and an ultra-compact binary system in the direction of the LMC.
Diakakis, Μ., Sarantopoulou, A., Filis, C., Mavroulis, S., Gogou, A., Kapris, I., Vassilakis, Emm., Konsolaki, A., Lekkas E. Ripple effects: analyzing Cascade effects triggered by extreme storms and floods in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks. Chania, Greece: EGU; 2024.
The projected increase in the frequency of extreme flood events in the Eastern Mediterranean region signifies profound societal impacts of various types beyond the actual inundated areas and across different sectors. However, the extent and complexity of the various cascade effects remain inadequately understood. This work focuses on collecting new evidence on the types and extent of these cascade effects drawing on recent and historical flood disasters in the region, in an effort to improve our understanding of the nature, the extent, the propagation mechanisms and the consequences of these far-rearching repercussions, Additionally, the study examines the interplay between various impacts to provide insights useful for enhancing preparedness and response strategies to mitigate the associated risks.
Anastasakis Z, Mallis D, Diomataris M, Alexandridis G, Kollias S, Pitsikalis V. Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Relationship Detection Through Masked Bounding Box Reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). ; 2024. pp. 1206-1215.
Fragkoulis DG, Koumboulis FN, Kouvakas ND, Tzamtzi MP, Ioannou KA. A Supervisory Control Scheme towards Exchanging Formations of a parametric number of Mobile Robots. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA 2024), Greece. ; 2024.
Papaioannou TG, Mantzonis D, Ritas V. Towards a Blockchain-Enabled Trustworthy Market Framework. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). ; 2024. pp. 656-662.Abstract
Transacting entities online may still become victims of fraud, cyber-threats, low quality or performance, privacy loss, unfair pricing, biases in matching offers to requests, among others. Blockchain and other decentralized technologies may provide remedy towards trustworthy online transactions. This paper proposes a blockchain-based market framework that enables trustworthy transactions. We first define the functionalities that such a market framework should combine, namely mechanisms for service discovery, decentralized reputation, price determination, self-sovereign identities and verifiable credentials, fair exchanges, anonymity, asset digitization, cryptocurrencies, invoicing, and more. Then, we describe blockchain-based solutions for addressing each one of these functionalities. Finally, we exemplify the operation of the market in three real-world use cases.
Katsos IC. On the Trinity: An Ecumenical Conversation. In: Trinitarian Ontology? An Ecumenical Issue on the occasion of Thomas J. White’s The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God. Vol. 22. 2nd ed. Nova et Vetera; 2024. pp. 183-198.Abstract
Introduction is paper explores the potential impact of Fr. omas Joseph White’s impressive new book on the Trinity for the ecumenical dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches. 1 In doing so, the paper responds to the editors’ kind request for an explicitly ecumenical approach to the book. erefore, this paper concentrates on the issue of the Trinity from an ecumenical perspective. But this is not a simple task. Before reading the book, the reader might have thought that Eastern and Western theologians had somehow reached a gentlemen’s agreement that the insertion of the Filioque clause in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed had happened sometime somewhere in the Wild West (namely, at the local Council of Toledo in 589). Building on an honest misunderstanding, the Latin Church gradually added to the initial statement of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, according to which the …
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Γυναικείες Μαρτυρίες: "Η Χορευτική Μανία" των Ποντίων της Σινώπης το 1870. In: Εισήγηση στην Ημερίδα της Ένωσης Ποντίων Νίκαιας - Κορυδαλλού με θέμα: «Σέρρα-Πυρρίχιος: Όψεις, χρήσεις και καταχρήσεις». Αίθουσα της Ένωσης Ποντίων, Νίκαια. Νίκαια: Ένωση Ποντίων Νίκαιας - Κορυδαλλού ; 2024. Publisher's VersionAbstract
CITE AS: Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2024). Γυναικείες Μαρτυρίες: "Η Χορευτική Μανία" των Ποντίων της Σινώπης το 1870. Εισήγηση στην Ημερίδα της Ένωσης Ποντίων Νίκαιας - Κορυδαλλού με θέμα: «Σέρρα-Πυρρίχιος: Όψεις, χρήσεις και καταχρήσεις», 2024/3/30 Νίκαια. Ημερίδα υπό την αιγίδα της Παμποντιακής Ομοσπονδίας Ελλάδος, του Θεάτρου Ελληνικών χορών «Δόρα Στράτου» και του Τμήματος Αθηνών του Παγκοσμίου Συμβουλίου χορού CID UNESCO.****Βλέπε Ημερίδα στο YouTube: 
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Παυλή-Κορρέ Μαρία, Τσιμπουκλή Άννα, Μπαμπάλης Θωμάς, Λευθεριώτου Πιέρα, Γιαντσελίδου Αγγελική. Κοινωνική Ένταξη και Κοινωνικά Ευπαθείς Ομάδες. In: 1ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Διά βίου μάθηση, χώρος εργασίας και ανάπτυξη κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων. ; 2024.Abstract
The present study focuses on specific socially vulnerable groups that face more risks for social and educational exclusion and stigma. These groups include Roma, people with mental health issues, prisoners and people who abuse drugs. The obstacles and motivation to participate in Lifelong Learning Programmes are discussed in addition with the availability of human and other resources, the state and media position on fighting stigma, the training of trainers and capacity building.
Soukis K, Lozios S, Vassilakis E, Antoniou V, Laskari S. Active extensional tectonics along the Mirabello Gulf – Ierapetra Basin depression (Eastern Crete, Greece). In: EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria; 2023. pp. EGU23-12210.
The present-day geotectonic regime of Crete Island is mainly controlled by the processes occurring along the seismically active Hellenic subduction zone, e.g., the fast convergence between Africa - Eurasian plates (at a rate of 36 mm/yr) and the simultaneous SSW-ward retreat of the subducting slab. The result is a large south-facing orogenic wedge extending from the southern coast of Crete up to the Hellenic subduction trench to the South. Contractional structures (thrusts, folds, and duplexes) have formed in the deeper parts of the wedge and caused the thickening of the crust. This has led to substantial regional uplift and extension of the upper part of the wedge. Hence, two significant arc-parallel and arc-normal sets of active normal faults crosscut the Cretan mainland, affecting the entire alpine nappe pile. These faults have created a characteristic basin and range topography expressed through impressive E-ESE and N-NNE horst and graben structures bounded by fault zones with segments ranging from 5 to more than 20 km. Detailed fault mapping of the Mirabello Gulf – Ierapetra Basin depression revealed a dominant NNE-SSW fault system, occupying the central and northern part, and a subordinate E-W to ESE-WNW system, observed mainly along the southern coastal zone. In the ESE margin, the deformation is localized mainly along the 30 km long NNE-SSW Kavousi – Ieraptera fault zone. On the other hand, in the WNW margin, the deformation is distributed in a larger population of relatively minor faults, organizing in more complex second-order horst and graben structures. In the southern part of the Ierapetra Basin, the E-W to ESE-WSW faults are significantly less and concern 2-3 specific zones. Specific morphological structures such as the remarkable range high, the deep V-shaped gorges, the large scree thickness, and the prominent post-glacial fault scarps produced along the basin margins indicate the intensive activity of these faults during the Quaternary. The NNE-SSW fault system seems to be younger and more active, given that i) intersects the E-W or ESE-WNW faults of the southern part, ii) produces significant fault scarps and polished fault surfaces in the cemented scree along the fault zone, and iii) kinematically is compatible with the recent and present-day focal mechanisms (e.g., the 2021 Arkalochori earthquakes). In conclusion, the Ierapetra Basin has formed and developed through an overall E-W extension parallel to the present-day geometry of the arc.
Vali E, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. Adversarial Attacks & Detection on a Deep Learning-Based Digital Pathology Model. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW). ; 2023. pp. 1-5.Abstract
Medical imaging modalities, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have enabled efficient diagnosis of various conditions, including cancer, lung disease, and brain tumors. With the advancements in machine learning, AI-based medical image segmentation and classification systems have emerged, potentially replacing human diagnosis. However, the security and robustness of these systems are crucial, as they are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, as demonstrated in previous studies. In this respect, the current work explores the one-pixel attack’s impact on the reliable VGG16 model, the effectiveness of combining the one-pixel attack with the FGSM attack, the potential of using the squeezing color bits detector to counter the one-pixel attack, and the possibility of using a combination of the squeezing color bits and PCA whitening detectors to protect against the aforementioned attacks.
Papagiannis T, Ioannou G, Michalakis K, Alexandridis G, Caridakis G. Analyzing User Reviews in the Tourism {&} Cultural Domain - The Case of the City of Athens, Greece. In: Maglogiannis I, Iliadis L, Papaleonidas A, Chochliouros I Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2023 IFIP WG 12.5 International Workshops. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023. pp. 284–293.Abstract
Tourism is an important economic activity for many countries and the ability of understanding visitor needs as they evolve over time is a priority for all involved stakeholders. The analysis of textual reviews written by travelers on various online platforms may be a valuable tool in this direction. In this work, we showcase the potential of this idea by examining 8 well-known attractions in the City of Athens, Greece. After retrieving the relevant data from two popular online services, we employ a state-of-the-art transformer-based language model for two tasks; the extraction of distinctive keywords and phrases out of the free-text reviews and the assignment of a sentiment score to each review. Based on this information, we can associate certain keywords and phrases with specific sentiment values and monitor their evolution over time, in the context of specific touristic {&} cultural places. The analysis that follows explores the potential of this idea in more detail.
Plikas JH, Trakadas P, Kenourgios D. Assessing the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) on Job Displacement Through Automation: A Critical Analysis of Their Impact on Society. In: International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications. Springer Nature Singapore Singapore; 2023. pp. 313–325.
Alexopoulos JD, Gkosios V, Dilalos S, Giannopoulos IK, Mitsika GS, Barbaresos I, Voulgaris N. Assessment of Near-Surface Geophysical Measurements for Geotechnical Purposes at the Area of Goudi (Athens, Greece). In: Near Surface Geoscience 2023 - 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, UK: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 5. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study aims to present the results of a near-surface geophysical investigation carried out ata construction site in the area of Goudi (Athens) along with its contribution to the determination of thegeotechnical characteristics. For this purpose, the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), ElectricalResistivity Tomography (ERT), Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) and Multichannel Analysis ofSurface Waves (MASW) techniques were implemented in the area. The cores of three geotechnicalboreholes existing in the area have also been taken into account. The application of the GPR and ERTtechniques did not reached a satisfactory investigation depth, however the existence of a possiblemechanically degraded zone have been adumbrated at the south part of the excavation area. Throughthe application of the SRT and MASW techniques, the seismic waves velocities of the investigatedlithological formations were calculated and the subsurface structure of the study area was outlined.Additionally, lateral variations in the P-wave seismic velocities, especially in the first investigatedseismic layer, provided further evidence for the existence of mechanically unstable zones, whichnecessitate a more detailed investigation. Finally, from the laboratory determination of the formations’densities and their seismic wave velocities, their elastic moduli and geotechnical parameters have beencalculated.
Sainis T, Kakali G, Pomonis P, Vasilatos C. A Comparative Study on the Properties of Volcanic Rocks from the Aegean Islands, Greece, for Utilization as Pozzolanic Additives in Cement. In: RawMat 2023. MDPI; 2023. Website
Brumback MK, Vasilopoulos G, Coley J, Dage K. Constraining the evolution of the unstable accretion disk in SMC X-1 with NICER. In: Vol. 241. ; 2023. pp. 233.06. WebsiteAbstract
Neutron star high mass X-ray binaries that exhibit superorbital variability offer an opportunity to study the geometry and stability of warped accretion disks. The high mass X-ray binary SMC X-1 is an ideal system in which to investigate these questions because the supeorbital period has epochs of instability known as excursions likely caused by disk instability. Using the high resolution spectral and timing capabilities of the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) we examined the high state of four different superorbital cycles of SMC X-1 to search for short term changes in spectral shape and any connection to the unstable accretion disk geometry. We performed phase averaged and phase resolved spectroscopy, as well as principal component analysis to closely compare the spectral characteristics and any cycle-to-cycle variations. While soft, disk-related spectral components showed variations with time, the accretion column related parameters (i.e. photon index) remained mostly constant, indicating that the disk instability does not significantly change SMC X-1's accretion process.
Liaros S, Poulos SE, Kampanis N, Alexopoulos JD, Alexandrakis G, Karditsa A, Ghionis G, Vassilakis E, Hatzaki M, Nastos P, et al. Decision-making tool for mitigation of the coastal erosion and extreme wave impacts in the coastal zone, in the context of climate change. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works. Thessaloniki, Greece; 2023.Abstract
The tool assesses natural factors and the impact of human activities as well as the available mitigation measures in a cost-benefit perspective and with a view to mitigating the impacts of climate change. Therefore, the tool is designed to respond to both erosion (as a natural disaster) and erosion due to human (inappropriate) intervention, as well as CM&D (eg, sea level rise, extreme wave events). The innovation of the project is based on the creation of a multi-parameter decision making tool (ILIDA_KIT) related to climate change mitigation and resilience to coastal erosion and extreme wave events in the context of integrated coastal zone management. ILIDA_KIT relies on a multi-disciplinary interactive platform in a GIS environment that through the development of a set of appropriate indicators (environmental, anthropogeographic, economic) can be parameterised. The ultimate purpose of the tool is to select the most appropriate intervention (intensity, size, time horizon) measure, based on the costbenefit analysis, considering both the protection and the sustainable development of the coastal zone.
Georgiadis P, Anastasopoulos M, Manolopoulos A-I, Alevizaki V-M, Nikaein N, Tzanakaki A. Demonstration of Energy Efficient Optimization in beyond 5G Systems supported by Optical Transport Networks. In: 2023 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2023 - Proceedings. ; 2023. Website
Georgiadis P, Anastasopoulos M, Manolopoulos A, Alevizaki V, Nikaein N, Tzanakaki A. Demonstration of Energy Efficient Optimization in Beyond 5G Systems supported by Optical Transport Networks. In: Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2023. San Diego, CA: IEEE / Optica; 2023.
Rigogiannis N, Roussos I, Pechlivanis C, Bogatsis I, Kyritsis A, Papanikolaou N, Loupis M. Design Considerations of an LLC Converter for TEG-based WHR Systems in Shipboard Microgrids. In: 2023 12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST). ; 2023. pp. 1-6. Publisher's Version
Katsora C, Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Alexopoulos JD. Diachronic Monitoring of Psatha Active Fault at a Costal Zone, by Combining Near Surface Geophysical Methods. In: NSG2023, 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, Great Britain: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 1-5.
Light Detection And Range (LiDAR) data have been used in numerous case studies, related to fast-developing landslides and rockfalls, producing remarkably precise Digital Terrain Models (DTMs). When these models are coupled to classic near-surface geophysical methods, they result in the high-accuracy mapping of the open surface and subsurface morphology, an essential element for a modern coastal management study. In this work, we introduce the diachronic monitoring and detection of alterations on the surface of the active fault of Psatha (Greece), via a multiple-phase study within a period of 11 years, by using terrestrial LiDAR scans and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). The successful combination of these techniques is being used to reveal and quantify the landscape evolution involving the surface alterations at the fault adjacent coastal zone, the sea intrusion, and even the coastline displacement, in any coastal area characterized by similar features.
Katsora C, Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Alexopoulos JD. Diachronic Monitoring of Psatha Active Fault at a Costal Zone, by Combining Near Surface Geophysical Methods. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2023 - 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysic. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, UK: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 5. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Light Detection And Range (LiDAR) data have been used in numerous case studies, related to fast-developing landslides and rockfalls, producing remarkably precise Digital Terrain Models (DTMs). When these models are coupled to classic near-surface geophysical methods, they result in the high-accuracy mapping of the open surface and subsurface morphology, an essential element for a modern coastal management study. In this work, we introduce the diachronic monitoring and detection of alterations on the surface of the active fault of Psatha (Greece), via a multiple-phase study within a period of 11 years, by using terrestrial LiDAR scans and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT).The successful combination of these techniques is being used to reveal and quantify the landscape evolution involving the surface alterations at the fault adjacent coastal zone, the sea intrusion, and even the coastline displacement, in any coastal area characterized by similar features.
Fountoukidis S, Rigogiannis N, Papanikolaou N, Loupis M. Digital Implementation of I2t Protection Scheme by means of Solid-State Devices. In: 2023 12th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST). ; 2023. pp. 1-5. Publisher's Version
Skianis K, Giannopoulos A, Kalafatelis A, Trakadas P. Digital Twin for Automated Industrial Optimization: Intelligent Machine Selection via Process Modelling. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT). IEEE; 2023. pp. 84–90.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Totomis PG. Distributed supervisor control for a large-scale waterway lock system. In: Olympiad in Engineering Science 2023, May 23-27, Olympia, Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Kalafatelis AS, Nomikos N, Angelopoulos A, Trochoutsos C, Trakadas P. An Effective Methodology for Imbalanced Data Handling in Predictive Maintenance for Offset Printing. In: International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering. Springer Nature Singapore Singapore; 2023. pp. 89–98.
Sarlas A, Kalafatelis A, Alexandridis G, Kourtis M-A, Trakadas P. Exploring Federated Learning for Speech-Based Parkinson’s Disease Detection. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2023. WebsiteAbstract
Parkinson’s Disease is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder, currently affecting as high as 3% of the global population. Research suggests that up to 80% of patients manifest phonatory symptoms as early signs of the disease. In this respect, various systems have been developed that identify high risk patients by analyzing their speech using recordings obtained from natural dialogues and reading tasks conducted in clinical settings. However, most of them are centralized models, where training and inference take place on a single machine, raising concerns about data privacy and scalability. To address these issues, the current study migrates an existing, state-of-the-art centralized approach to the concept of federated learning, where the model is trained in multiple independent sessions on different machines, each with its own dataset. Therefore, the main objective is to establish a proof of concept for federated learning in this domain, demonstrating its effectiveness and viability. Moreover, the study aims to overcome challenges associated with centralized machine learning models while promoting collaborative and privacy-preserving model training.
Sarlas A, Kalafatelis A, Alexandridis G, Kourtis M-A, Trakadas P. Exploring federated learning for speech-based parkinson’s disease detection. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. ; 2023. pp. 1–6.
Mitsika GS, Alexopoulos JD, Giannopoulos IK, Gkosios V, Poulos S. A Geophysical Study of Central Kyparissiakos Gulf Coastal Dune Field (Ionian Sea, Greece). In: Near Surface Geoscience 2023 - 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, UK: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 5. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The coastal environment of central Kyparissiakos Gulf, located at the west coast of Peloponnesus, Greece, comprises of a sandy beach associated with an extended dune field at its backshore area. This area is characterized as an essentially tideless coastal environment exposed to high wave activity. Regarding the identification, the thickness and characteristics of the uppermost substratum of the selected coastal site a detailed geophysical research was carried out. The geophysical survey aims to determine the thickness and the characteristics of the upper substratum of the selected coastal area, leading to the quantification of the sediment budget; the latter is considered essential to address potential coastal erosion. For this reason, the geophysical techniques of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were implemented to profiles normal and parallel to the shoreline. The geophysical results reveal the presence of the interface between the dry and wet sand deposits, along with the structure and the downward extension of the sandy material.
Alexopoulos JD, Giannopoulos IK, Mitsika GS, Gkosios V, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Poulos SE. Ground penetrating radar for inspecting the core and base of coastal sand dunes. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works. Thessaloniki, Greece; 2023. pp. 97-101.Abstract
The coastal environment of the west and south coast of Peloponnesus, Greece is characterized as an essentially tideless coastal environment exposed to high wave activity. Regarding the identification, the thickness and characteristics of the uppermost substratum of the selected coastal zones, at Hellonitis, Kyparissiakos and Messiniakos Gulfs, a detailed geophysical research was carried out. The geophysical survey aims to determine the thickness and the characteristics of the upper substratum of the selected coastal area, leading to the quantification of the sediment budget; the latter is considered essential to address potential coastal erosion. For this reason, the geophysical techniques of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were implemented to profiles normal and parallel to the shoreline. The geophysical results reveal the presence of the interface between the dry and wet sand deposits, along with the structure and the downward extension of the coastal material.
Alexopoulos J, Giannopoulos I, Mitsika G, Gkosios V, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Poulos S. Ground Penetrating Radar for inspecting the core and base of coastal sand dunes. In: 2nd International Conference International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Harbor Coastal and Offshore Works. Thessaloniki, Greece; 2023. pp. 0172 .Abstract
Coastal erosion induced either by a natural process and/or human intervention has been the subject of extensive investigations due to their negative socio-economic impact. ILIDA-KIT is an innovative and multi-parametric decision-making tool for successful management of coastal erosion and the impacts of storms. Thus, within the framework of the ILIDA-KIT tool, beach zone sectors of the west and south coast of Peloponnesus (Greece) (i.e. Helonitis Gulf, Kyparissiakos Gulf and Messiniakos Gulf) have been investigated with geophysical means, aiming to the quantification of the sediment budget that is essential for the confrontation of the phenomenon. The geophysical research aims to identify the thickness and the characteristics of the uppermost lithostarigraphic substratum of the selected beach zone sectors, whose common characteristic is the presence of dunes at the backshore zone. Apart of the other geophysical techniques (e.g. electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), transient electromagnetic soundings (TEM), vertical electrical soundings (VES)) that have been applied, the present contribution provides the preliminary results concerning the application of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) technique. The GPR electromagnetic method was implemented to profiles normal to the shoreline contributing to (a) the quantification of the erodible part of the beach zone and (b) the determination of the base of the sand dunes.
Ludlam R, Pottschmidt K, Garcia J, Brumback MK, Fuerst F, Jaodand A, Malacaria C, Pike S, Pradhan P, Shaw A, et al. The High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P): Unveiling Accretion Around Neutron Stars. In: Vol. 20. ; 2023. pp. 116.39. WebsiteAbstract
HEX-P is a probe-class mission concept that will combine high spatial resolution X-ray imaging (<10 arcsec FWHM) and broad spectral coverage (0.1-150 keV) with an effective area far superior to current facilities (including XMM-Newton and NuSTAR) to enable revolutionary new insights into a variety of important astrophysical problems. HEX-P will characterize X-ray binary systems over an unprecedented range of fluxes, energies, and time-scales, allowing us to answer questions about binary evolution, neutron star physical properties, and feedback into their environment. We present spectral simulations of accreting neutron stars to demonstrate the power of the HEX-P observatory. We show that HEX-P will (1) detect cyclotron line features above 80 keV, directly measuring B-fields stronger than ever before; (2) provide constraints on neutron star radii with higher accuracy using X-ray reflection modeling; (3) yield unique information about the accretion geometry and accretion state in these systems for the whole range of mass accretion rates from ULX-like luminosities to the onset of the propeller effect or quiescence; and (4) characterize the diverse environments these systems live in, including stellar winds and dust shrouds, intervening Be-star disks or warped accretion disks, as well as outflows. More information on HEX-P, including the full team list, is available at
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Kotsi E, Lekkas E. High Resolution Change Detection of Erosion Patterns in Badlands with the Use of UAS Datasets. In: IAG Reg. Conf. of Geomorphology. Cappadocia; 2023. pp. 118.Abstract
Badlands are among the most intricate and complex types of erosion landscapes typically formed from soft sedimentary rock, such as shale, clay, and sandstone, which can be intensively eroded by precipitation processes. The erosion produces steep slopes, deep canyons, and peculiar geomorphological features that are highly related to this type of landforms. The SE part of Zakynthos Island, located at the Ionian Sea (western Greece), is characterized by such kind of landscape dominated by high inclined marly sandstone formations, of Pliocene age. Besides their high contribution to the geo-diversity of the Island, the Gerakas Badlands are characterized by ecological significance since they host a nesting site for the endangered loggerhead sea turtle, within the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. The study of badlands can offer insights into the processes and mechanisms of erosion since due to their unique rock properties, including their high clay content, low organic matter, and low infiltration capacity, they are exceptionally vulnerable to erosion. Therefore, their relatively rapid reshaping and the processes that affect these geomorphological features could be measured with innovative techniques and equipment. We describe a methodology based on the advancement of technological means and particularly the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) which provides detailed information on micro-topography, erosion patterns, and other key features by applying change detection over time.The period needed for monitoring badlands to identify erosion patterns can vary depending on various factors such as the scale of the study area, the climate conditions, and the specific objectives of the study. In this case, the data acquisition was accomplished in two phases three years apart, which were used to create a series of DSMs along with ortho-photo-mosaics, for quantifying the badlands surface topographic changes, before and after at least one severe weather phenomenon (e.g., Medicane Ianos, Sept 2020).
Spantideas S, Giannopoulos A, Cambeiro MA, Trullols-Cruces O, Atxutegi E, Trakadas P. Intelligent Mission Critical Services over Beyond 5G Networks: Control Loop and Proactive Overload Detection. In: 2023 International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets). IEEE; 2023. pp. 1–6.
Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Nomikos N, Kalafatelis A, Trakadas P. Learning to fulfill the user demands in 5G-enabled wireless networks through power allocation: A reinforcement learning approach. In: 2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN). IEEE; 2023. pp. 1–7.
Giannopoulos A, Nomikos N, Ntroulias G, Syriopoulos T, Trakadas P. Maritime federated learning for decentralized on-ship intelligence. In: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer Nature Switzerland Cham; 2023. pp. 195–206.
Drosou TC, Kouvakas ND, Koumboulis FN, Tzamtzi MP. A Mixed Analytic / Metaheuristic Dual Stage Control Scheme towards I/O Decoupling for a Differential Drive Mobile Robot. In: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Panagiotakis GE, Markoutis A. Modelling and Supervisor Design for a Baggage Handling System. In: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Vassilakis E, Rieger S, Valkanou K, Konsolaki A, Friedrich A, Karymbalis E, Tsanakas K. Morphotectonic Evolution of the Messara Supra-Detachment Basin (Central Crete, Greece). In: IAG Reg. Conf. of Geomorphology. Cappadocia; 2023. pp. 40.Abstract
The island of Crete represents a portion of the forearc above the northward-dipping Hellenic subduction zone. Crete’s subaerial exposure offers the opportunity to study deformation processes in the forearc area of the rapidly subducting African plate towards the North underneath Eurasia.The examination of river incision patterns and the distribution of morphological discontinuities based on high-resolution digital topographic datasets yields abundant indicators of recent tectonic activity and deformation. The results from the processing of tectonic geomorphology indices (SL, AF, Ksn etc.) leads to the conclusion that the mid-Miocene E-W trending Messara basin in Central Crete is still evolving in the hanging wall of the Southern Crete extensional detachment fault. Several maps generated in a GIS environment display the spatial distribution of tectonic geomorphology indices, and the combination of them clearly points out the contemporary extensional tectonic regime intercalated with transtensional zones trending N-S, normal to the Messara development, which is in agreement with a general pull-apart basin pattern. The tectonic activity is confirmed by the latest seismic excitation, including the recent shallow (~12km depth) strong seismic events that took place the last two years (Arkalochori on Sept.2021, Mires on May 2023), the epicentres of which are located within the Messara basin area, and south of the south-dipping detachment fault trace. The history of the supra-detachment basin started during Middle Miocene, shortly after the compressional phase of the alpine units’ nappe stacking at the southern part of the Hellenic Arc system. The continuous subsidence of its hanging wall provided accommodation space for an individual Messara basin trending E-W. The rearrangement movements of several fault blocks that bound it are clearly imprinted on the tectonic geomorphology indices’ values, presented in this work.
Chochliouros IP, Kourtis M-A, Xilouris G, Tavernier W, Sanchez EA, Anastassova M, Bolzmacher C, Tcholtchev N, Corsi A, Trakadas P, et al. OASEES: An Innovative scope for a DAO-based programmable swarm solution, for decentralizing AI applications close to data generation locations. In: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer Nature Switzerland Cham; 2023. pp. 91–105.
Chiotis I, Moustakas AL. Optimal MMSE Processing for Limited-Capacity Radio Stripes. In: IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications. Doha, Qatar: IEEE; 2023. Publisher's Version
Rigogiannis N, Bogatsis I, Pechlivanis C, Terzopoulos K, Kyritsis A, Papanikolaou N, Loupis M. Power Quality Measurements in Shipboard Microgrids: A Case Study. In: 2023 International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE). ; 2023. pp. 1-8. Publisher's Version
Giannopoulos IK, Alexopoulos JD, Mitsika GS, Konsolaki A, Dilalos S, Vassilakis E, Voulgaris N. A Preliminary Geophysical Investigation Regarding the Possible Extension of Alistrati Cave in Serres Greece. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2023 - 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, UK: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 5. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The cave of Alistrati, is located in the Prefecture of Serres, Northern Greece near the foothills ofMount Menoikio, in the area of Petroto. This area is structured by crystalline limestones, where thedevelopment of a complex and multilevel karst system is favored. An extensive geomorphologicalsurvey was carried out for the accurate mapping of the karst surface above the cave, using UAS. Forthe investigation of a possible lateral extension of the existing karstic conduit, a detailed surfacegeophysical investigation was carried out. More specifically, three geophysical techniques wereimplemented: a) the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), b) the Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) technique and c) the Very-Low Frequency (VLF) method. These 13 lines of the threegeophysical techniques are fully matched at 4 locations and were join-interpreted, yielding remarkablefindings. The comparative results of the above geophysical techniques, as well as their 3Dpresentation, highlight similar geophysical anomalies, evaluated as different types of karst systemstructures. Therefore, the combined geophysical survey has indicated the existence andinterconnection of the first two karst levels of the area, up to a depth of 50m, as well as the possibleextension of the Alistrati karstic conduit to the northeast.
Giannopoulos IK, Alexopoulos JD, Mitsika GS, Konsolaki A, Dilalos S, Vassilakis E, Voulgaris N. A Preliminary Geophysical Investigation Regarding the Possible Extension of Alistrati Cave in Serres Greece. In: NSG2023, 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 2023. Edinburg, Great Britain: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2023. pp. 1-5.
The cave of Alistrati, is located in the Prefecture of Serres, Northern Greece near the foothills of Mount Menoikio, in the area of Petroto. This area is structured by crystalline limestones, where the development of a complex and multilevel karst system is favored. An extensive geomorphological survey was carried out for the accurate mapping of the karst surface above the cave, using UAS. For the investigation of a possible lateral extension of the existing karstic conduit, a detailed surface geophysical investigation was carried out. More specifically, three geophysical techniques were implemented: a) the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), b) the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique and c) the Very-Low Frequency (VLF) method. These 13 lines of the three geophysical techniques are fully matched at 4 locations and were join-interpreted, yielding remarkable findings. The comparative results of the above geophysical techniques, as well as their 3D presentation, highlight similar geophysical anomalies, evaluated as different types of karst system structures. Therefore, the combined geophysical survey has indicated the existence and interconnection of the first two karst levels of the area, up to a depth of 50m, as well as the possible extension of the Alistrati karstic conduit to the northeast.
Kouvakas ND, Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Panagiotakis, George E., Tsatsanias A. A Reconfigurable Supervisory Control Algorithm for the Parametric Model of Multi-Elevator Systems in Mines. In: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Kouvakas ND, Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Panagiotakis GE, Tsatsanias A. A Reconfigurable Supervisory Control Algorithm for the Parametric Model of Multi-Elevator Systems in Mines. In: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Bampanis I, Vasilatos C. Recycling Concrete to Aggregates. Implications on CO2 Footprint. In: RawMat 2023. MDPI; 2023. Website
Plikas JH, Trakadas P, Kenourgios D. On the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Economic Growth (GDP)—the Case of Europe. In: International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications. Springer Nature Singapore Singapore; 2023. pp. 327–342.
Tsiboukli A, Babalis T. The role of emotions in higher education and group dynamics. In: 1st International Conferece of the Network of Teaching and Learning Centers in Greece. Alexandroupolis: Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Univerities: Komotini.; 2023. pp. 84-90.Abstract
The role of emotions in higher education is recently recognised as significant for quality teaching and students’ learning (Mendzheritskaya & Hansen, 2019). Emotions affect the learning climate and outcomes, attendance rates and the quality of classroom relationships and interplays. However, emotions are often overlooked in tertiary education. On the contrary, in primary education they have received significant attention and in Adult Education they have been recognized as an important driving learning force (Tennant, 2019). Nonetheless, emotions and often negative emotions, prevail in higher education and concern the relationships that develop within the classroom setting where transference and countertransference are also present. Emotions, concern both, university teachers and students. This paper suggests that group dynamics can be employed to alleviate negative emotions and support sharing of knowledge and experience in a facilitating environment. Furthermore, reducing dropout rates is another challenge. However, the question remains to what extent this is possible to happen in large audiences and classrooms where facilities for group learning are not provided in most higher education institutions in Greece.
Shkembi K, Kochovski P, Papaioannou TG, Barelle C, Simonet-Boulogne A, Ciaramella M, Stankovski V. Semantic Blockchain Software Tools and Services for Trustworthy Applications - ONTOCHAIN. In: 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). ; 2023. pp. 1598-1602.
Κάτσος Αρχιμ Ισίδ. Self – Soul – Body: What the Church Fathers Saw But We Might Miss. In: 5th International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Congress, Philosophy of Religion Group. ; 2023.
Κάτσος Επίκ Καθηγ. Πριν και μετά την Περιβαλλοντική Ηθική: Οι Επιστημολογικές Καταβολές της Οικολογικής Κρίσης. In: 11ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Η Βίβλος και η Περιβαλλοντική Κρίση», Ελληνική Βιβλική Εταιρεία. ; 2023.
Kalafatelis AS, Trochoutsos C, Giannopoulos AE, Angelopoulos A, Trakadas P. A Stacking Ensemble Learning Model for Waste Prediction in Offset Printing. In: Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications. ; 2023. pp. 267–272.
Coley J, Jaisawal GK, Arzoumanian Z, Ballhausen R, Chakrabarty D, Fuerst F, Gendreau K, Islam N, Kretschmar P, Malacaria C, et al. A Study of the 2020 Type II Giant Outburst of the Be X-ray Binary 1A 0535+262 with NICER, NuSTAR and the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. In: Vol. 241. ; 2023. pp. 428.07. WebsiteAbstract
We report on Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) observations of the Be-X-ray binary pulsar 1A 0535+262 performed during its giant Type II outburst in 2020, which peaked at a 15-50keV flux of ~12Crab. From the Fermi GBM, NICER and NuSTAR measurements, we find the neutron star rotation period decreases from 103.622 ± 0.004 s to 103.24 ± 0.02 s, suggesting that it rapidly spins-up as the outburst progresses. The NICER and NuSTAR observations, which monitor the evolution of the spectral shape, show the 1-79 keV luminosity peaks at (1.354 ± 0.005)×1038 erg s-1, which is above the inferred critical luminosity of ~6.3×1037 erg s-1 in the accretion column. We find that the pulse profiles in each observation show a strong energy dependence as well as a strong dependence on luminosity. Emission lines from Fe Kα, Fe XXV Kα and Fe XXVI Kα are observed in the joint NICER and NuSTAR spectra. The line strengths are correlated with the 7.2- 10 keV unabsorbed continuum flux. The Fe fluorescent emission lines show no evidence of pulsations, which suggests that the size of the Fe fluorescent emission region is larger than the Alfv ́en radius. Even when the measured 1-79 keV luminosity is above the critical value, we find that the spectral shape hardens with increasing luminosity. The pulse-phase-averaged NuSTAR data show that the energy of the CRSF around ~45keV remains unchanged with respect to X-ray flux, but the line depth decreases with increasing X-ray flux. This may be a result of photon spawning.
Koumboulis FN, Fragkoulis DG, Tzamtzi MP, Papadopoulos D. Supervisory control of multiple product flow for a Flexible Manufacturing System. In: Olympiad in Engineering Science 2023, May 23-27, Olympia, Greece, 2023. ; 2023.
Bracaglia C, Minoia F, Kessel C, Vastert S, Pardeo M, Arduini A, Fingerhutova S, Nikishina I, Basaran O, Kiper N. Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Lung Disease in Europe. In: Vol. 75. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2023. pp. 175 - 176.
Athanasakis E, Sakelariou Z, Darzanos G, Polymeni S, Spanos G, Papaioannou TG, Votis K, Tzovaras D. Trustworthy Decentralized Management and Governance of Internet of Things Data Federations. In: IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS). IEEE; 2023. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Without a doubt the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has been gaining attention over the last years. With the deployment of low cost sensors, a plethora of information is made available, giving rise to intelligent systems that combine data from multiple sources. Multiple IoT platforms have been developed to support different application domains such as smart cities, health, industry 4.0, etc. However, the vertical focus and usually isolated development of such platforms pose difficulties in offering cross-domain smart applications to meet society's needs. To this end, interoperability frameworks have emerged to allow the interplay of different platforms as well as the formation of federations among the entities contributing IoT devices through such platforms. The decentralized nature of IoT data federations presents challenges when it comes to their management and governance, particularly in ensuring fairness, security, trustworthiness and transparency among its members. However, permissioned blockchain-based solutions hold significant potential in addressing these issues due to their inherent characteristics. In this work, we propose a blockchain solution based on the Hyperledger Fabric for the decentralized management of IoT federations and their gover-nance by utilizing voting-based configurable rules that abide to the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). The solution includes smart contracts for the secure creation and management of federations exposed through APIs, as well as a voting application for enabling the DAO dynamic. Our solution demonstrates a secure, trustworthy and transparent way for the formation and membership control of IoT federations, that holds potential for extension with smart contracts related to data marketplace, as well as reputation and tokenization mechanisms.
Karymbalis E, Tsanakas K, Griva D, Valkanou K, Batzakis D-V, Gaki D, Papanastassiou D, Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A. Unveiling Greece's Geomorphological Diversity through a 1:1,000,000-Scale Geomorphological Map. In: IAG Reg. Conf. of Geomorphology. Cappadocia; 2023. pp. 49.Abstract
This study presents a comprehensive overview of Greece's geomorphology at a 1:1,000,000 scale, aiming to integrate and interpret the geological and geomorphological factors responsible for the formation and evolution of its landscape. It represents a pioneering cartographic synthesis, bringing together diverse data sources and employing semi-automated GIS techniques. The production of the geomorphological map relied on an extensive literature review of previous studies covering Greece's terrestrial and coastal areas at varying scales. Leveraging high-resolution topography provided by the Hellenic Cadastre and the 1:50,000-scale geological maps from the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Greece, a spatial geodatabase was established. Several secondary layers, including hillshade, slope-aspect, and red relief image maps, were combined with Google Earth Imagery to delineate landforms across the entire Greek territory. The resulting map offers a comprehensive depiction of landforms originating from both endogenic and exogenic processes. It encompasses structural landforms, fluvial erosional and depositional features, gravity-induced landforms, coastal, karst, volcanic, glacial and periglacial landforms, as well as anthropogenic elements.Additionally, accompanying maps and tables provide essential topographic parameters, geotectonic context, and climatic characteristics. The findings underscore the heterogeneity of Greece's geomorphological environments, shaped primarily by active tectonics and exogenic processes. The map serves as a valuable tool for stakeholders involved in land management, offering crucial insights for informed decision-making. Furthermore, it provides a solid foundation for interdisciplinary research, facilitating investigations spanning fields such as geology, geography, environmental sciences, and more. Overall, this comprehensive geomorphological map represents the latest advancements in the study of Greece's landscape.With its wealth of information and its interdisciplinary relevance, it serves as a vital reference for researchers, educators, and practitioners, fostering a deeper understanding of Greece's dynamic landforms and supporting sustainable land management practices.
Nomikos N, Giannopoulos A, Trakadas P, Karagiannidis GK. Uplink NOMA for UAV-aided maritime Internet-of-Things. In: 2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN). IEEE; 2023. pp. 1–6.
Roulia M, Vasilatos C. Using Natural and Synthetic Zeolites for Mine Soils Clean-Up. In: RawMat 2023. MDPI; 2023. Website
Karakassi, K. Warten auf die Barbaren. Kavafis und Kafka. In: Koskinas N-I, Lindinger S Kafka und Griechenland. Lexis.; 2023. pp. 105-118. Publisher's Version
Αθανασίου Κυριάκος. Η ομορφιά του λάθους στη Βιολογία: Το λάθος ως βιολογική και ως διδακτική διαδικασία. In: 13o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Διδακτικής των Φυσικών Επιστημών και Νέων Τεχνολογιών στην Εκπαίδευση. ; 2023. Publisher's Version
Αθανασίου Κυριάκος. Η ομορφιά του λάθους στη Βιολογία: Το λάθος ως βιολογική και ως διδακτική διαδικασία. In: 13o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Διδακτικής των Φυσικών Επιστημών και Νέων Τεχνολογιών στην Εκπαίδευση. ; 2023. Publisher's Version
Καρακάση, Κ, Κοσκινάς Νικόλαος Ι. Ο Κάφκα και η Ελλάδα. Ο Κάφκα στην Ελλάδα. In: Κοσκινάς Κατερίνα Κ Κάφκα και Ελλάδα. Printa; 2023. pp. 9-20.
Καμπερίδου Ειρήνη. Οι μαρτυρίες μιας Γαλλίδας εθελόντριας στην προκυμαία της Σμύρνης: «Το τέλος ενός πολιτισμού ή ο θάνατος της Σμύρνης» (Testimonies of a French Female Volunt. In: ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΑΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ; 2023. WebsiteAbstract
Η μελέτη αυτή επικεντρώνεται στις μαρτυρίες της Γαλλίδας εθελόντριας Mme Jean Antoniades (1925) η οποία προσέφερε τις υπηρεσίες της σε πέντε νοσοκομεία της Σμύρνης. Στο έργο της "La fin d'une civilisation ou la mort de Smyrne" περιγράφει με παραστατικό τρόπο την καταστροφή της πόλης. Στην πρώτη ενότητα ακολουθώντας τις γυναικείες μαρτυρίες του 19ου αιώνα στην Οθωμανική επικράτεια, διαπιστώνουμε τον εκρηκτικό και ανεξέλεγκτο τρόπο που εκδηλώνονται τα φαινόμενα βίας και κοινωνικού ρατσισμού. Η σφαγή της Σμύρνης και η πυρπόληση της πόλης, δεν ήταν αποτέλεσμα μιας απροσδόκητης πολιτικής του 20ου αιώνα. Αυτό τεκμηριώνεται ήδη από τις μαρτυρίες μεγάλου αριθμού δυτικών περιηγητριών του 19ου αιώνα, οι οποίες έζησαν, εργάστηκαν ή επισκέφτηκαν τη Σμύρνη. Στις περιγραφές τους επισημαίνεται ο κοσμοπολίτικος και πολυπολιτισμικός χαρακτήρας της πόλης και εκθειάζεται η ευμάρεια και το εμπορικό πνεύμα των Ελλήνων, των Εβραίων και των Αρμενίων. Αναφέρονται στα χαρέμια, τα γυναικεία επαγγέλματα, τα παζάρια, το εμπόριο του καφέ, το φορολογικό σύστημα, τις θρησκευτικές-πολιτιστικές συγκρούσεις και το σκλαβοπάζαρο και διαπιστώνουν ότι επωλούντο γυναίκες διαφόρων εθνικοτήτων. Όπως επισημαίνουν η πλειονότητα των γυναικών στο σκλαβοπάζαρο της Σμύρνης, ειδικά το 1816 και το 1822, ήταν Ελληνίδες, ορισμένες από τις οποίες, είχαν προσφερθεί ως δώρα στον σουλτάνο Μαχμούτ Β'. Αποκαλυπτικές είναι επίσης και οι γυναικείες μαρτυρίες των αρχών του 20ου αιώνα, που εξετάζονται στη δεύτερη ενότητα, όπως εκείνες για την καταστροφή της Σμύρνης, και ειδικά της Γαλλίδας εθελόντριας Mme Jean Antoniades, η οποία επιβιβάστηκε στο πλωτό-νοσοκομείο Αμφιτρίτη, στο οποίο είχαν βρει καταφύγιο 900 άτομα ενώ η χωρητικότητα ήταν μόνο για 200.
Κάτσος Επίκ Καθηγ. Πριν και μετά την Περιβαλλοντική Ηθική: Οι Επιστημολογικές Καταβολές της Οικολογικής Κρίσης. In: 11ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Η Βίβλος και η Περιβαλλοντική Κρίση», Ελληνική Βιβλική Εταιρεία. ; 2023.
Rzesnicki T, Avramidis KA, Chelis I, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jin J, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. 1.5 MW, 140 GHz Gyrotron for W7-X - development status and experimental results. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2022-August. ; 2022. Website
Iliopoulos G, Alexopoulos JD, Papadopoulou P, Zelilidis A, Dilalos S, Voulgaris N, Biggin A, Arnold LJ, Taffin N, Galanidou N. The Acheulean site of Rodafnidia: geology, stratigraphy and chronology. In: Aegean Acheulean at the Eurasian crossroads Hominin settlement in Eurasia and Africa. Lesbos, Greece; 2022. pdf
Angelopoulos A, Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Kapsalis N, Trochoutsos C, Voliotis S, Trakadas P. Allocating orders to printing machines for defect minimization: A comparative machine learning approach. In: IFIP international conference on artificial intelligence applications and innovations. Springer International Publishing Cham; 2022. pp. 79–88.
Kalpogiannaki M, Pomonis P, Petrounias P, Giannakopoulou P, Rogkala A, Christopoulou M, Koukouzas N, Hatzipanagiotou K. Applied Petrography in Concrete: A Short Review. In: The First International Cement Based Composites Congress. Turkey; 2022. pp. 46-50.
Kafetzis I, Moysis L, Volos C, Nistazakis H, Munoz-Pacheco JM, Stouboulos I. Automata-Derived Chaotic Image Encryption Scheme. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022. ; 2022. Website
Oreinos D, Gripeos PJ, Kapotis E, Roditi E, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Availability Study of Atmospheric Gaussian Pulse Propagation with Normally Distributed Time Jitter for Optical Wireless Communication Systems. In: 2022 International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications, CoBCom 2022. ; 2022. Website
Vasilopoulos G, Sotirios Karaferias A, Petropoulou M, Jenke P, Wilson-Hodge C, Malacaria C. A Bayesian approach for torque modelling of supper-Eddington accreting magnetized Neutron Stars. In: Vol. 44. ; 2022. pp. 2384. WebsiteAbstract
X-Ray pulsars are systems powered by accretion, the majority of which is found in Be X-ray binaries (BeXRBs). The study of Giant outbursts (L_{X} > 1038 erg s -1) in such systems becomes very relevant in the advent of the recent discoveries of pulsating ultra-luminous X-ray sources (PULXs) with an apparent isotropic luminosity above the Eddington limit for a typical neutron star (NS) demonstrating that stable accretion onto NSs is possible at super - Eddington rates. Given that PULXs host magnetized NSs, several attempts have been made to estimate the magnetic field of the NS using standard torque models. At the same time theoretical studies have demonstrated that it is required to adjust these models due to changes in the accretion disc structure when exceeding the Eddington limit. Motivated by these findings we studied torque models during Giant outbursts of BeXRBs monitored by Fermi/GBM and Swift/BAT. We developed a code to estimate posterior distributions for the parameters of standard accretion models and binary orbital parameters using a nested sampling algorithm for Bayesian Parameter Estimation. Most notably we applied our method to the recently discovered Swift J0243.6+6124 (i.e., the only known Galactic PULX) and we illustrate that the standard torque models need adjustment to explain the observed spin evolution of the NS. Finally, we discuss the implications the newest GAIA distances have on the NS equation of state.
Polkas M, Petropoulou M, Vasilopoulos G, Mastichiadis A, Urry MC, Coppi P, Bailyn C. BlaVar: A numerical study of long-term multi-wavelength blazar variability. In: ; 2022. pp. 680. Website
Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD. A Business Model for Multi-Tiered Decentralized Software Frameworks: The Case of ONTOCHAIN. In: International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON '22). ; 2022.
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Fillis C, Triantaphyllou M, Antonarakou A, Lekkas E. Combination of close-range remote sensing data (TLS and UAS) and techniques for structural measurements across the deformation zone of the Ionian thrust in Zakynthos Isl. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Fillis C, Triantaphyllou M, Antonarakou A, Lekkas E. Combination of close-range remote sensing data (TLS and UAS) and techniques for structural measurements across the deformation zone of the Ionian thrust in Zakynthos Isl. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Gkosios V, Alexopoulos JD, Giannopoulos IK, Mitsika GS, Dilalos S, Barbaresos I, Voulgaris N. Determination of the subsurface geological regime and geotechnical characteristics at the area of Goudi (Athens, Greece) derived from geophysical measurements. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-062. pdf
Kamberidou I. Ο Κινητικός Πολιτισμός των Ελλήνων: Ο χορός, η εκμάθηση μουσικών οργάνων και η εκγύμναση ως "σύμβολα κατωτερότητας" στην οθωμανική κοινωνία. In: «1922-2022, 100 χρόνια από τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή. Ιστορική αποτίμηση, εθνικός αναστοχασμός». «Λαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο» της Ευξείνου Λέσχης Θεσσαλονίκης; 2022. pp. 1-2. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Τη διάλεξη μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε κάνοντας «κλικ» στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο του YouTube: CITE AS:Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2022). Ο Κινητικός Πολιτισμός των Ελλήνων: Ο χορός, η εκμάθηση μουσικών οργάνων και η εκγύμναση  ως "σύμβολα κατωτερότητας" στην οθωμανική κοινωνία. Εισήγηση/παρουσίαση στον κύκλο διαλέξεων «1922-2022, 100 χρόνια από τη Μικρασιατική καταστροφή. Ιστορική αποτίμηση, εθνικός αναστοχασμός». Διαδικτυακή ενότητα «Πολιτισμός και Τέχνες στη Μ. Ασία και τον Πόντο», 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2022, ώρα 20.00. Διοργάνωση: το «Λαϊκό  Πανεπιστήμιο» της Ευξείνου Λέσχης Θεσσαλονίκης (Βραβείο Ακαδημίας Αθηνών  ( ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΕΧΝΕΣ ΣΤΗ Μ. ΑΣΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΝ ΠΟΝΤΟ (Ειρήνη Καμπερίδου και Βασίλης Καρφής)
o_kinitikos_politismos_ton_ellinon.pdf 1._pontos.webinar.asiaminor_massacres_21.2.2022_.pdf programma._laiko_panepisgthmio.pdf
Rzesnicki T, Albajar F, Avramidis KA, Chelis I, Gantenbein G, Hogge J-P, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jelonnek J, Jin J, et al. European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron Prototype for ITER - long-pulse operation at KIT. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2022-August. ; 2022. Website
Kapetanidis V, Kaviris G, I. S, Kassaras I, Sakkas V, D. K-F, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Alexopoulos JD, Dilalos S, et al. The evolution of recent seismicity in the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) with implications on seismic hazard assessment. In: 16th Inernational Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-109. pdf
Kapetanidis V, Kaviris G, Spingos I, Kassaras I, Sakkas V, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Alexopoulos J, Dilalos S, et al. The evolution of recent seismicity in the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) with implications on seismic hazard assessment. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Petavratzis E, Volos C, Moysis L, Nistazakis H, Giakoumis A, Stouboulos I. Experimental Coverage Performance of a Chaotic Autonomous Mobile Robot. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022. ; 2022. Website
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Chelis IG, Avramidis KA, Ioannidis ZC, Tigelis IG. FDTD Analysis of Cylindrical Waveguides With Both Axial and Azimuthal Corrugations. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2022-August. ; 2022. Website
Theodoropoulos P, Alexandris C. Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis of Multi-domain Online Reviews. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2022, Held as Part of the 24th {HCI} International Conference, {HCII} 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 - July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part {II}. Vol. 13303. Springer; 2022. pp. 264–278. Website
Krasopoulos C, Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD. Flexibility Management for Residential Users Under Participation Uncertainty. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm '22). ; 2022.
Giannopoulos IK, Alexopoulos JD, Dilalos S, Gkosios V, Mitsika GS, Stamatakis M, Voulgaris N. The geophysical identification of lateritic bauxite formation at Mandra area, Attiki (Greece). In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-026. pdf
Sakkas V, Kaviris G, Kapetanidis V, Alexopoulos JD, Spingos I, Kassaras I, Dilalos S, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, et al. Ground Deformation Study of the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) Based on Continuous GNSS Measurements. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-215. pdf
Sakkas V, Kaviris G, Kapetanidis V, Alexopoulos J, Spingos I, Kassaras I, Dilalos S, Mavroulis S, Diakakis M, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, et al. Ground Deformation Study of the Ionian Islands (W. Greece) Based on Continuous GNSS Measurements. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Nantsou TP, Tombras GS. Hands-on Experiments in Electricity for Physics Teachers and Students. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2022-March. ; 2022. pp. 242-248. Website
Nantsou TP, Tombras GS. Hands-on Physics Experiments for K-6 Teachers at CERN. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2022-March. ; 2022. pp. 180-188. Website
Alexopoulos JD, Mitsika GS, Giannopoulos IK, Gkosios V, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Poulos SE. ILIDA-KIT tool: First results of near surface geophysical investigation techniques for successful management of coastal erosion. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-064. pdf
Alexopoulos J, Mitsika G, Giannopoulos I, Gkosios V, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E. ILIDA-KIT tool: First results of near surface geophysical investigation techniques for successful management of coastal erosion. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Mavroulis S, Kranis H, Lozios S, Argyropoulos I, Vassilakis E, Soukis K, Skourtsos E, Lekkas E, Carydis P. The impact of the September 27, 2021, Mw=6.0 Arkalochori (Central Crete, Greece) earthquake on the natural environment and the building stock. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract
On September 27, 2021, an Mw=6.0 earthquake struck the central part of Crete Island (southern Greece) and in particular the Heraklion Region. This event was preceded by an extended foreshock sequence started on early July 2021 and it was followed by an Mw=5.3 aftershock on the following day. Taking into account the spatial distribution of foreshocks and aftershocks and the focal mechanism of mainshock as well as the active faults of the earthquake-affected area, it is evident that the seismic activity is strongly related to the NNE-SSW striking W-dipping faults of the Kasteli fault zone located along the eastern margin of the Neogene to Quaternary Heraklion Basin. The latter has been filled with Miocene to Holocene post-alpine deposits. A field reconnaissance conducted by the authors in the earthquake-affected area shortly after the mainshock revealed that the earthquake-triggered effects comprised mainly rockfalls and slides, as well as ground cracks within or close to landslide zones. These effects were located within the hanging-wall of the KFZ. The affected sites are mainly composed of Miocene deposits and they are characterized by pre-existing instability conditions and high susceptibility to landslides. Far field effects were also observed south of the earthquake-affected area and in particular in the southern coastal part of Heraklion Region. In regards to the spatial distribution of the earthquake-induced building damage, the vast majority was caused in villages and towns founded on Miocene and Holocene deposits of the hanging-wall. Damage was not reported in settlements located in the footwall, which is composed of alpine formations. The dominant building types of the earthquake-affected area comprise: (i) buildings with load-bearing masonry walls made of stones and bricks with clay or lime mortar, mainly constructed without any anti-seismic provisions and (ii) buildings with reinforced-concrete frame and infill walls constructed according to the applicable seismic codes. The former suffered the most severe structural damage including partial or total collapse in many villages founded on post-alpine deposits of the hanging-wall of KFZ. The latter responded satisfactory during the mainshock and were less affected with only non-structural damage including cracking, detachment of infill walls from the surrounding reinforced concrete frame, peeling of concrete and short-column failures. From the abovementioned, it is concluded that the impact of the 2021 Arkalochori earthquake was limited to the hanging-wall of the causative fault zone and in particular to residential areas founded on post-alpine deposits and to slopes highly susceptible to failure within the Heraklion Basin.
Gkaidatzoglou K, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E. Increased Accuracy of the Photogrammetric UAS Data Processing for the Detection of River Channel and Boulder Dimensions and Displacement after High Severity Floods. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Diakakis M, Vassilakis E, Mavroulis S, Konsolaki A, Kaviris G, Kotsi E, Kapetanidis V, Sakkas V, Alexopoulos JD, Lekkas E, et al. An integrated UAS and TLS approach for monitoring coastal scarps and mass movement phenomena. The case of Ionian Islands. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. Vienna, Austria; 2022. pp. EGU22-7536. Publisher's Version
Diakakis M, Vassilakis E, Mavroulis S, Konsolaki A, Kaviris G, Kotsi E, Kapetanidis V, Sakkas V, Alexopoulos J, Lekkas E, et al. An integrated UAS and TLS approach for monitoring coastal scarps and mass movement phenomena. The case of Ionian Islands. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022.
Mediterranean tectonically-active coastal areas are a highly-dynamic environment balancing internal tectonic dynamics with external geomorphic processes, as well as manmade influences. Especially in touristic areas characterized by high built-up pressure and land value, where these dynamics are even more concentrated, the evolution of coastal environments needs careful and high-resolution study to identify localized risk and the processes they derive from.Recently, new advanced remote sensing techniques such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)- and Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS)-aided monitoring have improved our capabilities in understanding the natural processes and the geomorphic risks (i.e. mass movement phenomena).An integrated study comprising Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) sensors was conducted in coastal areas of the southern Ionian Islands (Western Greece) aiming to the mitigation of earthquake-triggered landslide risk and to responsible coastal development. Located at the northwesternmost part of the Hellenic Arc, this area is characterized by high seismicity and has been affected by destructive earthquakes mainly due to the Cephalonia Transform Fault Zone (CTFZ), which constitutes one of the most seismic active structures in the Eastern Mediterranean region. One of the most common environmental effect triggered by these earthquakes are landslides distributed along fault scarps in developed and highly visited coastal areas. Furthermore, this area is highly susceptible to hydrometeorological hazards inducing intense geomorphic processes, including Medicanes among others.These technologies allow a highly-detailed view of landslide processes, providing insights on the structures and factors controlling and triggering failures along coastal scarps as well as highlighting susceptible zones and high-risk areas with accuracy and mitigating adverse effects with precision and clarity. Overall, by providing a better understanding of the risks the approach used allows a more sustainable development of these coastal segments enhanced by risk mitigation.The study was conducted in the framework of the project “Telemachus - Innovative Operational Seismic Risk Management System of the Ionian Islands”, co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) in Priority Axis “Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” of the Operational Programme “Ionian Islands 2014–2020”.
Vassilakis E, Stavropoulou M, Konsolaki A, Giannopoulos I, Petrakis S, Kotsi E, Lekkas E, Kokkoromytis A. Introducing an innovative methodology for mapping rock-discontinuities, based on the interpretation of 3D photogrammetry products. The case of Akronafplia castle. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Kotsi E, Kontostavlos G, Lekkas E, Stavropoulou M, Giannopoulos I. Introducing Interdisciplinary Innovative Techniques for Mapping Karstic Caves. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Anifadi A, Sykioti O, Koutroumbas K, Vassilakis E, Georgiou E, Vasilatos C. Investigating the capability of Sentinel-2 and Worldview-3 SWIR to map the main mineralogical composition of bauxite through spectral unmixing. Case Study: Itea, Greece. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Anifadi A, Sykioti O, Koutroumbas K, Vassilakis E, Georgiou E, Vasilatos C. Investigating the capability of Sentinel-2 and Worldview-3 SWIR to map the main mineralogical composition of bauxite through spectral unmixing. Case Study: Itea, Greece. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Kalpogiannaki M, Pomonis P, Petrounias P, Giannakopoulou P, Rogkala A, Koukouzas N, Hatzipanagiotou K. The Key Role of Applied Petrology in Recycling Materials for a More Sustainable Society. In: The First International Cement Based Composites Congress. Turkey; 2022. pp. 16-22.
Valkanou K, Karymbalis E, Vassilakis E, Soldati M, Papanastassiou D, Gaki-Papanastassiou K. Knickpoint extraction for the evaluation of active tectonics: the case of Evia Ιsland, Greece. In: 10th International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). Coimbra, Portugal; 2022.
Τhis study aims to investigate to what extent the drainage systems of the northern part of Evia Island, in Central Greece, reflect the contemporary tectonic regime of the area. The effects of tectonic activity have been detected and described by performing a landscape morphological analysis of the drainage systems, followed by a field survey for validating the results. The Relative Declivity Extension (RDE) index, which is based on the Stream Length (SL) gradient index, was calculated along the channels of 189 drainage basins of the study area, using the Knickpoint Finder tool integrated into ArcGIS desktop. The Hack RDE index is defined by the ratio of the RDEs index (which refers to a stretch) and the RDEt index (which refers to the total length of a river) was applied, and its calculation identifies the knickpoints based on anomaly values detection along the longitudinal profiles of the rivers. Furthermore, knickpoint analysis was carried out along the channels of the drainage networks of the northern part of the Evia Island and the corresponding anomaly maps were designed. A total of 2,486 knickpoints were identified and the greatest anomalies (139 points), named first-order anomalies (RDE>10), seem to correspond to a recently shaped or rejuvenated landscape, indicative of intense neotectonic activity. In some cases, the spatial distribution of knickpoints delineates a NW-SE trending yielding the structural control of the study area. The comparison of the results with the lithological map of the area showed that about 30% of the knickpoints are lithologically controlled. The identification of zones of neotectonic activity and consequently the existence of active faults is highly correlated with the distribution of knickpoints and their core density, the drainage density, the drainage asymmetries, and other morphometric indices such as the hypsometric integral, along with the earthquake epicentres, and the morpho-lineament density. The overall analysis showed a positive correlation of the concentration of the derived knickpoints with both active structures and tectonic activity rates. The results were consistent with field observations, which were mainly focused on waterfall landforms. Our study proves that the landscape evolution of the northern part of the Evia Island is considerably affected by the recent activity of normal fault zones, whereas the drainage systems react to the changes of base-level providing insights on active tectonics.
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Stavropoulou M, Kotsi E, Kontostavlos G. Laser Scanning methods and techniques for high-detail 3D modelling of caves. In: 10th International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG). Coimbra, Portugal; 2022.
Technical advancements have widened the limits of remote sensing and Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology in studying underground cavities. Furthermore, the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems has proven to be a significant advantage in the study of caves, as under certain circumstances during the data processing, it is plausible to combine TLS and UAS data for generating a complete 3D model, representing surface and subsurface simultaneously. The use of state-of-the-art laser scanning equipment either terrestrial or handheld accompanied by total station measurements on a series of ground control points, has resulted in the scanning and detailed mapping the entire Melissani and Drogarati caves, in Cephalonia Island, in Greece, including hidden cavities. This study attempted not only to delineate a new methodology for compiling a highly detailed cave map, but also to identify structural discontinuities and faults for further investigation of the influence of rock failures in causing rock falls and further damage in the caves. Both show caves attract many visitors and since they are located at an area of very high seismicity, where large earthquakes occur very frequently, the risk is rather high. The methodology is based on the synergy of equipment in different working levels, since the cave environment is by far one of the most difficult cases to survey, led to hazard identification in high detail and accuracy throughout the cavity. The fieldwork includes the generation of a unified point cloud for the underground cavity, generated by scanning at several bases inside the cave and by entering smaller cavities by holding the mobile scanner. The bundling of the partial point clouds is possible since the proposed methodology includes the establishment of a dense network of Ground Control Points, which are measured with Total Station equipment for gaining actual coordinates. After the merging of the partial scans were combined into a single point cloud, the methodology continues with further processing including filtering and noisy points removal. Moreover, the final product is combined with the point cloud that was generated after the photogrammetric processing and the methodology is completed with exporting the results in file formats that can be imported in several geotechnical or discontinuity recognition software for further interpretation. The results along with the produced 3D models could be utilized to determine areas susceptible to different failure types. The assessment of rock stability within a cave by combined innovative equipment, techniques, and research methods could be considered by the management authorities for the maintenance and/or re-design the tourist routes.
Vassilakis E, Konsolaki A, Laskari S, Lialiaris I, Soukis K, Kotsi E, Lekkas E. Mapping the spatial distribution of detached boulders with the use of ultra-high resolution remote sensing data and simulation of rockfall events. The case of Kalymnos Island. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Katsora C, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Alexopoulos J. Monitoring of the erosional phenomena next to the active fault of Psatha (Attica, Greece) with diachronic Terrestrial LiDAR data acquisition. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. poster
Katsora C, Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Alexopoulos J. Monitoring of the erosional phenomena next to the active fault of Psatha (Attica, Greece) with diachronic Terrestrial LiDAR data acquisition. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Patras. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-050. pdf
Charalampidis N, Volos C, Moysis L, Nistazakis HE, Stouboulos I. A Novel Piecewise Chaotic Map for Image Encryption. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022. ; 2022. Website
Karantanellis S, Marinos V, Vassilakis E, Papathanasiou G. Object-based landslide mapping using ML and UAS photogrammetric products. In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD. An Optimization Framework for Effective Flexibility Management for Prosumers. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm '22). ; 2022.
Kriempardis D, Gripeos PJ, Kapotis E, Nistazakis HE, Tsigopoulos AD, Volos CK. Outage Performance of FSO Links with Chirped Gaussian Pulses and Truncated Modeled Time Jitter. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022. ; 2022. Website
Tasolamprou AC, Skoulas E, Perrakis G, Vlahou M, Viskadourakis Z, Economou EN, Kafesaki M, Kenanakis G, Stratakis E. Polarizing gap plasmon metasurfaces implemented by highly-ordered Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures. In: 2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022. ; 2022. pp. X442 – X444. Website
Barmparesos N, Efthymiou C, Tasios P, Asimakopoulos D, Assimakopoulos MN. Preliminary Results of COVID-19 Restriction Measures on the Air Pollution Levels in the City Center of Athens, Greece. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2437. ; 2022. Website
Mitsika GS, Alexopoulos JD, Giannopoulos IK, Gkosios V, Dilalos S, Filis C, Vassilakis E, Kaviris G, Sakkas V, Voulgaris N. Preliminary results of near-surface geophysical survey in Lefkada town (Greece). In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Vol. 10. Patras, Greece: Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece; 2022. pp. GSG2022-031. pdf
Mitsika G, Alexopoulos J, Giannopoulos I, Gkosios V, Dilalos S, Fillis C, Vassilakis E, Kaviris G, Sakkas V, Voulgaris N. Preliminary results of near-surface geophysical survey in Lefkada town (Greece). In: 16th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2022. pdf
Stathopoulos SI, Petropoulou M, Giommi P, Vasilopoulos G, Padovani P, Mastichiadis A. Probing Neutrino Emission from X-ray Blazar Flares observed with Swift-XRT. In: ; 2022. pp. 1008. WebsiteAbstract
Blazars are the most extreme subclass of active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets emerging from a super-massive black hole and forming a small angle with respect to our line of sight. Blazars are also known to be related to flaring activity as they exhibit large flux variations over a wide range of frequency and on multiple timescales, ranging from a few minutes to several months. The detection of a high-energy neutrino from the flaring blazar TXS 0506+056 and the subsequent discovery of a neutrino excess from the same direction have naturally strengthened the hypothesis that blazars are cosmic neutrino sources. While neutrino production during gamma-ray flares has been widely discussed, the neutrino yield of X-ray flares has received less attention. Motivated by a theoretical scenario where high energy neutrinos are produced by energetic protons interacting with their own X-ray synchrotron radiation, we make neutrino predictions over a sample of a sample of X-ray blazars. This sample consists of all blazars observed with the X-ray Telescope (XRT) on board Swift more than 50 times from November 2004 to November 2020. The statistical identification of a flaring state is done using the Bayesian Block algorithm to the 1 keV XRT light curves of frequently observed blazars. We categorize flaring states into classes based on their variation from the time-average value of the data points. During each flaring state, we compute the expected muon plus anti-muon neutrino events as well as the total signal for each source using the point-source effective area of Icecube for different operational seasons. We find that the median of the total neutrino number (in logarithm) from flares with duration $<30$ d is $\mathcal{N}^{(\rm tot)}_{\nu_{\mu}+\bar{\nu}_{\mu}} \sim 0.02$.
Cvetkovski D, Maletic N, Gutiurrez J, Flegkas P, Makris N, Dalkalitsis A, Arvanitis P, Anastasopoulos M, Georgiadis P, Tzanakaki A. Railway services support over a 5G infrastructure exploiting a multi-technology wireless transport network. In: Proceedings - 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum, FNWF 2022. ; 2022. pp. 585-590. Website
Nikitas A, Tsourou T, Vassilakis E, Velitzelos D, Triantaphyllou M. Rifting of the Sub-Pelagonian carbonate platform: A case study from the Aggelokastro section, Argolida, Greece. In: Paleontology and Stratigraphy in 21st century Greece. Athens, Greece; 2022.Abstract
This study presents the preliminary results of selected samples from Aggelokastro section, Argolida, Greece. The section is comprised of a ~200m thick carbonate sedimentary succession, capped by ~50m of clastic sediments of the “schist-sandstone-chert” formation. The entire sedimentary sequence belongs to the Sub-Pelagonian type B Unit, member of the tectonostratigraphic terrain H3, equivalent to the non-metamorphic Pelagonian platform (Papanikolaou, 1990; Papanikolaou, 2021). In total 12 thin sections were produced from selected samples and studied under the microscope. Each sample was characterized according to the Standard Microfacies (SMF) scheme of Flugel (2010). The results show significant diversion between paleoenvironmental conditions and are divided into three main parts (see Fig. 1): -          Lower formation: shallow water carbonate succession with densely packed peloidal packstones-grainstones with coated benthic foraminifera (Orbitopsella and others), gastropods and echinoids (SMF 11, platform margin shoals or platform margin reef) and wackestones with gastropods, benthic foraminifera and algae (SMF 8, open marine-interior platform) -          Middle formation: transitional (slope) environment carbonates, represented by a polymictic breccia grading to wackestone with subangular-subrounded lithoclasts and bioclasts (shell debris, radiolaria, benthic foraminifera and large bivalve shells) (SMF 4, slope or toe-of-slope) and -          Upper formation: deep marine environment carbonates, including Ammonitico Rosso facies, represented by wackestones-packstones with spicules, thin shelled bivalves, radiolaria and planktonic foraminifera (SMF 1 and 3, deep shelf or deep sea). Additionally, smear slides from the “flysch-like” succession point to a deep marine clastic environment with rare or absent carbonate material. The defined Standard Microfacies show a clear deepening upward trend, marking the rifting of the carbonate platform. Regarding geological age considerations, the lower formation should be considered as Early Jurassic (late Sinemurian – middle/late Plienbachian) due to the presence of Orbitopsella sp. (Ogg et al., 2016). The Ammonitico Rosso facies of the upper formation is tentatively attributed to Middle Jurassic, similarly to the dating of radiolarites above the carbonate platform (Danelian and Robertson, 1995) in Beotia area. Lastly, the “flysch-like” clastic succession is generally considered of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age, according to Papanikolaou (1990).
Asimakopoulou P, Nastos P, Vassilakis E, Hatzaki M, Antonarakou A. Satellite remote sensing as a tool to promote education on climate crisis in schools. In: 1st Conference for Climate Crisis. Athens, Greece; 2022.
Asimakopoulou P, Nastos P, Vassilakis E, Hatzaki M, Antonarakou A. Satellite remote sensing as a tool to promote education on climate crisis in schools. In: 1st Conference for Climate Crisis. Athens, Greece; 2022.
Kontostavlos G, Vassilakis E, Triantafyllou M, Konsolaki A. Showcaves: A modern geo-conservation approach utilizing geoethics and heritage management principles through sustainable monitoring technology. In: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria: Copernicus Meetings; 2022.
The complexity of show caves and the problems arising through human interaction with them, require interdisciplinary approaches capable of synthesizing a range of parameters such as knowledge, methods and provided tools to promote geo-ethical thinking and geoscientists contribution for sustainable management. Show caves are tourist/commercial caves which have been accessible to the public with artificial lighting, shaped paths, guided tours, open hours and they are considered as heritage sites. The concept of heritage is a complex idea, controversial and culturally constructed, depending on the personal and collective background and experiences of the members of a society. Heritage is often artificially divided into natural and cultural, but regarding the “show caves” as entities, the boundaries are indistinguishable. Moreover, show caves suffer successive degradation for several interconnected reasons. This work analyzes proposals for compilation of protocols and general management that may involve educational institutes, management agencies, policy makers and stakeholders based on remotely monitored parameters and scientific data collection, for feeding assessment and evaluation tools. The main scope is to arouse a wider dialogue of the interested parts with the aim to form the basis for the creation of a European legislation for protecting these sensitive but also complex environments through geo-conservation and geo-ethics approaches.
Katsos IC. An Apology for the Apologia: Gregory of Nyssa’s Philosophy of Light and Why It Matters. In: First International Workshop on Patristic Philosophy, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. ; 2022.
Dr. Isidoros C. Katsos O/C. Is There an Orthodox Concept of Natural Theology?. In: International Workshop: Philosophical and Theological Approaches to the Relationship and Dialogue Between Orthodox Christianity and Modern Science. ; 2022.
Nantsou TP, Tombras GS. STEM Lab on Climate Change with Simple Hands-on Experiments. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2022-March. ; 2022. pp. 249-256. Website
Coley J, Jaisawal GK, Arzoumanian Z, Ballhausen R, Chakrabarty D, Fuerst F, Gendreau K, Islam N, Jana A, Kretschmar P, et al. A Study of the 2020 Type II Giant Outburst of the Be X-ray Binary 1A 0535+262 with NICER, NuSTAR and the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. In: Vol. 19. ; 2022. pp. 406.01. WebsiteAbstract
We report on Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) observations of the Be-X-ray binary pulsar 1A 0535+262 performed during its giant Type II outburst in 2020, which peaked at a 15-50 keV flux of ~12 Crab. From the Fermi GBM, NICER and NuSTAR measurements, we find the neutron star rotation period decreases from 103.622±0.004 s to 103.24±0.02 s, suggesting that the neutron star rapidly spins-up as the outburst progressed. The NICER and NuSTAR observations, which monitor the evolution of the spectral shape, show the 1-79 keV luminosity peaks at ~1.4 × 1038 erg s-1. This is clearly above ~6.3 × 1037 erg s-1, which is expected around the critical luminosity. We find that the pulse profiles in each observation show a strong energy dependence as well as a strong dependence on luminosity. Emission lines from Fe Kα, Fe XXV Kα and Fe XXVI Kα are observed in the joint NICER and NuSTAR spectra. The line strengths are correlated with the 7.2-10 keV unabsorbed continuum flux. The Fe fluorescent emission lines show no evidence of pulsations, which may suggest that the size of the Fe fluorescent emission region is larger than the Alfvén radius. Although the measured 1-79 keV luminosities are clearly in the supercritical accretion regime, we find that the spectral shape hardens with increasing luminosity. The pulse-phase-averaged NuSTAR data show that the energy of the CRSF around ~45 keV remains virtually unchanged, but the line depth decreases with increasing X-ray flux. This may be a result of photon spawning.
Goodman TP, Alberti S, Genoud J, Torreblanca H, Albajar F, Sanchez F, Leggieri A, Legrand F, Lievin C, Ioannidis Z, et al. Tests and Qualification of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW Gyrotron in an ITER relevant configuration at SPC. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2022-August. ; 2022. Website
Lavdas S, Gkonis P, Zinonos Z, Trakadas P, Sarakis L. Throughput based adaptive beamforming in 5G millimeter wave massive MIMO cellular networks via machine learning. In: 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference:(VTC2022-Spring). IEEE; 2022. pp. 1–7.
Varotsos GK, Chatzikontis EV, Kapotis E, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Christofilakis V. THz Links Performance Study for Gamma Turbulence Links with Path Loss and Pointing Errors. In: 2022 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2022. ; 2022. Website
Karamplias T, Spantideas ST, Giannopoulos AE, Gkonis P, Kapsalis N, Trakadas P. Towards closed-loop automation in 5g open ran: Coupling an open-source simulator with xapps. In: 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). IEEE; 2022. pp. 232–237.
Tasolamprou AC, Koulouklidis AD, Doukas S, Kyriakou E, Ergoktas MS, Daskalaki C, Economou EN, Kocabas C, Lidorikis E, Kafesaki M, et al. Ultrafast THz nonlinear modulation in an electrically tunable graphene thin film perfect absorber. In: 2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022. ; 2022. pp. X445 – X447. Website
Feuerstein L, Marek A, Avramidis KA, Illy S, Wu C, Jelonnek J. Validation of a New Fast-Time Scale Code for Advanced Simulations of Gyrotron Cavities. In: 2022 German Microwave Conference, GeMiC 2022. ; 2022. pp. 144-147. Website
Alexandris C, Du J, Floros V. Visualizing and Processing Information Not Uttered in Spoken Political and Journalistic Data: From Graphical Representations to Knowledge Graphs in an Interactive Application. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2022, Held as Part of the 24th {HCI} International Conference, {HCII} 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 - July 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part {II}. Vol. 13303. Springer; 2022. pp. 211–226. Website
Δεναξάς Νικόλαος Α. Ζητήματα θρησκευτικής ελευθερίας. Επίκαιροι προβληματισμοί στον ευρύτερο Ορθόδοξο γεωθρησκευτικό χώρο. In: Θρησκείες και Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΕΚΠΑ; 2022. Publisher's Version
Κασάπη Ειρήνη. Ναύαρχος Θεόδωρος Ουσακώφ. Ρώσος εθνικός ήρωας ή άγιος της Ρωσικής Εκκλησίας; (Admiral Feodor Ushakov. Russian National Hero or Saint of the Russian Church?). In: Πρακτικά του Β´ Διεπιστημονικού Συνεδρίου της Ανωτάτης Εκκλησιαστικής Ακαδημίας Αθήνας: Ιερωσύνη, Εθνεγερσία, Σύγχρονη Ζωή, (Αθήνα 12-14 Μαΐου 2021). Αθήνα: εκδ. Γρηγόρη; 2022. pp. 177-188.
ΚΑΜΠΕΡΙΔΟΥ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ. Ο ΞΕΡΙΖΩΜΟΣ ΣΤΑ ΜΑΤΙΑ ΤΩΝ ΠΕΡΙΗΓΗΤΡΙΩΝ: «Η ΚΥΡΙΑΡΧΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΤΡΟΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ» (1881-1922) ΚΑΙ «Η ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΣΦΑΓΗ» ΤΟΥ 1896 (preprint -πλήρες κείμενο). In: Σύνδεσμος Ελληνίδων Επιστημονων (ΣΕΕ); 2022. WebsiteAbstract
Η εργασία αυτή επικεντρώνεται στις επιτόπιες μαρτυρίες τριών περιηγητριών στη Μικρά Ασία και τον Πόντο στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα και στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα: της Αμερικανίδας ιατρού Blanche Norton, της Αγγλίδας συγγραφέως Dorina L. Neave και της Γαλλίδας εθελόντριας σε νοσοκομεία της Σμύρνης Mme L. Jean Antoniades. Συμπεριλαμβάνονται και σύντομες αναφορές άλλων περιηγητριών και Ελληνίδων, όπως της δημοσιογράφου-συγγραφέως Demetra Vaka (1922). Οι γυναικείες μαρτυρίες περιγράφουν τη «Μεγάλη Σφαγή» των Αρμενίων στην Κωνσταντινούπολη τον Αύγουστο του 1896, τις λεηλασίες στις οικίες των Αρμενίων, οι οποίες είχαν σημαδευτεί με το σχήμα του Σταυρού, και την «τρομοκρατία» που επικρατούσε στην Τουρκία. Συναντάμε για πρώτη φορά στις γυναικείες μαρτυρίες τον όρο τρομοκρατία (terrorism), και συγκεκριμένα στο έργο της Neave Είκοσι-Έξι Χρόνια στο Βόσπορο (1881-1907). Οι μαρτυρίες αυτές περιγράφουν, μεταξύ άλλων, τις γυναίκες της Κερασούντας που έσωσαν τις οικογένειές τους από τον εκτοπισμό, τα ελληνικά ορφανοτροφεία της Κερασούντας, του Καραχισάρ και του Πουλαντζάκ, τις ενέργειες του δημάρχου της Κερασούντας Οσμάν αγά για «τον αφανισμό όλων των στοιχείων που δεν είναι καθαροί Μουσουλμάνοι» (Norton, 1922), το πανικόβλητο πλήθος στην προκυμαία της Σμύρνης το 1922, «το τέλος ενός πολιτισμού ή τον θάνατο της Σμύρνης» (Antoniades, 1923). Ο ξεριζωμός και οι γενοκτονίες των Αρμενίων και των Ελλήνων της Μικρά Ασίας και του Πόντου, δεν αποτελούσαν στιγμιαία, απροσδόκητη ή αιφνίδια πράξη και πολιτική του 20ου αιώνα (1908-1924), όπως διαφαίνεται και τεκμηριώνεται στις επιτόπιες μαρτυρίες δυτικών περιηγητριών από τον 18ο αιώνα. Οι διωγμοί, οι σφαγές και η εξόντωση αυτοχθόνων ιστορικών λαών της Μικράς Ασίας και του Πόντου, όπως των Ασσυρίων, των Αρμενίων, των Ελλήνων και άλλων, δεν περιορίστηκαν σε μια εποχή. Το οθωμανικό κράτος και, ιδίως, το μετέπειτα κεμαλικό καθεστώς οδήγησαν στον ξεριζωμό, στην εξολόθρευση και στην τελική εξαφάνιση αυτοχθόνων ιστορικών λαών της Μικράς Ασίας και του Πόντου. --- ***[Πλήρες κείμενο-ολόκληρη η έρευνα θα ...
Petavratzis E, Volos C, Ouannas A, Nistazakis H, Valavanis K, Stouboulos I. A 2D Discrete Chaotic Memristive Map and Its Application in Robot's Path Planning. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Gripeos PJ, Nistazakis HE, Varotsos GK, Gappmair W, Tsigopoulos AD. 3Time Jitter Influence on the Performance of PPM or PAM SIMO FSO Links over M-Turbulence Channels. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021. ; 2021. pp. 37-42. Website
Moscatelli F, Landi G, Mesodiakaki A, Gatzianas M, Kalfas G, Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Giannoulis G, Tokas K, Apostolopoulos D, et al. 5G-COMPLETE: Service-Driven Slice Management over Heterogeneous 5G Infrastructures. In: IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD. Vol. 2021-October. ; 2021. Website
Lessi CC, Chochliouros IP, Trakadas P, Karkazis P. Advanced First Responders’ Services by Using FASTER Project Architectural Solution. In: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer International Publishing Cham; 2021. pp. 62–70.
Tasolamprou AC, Takou E, Tsilipakos O, Viskadourakis Z, Kafesaki M, Kenanakis G, Economou EN. Anapoles in dielectric metasurfaces and thermal tunabilty: Theory and experiments. In: 2021 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021. ; 2021. pp. 426 – 428. Website
Athanasopoulos D, Bonamico R, Van Belle G, Conjat M, Ferrero A, Hanuš J, Ďurech J, Avdellidiou C, Tsiganis K, Delbo M, et al. Ancient Asteroids: An international observing campaign for the characterisation of the oldest asteroid collisional families. In: ; 2021. pp. EPSC2021-355. WebsiteAbstract
We invite observers to join an international observing campaign and obtain light curve of a selected number of the most ancient asteroids. Analysis of these data will be important to reconstruct the original state of the asteroid belt, which is a crucial problem of planetary science. This original state can be reconstructed through the identification of the oldest asteroid families. Traditional identification methods, like Hierarchical Clustering Methods (Zappala et al., 1990; HCM), have difficulties to recognise Gyr- and older asteroid families, whose members are very dispersed by the Yarkovsky effect. An innovative method, called V-shape search (Bolin et al., 2017), has been demonstrated effective (Deienno et al. 2021) to identify these aforementioned very old collisional families by searching for the signature of the size dependent dispersion of family members operated by the Yarkovsky effect.The method has already successfully identified two primordial families which likely formed before the giant planet orbital instability (Tsiganis et al., 2005) and could be as old as the Solar System and an ancient one that is ~3 Gyr-old (Delbo et al., 2017; 2019). There is evidence from observations and theoretical evolution models that there are more old families to be detected (Delbo et al., 2017; Dermott et al., 2018). However, the reliability of these V-shape families should be independently verified.A very important test of family membership is the anisotropic distribution of spin vectors of the asteroid family member, which is a fingerprint of the Yarkovsky effect evolution (Hanus et al. 2013). Namely, to test the working hypothesis that according to theories of asteroid orbital evolution under the Yarkovsky effect, members of the inward (outward) side of V-shape of a family have a statistical predominance of retrograde (prograde) objects (Fig. 1). This hypothesis has been tested (Hanus, et al., 2013) already for known families, and it is a reliable test for family membership. The observing campaign: Ancient AsteroidsFor this purpose, an international observing campaign called Ancient Asteroids has been put forward at different observatories worldwide: (University of Athens Observatory (UOAO), Greece, the BSA Observatory and Bigmuskie Observatory, Italy, the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA), France, the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, United States, the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece. The main goal of the campaign is to establish an international network of professional and amateur astronomers (Pro-Am collaboration), in order to perform photometric observations of a very specific sample of the most ancient asteroids. A special website ( was developed for the purpose of the campaign, that includes guidelines for the participation, the observations and the image data evaluation and collection.In the frame of Ancient Asteroids campaign, a user-friendly web application was also developed for the target selection and observing plan preparation. The user can easily find the observable asteroids for the campaign based on the location, the time and the equipment limitations. The targets are displayed with a priority rate, in order to perform smart sampling. The user selects the favor target and an observing plan automatically is created. The contribution The obtained lightcurves from all the involved participants will be combined with data available in the literature, as well as with sparse data from space missions (Gaia, TESS, etc) and global sky surveys (PTF, LSST, ATLAS, etc). Thus, the spin state of the asteroids can be revealed. The results will be ingested to the Minor Planet Physical Properties Catalogue (MP3C) program (, the largest database of asteroid physical properties, which complies with the EU vision for open data. The observing campaign Ancient Asteroids has started to collect photometric observations with the contribution of amateur astronomers from Italy, France and Greece are submitted. The observations will reveal the spin state of the members, which are crucial for the testing the hypothesis of the family membership. This research will potentially lead to a better understanding of the first stages of the evolution of the Solar System, the mechanism at the origin of the formation of the asteroids and the planet formation processes. AcknowledgmentsThis work was also partially supported by the ANR ORIGINS (ANR-18-CE31-0014) and by the French National Program of Planetology (PNP). Here we make use of asteroid physical properties data from Minor Planet Physical Properties Catalog ( ReferencesBolin, B. T. et al. (2017). Icarus, 282, 290-312.Deienno, R. et al. (2021). Icarus, 357, 114218.Delbo, M. et al. (2019). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 624, A69.Delbo, M. et al. (2017). Science, 357, 6355.Dermott, S. F. et al. (2018). Nature Astronomy, 2, 7.Hanus, J. et al. (2013). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 559.Hanus, J. et al. (2013). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 551.Tsiganis K. et al. (2005). Nature, 435, 7041.Zappala, V. et al. (1990). Astrophysical Journal, 100, 2030-2046.
Gripeos PJ, Nistazakis HE, Roditi E, Roumelas GD, Tombras GS, Volos CK. On the BER Performance of OOK FSO Links with Receivers' Diversity and Time Jitter over Strong Turbulence Channels. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Gripeos PJ, Nistazakis HE, Roditi E, Roumelas GD, Tombras GS, Volos CK. On the BER Performance of OOK FSO Links with Receivers' Diversity and Time Jitter over Strong Turbulence Channels. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Chatzikontis EV, Tsigopoulos AD, Roditi E, Tombras GS. Block Error Performance of PAM or PPM SIMO FSO Links over Strong Turbulence Channels. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Chatzikontis EV, Tsigopoulos AD, Roditi E, Tombras GS. Block Error Performance of PAM or PPM SIMO FSO Links over Strong Turbulence Channels. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Riga P, Antonakopoulou T, Kouvaras D, Lentas S, Kouroupetroglou G. The BrailleMathCodes Repository. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on “Digitization and E-Inclusion in Mathematics and Science 2021” DEIMS2021. Tokyo; 2021. pp. 105–114. Publisher's Version
Moustakas AL, Alexandropoulos GC, Debbah M. Capacity Optimization using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Large System Approach. In: Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2021). Madrid, Spain; 2021. Publisher's Version
Roy A, Cappallo R, Vasilopoulos G, Bhattacharya S, Laycock S, Christodoulou D. Characterizing the geometry of SMC X-2 using Polestar. In: Vol. 237. ; 2021. pp. 130.01. WebsiteAbstract
SMC X-2 is one of the brightest pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with a maximum known Luminosity of Lx = 4.0×1038 erg s-1. This transient Be/X-ray pulsar with a spin period of Pspin ~ 2.37 s and an orbital period of Porb = 18.62 ± 0.02 days last underwent a Type-II outburst in 2015. Following its detection by MAXI, simultaneous observations were carried out by Swift, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR throughout the outburst phase extending up to two months. Its spectra showed a dominant hard cutoff power law along with additional soft blackbody and thermal components. The source is one of few SMC pulsars in which the propeller state was observed and a cyclotron resonance feature was detected at E ~ 27 keV. The onset of the propeller regime causes dramatic changes in the accretion state and the neutron star magnetosphere. This serves as impetus for trying to model the observed pulse profiles in various accretion states in order to deduce the geometry of the emitting regions. For this analysis, we use the geometrical pulse-profile modeling code Polestar. The pulsar exhibited a double-peak pulse profile during its previous giant outburst in 2000. In the 2015 data, we confirm the presence of a double peak during outburst, but there are also some profiles with a single broad peak. The pulse profile evolution from double peak to single peak probably indicates changes in the emission mechanism that can be traced by Polestar. This modeling effort will help us pinpoint the geometry of the emission and understand the energy and accretion changes as the source evolves past outburst and toward lower luminosity states.
Evelpidou N, Petropoulos A, Karkani A, Saitis G. Coastal changes through time is the only constant: case study of west coast of Naxos Island, Cyclades, Greece. In: vEGU21: Gather Online. ; 2021.
Prekas S, Karkazis P, Nikolakakis V, Trakadas P. Comprehensive comparison of VNE solutions based on different coordination approaches. In: Telecom. Vol. 2. MDPI; 2021. pp. 390–412.
Lotidis K, Moustakas AL, Bambos N. Controlling Epidemics via Testing. In: 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Austin, TX, USA; 2021. pp. 2092-2097.
Coronado E, Siddiqui S, Sarakis L, Trakadas P, Prior S, Trullols-Cruces O, Centenaro M, Atxutegi E, Gkonis P, Gonzalez-Diaz S, et al. Cost-Efficient 5G Non-Public Network Roll-Out: The Affordable5G Approach. In: 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom). IEEE; 2021.
Sarakis L, Trakadas P, Martrat J, Prior S, Trullols-Cruces O, Coronado E{\'ıa, Centenaro M, Kontopoulos G, Atxutegi E, Gkonis P, et al. Cost-efficient 5G non-public network roll-out: The Affordable5G approach. In: 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom). IEEE; 2021. pp. 221–227.
Bakogiannis K, Polychronopoulos S, Andreopoulou A, Georgaki A. DATA AND INFORMATION TRANSMISSION IN THE CONTEXT OF SONIFICATION. In: 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2021). Online Conference; 2021.
Moscatelli F, Landi G, Ciulli N, Tzanakaki A, Prior S. Demo: Service-driven management of Vertical Services in heterogeneous network slices. In: 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, MeditCom 2021. ; 2021. pp. 470-472. Website
Pitilakis A, Tsilipakos O, Seckel M, Christodoulou M, Tasolamprou AC, Liu F, Manessis D, Kantartzis NV, Liaskos C, Soukoulis CM, et al. Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Proof-of-Concept Multi-functional Microwave Metasurface using Static Loads. In: 2021 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021. ; 2021. pp. 337 – 339. Website
Kaviris G, Voulgaris N, Lozios S, Soukis K, Zymvragakis A, Vassilakis E, Antoniou V. . In: 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission. ; 2021.
Lasithi is the easternmost regional unit on Crete Island (Greece), south of which lies the Hellenic Arc. The broader offshore study area is dominated by reverse and strike-slip faulting, while active normal faults are mapped on land. Detailed research of the latter suggests that the northern and central parts of Lasithi are affected by arc-parallel extension, whereas the southern part by arc-normal extension. The NNE-SSW striking faults are more frequent and form horst and graben or half-graben macro-structures. These faults usually consist of two or more segments accompanied by post-glacial scarps and clear evidence of recent reactivations. The E-W to ESE-WNW striking faults are scarcer and mainly observed along the southern coastal zone or offshore. Compared to the NNE-SSW strikingfaults, they present fewer active traces. Significant events in the study area include the 8th August1303 (M≈8.0) earthquake and the 1st July 2009 (Mw=6.4) earthquake that occurred south of Crete, triggering a small tsunami. A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment is performed for Lasithi. The maximum expected ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV and PGD) for mean return periods of 475and 950 years are determined using the SHARE 2013 zones and seismicity model. Greek GMPEs that consider type of faulting and soil type were applied. Optimum results are obtained through a logic-tree approach, which considers all GMPEs. The Uniform Hazard Spectrum for Agios Nikolaos, Sitia and Ierapetra are presented and compared with the elastic design spectra proposed by the Greek National Building Code and Eurocode 8.
Anifadi A, Sykioti O, Koutroumbas K, Vassilakis E. . In: International Conference on Raw Materials and Circular Economy. Athens, Greece; 2021.
Nickel laterites constitute a significant proportion of world nickel reserves. In Greece, LARCO GMMSA exploits the domestic laterite deposits, operating in Locris area and Euboea island (Central Greece) and in Kastoria area (Northern Greece). During the last decades, the use of remote sensing technology in geological mapping has gained significant attention worldwide. In particular, multispectral/hyperspectral imagery is one of the most widespread and standard source of data for the recognition of spatial and/or spectral patterns in mineral/ore exploration. To this purpose, the development of suitable state-of-the-art processing algorithms, either at pixel level or at sub-pixel level, is of crucial importance. In particular, spectral unmixing (SU) is currently a very powerful method that allows sub-pixel level processing in order to assess spectral information regarding different lithologies that co-exist within a pixel. The aim of SU is the decomposition of the spectral signatures of mixed pixels onto a space spanned by a set of spectral signatures (represented as vectors) corresponding to pure physical materials (endmembers). The latter are retrieved either from spectral libraries or they are extracted from the image itself by detecting the relatively “purest” pixels via suitable algorithms. The resulting decomposition coefficients are indicative of the degree of each endmember’s presence within each pixel. It should be noted here, that in contrast to other scalar-based approaches (e.g. spectral indices), SU is a vector-based processing that provides richer representational capabilities. The most widely used assumption in SU is that each pixel’s spectral signature can be written as a linear combination of the spectral signatures of its endmembers (linear mixing hypothesis). In this study, we investigate the ability of SU to reliably map FeNi laterite outcrops. The study area is the Tsouka laterite excavation in Central Greece, operated by LARCO GMMSA. More specifically, linear SU is applied to a Sentinel-2 satellite image. The dataset is atmospherically corrected, spatially resampled to 10m pixel size and subset to the excavation area. For the needs of SU, two endmembers are used, namely a laterite endmember and a non-laterite endmember. The former corresponds to the average spectral signature of selected pixels of pure laterite composition. The latter represents both the other two existing lithologies, namely Cretaceous limestones and ophiolites. The SU resulting abundance maps show that Sentinel-2 succeeds to satisfactorily map the FeNi laterite. The proposed method is fast, low-cost and non-destructive and can contribute to the research of LARCO GMMSA for new exploitable ores.
Alevizaki VM, Manolopoulos AI, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A. Dynamic User Plane Function Allocation in 5G Networks enabled by Optical Network Nodes. In: 2021 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. Energetic and financial evaluation of a solar-powered absorption chiller integration into a CO2 commercial refrigeration system. In: 9th Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys., Istanbul, Turkey. ; 2021.
Debele S, Sahani J, Alfieri SM, Bowyer P, Charizopoulos N, Loupis M, Menenti M, Renaud F, Shah MAR, Spyrou C. Evaluating nature-based solutions in a non-stationary climate with changing risk of flooding. In: ; 2021. pp. EGU21 - 8012.
Andreopoulou A, Kotsani N, Dedousis G, Georgaki A. Evaluating the vocal characteristics of elementary school students: Basic assessment tools and methodology. In: Interaction Design and Children. ; 2021. pp. 216–223.
Papavgeris GA, Stassinakis AN, Nistazakis HE, Chatzikontis EV, Tsigopoulos AD, Christofilakis V. Experimental Attenuation Coefficient Estimation for FSO Links over Maritime Area during Summer Time. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Evelpidou N, Spyrou E, Psycharis S, Iatrou P, Kalovrektis K, Xenakis A. Experimenting with the shape of the Earth's relief through surface runoff tables: A P2P STEM didactic scenario approach for Makerspaces. In: STE(A)M educators & education. Athens - Greece; 2021.
Trakadas P, Leligou HC, Karkazis P, Gonos A, Zahariadis T. Farm to fork: Securing a supply chain with direct impact on food security. In: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). IEEE; 2021. pp. 1–6.
Kalozakis S, Georgaki A, Kouroupetroglou G. Formant Tuning in Cretan Rizitiko Singing”. In: Manfredi C Proceedings of Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications – MAVEBA, 12th International Workshop. ; 2021. pp. 14–16,. Publisher's Version
Krier L, Avramidis KA, Braune H, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Jelonnek J, Laqua HP, Marsen S, Moseev D, et al. Frequency Stabilization of Megawatt-Class 140 GHz Gyrotrons at W7-X Using an Off-the-Shelf PLL System. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2021-August. ; 2021. Website
Roy A, Cappallo R, Vasilopoulos G, Bhattacharya S, Laycock S, Christodoulou D. The geometry of SMC X-2 from Polestar. In: Vol. 2021. ; 2021. pp. SP01.029. WebsiteAbstract
SMC X-2 is one of the brightest pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC).This transient Be/X-ray pulsar with a spin period of Pspin = 2:37 s and an orbital period of Porb = 18.62 +/-0.02 days last underwent a Type-II outburst in 2015. Following its detection by MAXI, simultaneous observations were carried out by Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR throughout the outburst phase extending for up to two months. The source is one of few SMC pulsars in which the propeller state was observed and a cyclotron resonance feature was detected at E ~ 27 keV. The onset of the propeller regime causes dramatic changes in the accretion state and the neutron-star magnetosphere. This serves as impetus for trying to model the observed pulse profiles in various accretion states in order to deduce the geometry of the emitting regions. For this analysis, we use the geometrical pulse-profile modeling code Polestar. This modeling effort will help us pinpoint the geometry of the emission and understand the energy and accretion changes as the source evolves past outburst and toward lower luminosity states.
Alexandris C, Floros V, Mourouzidis D. Graphic Representations of Spoken Interactions from Journalistic Data: Persuasion and Negotiations. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd {HCI} International Conference, {HCII} 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, 2021, Proceedings, Part {III}. Vol. 12764. Springer; 2021. pp. 3–17. Website
Eberl H, Gialamas ID, Spanos VC. {Gravitino Thermal Production}. In: {Beyond Standard Model: From Theory to Experiment}. ; 2021.
Nantsou TP, Kapotis EC, Tombras GS. Greek MOOC of experiments with simple materials for students generates significant findings for teachers and physics education. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2021-April. ; 2021. pp. 631-636. Website
Moysis L, Giakoumis A, Iatropoulos A, Volos C, Nistazakis H, Stouboulos I. Hardware Design and Implementation of a Wireless Chaotic Text Encryption Scheme. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Angelopoulos A, Giannopoulos AE, Kapsalis NC, Spantideas ST, Sarakis L, Voliotis S, Trakadas P. Impact of classifiers to drift detection method: a comparison. In: International conference on engineering applications of neural networks. Springer International Publishing Cham; 2021. pp. 399–410.
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Varotsos GK, Roditi E, Leitgeb E. Influence of Pointing Errors at the Block Error Rate Performance of Strong Turbulent SIMO FSO Links. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2021. ; 2021. pp. 43-48. Website
Drikos S, Nikolaidou ME, Sotiropoulos K, Barzouka K. Inquiry of discriminant variables to predict success in balanced sets and performance level in elite men's volleyball. In: 29th International Conference of Physical Eduaction and Sports. ; 2021. pp. 429-432. WebsiteAbstract
{Effectiveness in the volleyball players' ability to control their postural sway during the game's actions involving contact with the floor (i.e. passing, digging) contributes to the final score. The purpose of this study was to investigate the postural stability performance of female veteran volleyball players (VVP). Sixty nine top-level female VVP were assigned to an active (N=29) and a non-active group (N=40). Due to the age range (43.7-66.7 years) of participants, they were further assigned to a younger (<51 years) and older (≥51 years) age group (Active: Younger=14
Saitis G, Tsanakas Κ, Karkani A, Kawasaki S, Evelpidou N. Insights in beachrock formation mechanism using multiproxy experimental data: case study of Diolkos, Corinth, Greece. In: vEGU21: Gather Online. ; 2021.
Kalafatelis A, Panagos K, Giannopoulos AE, Spantideas ST, Kapsalis NC, Touloupou M, Kapassa E, Katelaris L, Christodoulou P, Christodoulou K, et al. Island: An interlinked semantically-enriched blockchain data framework. In: Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 18th International Conference, GECON 2021, Virtual Event, September 21–23, 2021, Proceedings 18. Springer International Publishing; 2021. pp. 207–214.
Spantideas S, Giannopoulos A, Kapsalis N, Kalafatelis A, Capsalis C, Trakadas P. Joint Energy-efficient and Throughput-sufficient Transmissions in 5G Cells with Deep Q-Learning. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), Athens, Greece. ; 2021. pp. 7–10.
Nantsou TP, Kapotis EC, Tombras GS. A lab of hands-on STEM experiments for primary teachers at CERN. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2021-April. ; 2021. pp. 582-590. Website
Chatzigiannakis G, Jaros A, Leturcq R, Jungclaus J, Voss T, Gardelis S, Kandyla M. Laser-structured ZnO/p-Si Photodetector with Enhanced and Broadband Responsivity. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Optical Society of America; 2021. pp. SM3B.2. WebsiteAbstract
We develop ZnO/p-Si photodetectors by ALD deposition of ZnO thin films on laser- microstructured Si, which demonstrate high sensitivity and broadband operation (UV-Vis-NIR), due to increased specific surface area of the heterojunction and increased light absorption.
Vasilopoulos G, Haberl F, Brightman M, Earnshaw H, Treiber H, Koliopanos F. M51 ULX-7: when strong beaming is not needed to explain super-Eddington luminosities. In: Vol. 238. ; 2021. pp. 225.02. WebsiteAbstract
M51 ULX-7 is a an ultraluminous X-ray pulsar (ULXP) with a spin period of ~2.8 s, and orbital period of ~2 d, and a maximum luminosity that exceeds by more than 20 times the Eddington limit for a neutron star (NS). An open question about ULXPs, is if indeed the mass accretion rates are super-Eddington, or the emission is beamed due to the presence of strong optically thick outflows. Such outflows could originate from the disk and may form a narrow funnel allowing radiation to escape only towards the observer. We will discuss the temporal properties of the system based on the analysis of archival X-ray data collected by Swift/XRT and Chandra. We find that its X-ray flux modulates with a super-orbital period of ~40 d, while there appear to be epochs where the pulsar transitions to the propeller stage. Moreover, we report the discovery of periodic X-ray dips, with a period that matches the orbital period. The observable properties of M51 ULX-7 can be used to probe the mass accretion rate onto the NS and to constrain the orbital inclination of the binary. We conclude that the properties of the systems are evident of a small beaming factor and a wide funnel, thus demonstrating that strong beaming does not need to be invoked to explain the observed fluxes, and that super-Eddington accretion rates are possible for highly magnetized NSs.
Du J, Alexandris C, Pei Y, Lian Y, Yu P. Meeting the Growing Needs in Scientific and Technological Terms with China's Terminology Management Agency - {CNCTST}. In: Ahram TZ, Ta{\"ı}ar R, Groff F Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications {IV} - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications {(IHIET} - {AI} 2021), April 28-30, 2021, Strasbourg, France. Vol. 1378. Springer; 2021. pp. 239–245. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Manolopoulos A, Simeonidou D. Mobility aware Dynamic Resource management in 5G Systems and beyond. In: 25th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, ONDM 2021. ; 2021. Website
Papaioannou TG, Stankovski V, Kochovski P, Simonet-Boulogne A, Barelle C, Ciaramella A, Ciaramella M, Stamoulis GD. A New Blockchain Ecosystem for Trusted, Traceable and Transparent Ontological Knowledge Management: Position Paper. In: Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 18th International Conference, GECON 2021, Virtual Event, September 21–23, 2021, Proceedings 18. Springer International Publishing; 2021. pp. 93–105.
Petropoulou M, Polkas M, Vasilopoulos G, Mastichiadis A, Coppi P, Bailyn C. A Numerical Study of Long-term Multi-wavelength Blazar Variability: BlaVar. In: Vol. 237. ; 2021. pp. 538.06. WebsiteAbstract
Blazars are the most extreme active galactic nuclei, having relativistic jets that are closely aligned to our line of sight. They are the most powerful persistent astrophysical sources of non-thermal electromagnetic radiation in the Universe, with spectral energy distributions (SEDs) spanning ~15 decades in energy, from radio frequencies up to high-energy γ-rays. Blazar SEDs vary both in terms of energy flux (i.e. flux variability) and spectral characteristics (i.e. color changes) on timescales ranging from minutes to years. Decade monitoring of blazars at optical and infrared (O/IR) wavelengths with the meter-class telescopes of the Small and Moderate Aperture Research Telescope System (SMARTS) in Chile and in γ-rays with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) has enabled the systematic study of multi-wavelength long-term variability in blazars. In this study we investigate, from a theoretical perspective, the long-term variability properties of blazar emission by introducing an observationally motivated time-dependence to four main parameters of the one-zone leptonic model: electron injection luminosity, magnetic field strength, Doppler factor and external photon field luminosity. For the first time, we use both the probability density function (PDF) and the power spectrum density (PSD) of the observed 10 year-long Fermi-LAT light curves to create fake γ-ray light curves and variation patterns for the model parameters in order to simulate the long-term multi-wavelength flux variability for the full time-interval of 10 years. To quantify the latter, we use standard timing tools, such as discrete correlation functions (DCFs) and fractional variabilities (FVs). Our goal is to compare the findings of our theoretical investigation with observations of two bright blazars from the SMARTS sample (PKS 2155-304 and 3C 273), and to understand the cause of the observed time lags between O/IR wavelengths and γ-rays.
Koulouklidis AD, Kyriakou E, Daskalaki C, Ergoktas SM, Tasolamprou AC, Kafesaki M, Kocabas C, Tzortzakis S. Observation of Ultrafast THz Self-actions in Graphene Based Modulators. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Koulouklidis AD, Kyriakou E, Daskalaki C, Ergoktas SM, Tasolamprou AC, Kafesaki M, Kocabas C, Tzortzakis S. Observation of ultrafast THz self-actions in graphene based modulators. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Tzanakaki A, Manolopoulos A, Anastasopoulos M, Simenidou D. Optical Networking in Support of User Plane Functions in 5G Systems and beyond. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Anastasopoulos M, Pelekanou A, Manolopoulos A, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Optical Networks in Support of Open-RAN in 5G Systems and beyond. In: 2021 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Karkani A, Evelpidou N, Saitis G, Tsanakas Κ, Karymbalis E, Vassilakis E, DRINIA H, Mpatakis V. Palaeogeographic evolution and sea level changes of a tectonically active area: the case of Psatha, Alkyonides Gulf, Greece. In: vEGU21: Gather Online. ; 2021.
Karkani E, Saitis G, Tsanakas K, Evelpidou N, Karymbalis E, Vassilakis E, Drinia, H., Batzakis D-V. Palaeogeographic evolution and sea level changes of a tectonically active area: the case of Psatha, Alkyonides Gulf, Greece. In: EGU General Assembly 2021. Vol. EGU21-13236. online; 2021.
The study of environmental changes in coastal areas provide useful information for past conditions and constitute a powerful tool for accurate palaeogeographic reconstructions. Several coastal landforms are present on the coastal zone, with different response to environmental change. Coastal wetlands and lagoons are particularly sensitive to local paleoenvironmental changes and provide an excellent opportunity to reconstruct the evolution of the coastal zone evolution and the sea level changes. In this context, the aim of this work is to elucidate the coastal evolution of Psatha bay, Alkyonides Gulf, Greece, through coastal drillings and geomorphological sea level markers. The study area is located at the eastern end of Corinth Gulf, in the Gulf of Alkyonides. Psatha is bounded by active neotectonic structures, which have been a determining factor in its development. In this work we adopt a multiproxy approach through the study of coastal drillings and beachrocks. We coupled detailed beachrock mapping, microstratigraphic analysis and luminescence dating to study beachrock outcrops found up to 1 m above the present sea-level. For the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, multiproxy analyses were undertaken, which included sedimentological analysis of the core, paleontological analysis of macrofauna and microfauna and radiocarbon dating. The results of this work will contribute to the better understanding of a coastal site in a tectonically active area and the relative sea level changes.
Karkani E, Saitis G, Tsanakas K, Evelpidou N, Karymbalis E, Vassilakis E, Drinia, H., Batzakis D-V. Palaeogeographic evolution and sea level changes of a tectonically active area: the case of Psatha, Alkyonides Gulf, Greece. In: EGU General Assembly 2021. Vol. EGU21-13236. online; 2021.
The study of environmental changes in coastal areas provide useful information for past conditions and constitute a powerful tool for accurate palaeogeographic reconstructions. Several coastal landforms are present on the coastal zone, with different response to environmental change. Coastal wetlands and lagoons are particularly sensitive to local paleoenvironmental changes and provide an excellent opportunity to reconstruct the evolution of the coastal zone evolution and the sea level changes. In this context, the aim of this work is to elucidate the coastal evolution of Psatha bay, Alkyonides Gulf, Greece, through coastal drillings and geomorphological sea level markers. The study area is located at the eastern end of Corinth Gulf, in the Gulf of Alkyonides. Psatha is bounded by active neotectonic structures, which have been a determining factor in its development. In this work we adopt a multiproxy approach through the study of coastal drillings and beachrocks. We coupled detailed beachrock mapping, microstratigraphic analysis and luminescence dating to study beachrock outcrops found up to 1 m above the present sea-level. For the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, multiproxy analyses were undertaken, which included sedimentological analysis of the core, paleontological analysis of macrofauna and microfauna and radiocarbon dating. The results of this work will contribute to the better understanding of a coastal site in a tectonically active area and the relative sea level changes.
Perrakis G, Tasolamprou AC, Kenanakis G, Economou EN, Tzortzakis S, Kafesaki M. Passive radiative cooler for solar cells' temperature and efficiency control. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Perrakis G, Tasolamprou AC, Kenanakis G, Economou EN, Tzortzakis S, Kafesaki M. Passive radiative cooler for solar cells' temperature and efficiency control. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Perrakis G, Tasolamprou AC, Kenanakis G, Economou EN, Tzortzakis S, Kafesaki M. Passive radiative cooling for the temperature and efficiency control of photovoltaics. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. ; 2021. Website
Perrakis G, Tasolamprou AC, Kenanakis G, Economou EN, Tzortzakis S, Kafesaki M. Passive radiative cooling for the temperature and efficiency control of photovoltaics. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Dagres I, Polydoros A, Moustakas AL. Performance Analysis of Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Networks: The Effect of Synchronization and Doppler Spread. In: 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). San Diego, CA, USA; 2021. pp. 957-962.
Gkonis P, Trakadas P, Sarakis L, Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Capsalis N. On the performance evaluation of 5G MIMO networks employing NOMA via system-link level simulations. In: 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). IEEE; 2021. pp. 264–268.
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Jin J, Pagonakis IG, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, Weggen J, et al. Performance Expectation and Preparation of the First Experimental Campaign of the KIT 2 MW 170/204 GHz Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron. In: 2021 22nd International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Lavdas S, Gkonis P, Trakadas P, Sarakis L. On the Performance Limitations of Realistic Massive MIMO Deployments in 5G mmWave Wireless Cellular Networks. In: 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall). IEEE; 2021. pp. 1–5.
Vara-Lubiano M, Morales N, Rommel F, Ortiz JL, Sicardy B, Santos-Sanz P, Souami D, Braga-Ribas F, Skvarc J, Jehin E, et al. Physical properties of the cubewano 19521 Chaos from a multi-chord stellar occultation. In: Vol. 53. ; 2021. pp. 307.11. WebsiteAbstract
Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) have had an increasing interest since the discovery of (15760) Albion in 1992. These objects are considered remnants of the Solar System formation, and can thus provide clues about its origin and evolution. One of the best techniques to study TNOs from ground-based telescopes are stellar occultations which, if combined with photometric data, permit to obtain physical properties of the TNO such as its size, shape, and albedo. With this in mind, we predicted, observed, and analyzed the stellar occultation of the Gaia source 3444789965847631104 caused by the cubewano (19521) Chaos on the 20th of November 2020. The prediction was part of the searching program carried out by the Lucky Star project collaboration. We observed the object with the 1.23-m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory (Almería, Spain) two days before the event to update the prediction. The occultation observing campaign involved 19 observing stations, both professional and amateur, and resulted in three positive detections and 11 negative detections. Five teams could not observe due to bad weather. We fitted the positive chords' extremities to an ellipse to derive Chaos' projected size and shape and determine its geometric albedo. The preliminary area-equivalent diameter obtained is slightly smaller than the one derived with Herschel thermal data. However, we are still analyzing photometric data to complement and improve these results.
Kotsani N, Andreopoulou A. Polyfōn{\'ıa: an Interactive Vocal Processing System using Finger Tracking. In: International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. PubPub; 2021.
Mavidis CP, Tasolamprou AC, Hasan SB, Koschny T, Economou EN, Kafesaki M, Soukoulis CM, Vos WL. Position dependence of local density of states in 3D band gap of a finite photonic crystal. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Mavidis CP, Tasolamprou AC, Hasan SB, Koschny T, Economou EN, Kafesaki M, Soukoulis CM, Vos WL. Position dependence of local density of states in 3D band gap of a finite photonic crystal. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
M.E. N, Schroll A, Sotiropoulos K, Drikos S, Barzouka K, Arampatzis A. Postural stability performance in female veteran volleyball players. In: 29th International Conference of Physical Education and Sports. ; 2021. pp. 87-91. WebsiteAbstract
{Effectiveness in the volleyball players' ability to control their postural sway during the game's actions involving contact with the floor (i.e. passing, digging) contributes to the final score. The purpose of this study was to investigate the postural stability performance of female veteran volleyball players (VVP). Sixty nine top-level female VVP were assigned to an active (N=29) and a non-active group (N=40). Due to the age range (43.7-66.7 years) of participants, they were further assigned to a younger (<51 years) and older (≥51 years) age group (Active: Younger=14
Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Tsinos C, Trakadas P. Power control in 5G heterogeneous cells considering user demands using deep reinforcement learning. In: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer International Publishing Cham; 2021. pp. 95–105.
Anderson CC, Renaud FG, Hanscomb S, Loupis M, Munro KE, Ollauri A, Panga D, Pouta E, Soini K, Thomson CS. Public acceptance of nature-based solutions (NbS): a framework for successful NbS and its application in three European case studies. In: ; 2021. pp. EGU21 - 4579.
Chatzirallis A, Varaklioti A, Sergentanis TN, Theodossiadis P, Chatziralli I. Quality of Life among Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Case-Control Study. In: Seminars in Ophthalmology. Taylor & Francis; 2021. pp. 1–7.
Skarpetis MG, Koumboulis FN, Tzamtziou KA, Michopoulos P. A Robust Control Scheme for an Experimental Hydraulic System. In: 2021 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET). IEEE; 2021. pp. 1–6.
Shkembi K, Kochovski P, Papaioannou TG, Simonet-Boulogne A, Ciaramella M, Barelle C, Stankovski V. The semantic web and blockchain at a meeting point. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference (ERK 2021).; 2021. pp. 313–316.
Giannakis S, Valavani C, Alexandris C. A Sentiment Analysis Web Platform for Multiple Social Media Types and Language-Specific Customizations. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd {HCI} International Conference, {HCII} 2021, Virtual Event, July 24-29, 2021, Proceedings, Part {I}. Vol. 12762. Springer; 2021. pp. 318–328. Website
Dilalos S, Alexopoulos JD. Some new Insights on the Correlation of Isoseismal Maps With Terrestrial and Satellite Gravity Data. In: 11th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society. Vol. 2021. Bucharest, Romania: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers; 2021. pp. 1-5. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Based on the results of a previous terrestrial gravity survey that was carried out in Athens basin (Greece) some indications of correlation between terrestrial gravity data and isoseismal maps of Athens earthquake (7/9/1999) had been revealed. In this paper, we will present a research for the same area based on a new approach, which investigates the possible correlation of the same isoseismal maps with only satellite gravity data from GOCE and GRACE but also with a combined gravity model of updated terrestrial, marine and satellite data. The combined gravity model of Greece was constructed based on the least-squares collocation. The previous correlation of isoseismal maps with the older terrestrial gravity data was quite obvious and clear since the areas with the lower gravity values were simultaneously the ones with the greatest damage distribution. On the other hand, from the satellite gravity data and the combined gravity model we could not identify a clear and obvious correlation, as was expected, due to the smaller resolution spacing of the satellite data.
Eleftheriou GI, Kalkanis GT, Kapotis EC, Nistazakis HE. A step that paves the way of teaching modern electrical circuits. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2021-April. ; 2021. pp. 459-462. Website
Vassiliou EE, Demetriou IC. On a test for trends in piecewise monotonic data approximation method (Best Paper Award of The 2021 International Conference of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering). In: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2021, 7-9 July, 2021, London, U.K. S. I. Ao, L. Gelman, D.W.L. Hukins, A.M. Korsunsky, Editors. ; 2021. pp. 91-96.
Leggieri A, Bariou D, Hermann V, Legrand F, Lietaer G, Lievin C, Marchesin R, Thouvenin P, Albajar F, Sanchez F, et al. TH1509U European 170 GHZ 1 MW CW Industrial Gyrotron Upgrade. In: 2021 22nd International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Leggieri A, Bariou D, Hermann V, Legrand F, Lietaer G, Lievin C, Marchesin R, Thouvenin P, Albajar F, Sanchez F, et al. TH1509U European 170 GHZ 1 MW CW Industrial Gyrotron Upgrade. In: 2021 22nd International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2021. ; 2021. Website
Brücker P, Avramidis KA, Marek A, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Theoretical Investigation on Injection Locking of the EU 170 GHz 2 MW TE34,19-Mode Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2021-August. ; 2021. Website
Bonanos A, Yang M, Sokolovsky K, Gavras P, Hatzidimitriou D, Bellas-Velidis I, Kakaletris G, Lennon D, Nota A, White R, et al. Time Domain Science from the Hubble Catalog of Variables. In: Vol. 53. ; 2021. pp. 424.03. WebsiteAbstract
We present the Hubble Catalog of Variables, the first, homogeneous catalog of variable sources created from the highly diverse, archival HST data. It is currently the deepest catalog of variables available and includes variable stars in our Galaxy and nearby galaxies, as well as transients and variable active galactic nuclei. The catalog is a valuable resource for time domain science. Possible uses include searches for new variable objects of a particular type for population analysis, detection of unique objects worthy of follow-up studies, identification of sources observed at other wavelengths, and photometric characterization of candidate progenitors of supernovae and other transients in nearby galaxies. Examples of such cases will be presented. The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV) is based on version 3 of the Hubble Source Catalog (HSC), which relies on publicly available images obtained with the WFPC2, ACS, and WFC3 instruments onboard the HST. It includes 84,428 candidate variable sources (out of 3.7 million HSC sources that were searched for variability) with V <= 27 mag; for 11,115 of them the variability is detected in more than one filter. The data points in the light curves of the variables in the HCV catalog range from five to 120 points (typically having less than ten points); the time baseline ranges from under a day to over 15 years; while ∼8% of all variables have amplitudes in excess of 1 mag. Visual inspection performed on a subset of the candidate variables suggests that at least 80% of the candidate variables that passed our automated quality control are true variable sources rather than spurious detections resulting from blending, residual cosmic rays, and calibration errors. The catalog is available to the community from the ESA Hubble Science Archive (eHST) at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) and the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).
Tasolamprou AC, Kafesaki M, Soukoulis CM, Economou EN, Koschny T. Topological surface states at the free space termination of uncorrugated finite square photonic crystals. In: 2021 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021. ; 2021. pp. 429 – 431. Website
Du J, Alexandris C, Yu P. Towards Chinese Terminology Application of {TERMONLINE}. In: Ahram TZ, Karwowski W, Kalra J Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Software and Systems Engineering - Proceedings of the {AHFE} 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing, and Energy, July 25-29, 2021, {U. Vol. 271. Springer; 2021. pp. 190–198. Website
Koulouklidis AD, Kyriakou E, Daskalaki C, Ergoktas SM, Tasolamprou AC, Kafesaki M, Kocabas C, Tzortzakis S. Ultrafast THz self-action graphene based modulators. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2021. Website
Koulouklidis AD, Kyriakou E, Daskalaki C, Ergoktas SM, Tasolamprou AC, Kafesaki M, Kocabas C, Tzortzakis S. Ultrafast THz Self-action Graphene Based Modulators. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings. ; 2021. Website
Marini D, Polychronopoulos S, Bakogiannis K, Kouroupetroglou G. A Unified Comparative Approach for Wind Instrument Physical Modelling: Finite Element vs Digital Signal Processing Methods”. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV27. ; 2021. pp. 11–16. Publisher's Version
Treiber H, Vasilopoulos G, Bailyn C, Jaisawal G, Ray P, Haberl F, Gendreau K, Udalski A, Maitra C. Unusual 2020 Outburst of Be/X-ray Binary LXP 69.5 in the LMC. In: Vol. 237. ; 2021. pp. 340.05. WebsiteAbstract
We present unexpected optical and X-ray results that challenge established models of Be/X-ray binary accretion and system geometry. Be/X-ray binaries generally consist of a neutron star in a wide, eccentric orbit around a Be star. At periastron, magnetospheric accretion from the Be disk onto the neutron star magnetic poles yields X-ray pulses with increased luminosity by orders of magnitude. These periodic X-ray outbursts often coincide with optical flares. Characterizing X-ray and optical data from these systems informs our understanding of magnetospheric accretion onto objects with extreme magnetic fields (~1012 G) as well as the resulting feedback between the high-mass star and the orbiting pulsar. In June 2020, eROSITA detected Be/X-ray binary LXP 69.5 as the brightest transient in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We followed up with NICER to analyze the spectral and temporal properties of the neutron star over the course of the outburst. Pulse profile morphology is expected to change with accretion regime, which in turn is governed by system luminosity. However, we found the pulse profile from the peak of the outburst to be consistent with XMM-Newton observations from 2000, taken when the source was two orders of magnitude fainter. During the decay of the outburst, when the luminosity decreased by a third, the profile secondary peak became more prominent and the hardness increased. We also analyzed long-term optical data from OGLE, which spanned from March 2010 to March 2020. The orbital period of the system remains unknown, since no single period can describe the optical flares. Our best model suggests that the optical light curve can be split into three epochs with different periods (149, 171, and 200 days). Swift archival observations and our modeling of the I band quasi-periodicity suggest that the X-ray outbursts often occur near optical minimum. Such behavior is out of the ordinary for systems that host a face-on Be disk.
Tsanakas K, Saitis G, Evelpidou N, Karymbalis E, Karkani A. Uplifted marine terraces of Cephalonia Island, Western Greece. Insights into the late Quaternary geomorphic evolution of the area. In: vEGU21: Gather Online. ; 2021.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Nasor M, Mujeeb Rahman KK. On the Utilization of L-PAM Technique in Transdermal Optical Wireless Links with Stochastic Pointing Errors for ABER Performance Estimation. In: 2021 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2021. ; 2021. Website
Frank A, Frei R, Triantaphyllou M, Vassilakis E, Kristiansen K, Frei K. Why we need extensive, regional, bioavailable Sr isotope baselines for human mobility studies in archaeology: A case from the Peloponnese. In: Goldschmidt. Lyon, France; 2021.
Sr isotopes have been applied as a provenance tracer in archaeology for over three decades providing unprecedented insights into past human mobility at an individual level. However, their successful application requires a comparison to the bioavailable Sr isotopic composition characteristic for the areas where finds were unearthed or are suspected to originate from (referred to as baseline). Due to financial reasons or other limitations many studies only take a few baseline samples within or in close proximity to the archaeological site for reference purposes. This can introduce large uncertainties to the interpretation of human 87Sr/86Sr data especially in geologically complex areas. Here, we present Sr concentrations and isotopic data of modern environmental proxies (plants, soils and water) sampled at 52 sites across the Peloponnese, Greece, and compare them to previously published 87Sr/86Sr data to evaluate the need for extensive regional baselines. The bioavailable Sr isotopic composition of the Peloponnese is characterised by a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7077 – 0.7237). The distribution of the 87Sr/86Sr data corresponds well with the surface lithology, suggesting a dominance of Sr derived from the bedrocks. The 87Sr/86Sr baselines defined by the environmental samples taken from areas characterised by clastic and chemical surface sediments are calculated as comparatively unradiogenic, narrow 87Sr/86Sr ranges of 0.70832 ± 0.00053 (x̅ ± 2σ) and 0.70835 ± 0.00089 (x̅ ± 2σ), respectively. In contrast, the areas characterised by metamorphic outcrops are characterised by more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr signals with wider 87Sr/86Sr baseline ranges of 0.70906 ± 0.00116 (x̅ ± 2σ) and 0.71429 ± 0.01133 (x̅ ± 2σ) for marbles and schists, respectively. These significantly extend the bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr baseline data of the Peloponnese compared to previously published data (0.70841 ± 0.00092; x̅ ± 2σ). This emphasises the importance of regionally extensive sampling in geologically complex areas, such as the Peloponnese, to reduce uncertainties in the application of Sr isotopes as a tracer for past human mobility.
Giannopoulos A, Spantideas S, Capsalis N, Gkonis P, Karkazis P, Sarakis L, Trakadas P, Capsalis C. WIP: Demand-driven power allocation in wireless networks with deep Q-learning. In: 2021 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). IEEE; 2021. pp. 248–251.
Δεναξάς Νικόλαος Α. Κρίση, Θρησκεία και οικογενειακός θεσμός. Επίκαιροι προβληματισμοί σε καιρούς πολιτικής ορθότητας. In: 7ο τακτικό συνέδριο ΕΚΕ. ΕΚΕ; 2021.
Vasilopoulos G, Ray P, Jenke P, Wilson-Hodge C, Jaisawal G, Strohmayer T, Wolff M, Guillot S, Malacaria C, Stevens A, et al. The 2019 super-Eddington outburst of HMXB RX J0209.6-7427 located at the SMC. In: Vol. 236. ; 2020. pp. 108.06. WebsiteAbstract
In November 2019, MAXI detected an X-ray outburst from the known Be X-ray binary system RX J0209.6-7427 located in the outer wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We followed the outburst of the system with NICER which led to the discovery of X-ray pulsations with a period of 9.3 s. We analyzed simultaneous X-ray data obtained with NuSTAR and NICER allowing us to characterize the spectrum and provide an accurate estimate of its bolometric luminosity. During the outburst the maximum broadband X-ray luminosity of the system reached 1-2×1039 erg/s, thus exceeding by about one order of magnitude the Eddington limit for a typical 1.4 M⊙ mass neutron star (NS). Monitoring observations with Fermi/GBM and NICER allowed us to study the spin evolution of the NS and compare it with standard accretion torque models. We found that the NS magnetic field should be of the order of 3×1012 G. We conclude that RX J0209.6-7427 exhibited one of the brightest outbursts observed from a Be X-ray binary pulsar in the Magellanic Clouds, reaching similar luminosity level to the 2016 outburst of SMC X-3. Despite the super-Eddington luminosity of RX J0209.6-7427, the NS appears to have only a moderate magnetic field strength.
Papagiannis T, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. Applying Gradient Boosting Trees and Stochastic Leaf Evaluation to MCTS on Hearthstone. In: 2020 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). ; 2020. pp. 157-162.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Mujeeb Rahman KK, Tsigopoulos AD, Christofilakis V. Average BER estimation of retroreflective transdermal optical wireless links with diversity, attenuation and spatial jitter. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Zafeiropoulos A, Fotopoulou E, Peuster M, Schneider S, Gouvas P, Behnke D, Müller M, Bök P-B, Trakadas P, Karkazis P, et al. Benchmarking and profiling 5G verticals' applications: an industrial IoT use case. In: 2020 6th IEEE conference on network softwarization (NetSoft). IEEE; 2020. pp. 310–318.
Gappmair W, Nistazakis HE. Blind Symbol Timing Estimation for Bandlimited Optical Intensity Channels. In: 2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2020. ; 2020. Website
Evelpidou N, C. Z, Synolakis C, C. R, Karkani A, Polidorou M, Saitis G. Boulder deposits on the southeastern coast of Cyprus and their relation with palaeotsunami events on the Eastern Mediterranean. In: EGU2020. Vienna; 2020.Abstract
Cyprus has a long record of tsunami waves, as noted by archaeological and geological records. Large boulder deposits have been noted in the southeastern and western part of the Island. At Cape Greco (southeastern Cyprus) large boulders have been noted, however, no detailed geomorphological research has taken place so far and the related high energy event remains undated. Our research focuses at Cape Greco Peninsula in order to record in detail and interpret the large boulders deposits. The boulders, located at 3 m amsl, are fragments of a layer of an upper Pleistocene aeolianite, which is overlaying unconformly a lower Pleistocene calcarenite. Dimensions and spatial distribution of 272 small, medium and large boulders were documented, while their precise distance from the coastline was recorded by field mapping and remote sensing, using GNSS, drone and GIS technics. Several large boulders weighting more than ~30 metric tons were found up to 60m inland. Geomorphologic mapping and morphometric measurements, along with the presence of marine organisms suggests that some of the boulders were removed from their original intertidal zone and were transported inland by the force of large waves. In this work, we attempt to determine the extreme event that caused their transport inland. We further attempt a correlation of the event with already known tsunami events from Eastern Mediterranean, based on the estimated wave heights and the radiocarbon dating of marine gastropods (Vermetus sp.).
Tasolamprou AC, Economou EN, Soukoulis CM, Koschny T, Kafesaki M. Bound states sustained in dielectric photonic crystals and metasurfaces and wavefront manipulation. In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 2020-July. ; 2020. Website
Giakoumis A, Androutsos NA, Volos CK, Moysis L, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. A Chaotic Circuit with Bi-Color LED as a Nonlinear Element. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Giakoumis A, Androutsos NA, Volos CK, Moysis L, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. A Chaotic Circuit with Bi-Color LED as a Nonlinear Element. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Moysis L, Petavratzis E, Volos C, Nistazakis H, Stouboulos I, Valavanis K. A Chaotic Path Planning Method for 3D Area Coverage Using Modified Logistic Map and a Modulo Tactic. In: 2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2020. ; 2020. pp. 220-227. Website
Vassilakis E, Alexopoulos J, Farangitakis GP. Combination of Earth Observation and Seismic Reflection Data Analysis for the Definition of Strike Slip Fault Zones in Central Crete. In: EGU2020-2882. Vienna, Austria; 2020.Abstract
The general understanding of the major tectonic structures that are traced on Crete Island is of great importance to decipher the geodynamic regime of the leading edge of the overriding Aegean microplate and consequently Eurasia’s southernmost active margin. The aim of this multidisciplinary methodology is to provide useful information for more reliable mapping of buried structures, which in turn supplement the dynamic and kinematic model of this key area of high interest. Several indicators for the existence of oblique fault block displacement were identified with the use of earth observation data, as strike slip faulting expressions on the surface are more efficiently identified by vertical observations. Tectonic structures which are usually created along lateral displacements require different working scales. Hence, earth observation data (satellite images, aerial photographs) with various spatial characteristics need to be included. Therefore, the methodology presented in this paper involves high spatial resolution digital elevation models and several remote sensing multispectral datasets, in many cases merged with higher spatial resolution panchromatic aerial photographs. The co-registration and orthorectification of all datasets proved to be a very significant part of this work in order to produce high resolution coloured 3D scenes at selected sites in central Crete, where the observed N-S trending strike slip fault zones crosscut arc parallel low angle normal faults and higher angle fault scarps. Additionally, deep seismic reflection datasets along the major geomorphic structure of Messara basin were combined and highlighted the strike slip mechanism, since the continuation of the subvertical structures in depth has become clearer after the exact positioning of the sections and further interpretation.
Vassilakis E, Alexopoulos J, Farangitakis GP. Combination of Earth Observation and Seismic Reflection Data Analysis for the Definition of Strike Slip Fault Zones in Central Crete. In: EGU202. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
The general understanding of the major tectonic structures that are traced on Crete Island is of great importance to decipher the geodynamic regime of the leading edge of the overriding Aegean microplate and consequently Eurasia’s southernmost active margin. The aim of this multi-disciplinary methodology is to provide useful information for more reliable mapping of buried structures, which in turn supplement the dynamic and kinematic model of this key area of high interest. Several indicators for the existence of oblique fault block displacement were identified with the use of earth observation data, as strike slip faulting expressions on the surface are more efficiently identified by vertical observations. Tectonic structures which are usually created along lateral displacements require different working scales. Hence, earth observation data (satellite images, aerial photographs) with various spatial characteristics need to be included. Therefore, the methodology presented in this paper involves high spatial resolution digital elevation models and several remote sensing multispectral datasets, in many cases merged with higher spatial resolution panchromatic aerial photographs. The co-registration and ortho-rectification of all datasets proved to be a very significant part of this work in order to produce high resolution coloured 3D scenes at selected sites in central Crete, where the observed N-S trending strike slip fault zones crosscut arc parallel low angle normal faults and higher angle fault scarps. Additionally, deep seismic reflection datasets along the major geomorphic structure of Messara basin were combined and highlighted the strike slip mechanism, since the continuation of the sub-vertical structures in depth has become clearer after the exact positioning of the sections and further interpretation.
Du J, Alexandris C, Yu P. Comparative Research on Terminology Databases in Europe and China. In: Ahram TZ, Ta{\"ı}ar R, Gremeaux{-}Bader V, Aminian K Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications {II} - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications {(IHIET} - {AI} 2020), April 23-25, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland. Vol. 1152. Springer; 2020. pp. 252–257. Website
Prekas S, Karkazis P, Trakadas P. Comparison of Embedding Objectives for Next Generation Networks. In: ICCGI 2020, The Fifteenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-1-61208-793-1; 2020. pp. 7–12.
Prekas S, Karkazis P, Trakadas P, Nikolakakis V. Comparison of VNE heuristic solutions with similar objective functions. In: Proceedings of the 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics. ; 2020. pp. 22–26.
Shah MAR, Renaud FG, Wild A, Anderson CC, Loupis M, Panga D, Stefanopoulou M, Polderman A, Pouta E, Votsis A. A conceptual framework for vulnerability and risk assessment in the context of nature-based solutions to hydro-meteorological risks. In: ; 2020. pp. 20403.
Debele S, Sahani J, Porcù F, Aragão L, Spyrou C, Loupis M, Charizopoulos N, Di Sabatino S, Kumar P. A copula-based multivariate drought indicator to design and monitor nature-based solutions. In: ; 2020. pp. 13912.
Yoshida K, Bailyn C, Cruz B, Urry C, Coppi P, Vasilopoulos G, Petropoulou M, Meyer M. Cross-Correlation Analysis between Gamma-ray and Optical/Infrared Variability for Bright Blazars Monitored in 2008-2017. In: Vol. 235. ; 2020. pp. 405.08. WebsiteAbstract
We present the results of cross-correlation analysis between the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray and SMARTS optical/infrared light curves of bright 8 blazars monitored in 2008-2017. For the temporal correlation analysis of unevenly sampled variability data, we use the Discrete Correlation Function (DCF), and created an empirical bootstrapping method to assess the significance of the DCF amplitude for each blazar. The DCFs between gamma-ray and optical/infrared light curves with one week binning time scale suggest that 6 of the 8 blazars show a significant peak at zero lag at or above 3 sigma level. That is consistent with the leptonic model in which optical/infrared photons are produced by synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons and gamma rays are produced by inverse Compton scattering of ambient photons by the synchrotron-emitting electrons. However, the DCFs with one day binning time scale suggest that among 8 blazars, only one blazar — 3C 454.3 — still has a significant peak at zero lag. The other 7 blazars tend to show much smaller peaks than those with a weekly time bin. In addition, for a given blazar, strong changes of the DCFs from one epoch to the next are shown by the analyses of time periods of one or two years. These results complicate the simplest understanding of blazar emission mechanisms. We discuss possible physical explanations.
Alexandridis G, Michalakis K, Aliprantis J, Polydoras P, Tsantilas P, Caridakis G. A Deep Learning Approach to Aspect-Based Sentiment Prediction. In: Maglogiannis I, Iliadis L, Pimenidis E Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020. pp. 397–408.Abstract
Sentiment analysis is a vigorous research area, with many application domains. In this work, aspect-based sentiment prediction is examined as a component of a larger architecture that crawls, indexes and stores documents from a wide variety of online sources, including the most popular social networks. The textual part of the collected information is processed by a hybrid bi-directional long short-term memory architecture, coupled with convolutional layers along with an attention mechanism. The extracted textual features are then combined with other characteristics, such as the number of repetitions, the type and frequency of emoji ideograms in a fully-connected, feed-forward artificial neural network that performs the final prediction task. The obtained results, especially for the negative sentiment class, which is of particular importance in certain cases, are encouraging, underlying the robustness of the proposed approach.
Pomonis P. Deposit 39 of the prehistoric cemetery at Tsepi (Marathon, Greece): preliminary results from the petrographic analysis of the pottery. In: Athens and Attica in Prehistory . Athens: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd.; 2020. pp. 251-255. Publisher's Version
Gripeos PJ, Nistazakis HE, Roumelas GD, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD, Tombras GS. DF Relayed OOK and PAM FSO Links with Turbulence and Time Jitter. In: CoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - Proceedings. ; 2020. Website
Gripeos PJ, Nistazakis HE, Roumelas GD, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD, Tombras GS. DF Relayed OOK and PAM FSO Links with Turbulence and Time Jitter. In: CoBCom 2020 - International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications - Proceedings. ; 2020. Website
I. Kassaras, V. Kapetanidis GTPKAAPV.
Design and implementation of the seismotectonic Atlas of Greece
. In: EGU-2020. Online; 2020. egu2020-2220-print.pdf
Tisov A, Kuusk K, Navarro Escudero M, Niki Assimakopoulos M, Papadaki D, Pihelo P, Op 'T Veld P, Kalamees T. Driving decarbonisation of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process. In: E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 172. ; 2020. Website
Demetriou IC, Perdikas IN. The effectiveness of the piecewise monotonic approximation method for the peak estimation of noisy univariate spectra. In: Proceedings of 2019 3rd International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence and Optimization', December 8-10, 2019, Athens. ; 2020. pp. 69-77.
Stassinakis AN, Nistazakis HE, Chatzikontis EV, Roumelas GD, Tombras GS, Tsigopoulos AD, Mkrttchian G. An Empirical Expression for Attenuation Coefficient Evaluation of FSO Links during Night-Time over Maritime Area of Piraeus Port in Greece. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Stassinakis AN, Nistazakis HE, Chatzikontis EV, Roumelas GD, Tombras GS, Tsigopoulos AD, Mkrttchian G. An Empirical Expression for Attenuation Coefficient Evaluation of FSO Links during Night-Time over Maritime Area of Piraeus Port in Greece. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Baros D, Apostolidou N, Valsamas F, Loupis M, Dasteridis V. An environmentally-friendly LED lighting system for truck applications. In: …; 2020. pp. 98 - 99.
Baros D, Apostolidou N, Valsamas F, Loupis M, Dasteridis V. An environmentally-friendly LED lighting system for truck applications. In: …; 2020. pp. 98 - 99.
Spyrou, Ν., Stanota, Ε., Diakakis, Μ., Andreadakis, Εmm., Lekkas, E., Vassilakis, Emm. Estimation of Flow Velocity During Flash Floods with the synergy of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) data and Ground Observations: The Case of 2017 Mandra Flash Flood, Greece. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) can be used to enhance monitoring of a wide range of environmental parameters, including acquiring data on various types of hydro-geomorphic phenomena. Their capabilities to provide on demand images and videos of high resolution, are particularly useful in the case of flash flood phenomena, which occur in spatial and temporal scales that do not favor traditional monitoring processes. In this work, flow velocity is estimated using aerial imaging acquired by means of an Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) as well as ground observations during the catastrophic flash flood event of November 2017 in Mandra, Greece. In these imaging detailed tracing of various floating objects and particles such as light trash, debris etc. was carried out using multiple high-resolution video frames with specific time marks. Water velocity estimations were also cross-examined using flood mark-derived velocity hydraulic heads extracted by ground observations after the flood. The analysis was applied at a variety of locations across the study area, leading to a map of velocities for parts of the floodplain. Velocity values varied significantly depending on location, reaching up to 10m/s. The UAS proved to be very useful for the collection of important information for an extended area during the flood since a large portion of it was inaccessible due to road closures and safety issues. Nevertheless, the approach comes with certain limitations, including flight regulations, safety precautions and that rainfall is at a level that allows the deployment of a UAV during a flash flood. The findings show that the integration of aerial with ground observations in post-flood analysis contributes the completeness and accuracy of datasets regarding specific flash flood parameters and in the future could become a useful source of information, especially in data-poor regions.
Panagiotopoulou S, Erkeki A, Antonakakis A, Grigorakakis P, Protopapa V, Tsiostas G, Vlachou K, Vassilakis E. Evaluation of Network Real Time Kinematics contribution to the accuracy/productivity ratio for UAS-SfM Photogrammetry. In: European Navigation Conference ENC 2020,. Dresden, Germany; 2020.
The improvement of the accuracy of Structure-from-Motion photogrammetric products is discussed in this paper. In most cases it depends on the number and distribution of ground control points (GCPs) for block orientation, although the placement and precise measuring of GCPs are often time-consuming in a UAS project. This paper presents the evaluation of two approaches including Post Process Kinematic (PPK) and Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK) methods aiming to avoid GCPs establishment, taking advantage of a real time positioning service, where differential corrections are sent from a network of Reference stations directly to the UAS.
Porcu F, Aragão L, Aguzzi M, Valentini A, Debele S, Kumar P, Loupis M, Montesarchio M, Mercogliano P, Di Sabatino S. Extreme wave events attribution using ERA5 datasets for storm-surge studies in the northern Adriatic sea. In: ; 2020. pp. 19443.
Volos C, Nistazakis H, Pham V-T, Stouboulos I. The first experimental evidence of chaos from a nonlinear circuit with a real memristor. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Kamberidou I. Gender, Social Capital and Sport: From Gender Fatigue to Gender Energy. In: Presentation (in Greek) at the 7th Conference of the Hellenic Sociological Society (HSS) “Societies in times of crisis, societies without crisis?’, September 23-25, 2020. Athens: Department of Communication and Mass Media of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; 2020. pp. 1-40. Publisher's VersionAbstract
© Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2020) Φύλο, Κοινωνικό Κεφάλαιο και Αθλητισμός: Από την έμφυλη κόπωση στην έμφυλη ενέργεια. Εισήγηση στο 7ο Τακτικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Κοινωνιολογικής Εταιρείας (ΕΚΕ): Κοινωνίες μετά την κρίση, κοινωνίες χωρίς κρίση;  Αθήνα 23-25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020, Ενότητα: Έμφυλες διακρίσεις στην κοινωνία, 24 Σεπτ. Βιβλίο Περιλήψεων/Περιλήψεις Εισηγήσεων, Τμήμα Επικοινωνίας και ΜΜΕ του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ), σελ. 17. (  
perilipsi.7o_sunedrio_eke_deltio.summetokhes_irene.kamberidou.pdf from_gender_fatigue_to_gender_energy_.pdf programma_synedrio_eke_gutenberg.pdf
Alexandris C, Mourouzidis D, Floros V. Generating Graphic Representations of Spoken Interactions Revisited: The Tension Factor and Information Not Uttered in Journalistic Data. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd International Conference, {HCII} 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19-24, 2020, Proceedings, Part {I}. Vol. 12181. Springer; 2020. pp. 523–537. Website
Evelpidou N, Tzouxanioti M, Saitis G, Karkani A. Geographic Information Systems - an interactive cartographic tool in education. In: Epistemology of STEM: Definitives and Pespectives. Athens; 2020.
NERI A, CAPUA R, FILIP A, CRESPILLO OG, KUTIK O, Loupis M, SALVATORI P. High Integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation; GNSS and Copernicus in Rail –state of art. In:; 2020.
Nastos, P., Ntagkounakis G, Vassilakis E. High-resolution gridded extreme precipitation indices for the wider Greek Region. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
The goal of this study is to create a high-resolution grid of precipitation indices for the wider Greek region using real data from meteorological stations for the 1980-2010 period. Under the risk of increased extreme events caused by climate change, it is important to be able to have a high-resolution gridded extreme precipitation indices in order to overcome the lack of density of observations in both time and space. The development of such a grid can be used to validate model outputs and inform decision makers to better mitigate the damage from extreme precipitation. The first step of the analysis is to calculate the extreme precipitation indices based on daily observations derived from more than 100 meteorological stations covering a wide range of altitudes and spatial climate patterns existing in Greece. Thereafter, the extreme indices will be multilinearly downscaled to a 12-meter resolution grid. The geophysical parameters used in the downscaling procedure consists of altitude, latitude, longitude, slope, aspect, solar irradiance and Euclidian distance from the water bodies. The altitude information came from the highly accurate 12-meter resolution TanDEM-X Elevation Model, which is a product generated from the TerraSAR-X satellite mission data. The resulting high-resolution patterns will give insight of the spatial and temporal variability of extreme precipitation, over the complex terrain of the wider Greek region.
Valavani C, Alexandris C, Mikros G. Improving Machine Translation Output of German Compound and Multiword Financial Terms. In: Ahram TZ, Karwowski W, Vergnano A, Leali F, Ta{\"ı}ar R Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2020 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration {(IHSI} 2020): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, February 19-21, 2020, Modena, Italy. Vol. 1131. Springer; 2020. pp. 276–281. Website
Banks AC, Drakopoulos PG, Chaikalis S, Spyridakis N, Karageorgis AP, Psarra S, Taillandier V, D'Ortenzio F, Sofianos S, De Madron XD. An in situ optical dataset for working towards fiducial reference measurements based satellite ocean colour validation in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 11524. ; 2020. Website
Evelpidou N, Kapsimali V, Sakellariou D, Karkani A, G. S, I. N. Indirect field experience in coastal geomorphology via virtual fieldtrips: a case from Rhodes Island, Greece. In: AGU Fall Meeting (online). ; 2020.
Tsioustas C, Petratou D, Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M, Katsouros V, Kastritsis A, Christantonis K, Diamantaras K, Loupis M. Innovative Applications of Natural Language Processing and Digital Media in Theatre and Performing Arts. In: Vol. 6. 10.5281/zenodo.4059200; 2020. pp. 84 - 96.
Al Imran M, Nakashima K, Evelpidou N, Kawasaki S. Innovative approach for addressing coastal erosion protection using microbial induced carbonate precipitation. In: EGU2020. ; 2020.Abstract
Considering the global climate change and the ensuing sea level rise, the subsequent acceleration of coastal erosion is evident. Phenomena of coastal erosion, coastal flooding and shoreline retreat are expected to show a significant increase in frequency and intensity, in global level. The effects of coastal erosion are worsened by storms, and the reduction of sediment supply associated with global warming and anthropogenic modification of rivers and coastlines. As a countermeasure to coastal erosion, this work focuses on the development of coastal artificial in-situ rocks. We developed a new method that encompasses microbes and the related mechanism is called “Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation” (MICP). We successfully isolated three microorganisms, Micrococcus sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp., and Virgibacillus sp., from the selected area, and investigated their effectiveness in order to make a solidified sand sample. The precipitated bounding material has also been confirmed as calcite by XRD and XRF analysis. We successfully demonstrated that all of these bacterial species are very sensitive with certain environmental parameters, such as temperature, pH, culture type, culture duration, etc. In laboratory scale, we successfully obtained solidified sand by syringe (d = 2.3 cm, h = 7.1 cm) solidification method bearing UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength) up to 1.8 MPa using 0.5 M CaCl2 and urea as cementation solution at 30°C. In addition, we propose a new sustainable approach for field implementation of this method through a combination of geotube and MICP mechanism, which will contribute to coastal erosion protection. The proposed approach is more economic, energy-saving, eco-friendly, and sustainable for bio-mediated soil improvement.
Evelpidou N, Karkani A, Komi A, Giannikopoulou K, Tzouxanioti M, Saitis G, Gatou M-A. Interactive virtual fieldtrip as a tool for remote education. In: AGU Fall Meeting (online). ; 2020.
Baros D, Rigogiannis N, Papanikolaou N, Loupis M. Investigation of Communication Delay Impact on DC Microgrids with Adaptive Droop Control. In: 10.1109/INDEL50386.2020.9266166; 2020.
Karalemas, N., Fillis, C., Skourtsos, E., Kranis, H., Lozios, S., Antoniou, V., Diakakis, Μ., Mavroulis, S., Danamos, G., Vassilakis, Emm., et al. Karst springs in small islands: The Kamari spring (Mylopotamos) in Kythira Island, Greece. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
Three main aquifer systems developed on Kythira Island (Greece) include (Pagounis, 1981; Pagounis & Gertsos, 1984, Danamos, 1991; Koumantakis et al., 2006; Filis et al., 2019):
  • The porous aquifer system in Neogene and Quaternary formations.
  • The karst aquifer system in the carbonate formations of the Pindos and Tripolis Units.
  • The aquifer system (both shallow and deep) in the fractured hard rocks mainly of the Phyllites – Quartzites Unit.
The main discharge of the aquifer systems takes place in coastal and submarine brackish springs around the island, except for its northern part where the Phyllites – Quartzites Unit outcrops and its central part where springs of small capacity discharge the carbonate formations of the Pindos Unit. Precipitation is the direct recharge of the three aforementioned aquifer systems while indirectly lateral discharge occurs in places between adjacent and tangential aquifer systems and from the streams runoff as well. In the area of Mylopotamos village four springs discharge the karst aquifer of the Pindos Unit within the channel of Kako Laghadi stream forming downstream the known “Neraida or Fonissa waterfall”. Moreover, along the dell of Kako Laghadi stream 22 watermills were built, among the plane trees and the ivy. The most significant of the aforementioned springs is the Kamari spring (+282.28 meters a.s.l.) which emerge at the thrust fault between the overlying permeable carbonates and the underlying impermeable flysch formation of the Pindos Unit. The discharge of the Kamari spring presents annual fluctuation which varies from app. 45-50 m3/h (during winter) to total recession (during summer), due to restriction of the precipitation and the prolonged drought and overpumping of its recharge area mainly with boreholes. The inactive municipal borehole of Mylopotamos village (+299.15 meters a.s.l.) is located app. 310 meters SSE of the Kamari spring within its recharge area (karst aquifer of the Pindos Unit). This borehole of a total depth of 40 meters penetrates carbonates of the Pindos Unit which thickness exceeds 100 meters in that area. Monthly measurements of the Kamari spring discharge and the water table head in the inactive borehole demonstrate clear and direct hydraulic correlation between them. The Kamari spring presents outflow only in the case when the water level head of the borehole exceeds +282.28 meters. This means that the water level head in the borehole should not exceed 16.87 meters from the earth surface. Taking into account all the aforementioned, the Kamari spring is designated as an overflow spring. Finally, microbiological analysis from the Kamari spring showed qualitative degradation, due to human activities in the wider area (Pagounis, 1981; Filis et al., 2019).
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis, Emm. Karst Topography Analysis Based on Multi-sensor (UAS & LiDAR) Data Acquisition. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
The state-of-the-art in surveying of open surface the last few decades is based on Point Cloud processing and interpretation. Lately, similar technology tends to be used for indoor surveying as well. One of the extreme applications is the use of the exact same technology in underground karstic cavities, evolving the methodology used in cave mapping. Geometric and morphometric analysis of the caves or any containing components (speleothems) include various techniques aiming at quantifying their dimensions in order to determine the characteristics and consequently the relationship between the cavity morphology and the surrounding structural, lithological and hydrogeological properties. The purpose of this research is to combine high resolution topographic data acquired with different instruments for both the underground morphology of a karstic cave (Koutouki, Peania, Greece) and the open-air surface above it. The described methodology is based on photogrammetric processing of Unmanned Aerial System image data and the extraction of a point cloud recorded with the use of a handheld laser scanning system. The latter resulted a 3D model of the cave and led to the production of a digital relief for the roof of the cave, which in turn was combined with the digital terrain model of the open-air surface above the cave. The final product is a high-resolution information layer with measurements of the rock thickness between the roof of the underground karstic structure and the open-surface topography with high accuracy.
Thivaiou D, Koskeridou E, Psarras C, Michalopoulou K, Evelpidou N, Saitis G, Lyras G. Lake Lerna: investigating Hercules' ancient myth. In: EGU2020. ; 2020.Abstract
Greece and the Aegean area are among the first areas in Europe to have been occupied by humans. The record of human interventions in natural environments is thus particularly rich. Some of the interventions of the people inhabiting various localities of the country have been recorded in local mythology. Through the interdisciplinary field of geomythology it is possible to attempt to uncover the relationships between the geological history of early civilizations and ancient myths.In the present work, we focused on the history of Lake Lerni in the Eastern Peloponnese, an area that is better known through the myth of Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra. The area of the lake – now dried and cultivated – was part of a karstic system and constituted a marshland that was a source of diseases and needed to be dried.A new core is studied from the area of modern-day Lerni using palaeontological methods in order to reconstruct environmental changes that occurred during the last 6.000 years approximately. The area is known to have gone from marsh-lacustrine environments to dryer environments after human intervention or the intervention of Hercules according to mythology. Levels of peat considered to represent humid intervals were dated using the radiocarbon method so as to have an age model of the core. Samples of sediment were taken every 10 cm; the grain size was analysed for each sample as well as the fossil content for the environmental reconstruction.The presence of numerous freshwater gastropods reflects the intervals of lacustrine environment accompanied with extremely fine dark sediment. Sedimentology is stable throughout the core with few levels of coarse sand/fine gravel, only changes in colour hint to multiple levels richer in organic material.
Nantsou T, Frache G, Kapotis EC, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Learning-by-doing as an educational method of conducting experiments in electronic physics. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2020-April. ; 2020. pp. 236-241. Website
Nantsou T, Frache G, Kapotis EC, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Learning-by-doing as an educational method of conducting experiments in electronic physics. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. 2020-April. ; 2020. pp. 236-241. Website
Korovesis K, Alexandridis G, Caridakis G, Polydoras P, Tsantilas P. Leveraging Aspect-Based Sentiment Prediction with Textual Features and Document Metadata. In: 11th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2020. pp. 168–174. WebsiteAbstract
Aspect-based sentiment prediction is a specific area of sentiment analysis that models the sentiment of a text excerpt as a multi-dimensional quantity pertaining to various interpretations, rather than a scalar one, that admits a single explanation. Extending earlier work, the said task is examined as a part of a unified architecture that collects, analyzes and stores documents from various online sources, including blogs & social network posts. The obtained data are processed at various levels; initially, a hybrid, attention-based bi-directional long short-term memory network, coupled with convolutional layers, is used to extract the textual features of the document. Following, an additional number of document metadata are also examined, such as the number of repetitions, the existence, type and frequency of emoji ideograms and, especially, the presence of keywords, assigned either manually (e.g. in the form of hashtags) or automatically. All of the aforementioned features are subsequently provided as input to a fully-connected, multi-layered, feed-forward artificial neural network that performs the final prediction task. The overall approach is tested on a large corpus of documents, with encouraging results.
Manessis D, Seckel M, Fu L, Tsilipakos O, Pitilakis A, Tasolamprou A, Kossifos K, Varnava G, Liaskos C, Kafesaki M, et al. Manufacturing of high frequency substrates as software programmable metasurfaces on PCBs with integrated controller nodes. In: Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 8th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference, ESTC 2020. ; 2020. Website
Vîlcu C, Vlăduț V, Voicu G, Broman DR, Bourouah M, Loupis M, Vlad G, Maican E, Alecu LG, Lehr CB. MAqD-Watermark for Live Online Dynamic Monitoring on Rivers or Offshore. In:; 2020.
Hogge J-P, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Bruschi A, Bin W, Cau F, Cismondi F, Dubray J, Fasel D, Gantenbein G, et al. Megawatt power generation of the dual-frequency gyrotron for TCV at 84 and 126 GHz, in long pulses. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2254. ; 2020. Website
Petavratzis E, Moysis L, Volos C, Nistazakis H, Munoz-Pacheco JM, Stouboulos I. Motion Control of a Mobile Robot Based on a Chaotic Iterative Map. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Krier L, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Schmid M, et al. Operation of the Modular KIT 170 GHz - 2 MW Longer-Pulse Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron with Pulses up to 50 ms. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2020-November. ; 2020. pp. 433-434. Website
Kumar P, Debele S, Sahani J, Di Sabatino S. Operationalising nature-based solutions for mitigating hydro-meteorological hazards. In: ; 2020. pp. 17928.
Bin W, Bruschi A, Fanale F, Lucca F, Alberti S, Carannante G, Cavinato M, Goodman T, Hogge J-P, Legrand F, et al. Operations with spherical calorimetric loads in different configurations at gyrotron test stands at EPFL and QST. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2254. ; 2020. Website
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Manganaris KN, Tombras GS, Leitgeb E, Volos CK. Outage Probability Estimation for a Multi-hop Terrestrial FSO Link Simplified to a Dual-hop Scheme. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Manganaris KN, Tombras GS, Leitgeb E, Volos CK. Outage Probability Estimation for a Multi-hop Terrestrial FSO Link Simplified to a Dual-hop Scheme. In: 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2020. ; 2020. Website
Cassity A, Bailyn C, Vasilopoulos G. Patterns of variability in the 2017 super-Eddington outburst of Swift J0243.6+6124. In: Vol. 235. ; 2020. pp. 302.03. WebsiteAbstract
Swift J0243.6+6124 is a Be/X-ray binary and the first known ultraluminous X-ray pulsar in our Galaxy that reached a peak luminosity Lx > 1039 erg s-1 during its 2017-2018 outburst. The proximity of this system allows for the study of super-Eddington accretion as an analog of distant ultraluminous X-ray sources. We used data from the Neil Gehrels Swift X-ray Telescope to investigate the evolution of the spectral and temporal properties of this system, looking for characteristic transitions that could reveal changes in the accretion regime with Lx. A first transition is found in the hardness-intensity diagram at Lx ~ 7 x 1036 erg s-1. The system exhibits a harder-when-brighter trend that changes to a softer-when-brighter trend. This transition is typical in Galactic BeXRB pulsars, and is often used as a proxy of the magnetic field strength of the neutron star. A second transition is indicated by changes in fractional variability and spectral hardness at a critical luminosity Lcrit ~ 3 x 1038 erg s-1. Pulsations exhibit single peak behavior and change to double peak following the transition. Associating these transitions with the formation and evolution of the accretion column can help us derive constraints on the magnetic field of the neutron star, and gain insights on super-Eddington accretion.
Chatziralli I, Karamaounas A, Dimitriou E, Kazantzis D, Theodossiadis G, Kozobolis V, Theodossiadis P. Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Changes in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Case-control Study. In: Seminars in Ophthalmology. Vol. 35. Taylor & Francis; 2020. pp. 257–260.
Athanasopoulos D, Gazeas K, Palafouta S, Panagopoulou M, Vrontaki K, Papadami A. PLANETS IN YOUR HAND: The social impact of a tactile experience. In: ; 2020. pp. EPSC2020-629. WebsiteAbstract
Planets In Your Hand is a science education program, that consists of a portable interactive exhibition of eight planetary surface models. The program offers the visitors a tactile experience and the opportunity to understand the diversity of the planetary surfaces in our Solar System. The planetary models have been exhibited in a series of public events since their construction in 2018 and have been visited by a wide range of audience, including visually impaired people. The project is still running, while Planets In Your Hand team is working on improvements, that foresee to a greater social and educational impact. The current work summarizes the social impact of the program through the visitors" questionnaires, comments and impressions.1. IntroductionPlanets In Your Hand (PIYH) is a science communication project, initiated at the Department of Physics of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Its purpose is to reach individuals, that do not have any previous interaction with the field, trigger their interest to interactively participate in scientific activities and public events and eventually bring them closer to science and contribute in lifelong learning. This is mainly attempted through a visual and tangible representation of the planetary environments and morphologies in our Solar System (Kefala et al., 2018), that also benefits visually impaired people.The success of PIYH project is established by the Science Communication Award (EΠI2 Award 2019) in the category of "Awareness Activities and Campaigns".PIYH program is a non-formal learning experience, the importance of which is widely accepted and supported by the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). The way science communication is organized and planned as well as the visitor"s intrinsic motivation for learning (Eshach 2007) declares this an indisputable fact.2. Data CollectionIn order to evaluate the social impact of the PIYH project, questionnaires were filled out by the visitors after their conceivable journey to our Solar System. Multiple-choice questions and a comment section were included. The goal was to examine whether the exhibition provides an overall positive experience to the visitors and to find possible ways to improve its presentation.The planetary models have been exhibited in a series of public events (Fig. 1) since the beginning of the program (Palafouta et al., 2019). This research was conducted during two major events where PIYH was presented. These are the opening of the exhibition and the Athens Science Festival 2019.Oral impressions and evaluations for every event were also made directly by the members of the PIYH team that presented the planetary surfaces. They were based on the reactions and the comments of the visitors and were really helpful. PIYH program is a non-formal learning experience, the importance of which is widely accepted and supported by the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). The way science communication is organized and planned as well as the visitor"s intrinsic motivation for learning (Eshach 2007) declares this an indisputable fact.3. The social impactThe questionnaire provided an overall positive feedback by the visitors. As shown in Fig. 2 the majority (97.5 %) of the visitors were pleased with PIYH project and the exhibition. Early ages (≤23 years old) occupy great percentage (61 %) of the visitors, while the rest include individuals, parents or educators.The overwhelming majority of the participants (98.5%) would recommend the exhibition to a friend, enhancing the social impact of the project, while many parents and educators mentioned that this project can trigger new generations to engage with Astrophysics and science in general.More than 47% of the visitors shared their impressions through additional comments. Positive remarks were given, for the exhibition and its presentation by the PIYH team members.Visually impaired people commented positively, mentioning that exhibitions in general do not offer tangible experience, and they are limited to an oral, acoustic or pre-recorded presentation. PIYH exhibition gave them for the first time the sense of planetary scale, surface characteristics and the unique opportunity to interact with planetary surfaces.A wide range of reactions was perceived by the PIYH team members during the events with respect to the visitor"s background in astrophysics.Regardless of their age, people who were getting in touch with Planetary Science for the first time were curious to touch and feel the surface"s differences, asking questions about the internal and external structure and the atmospheric phenomena of each planet. Those who had scientific background, combined facts and knowledge from their own scientific field with the information provided during the events.On the other hand, visitors familiar with astronomy and planetary science expressed more elaborate questions, many of which concerned the current research on space exploration.4. Summary and ConclusionsThis research has shown that people of different age and scientific background can be brought together through an interactive and tangible educational experience. PIYH exhibition is considered a pleasant and memorable experience according to the conducted analysis. The project attracted individuals that have no previous interaction with the field of Planetary Science, triggering their interest and brought together people who are already interested or contribute to science. PIYH project makes this learning experience accessible to visually impaired people, encouraging this way the local community to create similar activities. It is an alternative, creative and interesting way of learning about our Solar System. Similar projects can be inspired by PIYH program and engage the general public in science through a pleasant and cognitively successful way, enhancing the communication of science in many fields.References[1] Eshach, H., 2007, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16, 171-190.[2] Kefala, K., et al., 2018, EPSC2018,1251-2.[3] National Research Council, 1996.National Science Education Standards. Washington DC: National Academy Press.[4] Palafouta, S., et al., 2019, EPSC-DPS2019, 1816-1
Fillis, C., Spyrou, Ν., Diakakis, Μ., Kotroni, V., Lagouvardos, K., Papagiannaki, K., Vassilakis, Emm., Millios D, Lekkas E. Post‐wildfire flash flooding in small mountainous catchments: post‐fire effects and characteristics of the November 2019 flash flood in Kineta, Greece. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
During the period 24-25 November 2019 a low pressure system with organised convective storms has affected Greece as it crossed the country from west to east. The system, which was name Gyrionis, after a name used in the Greek mythology, has produced heavy rainfall, with increased lightning activity and local hailstorms. In the area of western Attica the maximum rainfall has been reported with 92 mm of on 24 November and additional 115 mm in 25 November, adding to a storm total of 206 mm, which caused flash floods in the town of Kineta. The storm caused overflowing of local torrents draining the south slopes of Geraneia Ori, inducing significant damages in property and infrastructure mainly within the town and across the coastal zone. Field surveys showed that a wildfire that burned through almost the entire catchment of the main torrent (named Pikas) on 2018, played a crucial role in flooding and its impact on the town. At critical locations along the river, vegetation debris and eroded material of various grain sizes, including boulders, diminished dramatically the hydraulic capacity of the river, intensifying flooding in the downstream areas, which formed an alluvial fan. Based on comparison of pre- and post-flood aerial photography of the burned area, a major source of this deposited material was identified as burned trees still standing after the fire, uprooted from the river banks of the main channel and carried away together with additional soil debris. The material was jammed at a crucial location near the apex of the alluvial fan causing floodwaters to overflow and inundate significant parts of the fan’s apron, a geomorphological setting that increased the extent and impact of flooding further. Overall, the case of Kineta, is a characteristic case of post-wildfire flash flooding, in which the fire effects are critical in the enhancement of subsequent flooding phenomena.
Athanasopoulos D, Gazeas K, Delbo M. Preliminary results on the photometric study of two primordial family asteroids. In: ; 2020. pp. EPSC2020-733. WebsiteAbstract
The so-called "primordial family", is a recently discovered collisional family [1] that could be as old as the Solar system. It contains low-albedo asteroids and is located in the inner Main Belt. This family was identified by the V-shape technique [2] and is estimated to be at least 4 Gyr old, meaning that occurred before the giant planet instability [3]. Asteroids 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) and 9086 (1995 SA3) are members of the primordial family and have been observed in order to determine their rotational period, spin pole and shape, which will give insights about their membership and the family evolution. The photometric data are obtained mainly by the University of Athens Observatory (UOAO) [4]. Models of the asteroids are derived by the lightcurve inversion method, which is stored in the Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Techniques (DAMIT) [5].1. IntroductionThe so-called primordial family formed by an impact event 4 Gyr ago or even earlier, i.e. before the giant planet instability [3]. The identification of the primordial family has been done by using the V-shape technique [2]. The V-shape in (α,1/D) space is occurred due to the thermal Yarkovsky effect [6, 7, 2], where prograde-rotating asteroids drifting outwards and retrograde ones inward. As only the inward side of the V-shape of the primordial family is well defined, the members should have retrograde spin. Otherwise, the membership of asteroids with prograde spin could be disputed or the contradicting spin sense could be due to YORP cycles or a collision or a close encounter with other asteroid [8, 9]. Thus, it is essential to observe thoroughly the asteroids belonging to the primordial family, in order to determine their rotational state and shape.2. ObservationsAsteroid 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) is member of the primordial asteroid family of the inner main belt [1]. Its rotational period is 4.507 ± 0.010 h [10], while its spin pole and shape remain unknown. Observations from Sopot Astronomy Observatory (SAO) for 2 nights in September 2019, in phase angle of 32°, are available in Asteroid Lightcurve Photometry Database (ALCDEF)[11] and present a period of 4.445 ± 0.003 h [12]. On the Observatoire de Genève website of R. Behrend [13] rotational period of the asteroid was reported to be 4.5118 ± 0.0007 h. Asteroid 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) has been observed from UOAO for 5 nights in December 2019, in phase angles between 10° to 14°.Asteroid 9086 (1995 SA3) is member of the primordial asteroid family in the inner main belt [1]. Its rotational period, spin pole and shape remain unknown. UOAO has been observed this asteroid for 22 nights from October to November 2019, in phase angle ranging between 4° to 22°.3. Methodology and Preliminary ResultsDifferential photometry of the asteroid has been obtained for each sky field. All images were dark and flat-field corrected and unguided. The measured values are in magnitudes and have been transformed properly in relative flux. The determination of the rotational period of the two asteroids and the estimation of the spin pole and shape of 2768 Gorky (1972) has been carried out through the lightcurve inversion method stored in DAMIT [5]. 3.1 Asteroid 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) The lightcurve of asteroid 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) present a low amplitude of ~0.1 mag (or ~0.1 intensity units), as Figure 1 shows. Generating 50 random spin poles as initial input for DAMIT software, the results have the distribution presented in Figure 2. The plot in this figure constrains the possible spin poles of the asteroid, while the χ2 value and the dark facet percentage should have the lowest value. 3.2 Asteroid 9086 (1995 SA3) The lightcurve of asteroid 9086 (1995 SA3) present also a low amplitude of ~ 0.2 mag (or ~0.2 intensity units). The low brightness of the object in combination with the low amplitude of its lightcurve render the detection of its periodicity difficult, due to the background noise. In order to address this problem, the exposures of each night were combined in packs of 3, in order to increase the S/N and make the detection of light variation more prominent. The resulted period spectrum from DAMIT is presenting in Figure 3. 4. Summary and Conclusions The rotational period of 2768 Gorky (1972 RX3) has been calculated as 4.510 ± 0.020 h, in agreement with the literature. The spin pole is not defined well enough. It is needed observations from more than one apparition for more robust results. Asteroid 9086 (1995 SA3), despite the extensive observations, does not present a clear lightcurve, as a result to have not unique solution in the period. 5. Further work The determination of asteroids" rotational state and shape requires observations from more than one apparition. Alternatively, combing the already ground based with sparse data from sky surveys or space-borne could also drive to unique solutions. Acknowledgements We would to acknowledge Dr. Hanus J. for his valuable help and advices for the lightcurve analysis that performed. References [1] Delbo, M. et al. (2017). Science, 357, 1026-1029. [2] Bolin, B. T. et al. (2017). Icarus, 282, 290-312. [3] Tsiganis, K., et al. (2005). Nature, 435(7041), 459-461. [4] Gazeas, K. (2016). Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 48, 22-23. [5] Ďurech, J. et al. (2010). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 513, A46. (DAMIT"s website: [6] Milani, A. et al. (2014). Icarus, 239, 46-73. [7] Spoto, F. et al. (2015). Icarus, 257, 275-289. [8] Carruba, V. et al. (2013). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433(3), 2075-2096. [9] Delisle, J. B., & Laskar, J. (2012). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 540, A118. [10] Pray, D. P. et al. (2008). Minor Planet Bulletin, 35, 34-36. [11] Asteroid Lightcurve Photometry Database (ALCDEF)"s website: [12] Benishek, V. (2020). Minor Planet Bulletin, 47(1), 75-83. [13] Observatoire de Genève, Website of R. Behrend:
Rizou S, Athanasoulis P, Andriani P, Iadanza F, Trakadas P, Griffin D, Kheirkhah M, Breitgand D, Weit A, Ustok RF, et al. Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization for 5G media industry: The 5G-media approach. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2020 IFIP WG 12.5 International Workshops: MHDW 2020 and 5G-PINE 2020, Neos Marmaras, Greece, June 5–7, 2020, Proceedings 16. Springer International Publishing; 2020. pp. 95–104.
Glyavin MY, Tsvetkov AI, Pagonakis IG, Jelonnek J, Avramidis KA, Mitsudo S. The project of a 2nd harmonic 0.78 THz gyrotron with a coaxial cavity. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 11582. ; 2020. Website
Tagaris T, Ioannou G, Sdraka M, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. Putting Together Wavelet-Based Scaleograms and Convolutional Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Reactors. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2020. pp. 237–243. WebsiteAbstract
A critical issue for the safe operation of nuclear power plants is to quickly and accurately detect possible anomalies and perturbations in the reactor. Defects in operation are principally identified through changes in the neutron flux, as captured by detectors placed at various points inside and outside of the core. While wavelet-based analysis of the measured signals has been thoroughly used for anomaly detection, it has yet to be coupled with deep learning approaches. To this end, this work presents a novel technique for anomaly detection on nuclear reactor signals through the combined use of wavelet-based analysis and convolutional neural networks. In essence, the wavelet transform is applied to the signals and the corresponding scaleograms are produced, which are subsequently used to train a convolutional neural network that detects possible perturbations in the reactor core. The overall methodology is experimentally validated on a set of simulated nuclear reactor signals generated by a well-established relevant tool. The obtained results indicate that the trained network achieves high levels of accuracy in failure detection, while at the same time being robust to noise.
Illy S, Avramidis KA, Ioannidis ZC, Aiello G, Benin P, Chelis I, Dinklage A, Gantenbein G, Jelonnek J, Jin J, et al. Recent Development of a 1.5 MW, 140 GHz Continuous-Wave Gyrotron for the Upgraded ECRH System at W7-X. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2020-November. ; 2020. pp. 462-463. Website
Antoine Haddad, Athanassios Ganas IKML. Seismotectonics of the Ionian-Akarnania Block (IAB) and Western Greece deduced from a local seismic deployment. In: EGU-2020. ; 2020. Publisher's Version egu2020-21285-print.pdf
Marek A, Avramidis KA, Ginzburg NS, Haas D, Illy S, Jin J, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Simple Feedback System for Passive Mode Locked Gyro-Devices at 263 GHz. In: GeMIC 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 German Microwave Conference. ; 2020. pp. 56-59. Website
Kotsi, E., Mavroulis, S., Diakakis, Μ., Vassilakis E, Lekkas, E. Smart Geospatial System Design for Real-Time Risk Assessment at the Highly Active Area of the Ionian Islands, Greece. In: EGU2020. Vienna, Austria; 2020.
The Ionian Islands are located in the northwestern part of the Hellenic Arc and constitute one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean. Building a geospatial database including all the available geo-information layers was the initial step for identifying and delineating the earthquake-related environmental effects by using various mapping algebra techniques and algorithms. Landslide, liquefaction and tsunami related inventories were created. Real time recording network of sensors such as meteorological instruments, seismographs, accelerometers etc was designed to trans pond data telemetrically and feed a dynamically interactive geodatabase, which in turn act as a smart tool for declaring an area as vulnerable to a specific hazard. The abovementioned approach can contribute to the reduction of the consequences after a disastrous event, as it will provide useful information to the civil protection authorities for increased alertness during an ongoing threat. The identification of the risk areas by using various methods has become significant in recent years due to the fact that among others it serves as a valuable tool for revealing and highlighting sites of significant hazards. In this study we present a smart tool, specially developed for recording and taking under consideration any changing parameters that affect the susceptibility of an area to any of the studied geo-hazards and highlight it on a digital real time updateable map.
Psycharis G, Trgalová J, Alturkmani MD, Kalogeria E, Latsi M, Roubin S. Studying primary and secondary teachers’ collaborative design of resources for algebra. In: Borko H, Potari D Proceedings of the twenty-fifth ICMI Study “Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups”. University of Lisbon; 2020. pp. 668-675. icmi_25_study_group_2020.pdf
Psycharis G, Skott CK. Studying mathematics teachers’ documentational and identity trajectories over time. In: Donevska-Todorova A, Faggiano E, Trgalova J, Lavicza Z, Weinhandl R, Clark-Wilson A, Weigand H-G Proceedings of the Tenth ERME Topic Conference (ETC 10) on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA) . Linz, Austria; 2020. pp. 101-108. erme_meda_2020.pdf
Apostolidou N, Papanikolaou N, Loupis M. Survey on Switched Reluctance Starter/Generator for the More Electric Aircraft. In: ; 2020.
Tasolamprou AC, Zhang L, Economou EN, Soukoulis CM, Koschny T. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the emergence of surface states on photonic crystals as hybrid dielectric metasurface bound states of the termination layer. In: 2020 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2020. ; 2020. pp. 54 – 56. Website
Cardea I, Grassani D, Upham J, Boyd RW, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Bres CS. Theoretical and Numerical Study of the Time-Bandwidth Product in Resonant Cavities with Nonreciprocal Coupling. In: Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. Vol. 2020-May. ; 2020. WebsiteAbstract
We present a theoretical and numerical model to show how the nonreciprocal coupling in a generalized resonator affects the balance between the reflected and intracavity power as well as the time-bandwidth product of the system. © 2020 OSA.
Cardea I, Grassani D, Upham J, Boyd RW, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès CS. Theoretical and numerical study of the time-bandwidth product in resonant cavities with nonreciprocal coupling. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F183-CLEO-SI 2020. ; 2020. WebsiteAbstract
We present a theoretical and numerical model to show how the nonreciprocal coupling in a generalized resonator affects the balance between the reflected and intracavity power as well as the time-bandwidth product of the system. © OSA 2020 © 2020 The Author(s)
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Theoretical Study on the Possibility for Stepwise Tuning of the Frequency of the KIT 2 MW 170/204 GHz Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2020-November. ; 2020. pp. 435-436. Website
Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P, Chatziralli I. Thoughts and Challenges for the Current Treatment of Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy. In: Seminars in Ophthalmology. Vol. 35. Taylor & Francis; 2020. pp. 232–236.
Vasilopoulos G, Ray P, Koliopanos F, Petropoulou M, Haberl F, Lander S. Understanding spin-evolution and super-orbital modulation of Ultraluminous X-ray pulsars. In: Vol. 236. ; 2020. pp. 133.01. WebsiteAbstract
Ultra luminous X-ray pulsars (ULXP) are fascinating objects, whose X-ray emission greatly exceeds the Eddington limit for a solar mass object. Given the coherent pulsations we now know that these systems host accreting magnetized Neutron Stars (NS), thus challenging our understanding of accretion theory. Moreover several of these systems show super-orbital variability where the observed flux change by factor more than 10. Key questions about the nature of these systems are; is there is beaming involved that enhances the derived isotropic Luminosity? What is the magnetic field of the NS in ULXPs and how this compares to the typical X-ray pulsars? and what is the nature of the super-orbital modulation? The study of individual ULXPS can help us answer these key questions. Here I will present observational constrains on the properties of NGC 300 ULX1. Through a year long X-ray monitoring we discovered that even when the X-ray flux of the system decreased by a factor of 20 the spin-up of the NS continues at a constant rate denoting constant mass accretion onto the NS. Moreover, I will discuss the changes in the observed flux in the context of a precessing disc and outflows. In addition, I will discuss the properties of newly confirmed ULXP M51 ULX7, I will show that outflows are not a necessary requirement to account for super orbital variability, and will discuss alternative mechanisms.
Ragkousis A, Kozobolis V, Kabanarou S, Bontzos G, Mangouritsas G, Heliopoulos I, Chatziralli I. Vessel Density around Foveal Avascular Zone as a Potential Imaging Biomarker for Detecting Preclinical Diabetic Retinopathy: An Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Study. In: Seminars in Ophthalmology. Vol. 35. Taylor & Francis; 2020. pp. 316–323.
Evelpidou N, Karkani A, Saitis G, Spyrou E. Virtual fieldtrips as a tool for indirect geomorphological experience: a case study from the southeast part of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. In: AGU Fall Meeting (online). ; 2020.
Η πρακτική της νηστείας στον σύγχρονο κόσμο υπό το φως της μαρτυρίας του αποστόλου Παύλου
Καρακόλης Χρήστος. Η πρακτική της νηστείας στον σύγχρονο κόσμο υπό το φως της μαρτυρίας του αποστόλου Παύλου. In: Η Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδος της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας: Η Ορθόδοξη Θεολογία στον 21ο αιώνα, 2020. Θεσσαλονίκη: Θεολογική Σχολή Α.Π.Θ.; 2020. pp. 593-604. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Fasting is undeniably one of the religious practices that form the identity of the members of the Orthodox Church. Among other points, the official document on fasting of the Holy and Great Council of Crete focuses on the need for the local Churches to apply the principle of oikonomia when necessary. However, in the pertinent argumentation, there is hardly any reference to the relevant witness of the New Testament. The present paper attempts to fill in this blank by presenting St. Paul’s teaching on abstinence from idol food as an important contribution to this discussion. While Paul is not interested in the practice of fasting per se, he is concerned with the problem of believers eating or avoiding idol food. According to him, Christians with a strong conscience should feel free to consume idol food. However, they also have to take into account their brethren with a weak conscience who think of such practice as participation in idolatry. If necessary, the first ones should be even prepared to give up their right of eating meat so as not to scandalize the latter. It is then clear that St. Paul understands abstinence from food as a condescension to spiritual weakness. Contemporary civilization has created new serious health disorders, which are partly due to modern-day eating habits. For this, as well as for other reasons, many Christians nowadays cannot and should not be fasting in the traditional way. Taking into consideration the Pauline testimony, the historical diversity of the practice of fasting, as well as the complexity of contemporary problems, an individualized understanding and application of both akribeia and oikonomia is required. In addition, Church members should be encouraged to reach spiritual maturity, so that they are able to take responsibility for both their spiritual and their physical health.
Karkazis P, Trakadas P, Zahariadis T, Martrat J, Vincens F, Bonnet J, Peuster M, Vilalta R. 5GTANGO: 5G Platform for Industry-specific Network Services and Applications. In: International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. Vol. 1. ; 2019.
Liaskos C, Pyrialakos G, Pitilakis A, Abadal S, Tsioliaridou A, Tasolamprou A, Tsilipakos O, Kantartzis N, Ioannidis S, Alarcon E, et al. Absense: Sensing electromagnetic waves on metasurfaces via ambient compilation of full absorption. In: Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, NANOCOM 2019. ; 2019. Website
Kouris P, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. Abstractive Text Summarization Based on Deep Learning and Semantic Content Generalization. In: Korhonen A, Traum D, Màrquez L{\'ıs Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Florence, Italy: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2019. pp. 5082–5092. WebsiteAbstract
This work proposes a novel framework for enhancing abstractive text summarization based on the combination of deep learning techniques along with semantic data transformations. Initially, a theoretical model for semantic-based text generalization is introduced and used in conjunction with a deep encoder-decoder architecture in order to produce a summary in generalized form. Subsequently, a methodology is proposed which transforms the aforementioned generalized summary into human-readable form, retaining at the same time important informational aspects of the original text and addressing the problem of out-of-vocabulary or rare words. The overall approach is evaluated on two popular datasets with encouraging results.
Pol A, Roman A, Trakadas P, Karkazis P, Kapassa E, Touloupou M, Kyriazis D, Juan L, Alemany P, Vilalta R, et al. Advanced NFV features applied to multimedia real-time communications use case. In: 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). IEEE; 2019. pp. 323–328.
Moysis L, Volos C, Takhi H, Kemih K, Goudos S, Nistazakis HE. Analysis, Synchronization and Microcontroller Implementation of a Generalized Hyperjerk System, with Application to Secure Communications Using a Descriptor Observer. In: 5th Panhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications, PACET 2019. ; 2019. Website
Geronikolou S, Cokkinos D, Chrousos G, Albanopoulos K. ARTERIAL STIFFNESS CHANGES IN BARIATRIC PATIENTS BEFORE AND AFTER SURGERY: A PILOT STUDY Cardiovascular risk and bariatric surgery. In: OBESITY SURGERY. Vol. 29. SPRINGER 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA; 2019. pp. 493–493.
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Jin J, Lutz F-C, Marek A, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, et al. Automated Generation of High-Order Modes for Tests of Quasi-Optical Systems of Gyrotrons for W7-X Stellarator. In: GeMiC 2019 - 2019 German Microwave Conference. ; 2019. pp. 226-228. Website
Bolanakis G, Machairas K, Koutsoukis K, Mastrogeorgiou A, Loupis M, Papadopoulos E. Automating Loading and Locking of New Generation Air-cargo Containers. In: Vol. 304. EDP Sciences; 2019. pp. 04019.
Geronikolou S, Kanaka-Gantenbein C, Bacopoulou F. Basal metabolic rate in polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis. In: 58th Annual ESPE. Vol. 92. European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology; 2019.
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Chelis IG, Tigelis IG. Calculation of Electron Beam Properties under the Presence of an Axially Varying Magnetostatic Field by Using the FDTD Code COCHLEA. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Vol. 2019-June. ; 2019. pp. 2598-2602. Website
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Chelis IG, Tigelis IG. Calculation of Electron Beam Properties under the Presence of an Axially Varying Magnetostatic Field by Using the FDTD Code COCHLEA. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Vol. 2019-June. ; 2019. pp. 2598-2602. Website
Kalogeria E, Psycharis G. Community documentation targeting the integration of inquiry-based learning and workplace into mathematics teaching. In: Jankvist UT, van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M, Veldhuis M Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME; 2019. pp. 4244-4251. cerme_11_b_2019.pdf
Drikos S. Complex 1 in Male Volleyball as a Markov Chain. In: Karlis D, Ntzoufras I, Drikos S MATHSPORT INTERNATIONAL 2019 CONFERENCE. Athens University Economics and Business; 2019. pp. 80-85.Abstract
In Volleyball, complex 1 consists of the serve’s pass (reception) - setting - attack skills in this specified order. This sequence is a stable pattern to win a point. Furthermore, it is important for the teams’ success. Taking into account that this pattern is a first-order Markov chain, the creation of a probability transition matrix is feasible. Assuming multinomial likelihood with a Dirichlet prior on the transition probabilities a Markovian transition matrix can be constructed and the calculation of conditional success probabilities is, thus, achievable. Data from the performance analysis of the winning team from recent world championships in three age categories (U19, U21, Men) of male Volleyball is used. The findings lead to redefining target pass area and to shrinking the evaluation scale at least for the teams under study. Moreover, pass accuracy is necessary because it must give at least two options for attack, but not sufficient condition for the success of attack in all age categories for male Volleyball. In the U19 age category, there is a lack of stabilization in the complex 1 sequence after pass against jump spin serve.
Michalakis K, Alexandridis G, Caridakis G, Mylonas P. Context Incorporation in Cultural Path Recommendation Using Topic Modelling. In: VIPERC@ IRCDL. ; 2019. pp. 62–73.
Petavratzis EK, Volos CK, Stouboulos IN, Nistazakis HE, Kyritsi KG, Valavanis KP. Coverage Performance of a Chaotic Mobile Robot Using an Inverse Pheromone Model. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Chatzigiannakis I, Maiano L, Trakadas P, Anagnostopoulos A, Bacci F, Karkazis P, Spirakis PG, Zahariadis T. Data-driven intrusion detection for ambient intelligence. In: Ambient Intelligence: 15th European Conference, AmI 2019, Rome, Italy, November 13–15, 2019, Proceedings 15. Springer International Publishing; 2019. pp. 235–251.
Koulouklidis AD, Tasolamprou AC, Daskalaki C, Mavidis CP, Kenanakis G, Deligeorgis G, Viskadourakis Z, Kuzhir P, Kafesaki M, Economou EN, et al. Demonstration of ultrafast THz absorption modulation in a graphene-based thin absorber. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Avramidis KA, Aiello G, Brucker PT, Ell B, Franke T, Gantenbein G, Grossetti G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jin J, et al. DEMO-Relevant Gyrotron Research at KIT. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Kalaria PC, Brucker PT, Ruess S, Illy S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Thumm M, Jclonnck J. Design Studies of Mini-Channel Cavity Cooling for a 170 GHz, 2 MW Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Kotsopoulos D, Bardaki C, Papaioannou TG, Lounis S, Stamoulis GD, Pramatari K. Designing a serious game to motivate energy savings in a museum: Opportunities & challenges. In: Games and Learning Alliance: 8th International Conference, GALA 2019, Athens, Greece, November 27–29, 2019, Proceedings 8. Springer International Publishing; 2019. pp. 572–584.
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Tsigopoulos AD. DF Relayed QAM or DBPSK FSO Links with Generalized Pointing Errors over Mixture Gamma Turbulence Channels. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Androutsos NA, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Tsigopoulos AD. DF Relayed QAM or DBPSK FSO Links with Generalized Pointing Errors over Mixture Gamma Turbulence Channels. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Lianos-Liantis E.
Από την Εβραιοφοβία στον Αντισημιτισμό: Επιβιώσεις αντιεβραϊκών στερεοτύπων στις σύγχρονες κοινωνίες
. In: Αντισημιτισμός, Ολοκαύτωμα και Φιλοσοφική Σκέψη. Αθήνα: Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας ΕΚΠΑ; 2019.
Lianos-Liantis E.
Θρησκεία, Διπλωματία και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις: Ιστορικές αποτυπώσεις και σύγχρονες προοπτικές
. In: Θρησκευτική και Εκκλησιαστική Διπλωματία στον 21ο αιώνα: Αποτύπωση αρχών πολιτικής και προτάσεις χάραξης στρατηγικής. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών; 2019.
Karagiannis D, Parikakis E, Kontomichos L, Batsos G, Chatziralli I. The effect of eplerenone in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy refractory to photodynamic therapy. In: Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 34. Taylor & Francis; 2019. pp. 436–441.
Latsas GP, Tigelis IG, Genoud J, Alberti S. The Effect of the Lossy Material on the Modes in a Smooth Metallic Dielectric Loaded Gyrotron Beam Tunnel. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Latsas GP, Tigelis IG, Genoud J, Alberti S. The Effect of the Lossy Material on the Modes in a Smooth Metallic Dielectric Loaded Gyrotron Beam Tunnel. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Caruso G, Nucci F, Gordo OP, Rizou S, Magen J, Agapiou G, Trakadas P. Embedding 5G solutions enabling new business scenarios in Media and Entertainment Industry. In: 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). IEEE; 2019. pp. 460–464.
Diallo T, Beldachi AF, Muqaddas AS, Silva RS, Nejabati R, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Enabling Heterogenous Low Latency and High-Bandwidth Virtual Network Services for 5G Utilizing a Flexible Optical Transport Network. In: 2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2019 - Proceedings. ; 2019. Website
Diallo T, Beldachi AF, Muqaddas AS, Silva RS, Nejabati R, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Enabling heterogenous low latency and high-bandwidth virtual network services for 5G utilizing a flexible optical transport network. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Alexandris C. Evaluating Cognitive Bias in Two-Party and Multi-Party Spoken Interactions. In: Kido T, Takadama K Proceedings of the Symposium Interpretable {AI} for Well-being: Understanding Cognitive Bias and Social Embeddedness co-located with Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2019 Spring Symposium (AAAI-Spring Symposium 2019), Stanford, C. Vol. 2448.; 2019. Website
Strantzalis A, Hatzidimitriou D, Zezas A, Antoniou V. Evidence for discrete star formation events in the Small Magellanic Cloud based on 6.5m Magellan Telescope observations. In: Vol. 344. ; 2019. pp. 143 - 146. WebsiteAbstract
The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) presents us with a unique opportunity to study in detail the effect of environmental processes (interaction with the LMC and the Milky Way) on its star formation history. With the 6.5m Magellan Telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile we have acquired deep B and I images in four 0.44 degree fields covering a large part of the main body of the SMC, yielding accurate photometry for 1,068,893 stars down to ~24th magnitude, with a spatial resolution of 0.201 arcsec/pixel. Colour-magnitude diagrams and luminosity functions (corrected for completeness) have been constructed, yielding significant new results that indicate at least two discrete star formation events around 2.7 and 4-5 Gyr ago.
Peleka P, Siskou O, Galanis P, Konstantakopoulou O, Diomidous M, Kalokairinou A, Kaitelidou D. Experiences and Quality of Life in Critically Ill Patients: Can Technology Lead to Improvements?. In: ICIMTH. ; 2019. pp. 122–125.
Koulouklidis AD, Tasolamprou AC, Daskalaki C, Mavidis CP, Kenanakis G, Deligeorgis G, Viskadourakis Z, Kuzhir P, Kafesaki M, Economou EN, et al. Experimental observation of ultrafast THz absorption modulation in a graphene-based metasurface. In: 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Koulouklidis AD, Tasolamprou AC, Daskalaki C, Mavidis CP, Kenanakis G, Deligeorgis G, Viskadourakis Z, Kuzhir P, Kafesaki M, Economou EN, et al. Experimental observation of ultrafast THz absorption modulation in a graphene-based metasurface. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019. ; 2019. Website
Zoupa A, Psycharis G. Exploring the role of context in students' meaning making for algebraic generalization. In: Jankvist UT, van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M, Veldhuis M Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME; 2019. pp. 3011-3018. cerme_11_c_2019.pdf
Petras G, Tsangarakis P, Georgaki A. Extended Drama Prosodic Tools: Design and Aesthetics. In: International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art ( ; 2019.Abstract
In this article we present an interactive toolkit for the extended vocal  performance of Attic tragic poetry in drama related to its prosodic aspects. We focus on the development of modules for the phonological articulation of the ancient text based on archeomusicological readings (related to music and language) in order to add aesthetic values to the modern performance of ancient Greek drama. These tools are based on prosodic elements (melodic, rhythmic) of the ancient text and are used to: a) detect the dynamic of the articulation, accent, pronunciation as well as the tonality/pitch of the actor’s voice (recited or sung), b) track the movements and gestures of the performer and c) combine the data which is collected by the above mentioned processes (a and b) to trigger interactive sound and speech processing during the performance in order to reintroduce the prosodic aspects of voice in ancient drama.
Κατσομήτρος Σ, Ψυχάρης Γ. Eισαγωγή της άλγεβρας στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση με τη χρήση ψηφιακών εργαλείων: μελέτη του διδακτικού σχεδιασμού και της επαγγελματικής γνώσης μιας εκπαιδευτικού. In: Χρίστου Κ Πρακτικά 8ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου της Ένωσης Ερευνητών της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών (ΕΝΕΔΙΜ 8). Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Λευκωσία: ΕΝΕΔΙΜ; 2019. pp. 382-391. enedim_2019.pdf
Lianos-Liantis E. Fake News και αντισημιτισμός. In: Fake News & Εκκλησία: Όταν η αλήθεια δοκιμάζεται στον φυσικό της χώρο. Θεσσαλονίκη: Τμήμα Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ., Τμήμα Δημοσιογραφίας και Μ.Μ.Ε. Α.Π.Θ.; 2019.
Yoshida K, Petropoulou M, Urry M, Coppi P, Bailyn C, Vasilopoulos G, Murase K, Oikonomou F. Flaring Rate Distribution of Gamma-Ray Blazars and Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Emission. In: Vol. 36. ; 2019. pp. 1038. Website
Mantela M, Lambropoulos K, Bilia P, Morphis A, Simserides C, Vantaraki C. Frequency Content of Carrier Oscillations along B-DNA Aperiodic and Periodic Polymers. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Vol. 2019-June. ; 2019. pp. 831-838. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We study the frequency content of an extra carrier oscillation along B-DNA aperiodic and periodic polymers and oligomers made of N monomers. In our work, we employ two variants of the Tight-Binding (TB) approach: a wire model and an extended ladder model including diagonal hoppings, as well as Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (RT-TDDFT). In the wire model, the site is a monomer, i.e., a base pair, while, in the extended ladder model, the site is a base. Initially, we focus on the Fourier Spectra of the probabilities to find the extra carrier at each monomer, having placed it at time zero at a specific monomer. We define the weighted mean frequency (WMF) of each site, a measure of its frequency content, using as weight the Fourier amplitude of each component of its frequency spectrum. The large-N limits of the WMFs are constants in the THz domain. To obtain a measure of the overall frequency content of carrier oscillations in the polymer, we define the total weighted mean frequency (TWMF), averaging the WMFs of all sites weighting over the mean over time probabilities of finding the extra carrier at each site. The large-N limit of the TWMFs are also constants in the THz domain. Generally, the frequency content of coherent carrier oscillations along B-DNA aperiodic and periodic polymers is in the THz domain.
Alexandridis G, Tagaris T, Siolas G, Stafylopatis A. From Free-Text User Reviews to Product Recommendation Using Paragraph Vectors and Matrix Factorization. In: Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019. pp. 335–343. WebsiteAbstract
Recent theoretical and practical advances have led to the emergence of review-based recommender systems, where user preference data is encoded in at least two dimensions; the traditional rating scores in a predefined discrete scale and the user-generated reviews in the form of free-text. The main contribution of this work is the presentation of a new technique of incorporating those reviews into collaborative filtering matrix factorization algorithms. The text of each review, of arbitrary length, is mapped to a continuous feature space of fixed length, using neural language models and more specifically, the Paragraph Vector model. Subsequently, the resulting feature vectors (the neural embeddings) are used in combination with the rating scores in a hybrid probabilistic matrix factorization algorithm, based on maximum a-posteriori estimation. The proposed methodology is then compared to three other similar approaches on six datasets in order to assess its performance. The obtained results demonstrate that the new formulation outperforms the other systems on a set of two metrics, thereby indicating the robustness of the idea.
Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Albaiar F, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Bertinetti A, Brucker PT, Bruschi A, Chclis I, Dubray J, et al. From W7-X Towards ITER and Beyond: 2019 Status on EU Fusion Gyrotron Developments. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Albaiar F, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Bertinetti A, Brucker PT, Bruschi A, Chclis I, Dubray J, et al. From W7-X Towards ITER and Beyond: 2019 Status on EU Fusion Gyrotron Developments. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Albaiar F, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Bertinetti A, Brucker PT, Bruschi A, Chclis I, Dubray J, et al. From W7-X Towards ITER and Beyond: 2019 Status on EU Fusion Gyrotron Developments. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Papagiannis T, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. GAMER: A Genetic Algorithm with Motion Encoding Reuse for Action-Adventure Video Games. In: Kaufmann P, Castillo PA Applications of Evolutionary Computation. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2019. pp. 156–171.Abstract
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been predominantly used in video games for finding the best possible sequence of actions that leads to a win condition. This work sets out to investigate an alternative application of GAs on action-adventure type video games. The main intuition is to encode actions depending on the state of the world of the game instead of the sequence of actions, like most of the other GA approaches do. Additionally, a methodology is being introduced which modifies a part of the agent's logic and reuses it in another game. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the GVG-AI competition's framework and more specifically for the Zelda and Portals games. The obtained results, in terms of average score and win percentage, seem quite satisfactory and highlight the advantages of the suggested technique, especially when compared to a rolling horizon GA implementation of the aforementioned framework; firstly, the agent is efficient at various levels (different world topologies) after being trained in only one of them and secondly, the agent may be generalized to play more games of the same category.
Mourouzidis D, Floros V, Alexandris C. Generating Graphic Representations of Spoken Interactions from Journalistic Data. In: Kurosu M Human-Computer Interaction. Perspectives on Design - Thematic Area, {HCI} 2019, Held as Part of the 21st {HCI} International Conference, {HCII} 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26-31, 2019, Proceedings, Part {I}. Vol. 11566. Springer; 2019. pp. 559–570. Website
Alexopoulos, J.D., Voulgaris, N., Souglakos, N., Dilalos, S., Mitsika GS. The geophysical research of the archaeological area of Plasi Marathon. In: 12th Archaeological Symposium. Athens; 2019. pdfAbstract
In June 2018 a geophysical campaign begun from the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment at the departmental excavation of Plasi Marathon. The geophysical survey focused on the northern part of the area, where the first excavation trenches of 2017 and 2018 revealed architectural remains of the late Classical and Hellenistic period. The main aim of the research was the investigation of the existence and spatial extent of the architectural remains in the unexcavated parts. Taking into consideration the revealed remains of the excavated parts and the geoenvironmental conditions of the area, the geoelectromagnetic method of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and the high resolution geoelectrical tomography (ERT) technique, were selected to be applied. Simultaneously, a topographic ‘reference base’ was established in the area in order to record the location of the geophysical measurements with real-time dGPS measurements. From the combinational evaluation of the processed geophysical data, we adumbrate the areas of possible archaeological ‘targets’, covered with post-alpine river deposits. Future excavation trenches at the indicated areas will confirm the existence or not of the covered architectural remains.
Tasolamprou AC, Koulouklidis AD, Daskalaki C, Mavidis CP, Kenanakis G, Deligeorgis G, Viskadourakis Z, Kuzhir P, Tzortzakis S, Economou EN, et al. Graphene THz metasurfaces with photoinduced modulation. In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 2019-July. ; 2019. Website
Geronikolou S, Cokkinos D, Bacopoulou F. Heart rate variability in adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome Greek patients. In: 58th Annual ESPE. Vol. 92. European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology; 2019.
Manessis D, Kafesaki M, Soukoulis CM, Tretyakov S, Georgiou J, Ostmann A, Aschenbrenner R, Schneider-Ramelow M, Lang K-D, Seckel M, et al. High frequency substrate technologies for the realisation of software programmable metasurfaces on pcb hardware platforms with integrated controller nodes. In: 2019 22nd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference and Exhibition, EMPC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Bin W, Bertinetti A, Dubray J, Fasel D, Garavaglia S, Genoud J, Goodman T, Hogge JP, et al. High-efficiency, long-pulse operation of MW-level dual-frequency gyrotron, 84/126GHz, for the TCV Tokamak. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Stefanopoulou M, Panga D, Apostolidou I-G, Spyrou C, Loupis M. An holistic approach to Nature Based Solutions as a means to adapt to and mitigate climate change induced risks: The case study of Sperchios. In: 11th EGME Conference. Vol. 6. Volos; 2019. pp. 486 - 498. Publisher's Version
Stefanopoulou M, Panga D, Apostolidou I-G, Spyrou C, Loupis M. An holistic approach to Nature Based Solutions as a means to adapt to and mitigate climate change induced risks: The case study of Sperchios. In: 11th EGME Conference. Vol. 6. Volos; 2019. pp. 486 - 498. Publisher's Version
Sokolovsky KV, Bonanos AZ, Gavras P, Yang M, Hatzidimitriou D, Moretti MI, Karampelas A, Bellas-Velidis I, Spetsieri Z, Pouliasis E, et al. The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV). In: Vol. 339. ; 2019. pp. 91 - 94. WebsiteAbstract
The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) combines lists of sources detected on images obtained with the WFPC2, ACS and WFC3 instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and now available in the Hubble Legacy Archive. The catalogue contains time-domain information for about two million of its sources detected using the same instrument and filter on at least five HST visits. The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV) aims to identify HSC sources showing significant brightness variations. A magnitude-dependent threshold in the median absolute deviation of photometric measurements (an outlier-resistant measure of light-curve scatter) is adopted as the variability detection statistic. It is supplemented with a cut in χred2 that removes sources with large photometric errors. A pre-processing procedure involving bad image identification, outlier rejection and computation of local magnitude zero-point corrections is applied to the HSC light-curves before computing the variability detection statistics. About 52 000 HSC sources have been identified as candidate variables, among which 7,800 show variability in more than one filter. Visual inspection suggests that ~70% of the candidates detected in multiple filters are true variables, while the remaining ~30% are sources with aperture photometry corrupted by blending, imaging artefacts or image processing anomalies. The candidate variables have AB magnitudes in the range 15-27m, with a median of 22m. Among them are the stars in our own and nearby galaxies, and active galactic nuclei.
Ferrante A, Fotopoulou A, Semprini G, Cantelli D, Ruggiero S, Karalis M, Efthymiou C, Papadaki D, Assimakopoulos M-N. IEQ and energy improvement of existing buildings by prefabricated facade additions: The case of a student house in Athens. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 609. ; 2019. Website
Moustakas AL, Alexandropoulos GC, Polydoros A, Kaddas I, Dagres I. Impact of imperfect channel estimation in HF OFDM-MIMO communications. In: IEEE 30th annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). ; 2019. pp. 151-156.
Alamanis Ν., Drimonas Ch., Milozis E., Lazogiannis Κ., Papageorgiou G., Vassilakis Ε., J.D. A, Kotsopoulos S., Chouliaras Ι. Improvement measures and prospects for the development of “Glyfada Marina”, Attica, Greece. In: 1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works. Athens; 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
For several years, Greece has set as a priority the strengthening of maritime tourism, such as the tourism of yachts for which tourist marinas have been created. The most important marinas of the country include the “Glyfada Marina”, whose works began on the coastal front after 1960, thus changing the area’s shape and planning. The main objective of the present work is to investigate the improvement measures and prospects for the development of the “Glyfada Marina” consisting of four basins, being one of the most beautiful and developed marinas in the country since it is an important attraction for tourist yachts.
Chelis IG, Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Tigelis IG. Increasing the diffraction losses in gyrotron beam tunnels for improved suppression of parasitic oscillations. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Chelis IG, Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Tigelis IG. Increasing the diffraction losses in gyrotron beam tunnels for improved suppression of parasitic oscillations. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Pontikakou N, Trakadas P, Zahariadis T, Gkonis P, Voliotis S, Bargiotas D. Integration of Wireless Sensor Networks with Building Energy Management Systems. In: ENERGY 2019 : The Ninth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies. ; 2019.
Illy S, Avramidis KA, Brucker PT, Gantenbein G, Kalaria PC, Ruess S, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Investigation of a mini-channel cavity cooling concept for a 170 GHz, 2 MW coaxial-cavity gyrotron. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Vassilakis D, Anagnostopoulou C, Georgaki A. Jazz Mapping: an analytical and computational approach to Jazz improvisation. In: SMC. Malaga University; 2019.Abstract
“Jazz mapping" is a multi-layered analytical approach to jazz improvisation. It is based on hierarchical segmentation and categorization of segments, or constituents, according to their function in the overall improvisation. The approach aims at identifying higher-level semantics oftranscribed and recorded jazz solos. At these initial stages, analytical decisions are rather exploratory and rely on the input of one of the authors and experienced jazz performer. We apply the method to two well-known solos, by Sonny Rollins and Charlie Parker, and discuss how improvisations resemble story-telling, employing a broad range of structural, expressive and technical tools, usually associated with linguistic production, experience, and meaning. We elucidate the implicit choices of experienced jazz improvisers, who have developed a strong command over the language and can communicate expressive intent, elicit emotional responses, and unfoldmusical “stories” that are memorable and enjoyable tofellow musicians and listeners. We also comment on potentialartificial intelligence applications of this work to music research and performance.
Liaskos C, Tsioliaridou A, Pitilakis A, Pirialakos G, Tsilipakos O, Tasolamprou A, Kantartzis N, Ioannidis S, Kafesaki M, Pitsillides A, et al. Joint compressed sensing and manipulation of wireless emissions with intelligent surfaces. In: Proceedings - 15th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2019. ; 2019. pp. 318 – 325. Website
Jelonnek J, Avramidis K, Franck J, Dammertz G, Gantenbein G, Hesch K, Illy S, Jin J, Malygin A, Pagonakis IG, et al. Kit contribution to the gyrotron development for nuclear fusion experiments in Europe. In: 8th German Microwave Conference, GeMiC 2014. ; 2019. Website
Marchesin R, Albert S, Avramidis KA, Bertinetti A, Dubrav J, Fascl D, Gantenbein G, Genoud J, Hogge J-P, Jelonnek J, et al. Manufacturing and Test of the 1 MW Long-Pulse 84/126 GHz Dual-Frequency Gyrotron for TCV. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Kelepouri M, Siskou O, Galanis P, Konstantakopoulou O, Kalokairinou A, Mantas J, Kaitelidou D. Measuring Patient Experiences from Intensive Care Units to Improve Health IT Systems and Nursing Care. In: ICIMTH. ; 2019. pp. 166–167.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Roumelas GD, Jaber F, Rahman KKM. Modulated Retro-Reflector Transdermal Optical Wireless Communication Systems with Wavelength Diversity over Skin-Induced Attenuation and Pointing Errors. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2019. ; 2019. Website
Konsolaki A, Vassilakis E, Kontostavlos G. Morphological analysis of 3d subsurface structures with the use of a handheld laser scanning system.Case Study: The Koutouki Cave, Peania. In: 13th EuroSpeleo Forum. Sofia, Bulgaria; 2019.Abstract
In the presented case study, we combined re-mote sensing techniques and lidar technology by using a handheld laser scanner in order to generate a complete 3D model of the Koutouki Cave, at Peania, Greece. Using open – source software we made a quantification anal- ysis of the terrain and generate morphological features of the speleothems with high accuracy and detail in order to estimate the speleogenesis and monitor the evolution of the cave.
Mavroulis, S., Dilalos, S., Alexopoulos, J.D., Vassilakis, Emm., Lekkas, E. Multidisciplinary analysis including neotectonic mapping, morphotectonic indices, applied geophysics and remote sensing techniques for studying recently recognized active faults in Northwestern Peloponnese (Greece). In: 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece. Patras; 2019. pdfAbstract
A multidisciplinary analysis comprising neotectonic mapping, morphotectonic indices, applied geophysics and remote sensing techniques was applied in the area affected by the 2008 NW Peloponnese (Western Greece) in order to map the recently-recognized E-W striking Pineios River normal fault zone with a high degree of accuracy, and to better understand its contribution to the evolution of the ancient region of Elis during Holocene time. Quantitative constraints on deformation caused by the faulting were applied through the application of morphometric and morphotectonic indices including drainage network asymmetry, longitudinal river profiles and valley floor slope changes, the river sinuosity index (SI) of modern channels as well as mountain front indices including mountain front sinuosity (Smf) and percentage of faceting along mountain front (F%). All of the aforementioned indicated that the Pineios fault zone is a highly active structure.
Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Beldachi AF, Simeonidou D. Network coding enabling resilient 5G networks. In: IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. ; 2019. Website
Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Beldachi AF, Simeonidou D. Network coding enabling resilient 5G networks. In: Vol. 2019. ; 2019. Website
Alemany P, de la Cruz JL, Pol A, Roman A, Trakadas P, Karkazis P, Touloupou M, Kapassa E, Kyriazis D, Soenen T, et al. Network slicing over a packet/optical network for vertical applications applied to multimedia real-time communications. In: 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). IEEE; 2019. pp. 1–2.
Chatziralli I, Theodossiadis P, Theodossiadis G. New observations regarding the assessment of cilioretinal arteries coexistence with optic disc pit. In: Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 34. Taylor & Francis; 2019. pp. 375–379.
Maitra C, Carpano S, Haberl F, Vasilopoulos G. NGC 300 ULX1: A new ULX pulsar in NGC 300. In: Vol. 346. ; 2019. pp. 242 - 246. WebsiteAbstract
NGC 300 ULX1 is the fourth to be discovered in the class of the ultra-luminous X-ray pulsars. Pulsations from NGC 300 ULX1 were discovered during simultaneous XMM-Newton / NuSTAR observations in Dec. 2016. The period decreased from 31.71 s to 31.54 s within a few days, with a spin-up rate of -5.56×10-7 s s-1, likely one of the largest ever observed from an accreting neutron star. Archival Swift and NICER observations revealed that the period decreased exponentially from 45 s to 17.5 s over 2.3 years. The pulses are highly modulated with a pulsed fraction strongly increasing with energy and reaching nearly 80% at energies above 10 keV. The X-ray spectrum is described by a power-law and a disk black-body model, leading to a 0.3-30 keV unabsorbed luminosity of 4.7×1039 erg s-1. The spectrum from an archival XMM-Newton observation of 2010 can be explained by the same model, however, with much higher absorption. This suggests, that the intrinsic luminosity did not change much since that epoch. NGC 300 ULX1 shares many properties with supergiant high mass X-ray binaries, however, at an extreme accretion rate.
Vasilopoulos G, Koliopanos F, Haberl F, Carpano S, Ray PS, Maitra C, Bailyn C. NGC300 ULX1: spin evolution and super-Eddington accretion. In: Vol. 17. ; 2019. pp. 112.71. WebsiteAbstract
Ultra luminous X-ray Pulsars (ULXPs) are bright binary systems that host a Neutron Star (NS) and emit radiation in excess of the Eddington Limit expected for isotropic accretion. We have studies the spectral and spin properties of the ULXP NGC300 ULX1 through archival data, and have shown that its spin evolution from ~126 s down to 16 s is consistent with almost constant accretion between 2014 and 2018. Moreover, based on the 2018 Swift/XRT and NICER monitoring campaigns of the system we have concluded that even during an 100 d period where the observed flux drops by a factor of 20, the spin-up rate and thus the mass accretion rate remained almost constant. This can be explained only by invoking extreme X-ray absorption or obscuration due to extreme outflows from the accretion disk, or disk precession. Finally, an intriguing consequence is that assuming constant spin-up rate a NS spin reversal should have occurred around 2012.
Beldachi AF, Diallo T, Rajkumar K, Salas EH, Wang R, Tzanakaki A, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D. A novel programmable disaggregated edge node supporting heterogeneous 5G access technologies. In: IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2019. ; 2019. Website
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Jin J, Lutz FC, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Rzesnick T, et al. Operating the KIT 170 GHz 2 MW Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron at 204 GHz: Performance Expectations and First Cold Test of the Quasi-Optical System. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2019. ; 2019. Website
Schulz SA, Grassani D, Cardea I, Fabbri SJ, Upham J, Boyd RW, Tsakmakidis KL, Bres C-S. Optical delay beyond the time-bandwidth limit: From pipe dream to reality. In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 2019-July. ; 2019. WebsiteAbstract
All resonant systems throughout science and engineering, independent of their physical implementation have a bandwidth that is inversely related to the decay time. A similar relation exists in all slow-light systems, where the group index (and therefore the delay for a given footprint) is inversely related to the bandwidth. Therefore, resonant or slow-light systems can either store a broad signal for a short time, or a narrow signal for a long time, but cannot achieve large delay for broad bandwidth signals.Here we discuss our recent work on non-reciprocal optical systems that are not constrained by the delay-bandwidth limit. We show that large, broadband optical delay is not a pipe dream and is achievable with current optical technology. We discuss the underlying physics of delay and bandwidth in non-reciprocal optical systems and present an experimental implementation, based on a figure-9 cavity. We demonstrate a delay-bandwidth product 30 times above the seemingly fundamental time-bandwidth limit of traditional systems. Furthermore, we show that the optical pulse can be released after an arbitrary number of round trips, providing the control and tunability lacking from conventional spiral waveguide or fibre loop delay lines. © 2019 IEEE.
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Beldachi AF, Simeonidou D. Optical Transport Networks for 5G: An enabler for vertical industries. In: ; 2019. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Beldachi AF, Simeonidou D. Optical Transport Networks for 5G: An enabler for vertical industries. In: OECC/PSC 2019 - 24th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference Photonics in Switching and Computing 2019. ; 2019. Website
Achilleos A, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Iordache M, Langlois O, Pheulpin J-F, Simeonidou D. Optimal driving profiles in railway systems based on data envelopment analysis. In: ; 2019. pp. 254 - 259. Website
Achilleos A, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Iordache M, Langlois O, Pheulpin J-F, Simeonidou D. Optimal driving profiles in railway systems based on data envelopment analysis. In: VEHITS 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems. ; 2019. pp. 254-259. Website
Shekhawat Y, Piesk J, Sprengel H, Gómez ID{\'ınguez, Vicens F, Carrillo SC, Trakadas P, Karkazis P, Zahariadis T, Touloupou M, et al. Orchestrating Live Immersive Media Services Over Cloud Native Edge Infrastructure. In: 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). IEEE; 2019. pp. 316–322.
Schulz SA, Grassani D, Ivan C, Fabbri SJ, Upham J, Boyd RW, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès C-S. Overcoming the time-bandwidth limit. In: 2018 British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics, BICOP 2018 - Proceedings. ; 2019. WebsiteAbstract
We are so accustomed to the time-bandwidth limit that we often take it to be a fundamental relation that cannot be overcome. Contrary to this belief we here propose that the storage/delay time of a system can in fact be decoupled from the operating bandwidth, by breaking Lorentz reciprocity. We discuss two different mechanisms for breaking Lorentz reciprocity and show that - in the correct system layout - both can result in systems that exceed the conventional time bandwidth limit by orders of magnitude. © 2018 IEEE.
Frache G, Tombras GS, Nistazakis HE, Thompson N. Pedagogical approaches to 21st century learning: A model to prepare learners for 21st century competencies and skills in engineering. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 711-717. Website
Frache G, Tombras GS, Nistazakis HE, Thompson N. Pedagogical approaches to 21st century learning: A model to prepare learners for 21st century competencies and skills in engineering. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 711-717. Website
Palafouta S, Gazeas K, Christopoulou E, Karampotsiou E, Athanasopoulos D, Konstantinou A, Tzouganatos L, Kefala K, Papadami A, Trivyza M, et al. Planets In Your Hand (2017-2019). In: Vol. 2019. ; 2019. pp. EPSC-DPS2019-1816. WebsiteAbstract
The Planets In Your Hand project was granted by Europlanet in the frame of Public Engagement Funding Scheme in 2017. It consists of a portable interactive exhibition of planetary surface models, embedded in square frames. The project offers the visitors a chance to see, learn and understand the diversity of the planetary surfaces in our Solar System, including the different conditions such as temperature, wind and atmosphere. Since the beginning of the project, the planetary surfaces have been presented to a wide range of audience, including visually impaired people, preliminary school and high school students as well as university researchers.
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Chelis IG, Tigelis IG. Propagation Characteristics of Periodic Azimuthally Corrugated Waveguides Derived by the FDTD Code COCHLEA. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Peponis DV, Latsas GP, Chelis IG, Tigelis IG. Propagation Characteristics of Periodic Azimuthally Corrugated Waveguides Derived by the FDTD Code COCHLEA. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Geronikolou S, Pavlopoulou A, Cokkinos D, Kanaka-Gantenbein C, Chrousos G, Albanopoulos K. PUBERTY AND OBESITY: KISSPEPTIN AND ITS RECEPTOR IN THE ANS/INFLAMMATION OBESITY INTERACTOME Investigational procedures. In: OBESITY SURGERY. Vol. 29. SPRINGER 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA; 2019. pp. 398–398.
Elias P, Ganas A, Briole P, Valkaniotis S, Kourkouli P, Tsironi V, Parcharidis I, Kapetanidis V, Kassaras I, Argyrakis P, et al. Recent East Mediterranean shallow earthquakes seen by space geodesy. The cases of Gulpinar, Lesvos, Kos and Zakynthos earthquakes. In: 2019 Living Planet Symposium 13-17 May 2019, MiCo - Milano Congressi. Milan, Italy; 2019.Abstract
On 2017 and 2018 four strong/moderate earthquakes occurred at shallow focal depths in the East Mediterranean. They share a common characteristic, which is that a large part of the induced ground deformation is offshore, thus a part of the deformation footprint is missing. Assuming that the deformation source of an earthquake can be modelled by the slip on a rectangular fault buried in an elastic and homogenous halfspace and through inversion on GNSS and multitrack InSAR (with different weight in each case) we modelled the deformation sources and calculated their fault parameters. Seismological data as well as the geological context exploited to assist the initialization of some parameters in the inversion andvalidate the results. This study demonstrate the efficiency and the contribution of the space geodesy to the seismology, even in such adverse conditions.
Frache G, Vavasis GG, Mkrttchian G, Stavropoulos K, Kapotis EC, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Research and categorization of conceptual difficulties in electricity's concepts and basic laws. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 999-1006. Website
Frache G, Vavasis GG, Mkrttchian G, Stavropoulos K, Kapotis EC, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS. Research and categorization of conceptual difficulties in electricity's concepts and basic laws. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 999-1006. Website
Ram AK, Hizanidis K, Papadopoulos A, Valvis SI, Zisis A, Tigelis IG. Scattering of radio frequency waves by plasma turbulence. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2019. ; 2019. Website
Lagutin D, Bellesini F, Bragatto T, Cavadenti A, Croce V, Kortesniemi Y, Leligou HC, Oikonomidis Y, Polyzos GC, Raveduto G, et al. Secure open federation of IoT platforms through interledger technologies-the SOFIE approach. In: 2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC). IEEE; 2019. pp. 518–522.
Haddad A, Ganas A, Kassaras I, Lupi M. Seismicity and geodynamics of western Peloponnese and central Ionian Islands: insights from a local seismic deployment. In: AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco: AGU; 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We investigate the seismotectonics of Western Greece using data recorded by a local network of 15 short-period seismic stations. They were installed in July 2016 in order to densify the permanent Hellenic Unified Seismological Network (HUSN), which is sparse in this region. The study area covers the islands of Zakynthos and Cephalonia in addition to Western Peloponnese and Akarnania. The temporary network remained in operation until May 2017 and recorded roughly 4000 events that were analyzed using automatic P- and S-wave phase picking algorithms. The procedure yielded 1200 local earthquakes located using the Hypoinverse code and five 1D velocity models optimized by the Velest error minimization technique. The events were further relocated using the HypoDD package. We computed 100 focal mechanisms for magnitudes down to ML 2.3 using first motion polarities. The rose diagrams and stress axes imply transpressional tectonics. By combination of the focal mechanisms, historical earthquakes and the recorded patterns of (micro)seismic activity, seismogenic structures were detected and emphasized. The data allowed us to construct a conceptual and updated tectonic model of the Ionian Akarnania crustal Block (IAB) articulated around 4 major strike-slip structures : -The Cephalonia Transform Fault has been recognized as a large deformation zone that intersects with left-lateral NW-striking strike-slip faults and is the western margin of the IAB. -The Kyllini Cephalonia Fault highlighted by this study intersects with the Movri-Amiliada Fault Zone. These structures are proposed to be the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of the IAB. -The NW-striking sinistral Katouna-Stamna Fault zone and the Ambracian Gulf depict the north-eastern and north margin of the block. During the deployment we also recorded intense seismic activity southwest of the island of Zakynthos. These events most likely occurred on an activated structure of the upper plate that we link with the large 2018 Mw 6.7 megathrust earthquake that occurred 20 km towards the south.
Lima JJG, Sauty C, Vlahakis N. A Short Tribute to Kanaris Tsinganos, Conclusions to This Book. In: Vol. 55. ; 2019. pp. 147. Website
Geronikolou S, Cokkinos D, Bacopoulou F. Skeleton muscles and tissues metabolic activity in Greek adolescent PCOS. In: 58th Annual ESPE. Vol. 92. European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology; 2019.
Soenen T, Vicens F, Bonnet J, Parada C, Kapassa E, Touloupou M, Fotopoulou E, Zafeiropoulos A, Pol A, Kolometsos S, et al. Sla-controlled proxy service through customisable mano supporting operator policies. In: 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). IEEE; 2019. pp. 707–708.
Sinnis C, Vlahakis N. Stability analysis of magnetized astrophysical relativistic jets without current sheets. In: ; 2019. pp. 78. Website
Charalampos S, Vlahakis N. Stability analysis of magnetized astrophysical relativistic jets without current sheets. In: ; 2019. pp. 78. Website
Ray P, Arzoumanian Z, Ballantyne D, Bozzo E, Brandt S, Brenneman L, Chakrabarty D, Christophersen M, DeRosa A, Feroci M, et al. STROBE-X: X-ray Timing and Spectroscopy on Dynamical Timescales from Microseconds to Years. In: Vol. 51. ; 2019. pp. 231. WebsiteAbstract
STROBE-X is a probe-class mission concept, selected for study by NASA, for X-ray spectral timing of compact objects across the mass scale. It combines huge collecting area, high throughput, broad energy coverage, and excellent spectral and temporal resolution in a single facility, enabling a broad portfolio of high-priority astrophysics.
Gourzis K, Alexandridis G, Gialis S, Caridakis G. Studying the Spatialities of Short-Term Rentals' Sprawl in the Urban Fabric: The Case of Airbnb in Athens, Greece. In: MacIntyre J, Maglogiannis I, Iliadis L, Pimenidis E Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2019. pp. 196–207.Abstract
This work constitutes a theoretically-informed empirical analysis of the spatial characteristics of the short-term rentals' market and explores their linkage with shifts in the wider housing market within the context of a south-eastern EU metropolis. The same research objective has been pursued for a variety of international paradigms; however, to the best of our knowledge, there has not been a thorough and systematic study for Athens and its neighborhoods. With a theoretical framework that draws insight from the political-economic views of Critical Geography, this work departs from an assessment of Airbnb listings, and proceeds inquiring the expansion of the phenomenon with respect to the rates of long-term rent levels in the neighborhoods of Central Athens, utilizing relevant data. The geographical framework covers the City of Athens as a whole, an area undergoing profound transformations in recent years, stemming from diverse factors that render the city one of the most dynamic destinations of urban tourism and speculative land investment. The analysis reveals a prominent expansion of the short-term rental phenomenon across the urban fabric, especially taking ground in hitherto underexploited areas. This expansion is multifactorial, asynchronous and exhibits signs of positive relation with the long-term rentals shifts; Airbnb not only affects already gentrifying neighborhoods, but contributes to a housing market disruption in non-dynamic residential areas.
Spetsieri ZT, Bonanos AZ, Bellas-Velidis I, Hatzidimitriou D. Supernovae, transients and high amplitude variables in the Hubble Catalog of Variables. In: ; 2019. pp. 62. WebsiteAbstract
We present an exceptionally deep catalog of supernovae, transients and high-amplitude variables included in the Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV). The HCV contains all variable objects detected through a robust variability search of the light curves of all sources included in the Hubble Source Catalog version 3 (Whitmore et al. 2016). Taking this work one step further, we queried the HCV to detect all variable sources with an amplitude of variability > 1 mag, in more than one filter of observations. We cross-matched the sources with catalogs in CDS to check whether the highamplitude variable sources were previously reported. We proceeded to classify the newly identified high-amplitude variables based on their magnitude, light curve shape and position on the color magnitude diagram. The high-precision astrometry extracted from the HSC for all sources combined with the deep HST observations makes our catalog a powerful tool for further research on the environments and properties of high-amplitude variables observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. This work was supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the "Hubble Catalog of Variables" program, contract No. 4000112940.
Psycharis G, Potari D, Triantafillou C, Zachariades T. Teachers’ attempts to address both mathematical challenge and differentiation in whole class discussion. In: Jankvist UT, van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M, Veldhuis M Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME; 2019. pp. 3738-3745. cerme_11_a_2019.pdf
Drikos S, Tsoukos A. Teaching offence system 5:1 and evaluating performance in volleyball based on a spreadsheet. In: 11th Conference on Informatics in Education 2019. University of Piraeus; 2019. pp. 362-373.Abstract
Information and Communication Technologies can have a positive impact on the learning environment by providing Physical Education teachers with a tool-kit for a complementary, alternative form of teaching knowledge objects in the Physical Education area. In volleyball teaching the system 5: 1 (5 hitters-1 setter) is difficult due to the complexity of the rotation rules. An interdisciplinary micro scenario, which includes monitoring of a multimedia application, practicing the team’s rotations by completing a relevant spreadsheet, applying a training protocol with evaluation of volleyball skills accompanied by quantification and visualization of positive, negative or neutral probability in a rally helps students both understand both the 5: 1 volleyball system and elements of Statistics.
Leggieri A, Alberti S, Avramidis KA, Dammertz G, Erckmann V, Gantenbein G, Hogge J-P, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Jelonnek J, et al. THALES TH1507 140 GHz 1 MW CW gyrotron for W7-X stellarator. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2019-September. ; 2019. Website
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Aidinis K, Varotsos GK, Leitgeb E. Total Outage Probablity of a Multihop Hybrid FSO/MMW System. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2019. ; 2019. Website
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Volos CK. Triple Hybrid Terresstrial FSO/RF/MMW System with Receiver's Diversity. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Roumelas GD, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Volos CK. Triple Hybrid Terresstrial FSO/RF/MMW System with Receiver's Diversity. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Lazogiannis, Κ., Vassilakis, Emm., Poulos, S., Kotsopoulos, S., Alexopoulos, J.D., Alamanis, N., Papageorgiou, G. UAS-SfM as a cost-effective tool for coastal monitoring and management. In: 1st International Scientific Conference on Design and Management of Port Coastal and Offshore Works. Athens; 2019. pdfAbstract
Coastal zone monitoring of river deltas is essential in order to understand their evolution and incorporate sustainable coastal management practices. Frequent data collection is essential but often surveys can be costly and time-consuming. This often leads to increase the time lag between successive monitoring campaigns to reduce survey costs, with the consequence of fragmenting the data available for coastal zone management. In this study we present the ability of off-the-shelf Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) coupled with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to map and measure coastal features (e.g. shorelines).
Velivassaki T-H, Athanasoulis P, Trakadas P. uCash: ATM Cash Management as a Critical and Data-intensive Application. In: Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications, ADITCA 2019. DOI: 10.5220/0007876606420647; 2019.
Vasilopoulos G, Koliopanos F, Godet O, Webb N, Buchner J. ULX spectra revisited: observational evidence of accreting envelopes around magnetized Neutron stars. In: Vol. 17. ; 2019. pp. 112.96. WebsiteAbstract
Ultra luminous X-ray (ULX) sources are among the most intriguing binary systems, that have long been thought to host the elusive intermediate mass black holes. Remarkably, within the last years there has been undisputed evidence that at least a few of these systems are powered by accreting neutron stars (NS) that are rotating with spin periods close to 1 s. In light of these recent discoveries and recently introduced models placing neutron stars as the engines of ULXs, we revisit the spectra of eighteen well-known ULXs, in search of indications that favor or reject this hypothesis. We find that the notable (>6keV) spectral curvature observed in most ULXs, is commensurate with the Wien tail of a hot (T>1keV) multicolor black-body component and confirm that a double thermal model (comprised of a ”cool” and ”hot” thermal component) with the addition of a faint non-thermal tail describes all ULX spectra in our list. More importantly, we offer a new physical interpretation for the dual thermal spectrum, where it is the result of accretion onto high magnetized NSs rather than black holes, in agreement with theoretical predictions. We estimate the magnetic-field strength and demonstrate that it correlates strongly with the source luminosity and the temperature of the hot component. We also discuss the application of our model on the most recent pulsating ULX "NGC 300 ULX1", casting doubts on the claimed presence of a cyclotron scattering feature in its spectrum. Our findings offer an additional and compelling argument in favor of NSs as prime candidates for powering ULXs, as has been also postulated by theory.
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Mujeeb Rahman KK. On the use of Diversity in Transdermal Optical Wireless Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors for Outage Performance Estimation. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Varotsos GK, Nistazakis HE, Tombras GS, Aidinis K, Jaber F, Mujeeb Rahman KK. On the use of Diversity in Transdermal Optical Wireless Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors for Outage Performance Estimation. In: 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019. ; 2019. Website
Frache G, Tombras GS, Stavropoulos K, Mkrttchian G. The use of technology to support learning at western region colleges, UAE. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. Vol. April-2019. ; 2019. pp. 770-774. Website
Giannakaris P, Trakadas P, Zahariadis T, Gkonis P, PAPADOPOULOS KONSTANTINOS. Using Smart Contracts in Smart Energy Grid Applications. In: Sinteza 2019. DOI: 10.15308/Sinteza-2019-597-602; 2019.
Papaioannou TG, Katsalis K, Sourlas V, Amditis A. Virtual CDN Providers: Profit Maximization through Collaboration. In: 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE; 2019. pp. 1–6.
Chatzara A, Chronopoulou I, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P, Chatziralli I. XEN implant for glaucoma treatment: a review of the literature. In: Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 34. Taylor & Francis; 2019. pp. 93–97.
Kamberidou I. Ελλοχεύει ο κίνδυνος έμφυλης μεροληψίας στις προοπτικές της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και του STEM;. In: Εισήγηση (ως προσκεκλημένη ομιλήτρια) στο πρώτο Γυναικείο Συμπόσιο της Επιτροπής Γυναικείων Θεμάτων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης των Lions «Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη και ισότητα των φύλων –Γυναίκες σε επιστημονικά πεδία STEM». Athens: Επιτροπή Γυναικείων Θεμάτων και Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων της Διεθνούς Οργάνωσης των Lions ; 2019. pp. 1-8.Abstract
Στο πλαίσιο της 4ης βιομηχανικής επανάστασης που βιώνουμε σήμερα αυτή η εργασία εξετάζει το ψηφιακό χάσμα, εισάγωντας τη διάσταση το φύλου.   Όπως τονίζει ο Elliot (2017), ερευνητής του Οργανισμού Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης: «Ζούμε σ’ ένα ψηφιακό παζάρι όπου οτιδήποτε  δεν έχει  κατασκευαστεί για να εξυπηρετεί την εποχή του διαδικτύου δεν θα αντέξει την πίεση.» Αυτή η παρουσίαση  επικεντρώνετε στο έμφυλο χάσμα, δηλαδή την υποεκροσώπηση των γυναικών στους τομείς της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και του STEM. Η γυναικεία συμμετοχή σε διάφορους  τομείς ΤΠΕ και Επικοινωνίας στην Ευρώπη είναι μόνο 30% (και μόλις το 19% των διευθυντικών στελεχών είναι γυναίκες). Η αντιστοιχία γυναικών αποφοίτων πληροφορικής σε σχέση με τους άνδρες είναι 3 προς 10, ενώ  μόνο 9 στους 100 προγραμματιστές είναι γυναίκες.  Αναμένονται σημαντικές ελλείψεις εργατικού δυναμικού στο μέλλον, ειδικά αν λάβουμε υπόψη ότι μόνο το 24,9% των απόφοιτων της τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης σε τομείς που σχετίζονται με την τεχνολογία είναι γυναίκες (European Commission 2018) . Τα ερευνητικά μας ερωτήματα είναι: (1) Η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη (αι) θα κλείσει το έμφυλο χάσμα δεξιοτήτων, θα προωθήσει την έμφυλη ουδετερότητα (Kamberidou, 2004, 2020), δηλαδή την ισότητα, αυξάνοντας τη γυναικεία συμμετοχή. 2) Υπάρχει περίπτωση να αυξηθεί το έμφυλο χάσμα (η υποεκπροσώπηση των γυναικών) στον εργασιακό χώρο; Μήπως η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη θα αναπαράγει κοινωνικά στερεότυπα (κοινωνικές ανισότητες)  και ως αποτέλεσμα το έμφυλο χάσμα στους εργασιακούς χώρους;---------------------------------------------------- Λέξεις κλειδιά: Τεχνητή νοημοσύνη, STEM, Γυναίκα, Φύλο, Απασχολησιμότητα, Ελληνίδες επιστήμονες, Έμφυλες διαφορές, Κενό/χάσμα δεξιοτήτων     Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), STEM, Women, Gender, Employability, Greek women scientists, gender skills gap
lions_womens_symposiumhumanrights.pdf lions.programma.symbosioy.17.3.2019.pdf balanceforbetter.pdf inspirational.greek_.women_.jpg 190317_205544_collage-1.jpg 190317_205830_collage-1.jpg presentation_sample.eisigisi.pdf lionsappreciationcertificatescan0051.pdf balanceforbetterappreciation.pdf
Κουμαριανός Θεόδωρος Ι. Ἡ Ἀναστάσιμη Ἀκολουθία τοῦ Πάσχα καὶ τῆς Διακαινησίμου Ἑβδομάδος. In: ΙΖ΄ Πανελλήνιο Λειτουργικό Συμπόσιο Στελεχών Ιερών Mητροπόλεων, Κόρινθος, Σεπτέμβριος 2018. «Οἱ ἱερὲς Ἀκολουθίες στὴν περίοδο τῆς "Παρακλητικῆς", τοῦ "Τριωδίου" καὶ τοῦ "Πεντηκοσταρίου"». Ἀποστολικὴ Διακονία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Ἑλλάδος, Ἀθῆναι ; 2019. pp. 249-269.
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Fuchs M, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Lutz FC, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, et al. 2018 Status of the Measurement Capabilities for Fusion Gyrotrons at KIT/IHM. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Grossetti G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jin J, Kalaria P, Marek A, et al. 2018 Status on KIT Gyrotron Activities. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Karakonstantis A, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G. The 26th March 1993 (M5.4) Pyrgos earthquake on the western segment of the Movri causative fault of the 2008 event. In: 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Tectonics Committee of the Geological Society of Greece “10 years after the 2008 Movri Mtn M6.5 Earthquake; An earthquake increasing our knowledge for the deformation in a foreland area”. Patras, Greece: Geological Society of Greece ; 2018. pp. 17-18. 126_abstract.pdf
Balk MC, Avramidis KA, Illy S, Wu C. 2nd Harmonic Gyrotron simulation with CST STUDIO SUITE®. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2. Website
Karakonstantis A, Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G, et al. On the 3-D velocity structure of W. Greece. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 131_abstract_let_wgreece_esc.pdf
Lekka E, Varela A, Tsilafakis K, Kostavasili I, Davos C, Cokkinos D, Mavroidis M. Ablation of dysferlin gene ameliorates desmin deficient cardiomyopathy. In: EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. Vol. 39. OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND; 2018. pp. 594–594.
Papaioannou TG, Stamoulis GD, Minou M. Adequate feedback-based customer incentives in automated demand response. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems. ; 2018. pp. 38–42.
Al Imran M, Nakashima K, Evelpidou N, Kawasaki S. Applicability of Coastal Ureolytic Bacteria for Coastal Protection in Greece. In: The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research (ACEM18). ; 2018.
Marchenko A, Carlucci S, Pagliano L, Pietrobon M, Karlessi T, Santamouris M, Delaere N, Assimakopoulos M. The assessment of the environmental quality directly perceived and experienced by the employees of 69 European offices. In: Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Comfort. ; 2018. pp. 1017-1028. Website
Amodeo A, D'amico G, Giunta A, Papagiannopoulos N, Papayannis A, Argyrouli A, Mylonaki M, Tsaknakis G, Kokkalis P, Soupiona O, et al. ATHLI16: The ATHens Lidar Intercomparison campaign. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 176. ; 2018. Website
Geronikolou S, Chrousos G, Albanopoulos K, Cokkinos D, Kanaka-Gantenbein C. Autonomic Nervous System-Inflammation Link: A New Independent Mechanism for Homeostasis. In: 57th Annual ESPE. Vol. 89. European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology; 2018.
Geronikolou S, Cokkinos D, Bacopoulou F. Basal Metabolic Rate as Moderator of Inflammation in PCOS. In: HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS. Vol. 90. KARGER ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND; 2018. pp. 493–493.
Marek A, Avramidis KA, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Thumm M. Benefits of advanced full-wave vector analysis codes for the design of high-power microwave tubes. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 279-282. Website
Koutsogiannis G, Georgaki A. Bioacoustics and Shazam. In: 5th Conference of Acoustic Ecology. University of the Peloponnese; 2018.Abstract
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, διάφορες εταιρείες σε συνεργασία με ερευνητικά εργαστήρια στο χώρο της Βιοακουστικής έχουν αναπτύξει λογισμικά ακουστικής ανάλυσης των καλεσμάτων των πουλιών, μέσω αυτόματης αναγνώρισης προτύπων, που ταυτοποιούν τη ρυθμική και μελωδική δομή του ‘‘τραγουδιού’’ τους σύμφωνα με τη βιολογική τους κατάταξη. Οι εφαρμογές αυτές ακολουθούν διαφορετική μεθοδολογία ως προς το κομμάτι της ανάλυσης και της αναγνώρισης, ωστόσο παρουσιάζουν κάποια κοινά μειονεκτήματα, όπως είναι η χαμηλή ακρίβεια, η έλλειψη μεθόδων επαγγελματικής ανάλυσης για μεγαλύτερο εύρος πουλιών, οι διάφορες τεχνικές δυσκολίες και η προϋπόθεση ύπαρξης εξειδικευμένου ανθρώπινου δυναμικού για την υλοποίησή τους. Στο πλαίσιο αυτής της ανακοίνωσης θα παρουσιάσουμε κάποιες από τις υπάρχουσες εφαρμογές και σημαντικές έρευνες πού έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί στο πεδίο αυτό, ενώ παράλληλα θα σχολιάσουμε τις επικρατέστερες μεθόδους και τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούν. Εν συνεχεία θα αναφερθούμε στο πρόβλημα της καταγραφής και της συγκριτικής μελέτης μεγαλύτερου εύρους πουλιών, καθώς και στη δημιουργία μίας νέας εφαρμογής αναγνώρισης που μελλοντικά θα περιλαμβάνει την ελληνική ορνιθοπανίδα. Τέλος, θα συζητήσουμε τα οφέλη της εφαρμογής αυτού του τύπου λογισμικών στη σχολική εκπαίδευση και τον ηχητικό και μουσικό εγγραμματισμό στο πλαίσιο της ακουστικής οικολογίας.
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD. CDMA radio on FSO links over gamma turbulence channels with nonzero boresight pointing errors. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2018. ; 2018. pp. 1-4. Website
Ninos MP, Nistazakis HE, Stassinakis AN, Tombras GS, Christofilakis V, Tsigopoulos AD. CDMA radio on FSO links over gamma turbulence channels with nonzero boresight pointing errors. In: 2018 7th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2018. ; 2018. pp. 1-4. Website
Dimitriou N, Garbi A, Vasilakis K, Schoofs A, Taha A, Nikiforakis M, Kotsilitis S, Papaioannou TG, Kotsopoulos D, Bardaki C, et al. ChArGED: Implementing a framework for improving energy efficiency in public buildings through IoTenabled energy disaggregation and serious games. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). IEEE; 2018. pp. 65–70.
Chatziralli I, Dimitriou E, Saitakis G, CHATZIRALLIS A, Theodossiadis G, Theodossiadis P. Coexistence of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration: epidemiology and management. In: ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA. Vol. 96. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2018. pp. 21–21.
Andreopoulou A, Katz BFG. Comparing the effect of HRTF processing techniques on perceptual quality ratings. In: Audio Engineering Society Convention 144. Audio Engineering Society; 2018.
Gkatzios N, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Compute Resource Disaggregation: An Enabler for Efficient 5G RAN Softwarisation. In: ; 2018. pp. 146 - 150. Website
Gkatzios N, Anastasopoulos M, Tzanakaki A, Simeonidou D. Compute Resource Disaggregation: An Enabler for Efficient 5G RAN Softwarisation. In: 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2018. ; 2018. pp. 146-150. Website
Kafetzopoulos G-I, Psycharis G. Conceptualization of function as covariation through the use of learning trajectories. In: Weigand H-G, Clark-Wilson A, Donevska-Todorova A, Faggiano E, Grønbæk N, Trgalova J Proceedings of the Fifth ERME Topic Conference (ETC 5) on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA). Copenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagen; 2018. pp. 139-146. erme_meda_2018a.pdf
Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Kalaria P, Obermaier M, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, et al. Considerations on the selection of operating modes for future coaxial-cavity gyrotrons for DEMO. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 283-286. Website
Marek A, Avramidis KA, Copplestone SM, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Ortwein P, Thumm M. Contributions to the Joint DFG-RSF Project - Generation of Ultra-Short Microwave Pulses - Generation o. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Skarpetis MG, Koumboulis FN, Papanikolaou P. Control and Visualization of Mobile Robot Formation. In: 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES). IEEE; 2018. pp. 000413–000418.
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged Access/Metro infastructures for 5G services. In: Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. ; 2018. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged access/metro infastructures for 5G services. In: 2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, OFC 2018 - Proceedings. ; 2018. pp. 1-3. Website
Tzanakaki A, Anastasopoulos M, Simeonidou D. Converged Access/Metro infastructures for 5G services. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F84-OFC 2018. ; 2018. Website
Kassaras I, Roumelioti Z, Papadimitriou P, Voulgaris N, et al. The Corinth Gulf RASMON-CORSSA strong-motion network, data and web portal. In: Orfeus EPOS 2018 Annual Observatory Coordination Meeting and Workshop. Athens (Greece); 2018.Abstract
The Gulf of Corinth (Central Greece) is among the most active tectonic rifts worldwide. This is evidenced by the high level of seismicity, the intense E-W trending normal faulting and the high extension rate in a N-S direction. Destructive earthquakes, such as the Heliki event in 373 BC, have occurred since the antiquity. Intense seismicity has also occurred during the instrumental era, with the most recent strong event being the Ms=6.2 1995 Aigion earthquake. In this work, we present the RASMON and CORSSA accelerometric arrays installed across the Gulf of Corinth by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and collaborative institutes in the frame of EU and national projects. Accelerometers were first installed in 1991 and through continuous upgrades and maintenance remain in operation to date, having recorded several thousands of high-quality acceleration time-series of local and regional earthquakes. Nowadays, the accelerometric network comprises eleven (11) three-component instruments (RASMON) and a 15-component vertical array (CORSSA) operating in trigger mode. Six stations located on the southern shore of the Gulf are online via a MOXA serial-to-TCP/IP converter. Recently, NKUA has undertaken an upgrade task of the arrays in the frame of the HELPOS project, the national analog to the EU-wide EPOS project. Upgrade includes conversion of the serial Etna/K2 Kinemetrics instruments into SeedLink servers using Raspberry PIs. Therefore, via Earthworm software, tunneling to NKUA and NTP timing will be plausible. To this aim, tests are currently implemented yielding promising perspective.
Kassaras I, Kapetanidis V, Papadimitriou P, Kaviris G, Karakonstantis A, Spingos I, Fountoulakis I, Millas C. On the correlation between the crustal deformation and the upper mantle structure of the Hellenic lithospheric plate deduced from seismological and GPS observations. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 133_abstract_upper-mantle_esc.pdf
Vroutsis N, Psycharis G, Triantafillou C. Crossing the boundaries between school mathematics and workplace through authentic tasks. In: Bergqvist E, Österholm M, Granberg C, Sumpter L Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 42). Vol. 4. Umeå, Sweden: PME; 2018. pp. 395-402. pme_42_2018b.pdf
Kapetanidis V, Kassaras I. Crustal stress-field from the inversion of focal mechanisms in the Greek region: new insights for regional deformation. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta: European Seismological Commission; 2018. 138_abstract_stress-field_esc.pdf
Ruess S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Kalaria PC, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Ruess T, Rzesnicki T, et al. Current Status of the KIT Coaxial-Cavity Long-Pulse Gyrotron and its Key Components. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018. Website
Grassani D, Cardea I, Fabbri SJ, Upham J, Boyd RW, Altug H, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès C-S. Demonstration of ultra-high time-bandwidth product in a non-reciprocal fiber-optic system. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F114-FIO 2018. ; 2018. WebsiteAbstract
We demonstrate that a non-reciprocal, time-variant fiber cavity can operate above the "fundamental" time-bandwidth limit (TBL) of reciprocal structures by more than two orders of magnitude. © 2018 The Author(s).
Tsioustas C, Loupis M. Design, simulation and experimental verification of an active inductance for a low frequency tuned mass damper in an aircraft fuselage active vibration cancellation system. In: IEEE; 2018. pp. 1 - 5.
Papadimitriou P, Kassaras I, Kaviris G, et al. A detailed study of the 12th June 2017 Mw=6.3 Lesvos earthquake. In: 36th ESC General Assembly. Valetta, Malta; 2018. 130_abstract_lesvos_esc.pdf
Evelpidou N, Gournelos T, Karkani A, Kardara E. Developing a neuro-fuzzy system to classify drainage sub-basins according to erosion processes on the Island of Lefkas, Greece. In: Vol. 20. Revista de Geomorphologie; 2018. pp. 79-89.Abstract
In this paper we attempt to classify drainage sub-basins according to their erosion risk. We have adopted a multi-step procedure to face this problem. The input variables were introduced into a GIS platform. These variables are the vulnerability of the surface rocks to erosion, slope gradient, vegetation cover and land use and drainage basin characteristics. We then constructed a fuzzy inference mechanism to pre-process the input variables. Next we used neural-network technology to process the input variables. The above system was trained to ‘learn’and classify the input data. The output of this procedure was a classification of the sub-drainage basins related to their risk of erosion. This neuro-fuzzy system was applied to the island of Lefkas (Greece).
